Random set of the day: City Advent Calendar
Posted by Huwbot,Today's random set is 7324 City Advent Calendar, released in 2005. It's one of 46 City sets produced that year. It contains 203 pieces and 9 minifigs, and its retail price was US$15/£12.99.
It's owned by 1236 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.
20 comments on this article
I quite liked these original few advent calendars. They weren't overtly winter or Christmas themed (aside from the occasional Christmas tree or Santa on the 24th), but made great additional scenery for Lego city streets (with repairmen and chefs and train workers and such).
And then when they became more winter-focused, they became great additional scenery for the winter village.
Ironic...Christmas coming soon!!!
I love how 9 minifigures was equivalent to 15 U.S. dollars! What a steal in today’s standards!!
Please give us some variation in the next years. City, Starwars and friends are not fun anymore!
This is almost as weak as nowadays City calender. And this is VERY sad actualy.
I am still suprised they are not making the Ninjago one.
@lordofdragons a Ninjago advent calendar would be absolutely brilliant! Santa garmadon? Elf Lloyd? Jay powering fairy lights? Cole growing a Christmas tree? The opportunities are endless!
A Ninjago or Harry Potter calendar would make a lot of sense at this point. The three we get each year have become rather stale. I think a HP one would sell very well, as the films are closely associated with Christmas by many people.
This is a set from a more civilized age... When Lego did sell childrens toys to play with and not overpriced sets for collectors and the rich.
I think this years Friends calendar is very innovative and could be marketed to a much wider audience.
I have to agree, a Ninjago calendar seems like a foregone conclusion, and I can't believe they've never done one.
@shirhac: completely agree. LEGO nowadays seems to totally have lost it. Ever more obscure themes that don't sell, yet the "basics" get overlooked or reduced until they are forgettable. Add to that ever more overpriced sets, sometimes so much that one thinks they have lost their marbles in the pricing department.
I hope TLG realizes at some point that they can't go on like this if they want to stay successfull.
A Ninjago advent calender would probably sell very well, same with a Harry Potter one.
No one hates Lego like the fans, apparently. I reckon we're in the middle of a Renaissance in terms of set design. It's all getting pricier but adjusted for inflation it's pretty fair.
As for the advent calendars, does anyone remember the days of Pirates advent calendars? Wasn't there a Castle one at one point as well? I'd like to see another theme added to the mix, maybe a different one each year.
The new Advent Calendar is getting worse because they do not have a variety of ninifigures and have nothing to add in the city I miss when the Advent Calendar were like this.
it's interesting that Santa is the only one with no highlight in his eyes.
I don’t understand why Lego never made a Lego Movie advent calendar. Santa Vitruvius, Grinch Bussiness,... plenty of other whacky master builders minifigs possible.
*obligatory "it's not even Halloween yet" joke*
Never had much interest in the Lego advent calenders, myself... but I did have a Santa minifigure very similar to this one from set 1807, a number of years before.
@AustinPowers: But that's just it, TLG CAN continue to make junk, overpriced sets because most of the world is fulled with stupid people who have no morality, and will buy just about anything TLG hands them. People like me and you, we wish to see TLG making sets purely to please there fans and children around the world. But unfortunately a quality business will find it hard to survive in the world of junk-for-profit businesses, although I think Lego can. They already make good quality bricks, they just need to make good quality sets, without increasing the price.
Certainly children value quality over money, so by doing what I mentioned above, they might just make it!
The way the box art lines up w/the gray dog (pulling the sley) it looks to me like it's wearing goggles, w/its' head turned side-ways, w/a weird come over hair cut, and a tiny "o" shaped mouth. Now I can't unsee it. The longer I look at it the more disturbed I get.... excuse me while I medicate.
Ps. Okay, I'm back. Good ol' tasty Valium! Great set and a great price! And alllllsoso spoifl./ ;dlfol m .dk lsdkaieskwew aplbumvdegorgablag??../
That isn't irony.