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Blue morpho

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Blue morpho
Blue morpho butterfly.jpg
Scientific Classification
  • M. Peleides
  • M. Menelaus
Image Description
Inner eyes of blue morpho.jpg


The Blue Morpho is an extraordinary creature. Its best feature is its magnificent wings. With these lustrous wings and unusual features it is a rare but majestic butterfly. It is a very delicate species. They are naturally large butterflies. The Blur morphos are not harmful butterflies. Incessant chopping down of rain forests is causing the population of Blue morpho butterflies to get dimmer and dimmer. Now not only do they have to deal with there natural predators, they must put up with man kind cutting down there home. These beautiful creatures just need us to leave their food and resources alone.


The Blue morpho up close

The anatomy of a Blue Morpho Butterfly is like any other butterfly. It has two antennae and six legs. The antennae are used for tasting. The legs are made for walking, and smelling/ tasting. They like other butterflies have a probiscis. Blue Morpho Butterflies use the proboscis to drink juices of fruit and sap from trees. They have iridescent wings, usually 7 to 8 inches, that are not colored that way. They have scales like any butterfly that have ridges. These ridges only reflect blue light. This blue light gives them there beautiful look. On the inside of there wings they are a dull brown. Their wings have spots on them that resemble eyes, which they use to scare off predators. When they are larvae or caterpillars, there not blue at all. The caterpillar is a reddish-brown hue, usually with bright green spots along their back[1]Morpho Butterflies shading is from extremely fine lamell scales that cover the Morpho's wings. They reflect light frequently at alternating layers. The color is not a pigment but instead a model of iridescence. There layers lead to clashing effects that rely upon wavelength and point of observation.[2]At first people thought butterflies were deaf. But in 1912 they discovered butterfly ears. Which were considerably comprehensive and common in a few different kinds.[3]


In reproduction a male Blue morpho will give off pheromones, through their wings. The males attempt to get as many females as possible. The females, usually smaller and wings are a little more dull then that of a males. Their eggs are fertelized, they lay them, and then leave. In approximately 9 days the eggs hatch. Most caterpillars die within the first few days. They can't survive because no one is there to protect them, so their natural predators get them. They are even eatten by their cannibalistic siblings. If we persist to chop down the rain forest these beautiful creatures will no longer exist. The life expectancy of a Blue morpho is about 137 days.



Natural habitat for blue morpho.jpg

One of over maybe 80 characterized species of the genus Morpho, the Blue morpho butterfly is exquisite. As a neotropic butterfly its almost entirely found in South America. Usually seen in the canopy region the Blue morpho can be rarely viewed near the forest floor. Besides South America you can also find them in Mexico and Central America. [5] In order to get some warmth the butterflies will sometimes endeavor into sunny clearings, but normally they are forest residents. Territorial males will chase away any other male invaders. For ceremonial masks natives of the Rio Negro would attract these bright butterflies to sunny clearings, by flashing blue decoys. The wings were used for decking out the masks.


Tympanal Membrane

The Blue morpho's hearing membrane was found in 1912. It is located at the base of the butterfly's wing. They soon called it the tympanal membrane. This membrane is oval shaped and dome like in the center. Sound waves will come at it and hit the membrane. They then will be convertes into nerve impulses until they are picked up my nerve cells. Researchers found that unlike normal butterfly hearing membranes the Blue morpho is more sensitive to lower pitches. Only one spot of the membrane will vibrate during a lower pitch. Unlike when a higher pitch is used, the whole membrane will vibrate. Now knowing that they have keen ears we can dare to say that they cane be used to tell if a bird is about to attack. The lower pitch sounds would send the membranes into high alert. The pitches may be caused by the birds wings flapping or so on. This would warn them to get away as fast as possible.[7]


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  • [8] St. Louis Zoo,11.21.09.
  • [9] Maggie, 11.21.09.
  • [10] Kashmira Lad, 11.28.09.
  • [11]Animal pictures archive, 11.28.09.
  • [12] Animal Corner, 11.29.09.
  • [13], Jeanna Bryner, 12.2.09.