Awesome Ship.
This is the only good SP3 Commando set, in my opinion. It's affordable, looks great, and has an exclusive figure.
Standard box of the era. Front shows action, back shows features. I have no complaints with the instructions.
This set has some cool pieces, like Rench's gun and the wings on the ship. The Commando's armor is also great.
This set comes with two minifigs, the Commando and Rench. The Commando is the same as the one in the Smash'n'Grab set. His torso and legs are the same as all the other SP3 officers, but he has a unique face. Both expressions look like a cheesy actor in a bad movie. Rench is the highlight of the set. He has an awesome Blacktron torso and some great leg printing. He shares a head with Kranxx, but it looks awesome in these colors.
The build
Building this set takes about 5-10 minutes. Nothing too complicated.
The completed model
The finished product looks great. It has a great design and cool weaponry.
Overall opinion
Overall, I like this set. The play value may seem tilted towards the officer, but the size of Rench's gun makes you think otherwise. It would be great to get a bunch of these as a squadron. This one is definitely worth looking for online.
2 out of 4 people thought this review was helpful.
Fun, good looking set, and a nod to the Vic Viper
Space Police III is probably the first "Space" theme I've had any interest in since things went down hill in the mid 90's. You have a clear tribute to the Vic Viper in a small, sleek craft, pitted against Rench, who carries a weapon clearly intended to take out a ship the size of the Raid VPR.
- Rench, and his gun (a definite step up from the standard pea-shooter hand gun)
- Nod to Blacktron (look closely at Rench's uniform...)
- Design and name is a nod to the Vic Viper, well known from the Gradius video game series and a favorite of the AFOL community
- A great buy at $10
- Extra point just for the ship looking cool, especially for a small set
- There are stickers, though only a few.
- I made a small modification, but it needed no outside parts
I did modify this set in one simple way: I swapped the wings so they are rear-swept instead of forward swept. It makes the ship look less stubby and faster/more menacing. Since it's an easy mod requiring no extra parts, I wouldn't take any points away from this great set.
The SP3 theme is still a bit hit and miss in my book, but this set is definitely worth the buy.
3 out of 3 people thought this review was helpful.
A great addition to a great theme
Minifigures - This set being a £6.99/$9.99 the average expectations for figures are set lower than this set provides for.
Space police officer - Its comes with one space police officer equipt with jet pack or oxygen tank and the brand spankin' new grey helmet with a trans-red visor. The downer of this figure is the double-sided face is covered up by the bottom of the helmet - 8/10.
Rench - The other figure makes this set GREAT, Rench what I presume to be distant cousin of kranxx. Rench has the usual space police gangster trousures, black harness torso and a supurb green kranxx mold head with an open mouth piece. wielding a laser bazooka! - 9/10
Vehicle/s -
Raid VPR - This cool cruiser is decked out with 2 flick-fire missiles, 2 what I think are torches and 4 galactic siren lights. The neat feature of an opening cockpit which is trans-blue that covers a joy-stick and targeting computer. Very neat cruiser to add to your space police III collection. - 10/10
5 out of 5 people thought this review was helpful.
I was surprised.
After Mars mission ended and Lego space police[Also known as space police III]Came out I was thinking,cool more awesome space sets to add to my more 40 Lego set collection.Well I was saving up for Mata nui from Bionicle and decided to get Squidman's escape first.I was very disapionted exept for the figures.Well spring 2010 comes out and so do 2 more space police sets.I was going to get it but the Bionicle stars were so cool,so I ended up buying five of the stars instead.Finally for Easter I asked for the Raid VPR.The build was actually rather fun.Boy was I surprised,First off rench is way better than kranxx plus the space police cammando has a red visor like in the 1989 space police sets.Time for pros and cons.
All those sirens.
freeze rays
sleek look
Rench could have had a little speeder or hover chair.
Overall a classic,all space police or space fans have to get this set.
4 out of 4 people thought this review was helpful.
Great Police Vehicle to Chase the Bad Guys
I wanted a police vehicle, and this was small and affordable, so I got it.
Building experience was simple, but fun. It is a small set, but what comes out of building is fun. Now the minifigs:
Officer- Police commando. Not much to say. There isn't anything new. His body has front and back printing, which I love. He also has air tanks, a jet pack, whatever you please to call it. I especially like his helmet. It looks very armored up and the visor is a very nice red color. I'm not sure if the head is a new print, but it is double sided.
Rench- I keep calling him Kranxx. He looks very sinister with his black outfit and printed on armor. Sadly, there isn't much back printing except for his belt. What is worth mentioning is the Blacktron logo on his clothes. His head is the same as Kranxx only green. I also like his weapon. It's a rocket launcher I suppose. Sadly, due to it's size, he can become rather top heavy. I'll usually flip the gun around, put it in his other hand and have it bazooka style.
Now the ship. First of all, it's very sleek. I do also like how Lego made this to look like a police vehicle. It has the same black and white colors as earth police cars do and it has red and blue lights. Going from the front, you'll see the wings which I think look cool. Here, there are also some guns in front of the cockpit. I'll usually take one off sometimes and give it to the officer as a weapon. The front wings also have POLICE written on them (yeah, it's on a sticker) and on one wing there is a red light, the other has a blue. The cockpit is very roomy and the officer fits inside nicely. Inside, there's a lever for steering, I suppose and another sticker which I can imagine being a dashboard. Behind that is another pair of lights and two more wings. What's interesting about these is that the lights are switched. I actually kinda like this because it adds more variety. At the wing tips there are flick-fire missles. I guess these can be taken off as well and be given to the officer as a gun. All that's left is the engine and tail fin which isn't much. I do, however like that the tail fin has the police logo on both sides as opposed to one.
Overall, I love the look of this set. I just love this set in general. Ten dollars is a great price to pay. Size wise, it may be a bit small, so anywhere less than 10 is even better. I highly reccomend getting this.
5 out of 6 people thought this review was helpful.