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Paolo Mattavelli
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2020 – today
- 2024
- [j47]Ahmed A. Ibrahim
, Andrea Zilio
, Tarek Younis
, Davide Biadene
, Tommaso Caldognetto
, Paolo Mattavelli
Optimal Modulation of Triple Active Bridge Converters by an Artificial-Neural- Network Approach. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 71(3): 2590-2600 (2024) - [j46]Andrea Zilio
, Davide Fogagnolo
, Ezio Gallo
, Davide Biadene
, Paolo Mattavelli
A Multiport Converter for Flexible Active Balancing in Li-Ion Batteries. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 71(7): 7085-7094 (2024) - [j45]Andrea Lauri
, Tommaso Caldognetto
, Davide Biadene
, Paolo Mattavelli
An Unbalance and Power Controller Allowing Smooth Islanded Transitions in Three-Phase Microgrids. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 71(10): 12279-12289 (2024) - 2023
- [j44]Andrea Zilio
, Davide Biadene
, Tommaso Caldognetto
, Paolo Mattavelli
Black-Box Large-Signal Average Modeling of DC-DC Converters Using NARX-ANNs. IEEE Access 11: 43257-43266 (2023) - [j43]Andrea Comacchio
, Giovanni Bonanno
, Hossein Abedini
, Paolo Mattavelli
, Michele Corradin
Asymmetric Digital Dual-Edge Modulator for Dynamic Performance Improvement of Multiloop-Controlled VSI. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 70(5): 4662-4671 (2023) - [j42]Alba Rodríguez-Lorente
, Andrés Barrado
, Giorgio Spiazzi
, Paolo Mattavelli
, Jaime López-López
, Antonio Lázaro
A Novel Window Reluctance Calculation to Improve Leakage Inductance Estimation of "E3E" Integrated Magnetic Components. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 70(7): 6744-6753 (2023) - [j41]Ahmed A. Ibrahim
, Tommaso Caldognetto
, Davide Biadene
, Paolo Mattavelli
Multidimensional Ripple Correlation Technique for Optimal Operation of Triple-Active-Bridge Converters. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 70(8): 8032-8041 (2023) - [j40]Fei Deng
, Wenli Yao, Xiaobin Zhang
, Yi Tang
, Paolo Mattavelli
Review of Impedance-Reshaping-Based Power Sharing Strategies in Islanded AC Microgrids. IEEE Trans. Smart Grid 14(3): 1692-1707 (2023) - [c27]Víctor Hueros, Andrés Barrado, Cristina Fernández, Paolo Mattavelli:
Coupling and Load Estimation with Current and Voltage Primary Sensing in Free Communication Wireless Power Charging. IECON 2023: 1-6 - 2022
- [j39]Aram Khodamoradi
, Guangyuan Liu
, Paolo Mattavelli
Online Controller Tuning for DC Microgrid Power Converters With the Ability to Track Maximum Allowable Bandwidth. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 69(2): 1888-1897 (2022) - [j38]Fei Deng
, Wenli Yao, Xiaobin Zhang
, Paolo Mattavelli
A Decentralized Current Sharing Strategy for Islanded Resistive Microgrids Based on Iterative Virtual Impedance Regulation. IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics 18(6): 3958-3969 (2022) - [c26]Ahmed Y. Farag, Tarek Younis, Paolo Mattavelli, Davide Biadene
AC Grid-interface Bidirectional Buck-Type Converters for DC microgrids: A Comparative Study. IECON 2022: 1-6 - [c25]Ahmed A. Ibrahim
, Andrea Zilio, Tarek Younis, Davide Biadene
, Tommaso Caldognetto, Paolo Mattavelli:
Artificial Neural Networks Approach for Reduced RMS Currents in Triple Active Bridge Converters. IECON 2022: 1-6 - 2021
- [j37]Mohammad Mohammadi
, Javad Shokrollahi Moghani
, Paolo Mattavelli, Alireza Khoshsaadat
, Mohammad Mahdi Asghari, Jafar Milimonfared:
An interharmonic dual switching frequency modulation strategy for impedance network inverters. Int. J. Circuit Theory Appl. 49(6): 1726-1742 (2021) - [j36]Aram Khodamoradi
, Guangyuan Liu, Paolo Mattavelli, Tuomas Messo, Hossein Abedini
PRBS-based loop gain identification and output impedance shaping in DC microgrid power converters. Math. Comput. Simul. 183: 129-141 (2021) - [j35]Qi Xiao, Paolo Mattavelli, Aram Khodamoradi, Poh Chiang Loh:
Modelling and analysis of equivalent SISO d-q impedance of grid-connected converters. Math. Comput. Simul. 184: 5-20 (2021) - [j34]Mohammad Mohammadi
, Arsalan Dehbashi, Gevork B. Gharehpetian
, Alireza Khoshsaadat
, Paolo Mattavelli
A Family of Soft-Switching DC-DC Converters With Two Degrees of Freedom. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 68(10): 9398-9409 (2021) - [c24]Andrea Redaelli
, Anna Gandolfo, Giulia Samanni, Enrico Gomiero, Elisa Petroni, Luca Scotti, Andrea Lippiello, Paolo Mattavelli, J. Jasse, D. Codegoni, A. Serafini, Rossella Ranica, Christian Boccaccio, Jury Sandrini, R. Berthelon, J. C. Grenier, Olivier Weber, David Turgis, A. Valery, S. Del Medico, V. Caubet, J. P. Reynard, Didier Dutartre, L. Favennec, Antonino Conte, Fabio Disegni, M. De Tomasi, A. Ventre, Matteo Baldo, Daniele Ielmini, Alfonso Maurelli, P. Ferreira, Franck Arnaud, F. Piazza, Paolo Cappelletti, Roberto Annunziata, R. Gonella:
Improving Ge-rich GST ePCM reliability through BEOL engineering. ESSDERC 2021: 231-234 - [c23]Tarek Younis, Ahmed A. Ibrahim
, Paolo Mattavelli:
Comparison between Two-level and Three-level Based Multi-port Converter for Interconnected MVAC Microgrids. IECON 2021: 1-6 - [c22]Andrea Zilio
, Paolo Mattavelli:
A flexible Multi-Active Half-Bridge converter for active balancing of series-connected Li-Ion cells. IECON 2021: 1-6 - 2020
- [j33]Javier Serrano-Delgado
, Paolo Mattavelli
, Santiago Cóbreces, Hossein Abedini
, Mario Rizo, Simone Buso
, Emilio José Bueno
Output Capacitance Minimization for Converters in DC Microgrids via Multi-Objective Tuning of Droop-Based Controllers. IEEE Access 8: 222700-222710 (2020) - [j32]Mohammad Mohammadi
, Afshin Mirzaee
, Paolo Magnone, Javad Shokrollahi Moghani
, Paolo Mattavelli:
Performance improvement of pulse width-amplitude modulation-based quasi-Z-source inverters: Analysis and implementation. Int. J. Circuit Theory Appl. 48(10): 1786-1799 (2020) - [j31]Guangyuan Liu
, Tommaso Caldognetto
, Paolo Mattavelli
, Paolo Magnone
Suppression of Second-Order Harmonic Current for Droop-Controlled Distributed Energy Resource Converters in DC Microgrids. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 67(1): 358-368 (2020) - [j30]Aram Khodamoradi
, Guangyuan Liu
, Paolo Mattavelli
, Tuomas Messo:
Simultaneous Identification of Multiple Control Loops in DC Microgrid Power Converters. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 67(12): 10641-10651 (2020)
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [c21]Simone Pistollato, Francesco Toniolo, Tommaso Caldognetto, Paolo Mattavelli, Giorgio Spiazzi
