Descubrí que es el mejor castillo
Hace algunos días volví a armar y jugar con este set y descubrí que es el mejor castillo de Lego. Antes, no me llamaba mucho la atención porque parece tener pocas características de fortaleza. Pero en eso radica su éxito, pues es más un palacio ricamente decorado, muy agradable para jugar; y pese a su puerta, sus torres hacen de él una estructura fuerte.
Las instrucciones vienen con una historieta entretenida.
Las minifiguras me recuerdan la gesta del rey Arturo y sus caballeros.
4 out of 10 people thought this review was helpful.
Definitely 5 Out Of 5
When I first got this set, I was 7 years old. I loved it and I thought it was really cool, but my sister had a temper tantrum and destroyed it when I had only just built it, so my mum told me to put it away and I forgot about it for years because I didn't like lego that much. Onca when I was ill, I rebuilt it and I was thinking to myself, why have I not built this again since? It is a great set with great minifigures.
Good design
Great Minifigs
Good Transformation To Evil Castle
Throne Spins 360 Degrees
Hidden Place Where Skeleton Hides
Catapult Does Not Work Very Well
Front Gate Comes Out Top
This is an awesome set and I want to buy the rest of the Knights Kingdom range, but they are not sold where I can find them.3 out of 6 people thought this review was helpful.
We fight in the shade!
This is one of the coolest I have. The sad thing is, when we were moving boxes, it was destroyed. I was so mad. I played with this set all the time. The only surviving figures I have from this set are Vladek and Rascus. I rate this a 5 stars.
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You can do so many things with this set. I got it from Christmas '04 if I recall correctly. It took me and my dad a few hours to build. I am currently rebuilding it, even though I don't even want to know how I could even think of destroying such a great set. Now for the pros and cons.
King Mathias
Shadow Knight
Modular Design
Cool Arcitechture
Transformation from good to evil
Scorpion Catapult
1 Shadow Knight
Scorpion Catapult Kind of Blocky
I think this set should have way more Shadow Knights, because in the comics, there were only 4 knights and the king against A TON of Shadow Knights. Otherwise, get it while you can!2 out of 5 people thought this review was helpful.
HOURS of Fun!!
Fling the boulder onto the scorpion catapult! Sling scorpions into the castle! Change the castle from good to bad! Put the king in jail! Save him! I'm telling you, the things you can do with this thing are endless. My brother got this one Christmas, but he didn't really want it, and I have another Lego he wanted, so I traded. It's in my closet at the moment, because it almost lost its life as a built set when it was in storage a while ago. Anyway, a good set for any builder. The skeleton is handy, and the treasure chest is also neat, even though it only has three coins on the inside. Also, what about good soldiers?
-All the major characters of KK
-Castle easily turns from good to bad
-Boulder catapult works well
-Castle can come apart into separate parts
-Scorpion catapult
-Castle entrance
-No good soldiers
Get this set if it's available. Not only is it a good collector's item, but you might have fun with it as well.2 out of 3 people thought this review was helpful.