LEGO Adventurers - The Temple of Anubis Review
This is a really fun set to get. The build may be long, but it's lot's of fun, and we also don't get any stickers to worry about. That means that we get lot's of valuable pieces in this model. We also get lot's of stuff like a truck, the huge temple and the balloon. The truck reminds me a little bit of the truck which I've seen in the LEGO Indiana Jones set 'Race for the Stolen Treasure' (set: 7622). The balloon we get looks very nice as well, and I also like the way LEGO designed the engine for this vehicle.
The temple is the main part of this set. If you have a look at the front you'll see lot's of wall printing which look very detailed. There's also a nice little campfire in the front and an obelisk. If you look inside, you'll see a skeleton on each side and a tomb on each side. On one side you can also see a sarcophagus and if you climb the ladder on one side, you're on the next level of that building, which has two floors which can disappear. The one floor also has some rocks on it which you can drop on the bad guys. When the floor disappears, the axe will fall down and will kill the bad guys.
There's also a second part of this temple which has two statues, two crocodile statues and a sviwel wall. On one side of the wall is another skeleton and on the other side is a magnet which you can use to get the container with the gem flying on the magnet. I really can't complain about the play features and the number of minifigs we get in this set and I think it's a really neat set to have for sure.
All in all, this set is a great set and I would HIGHLY recommend you to get this. You can find this set on eBay and BrickLink for sure. Here is the link where you can check out the full gallery I made for this set on my website:
Videos I made of this set:
Stopmotion 111 out of 13 people thought this review was helpful.
The best lego adventurers set
I was not disappointed at all when I got this. It's an incredible build with plenty of play features, and best of all, it comes with every major character in the theme!
It's grand and sets itself apart from all the other Lego sets in my collection. I really like how it's built like a pyramid with the entrance being a large gaping mouth. The magnet used in this set is very clever, and the side builds like the truck, and the hot air balloon did not disappoint.
In conclusion, I recommend this set 100% if you have the money
Play features
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An Adventure for the ages!
We are writing the year 1922. A team of brave archaeologists are investigating a mysterious map to the legendary Re-Gou Ruby found buried with an Egyptian high priest. They travelled all around Egypt and moved upwards the Nile River to the north. On their way many adventures await them, but all were nothing compared to the final destination of their journey. So here Johnny Thunder and his brave companions are, standing in front of the gaping maul of the Anubis temple. But greedy grave robbers are hot on their feet, determined to get to treasure, before the Adventurers can...
Now that I kinda tried to set the mood, let's get into the Temple of Anubis. This set feels like the end of a journey and presents us with the final destination for Johnny Thunders adventure in Egypt. The set itself is impressing and inspires so many stories that I'm going to come right out and say it: This is my all-time favourite LEGO Set. It was the set I wanted for basically the entirety of my childhood and after over a decade since its release, I got it for Christmas. (I was too young for LEGO when the set released) Needless to say it didn't disappoint, and I still went on many adventures with this set. It was however the last set I got before entering my dark age and funnily enough, was also the set that got me out of my dark age, due to a Video of fellow member Trikbrix.
So here I am still enjoying this set and therefor it is only fitting to make this my first Review here.
So enough about that, let's get into the meat and potatoes...
The Minifigures
Though some would say they are dated, I still think these are some of the most iconic characters LEGO has ever released. We get 10 Minifigures in total, three of which are skeletons. All our Adventurers, heroes and villains are included: Johnny Thunder, Gail Storm, Harry Cane, Dr. Charles Lightning, Sam Sinister, the Baron von Barron and of course the mysterious Pharaoh Hotep. That's a 10 out of 10 for the figures.
The vehicles
Now I love all the old-timer-style cars that came in the Adventurers line, but the 6-wheeled flatbed truck must be one of my favourites. It's just so perfect.
And when the truck isn't enough, our Adventurers can take to the skies in the beautiful Hot-Air Balloon. And interesting design that would be reused in the Orient Expedition line later down the road. It's just something special and therefor alone I love it, but it also looks way better, than LEGO's latest attempts at this type of vehicle.
The Temple of Anubis
The temple splits into two sections, so you can get your hands in more easily for play. The front facade obviously is the more impressing part when it comes to the looks. Nonetheless, it has many features and traps that work well and are great to play around with, even for me as an Afol. Also, the printed pieces here are just fantastic. What's not to love?
And then we have the treasure room, which is what this whole adventure was building up to and what a nice room that is. Littered with snakes and decorated with crocodile and Anubis statues, it looks quite menacing, and I love the little magnet “magic trick” to make the Re-Gou Ruby disappear.
