gh repo view
gh repo view [<repository>] [flags]
Display the description and the README of a GitHub repository.
With no argument, the repository for the current directory is displayed.
With --web
, open the repository in a web browser instead.
With --branch
, view a specific branch of the repository.
,--branch <string>
- View a specific branch of the repository
,--jq <expression>
- Filter JSON output using a jq expression
--json <fields>
- Output JSON with the specified fields
,--template <string>
- Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
- Open a repository in the browser
JSON Fields
, assignableUsers
, codeOfConduct
, contactLinks
, createdAt
, defaultBranchRef
, deleteBranchOnMerge
, description
, diskUsage
, forkCount
, fundingLinks
, hasDiscussionsEnabled
, hasIssuesEnabled
, hasProjectsEnabled
, hasWikiEnabled
, homepageUrl
, id
, isArchived
, isBlankIssuesEnabled
, isEmpty
, isFork
, isInOrganization
, isMirror
, isPrivate
, isSecurityPolicyEnabled
, isTemplate
, isUserConfigurationRepository
, issueTemplates
, issues
, labels
, languages
, latestRelease
, licenseInfo
, mentionableUsers
, mergeCommitAllowed
, milestones
, mirrorUrl
, name
, nameWithOwner
, openGraphImageUrl
, owner
, parent
, primaryLanguage
, projects
, projectsV2
, pullRequestTemplates
, pullRequests
, pushedAt
, rebaseMergeAllowed
, repositoryTopics
, securityPolicyUrl
, squashMergeAllowed
, sshUrl
, stargazerCount
, templateRepository
, updatedAt
, url
, usesCustomOpenGraphImage
, viewerCanAdminister
, viewerDefaultCommitEmail
, viewerDefaultMergeMethod
, viewerHasStarred
, viewerPermission
, viewerPossibleCommitEmails
, viewerSubscription
, visibility
, watchers
See also
In use
In terminal
By default, we will display items in the terminal.
# Viewing a repository in terminal
~/Projects/my-project$ gh repo view owner/repo
Repository description
Repository README
View this repository on GitHub:
In the browser
Quickly open an item in the browser using --web
or -w
# Viewing a repository in the browser
~/Projects$ gh repo view owner/repo --web
Opening in your browser.
With no arguments
We will display the repository you're currently in.
# Viewing the repository you're in
~/Projects/my-project$ gh repo view
Repository description
Repository README
View this repository on GitHub: