• Written by (Unspecified , rhodium-rated reviewer) in {Unknown},

    1650 is the first known set exclusively made for Maersk Line (since 1999 Maersk Sealand), a division of the Danish A.P. Moller Group.
    For sure a very small run and one of the rarest sets ever, in the 70s only available to Maersk Line business partners and employees.
    Set 1650 includes two alternative models. A container vessel is shown on one side and a cargo liner on the other side of box and instructions. This set also comes with an A.P. Moller image brochure and two sticker sheets with 156 stickers in total. Specially worth mentioning is a sticker “Maersk Line Copenhagen”, which is not shown on the box or instructions. Instructions have two different copy right notes, the one in the headline says 1974 (as on box), the other at the end says 1975. So 1650 may be available not before 1975.
    Unique parts are seven hull elements in “Maersk blue” and 72 grey “Pat. pend.” 2x3 bricks, representing containers. Every single of this 72 containers has two “Maersk Line” decals of its own!
    This set (also true for 1651 and 1552) was meant as a kind of “visiting card” of Maersk Line division and therefore it has been designed and fitted out very expensively. Who else but Maersk has the excellent relationships (and financial power) to make a deal with Lego about such large sets with so many bricks in a unique and exclusive colour? Its a pity that the new 1831 does not reach the quality of the prior sets.

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