Random set of the day: Republic Gunship
Posted by Huwbot,Today's random set is 7163 Republic Gunship, released in 2002. It's one of 25 Star Wars sets produced that year. It contains 693 pieces and 8 minifigs, and its retail price was US$90/£79.99.
It's owned by 3709 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.
17 comments on this article
All time favorite Gunship
Is that Jedi Bob?
Yep, good ol' Bob. We need to see more of him. Where might he be now?
Jedi Bob!!
Is Jedi bob even in Star Wars? Because iv never seen him! In the clone wars
I don't even think he's canon. But Disney should use that character and put him in a movie. BOOM - people would love that new movie! I mean, any SW movie with a guy called Jedi Bob would be cool.
"Jedi Bob": Lego's experiment with including background characters in their sets, utterly rejected by Star Wars fans who insist that every single figure contain a well-defined identity and background...Anyway, the Gunship is my favorite prequel vehicle design, hands-down. Love this set, fun to build and lots of fun to play and display. Could do without the split-opening nose, but for the younger fans this playability adds to the fun.
Jedi Bob! A cool playset and the best vehicle in the PT. Can't wait for a new version, will definitely buy a 200€ UCS version!
Oh I always just thought that was Obi-Wan, lol. I loved this set. It was so massive and fun to swoosh.
Still wish Metal Blue was a thing so that we could get blue super battle droids. I was surprised they didn't try to do that with the latest revamps of Episode II sets. Oh well. I'm scared that if I ever get this set, when I put the droids together, the arms with break because that can happen with the dark pearl gray guys, but at least there's a million of those to get replacements for.
Good 'ol Jedi Bob. It's a shame LEGO doesn't make more background minifigs like him to fill out the Jedi ranks, come to think of it there's still quite a few named Jedi they haven't done. This gunship is probably one of my favorite Clone Wars era vehicles, though my all time favorite Clone ship has got to be the AT-AP.
This seems to be a good moment to ask this question; am I the only one who had all four of their metal blue SBD arms break? No rough play involved, simple posing and reposing shattered all shoulder joints.
This is hands down my favorite set. Still have it intact and admire it everyday!
One of my most favorite sets of all time.
They should make a comic series about Jedi Bob.
About this set though, I really like it, I own the newer version (7676) of this gunship. One of my favorite sets and one of my favorite Star Wars vehicles in general. I wish I had the 2013 version (75021), that one looks very neat and has the laser-beam turrets just like this one.
Great set, good birthday memories from 2002. The only negative I ever experienced was that the stickers started to crack and peel off after just a few years on the shelf. Otherwise it is still awesome.
Who the heck is Jedi Bob? To set the record straight, the character was always known as Jedi Jimmy, especially on FBTB (back when FBTB was THE place for Lego Star Wars discussion). A guy named Greg Hyland made a pretty funny single pane comic with Jedi Jimmy in it, which can still be viewed on FBTB if you look under their "features" tab.
I would much rather have background characters or generics than multiple named characters, especially in battlepacks. Part of the fun of LEGO IMO is getting multiples of certain sets, and I don't need thirty Darth Vaders or Yodas or Finn Wearing Poe's Jackets, but I don't mind having an army of troopers or unnamed Gungans.
Not that this is the kind of set where it matters ($90 in 2002), but I just had to get that off my chest.