Final Thoughts
I could do a pro con list now, but there simply are no cons to this set. It just has it all, and I can highly recommend it to all of you adventurers out there. The only thing that might sway you away from the set would be the price, as it can go for 200 bucks and up used by now and that price is probably not rapidly falling for the foreseeable future.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this review and if you are a German speaker interested in a more detailed look on this set, you can check out my detailed review on where you can also see some all around photography of the model!
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The Ultimate point in Egyptian Adventures
I call this one 'the ultimate point', because this large Temple of Anubis looks a lot like the final destination for the team of Johnny Thunder – and the most curious addition to the Desert Adventurers series, if you ask me. I bought this set years later after I'd got two others back in 1990s – 5978 and 5938.
General Overview
The set is very large and includes at least two parts – the Temple Entrance and the rear area. Even so it's very spacious and feels like a real Egyptian Temple – like Karnak, which has several pylons as you proceed through its hallways.-The Temple Gates-
This is the main part of the whole complex with large opened gateway in the style of Anubis 'face' – the Temple is dedicated to this ancient god after all. White smooth bricks look like the teeth and claws, while small windows glow red as his eyes due to transparent bricks.It is implied, the wall are made of carved rock, while both sides bear ancient paintings of Pharaohs deeds, a scarab with a Horus bird, as well as Pharaoh accompanied by Anubis (in afterlife most likely) and Horus coming from the other side with the Eye Wadjet, which he lost in battle against Seth. By the way as the legend has it – Anubis was the one to bury the eye on one of the mountains. Perhaps in this very temple?
As you enter the main gate, there is a trap with two skeletons guarding the path. A well decorated sarcophagus with a Mummy is located nearby. There is also a ladder, which leads to the upper level with some treasures there, as well as stone bricks – another trap actually to crush the unsuspecting robbers. The whole area is very beautiful and includes pleasant sand colors.
On the left stands a large Obelisk, similar to the one in 5978 Sphinx.
-The Interior Temple-
Not sure if this one is actually a room inside the main Temple per se, but rather a yard with several columns, surrounded by palms. This area is further decorated: two crocodiles (the sacred Sobek most likely!) and ancient scrolls, as well as two big statues of Anubis with fire dominate the rear wall with a secret door.Now this one is a truly tricky part: the door rotates, and there is a Ruby stone right in the centre. If you try to touch it, the mechanism rotates at once, replacing the door side with a Skeleton as a reminder.
-The Truck and the Baloon-
5988 give a chance for either side – J.Thunder or Baron Von Barron to move the sarcophagus from the temple on a large old-styled truck, full of instruments. It's up to you then to use the Baloon to finish this quest for treasures. The baloon itself includes ladders from pirate ships and 2 angled spheres to make the proper form. Sand bags included.The Minifigures
Johnny Thunder serves as the main character here, but Dr.Lightning and Miss Gail Storm also have a chance to save the day. Their clothes are pretty standard to other appearances of the series.The same applies to Von Barron and his aid Lord S.Sinister – just as in other sets they are after the treasures and serve as antagonists. Harry Cane – the pilot – might be on either side, coming to help with the baloon.
Pharaoh Hotep is another important character, which is present in most sets. It has his traditional yellow-with-stripes nemes. The Temple also has 3 skeletons (three!).
The Parts and Curiosities
The Temple is placed on two sand platforms and consists of several rock bricks, compiled with minor details like decorated walls, bird and animal statues. There is sort of altair inside, which includes all 4 MAPS with the heads of Horus, Anubis, Toth and perhaps Maahes.There are also 2 Magic scrolls, chalices and a chest with gold and tresures. Palm and plants finish the picture. And various creatures, such as scorpions or snakes are in the temple, as well as a grey bat.
Pros and Cons
It would be quite difficult to name the disadvantages of this set just as list the very many positive sides of 5988. It's obviously large and could serve to create lots and lots of new ideas and cool builds. Rare details and interesting parts would be of nice addition to any collection, even if you aren't a big fan of Ancient Egypt.As I bought this set only 7-9 years ago, the black net on the baloon started to deteriorate and is most likely to fall off in some time. But there are no stickers here, so
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Temple of Anubis, Memory for a Lifetime
One of the best Lego sets I have ever owned. Great characters, great vehicles, fabulous buildings and exciting story to play with them. Johnny Thunder was a special hero for us, 90's Lego Kids. The Theme: Adventures was original, creative and also very instructive to learn more about history and archeology, and the crown jewel of the theme was this set (alone or together with other sets, like the Sphinx).
The airship, and the temple itself, with many hidden traps, are the best buildings, the design on the walls and sarcophagus are interesting. If I must find something negative, it would be the play feature with the magnet, which doesn't work well for me!
The set is highly recommended for every Lego (and Ancient Egypt) fans!
Such exciting non-licensed theme will be welcomed also nowadays!!!
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