What a Gem!
Great little set. I bought it for the minifig and was not dissapointed. His bat hat is very clever in its design and I really like his red patterned torso. The catapult cart is nicely designed I think, the colours combine well as an overall look and it has a kinda "homemade" feel to it, as though it was designed by a child using their spare bricks.
In short, add this to your collection if you can find it. It intergrates easily with any castle scene and stands alone proudly as a set in its own right.0 out of 0 people thought this review was helpful.
Mastermind is right
This is one of my favorite promo sets.Why rate it low? It is a promo set, i rate promos 5/5 because they are rare and have cool minifigures, usable weapons and pieces. The catapult is strange, but was created with imagination, like all lego sets, i believe. And more, the minifigure is a classic fright knight, best than the new castle sets.
2 out of 2 people thought this review was helpful.
Review 2540-1: Catapault Car
This set retailed for $2.00 (in 1998 dollars) and it has quite a bit to it for such a small little set.
Starting with the box and instructions, they are fairly simple. The box show the contents of the box in what appears to be mid-battle, which is effective. You have to do quite a bit of unfolding to access the entire institution manual, but it can still be folded back up for display. It is also worth mentioning there is a sticker of a 6, but I do not believe it is used in the build.The catapult itself is very simple. It has a place for the figure to hold on to it, and wheels to simulate the soldier pushing it around. There is a pot element on top which holds a stud. There are additional studs on the side. When pressure is applied to the black 2x2 tile, a stud will be launched.
The figure is what appeals to me the most. It has that great vintage castle set vibe, which the simple but affective torso printing. There is also a pretty nice head which is underneath an even cooler helmet. The combination of colours looks perfect for this figure, and I am very pleased with the output.
Overall, I think this is a cute little set. It has a nice build with decent play value, and a great figure. This would make a fine addition to any Lego collection.
2 out of 2 people thought this review was helpful.
A nice Fright Knights Impulse
Somehow I have three of this set. I can't tell you why, for I myself do not know.
Anyways, about the set. This is a simple set, with a Knight and a Catapult. The set isn't very detailed or complex but it is nice for it's size and price.Parts, Price, Playability
- This set is nice for parts and is very playable. For it's price, it's a decent set-a few of these come in handy. The main parts in here that stand out are the Helmet (very nice), and the wheels. While not rare, these wheels are quite useful. The rest of the parts aren't that important, though the catapult launcher piece is a useful minifigure accessory. I can't rate the building experience since I don't remember building it and it's pretty obvious that the build is simple and dull.
- Nice for it's price
- Bat Lord Helm, Medieval Wheels
- A lot of these are useful, especially with low price
- Dull Build
- No Bat Lord Cape
2 out of 2 people thought this review was helpful.
Mini Catapult
This line brings memories back. Driving my mum, dad, gran and pop nuts to go get fuel so I could got one of these. I think I am only missing one but I might have them all I will have to keep looking.
This particular one is number 6 in the collection. It is a small catapult from the Fright Knights - Castle series. The Fright Nights were quite lucky as this promotional line only released ten models and they got three of them. The catapult is quite basic built from solid building blocks and a pot. The launching mechanism will throw pieces between 20cm and a metre. Its ammo is the yellow studs on the top of the model it comes with 6 pieces. One is a spare but why would you chuck it in the spare pile.
The mini-fig is Bat Lord. He is in his usual dress of grey pants, black belt, red top with black sleeves and a pattern on it. He also has the black bat shaped helmet. His face is a frown with a fringe, eyebrows and moustache.
Overall not the greatest model in the series but quite good for a limited edition promotional and brings another model to the collection. This one his little playability on it's own and isn't much to look at aesthetically but I can't fault it either. I feel this set is a 5/10 or average. Not an essential but still a nice model to have especially if you are a castle fan.0 out of 1 person thought this review was helpful.