Random set of the day: Dino Explorer

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Dino Explorer

Dino Explorer

©2000 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 5934 Dino Explorer, released in 2000. It's one of 17 Adventurers sets produced that year. It contains 90 pieces and 2 minifigs, and its retail price was US$15.

It's owned by 1852 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.

9 comments on this article

By in United States,

In the U.S., this set was generally called Track Master.

By in Australia,

Nope, I still get a little thrill when the Adventurers line shows up in the random sets of the day, it hasn't worn off yet. So they went to Egypt and South America, found a lost island of dinosaurs and then visited the far East (trekking through what looked like India and the Himalayas to get to China, IIRC). Could the line have lasted, does anyone think? I mean, not for decades like City or Space or Castle or whatever, but surely there's other places Johnny Thunder could've visited and explored, or would we have been risking cultural appropriation too much?

By in United States,

God I love this set

By in United Kingdom,

@Zordboy Imagine the possibilities. Underwater exploration with Johnny in a bell diving suit with kraken and an exploration ship and vessel. Outer space with a rocket (almost like Tintin). I forever hold hope that this theme sees a revival.

By in United States,

@chrisaw Yeah, an Adventurers old-timey underwater theme would be siiiiiick. Too bad Lego already covered Atlantis.

Really, I feel like what we all loved most about Adventurers besides the Indy-style hijinks was all the early modern era vehicle designs, cars and trucks and planes with open cockpits and propellers.

By in United Kingdom,

I want lego to do a remake of Lego adventures :)

By in United Kingdom,

I really liked this set, even years after I got it. Always felt so sturdy and solid, exactly what you need for a tracked off roader

By in United Kingdom,

Lego should reboot the adventure theme. I am too young to really remember it but Johnny Thunder is such an iconic minifigure. I think it would be cool if they updated everything with better prints, better designed models and new parts but Lego purists might prefer just straight remakes with the same figs. I know people get nostalgic about these sets but they really do not hold up compared to today's sets.

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