A creative game
This is a really fun game I love playing it with my brothers. There are different icons on th die and the same on th cards when it is your turn you have to choose easy medium or hard and then roll the die. If the Icon says car it will be on your card and you will have to build some car related Item. There are 5 different Icons. While you are building this the other players are trying to figure out what it is and can guess what it is you build un till someone has guessed it right or you run out of parts. If it is guessed correctly the on who got it gets the card and the one in the end with the most cards wins. I would say it is one of the best board games I have ever played. I would highly suggest this game.
7 out of 9 people thought this review was helpful.
The greatest lego game of all time ...
This is Lego's first LEGO-gameset. We bought it when it just came out, in 2009, it originally sold for about the average USED price listed today on this item! It is basically Pictionary and you draw a card and then try to build the item on the card (just a picture - no words) using the limited set of pieces given in the set. If you can get your partner to guess the name of the thing you are building - both of you win that round!
Some of the items can be challenging to build because the lego set has only 338 pieces and is a general-purpose set. If this bothers you then you can merge it with another set to give more pieces to builders, and you can also make your own cards or reserve some cards if you think they are too hard!
However ... This game is so much darned fun we don't have patience waiting for taking turns and my family (of 4) - we just ALL draw the cards and ALL start building AND ALL start asking people to guess what we've built! We open up the game a play for 30 mins until we are exhausted! This takes some of the win/lose pressure off people and we all enjoy the fun of building the legos which is the greatest part, all the time! This is for anyone who loves to build LEGO, it's a new way to play and we love it more than any of our 3 other LEGO games - which were highly rated on www.lego.com - TOP MARKS !!!
11 out of 11 people thought this review was helpful.
Longer than you think
the box tells you what you need to do and instructions are simple.
a lot but you cant build carrots (build carrots?) but you can of course use bricks from your own set.
1 big 1 small i use the big one more often but you can use figures from your own set as mentioned before.
The build
always different but sometimes really hard (like a owl).
The completed model
when my model is complete its already geussed because i am good.
good fun and if you play it more often you can get better in the game and with lego!
5 out of 11 people thought this review was helpful.
Great, constant fun for the whole family
I bought this "set" before Easter and had the chance to play it with 2 different circles.
I was the only one who played it twice.
Both times there was another adult, who was good at building with LEGO, too.
1 adult never built with LEGO before, I think - but also had much fun.
1 girl aged 9 was involved. The other day 1 boy aged 7.
Both kids involved enjoyed the game a lot and - won (2x only by 1 pt, but WON)!
They were more spontanous at guessing.
Basically, all "builings" were guessed right.
Right: As mentioned before, often one misses the best fitting parts, e.g.: build a carot without an orange brick or a penguin without a black brick . . .
But that is, what causes the fun in builing as well as in guessing.
And there is also a kind a dog sh.t (I hope it is dog sh.t) on one of the cards - noone would guess this without knowing, it is in the game. So anything is possible.
The game brings many ideas what to build with the other LEGO-bricks to the kids and lowers the barrier to build something, that is not as perfect as the LEGO-sets.
Success is, when the others can guess what it is meant to be, even though oneself is not so happy with what it looks like . . . so it strengthens the self confidence of young builders tremendously.
It also brings some general trivia-knowledge to the kids, as it includes builings like the Acropolis, Eiffel Tower, Tower Bridge or Liberty Statue (btw.: that was the girl's best one!) or specific cars like a Jeep (It was guessed by the only woman in this round!).
This game also sharpens the eye for what is typical for something - not only for kids ;-)
BEST VALUE FOR PLAYING LEGO TOGETHER11 out of 11 people thought this review was helpful.
LEGO aims to be the life of the party, does it succseed
The most expensive of the new Games range, I picked up Creationary for £24.99 at Argos.
Although there are a good range of pieces, after a few models are built, it does seem like you no longer have the pieces you need.
The LEGO Dice has 4 plastic studs in a 2x2 layout on each face, while the edges are rubber. A spanner tool is included in the set, the flat end is designed to lever the tiles from the die.
One of the major problems is the fact that a minimum of three players is needed, this can be a problem. Also there is nothing to stop parts being mixed up during transport.
The new micro-figure included can be described by one word - tiny. It is two bricks high, compared to the four-brick height of a mini-figure.
96 cards are included, seperated in to three dificulity levels: easy (?), medium (??) and hard(???). each card has four pictures on one side, one picture for each category: nature, buildings, things and vehicles.
This is a game designed for parties, but you can also use it to test and improve your building skills. It is good, but not the best game in the Games range, that is why I give it 4/5.10 out of 12 people thought this review was helpful.