Analysis and Performance Evaluation of the DAB and IBCI DC-DC Converter Topologies. IECON 2019: 4893-4898 - 2018
- [j29]Ahmed Abdelhakim
, Paolo Mattavelli, Pooya Davari
, Frede Blaabjerg
Performance Evaluation of the Single-Phase Split-Source Inverter Using an Alternative DC-AC Configuration. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 65(1): 363-373 (2018) - [j28]Ahmed Abdelhakim
, Frede Blaabjerg
, Paolo Mattavelli:
Modulation Schemes of the Three-Phase Impedance Source Inverters - Part I: Classification and Review. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 65(8): 6309-6320 (2018) - [j27]Ahmed Abdelhakim
, Frede Blaabjerg
, Paolo Mattavelli:
Modulation Schemes of the Three-Phase Impedance Source Inverters - Part II: Comparative Assessment. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 65(8): 6321-6332 (2018) - [c20]Guangyuan Liu, Aram Khodamoradi, Paolo Mattavelli, Tommaso Caldognetto
, Paolo Magnone:
Plug and Play DC-DC Converters for Smart DC Nanogrids with Advanced Control Ancillary Services. CAMAD 2018: 1-6 - [c19]Ahmed Abdelhakim, Paolo Mattavelli, Simone Pistollato, Giorgio Spiazzi
Bidirectional DC-DC Converter Topologies for Low-Voltage Battery Interface: Comparative Assessment. RTSI 2018: 1-6 - 2017
- [j26]Ahmed Abdelhakim, Paolo Mattavelli, Giorgio Spiazzi
Three-Phase Three-Level Flying Capacitors Split-Source Inverters: Analysis and Modulation. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 64(6): 4571-4580 (2017) - [j25]Ahmed Abdelhakim, Paolo Mattavelli, Valeria Boscaino, Giuseppe Lullo
Decoupled Control Scheme of Grid-Connected Split-Source Inverters. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 64(8): 6202-6211 (2017) - 2016
- [j24]Zhen Xin
, Rende Zhao, Paolo Mattavelli, Poh Chiang Loh, Frede Blaabjerg
Re-Investigation of Generalized Integrator Based Filters From a First-Order-System Perspective. IEEE Access 4: 7131-7144 (2016) - [c18]Ahmed Abdelhakim, Paolo Mattavelli:
Analysis of the three-level diode-clamped split-source inverter. IECON 2016: 3259-3264 - [c17]Valeria Boscaino, Giuseppe Lullo
, Ahmed Abdelhakim, Paolo Mattavelli:
Decoupled control scheme of the grid-connected split-source inverter for renewable energy sources. IECON 2016: 3317-3322 - [c16]Riccardo Sgarbossa, Paolo Mattavelli, Luca Dalla Santa, Roberto Turri
, Alberto Cerretti:
Effects of P/f and Q/V regulations on anti-islanding detection methods in distribution networks. ISGT Europe 2016: 1-6 - 2015
- [b2]Simone Buso
, Paolo Mattavelli:
Digital Control in Power Electronics, Second Edition. Synthesis Lectures on Power Electronics, Morgan & Claypool Publishers 2015, ISBN 978-3-031-01371-3, pp. 1-229 - [j23]Dong Dong, Bo Wen, Dushan Boroyevich
, Paolo Mattavelli
, Yaosuo Xue
Analysis of Phase-Locked Loop Low-Frequency Stability in Three-Phase Grid-Connected Power Converters Considering Impedance Interactions. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 62(1): 310-321 (2015) - [c15]Ahmed Abdelhakim, Paolo Mattavelli, Giorgio Spiazzi
Split-source inverter. IECON 2015: 1288-1293 - [c14]Ahmed Abdelhakim, Paolo Mattavelli, Giorgio Spiazzi
Modified modulation scheme of the buck-boost voltage source inverter for bidirectional power flow capability. IECON 2015: 4418-4423 - [c13]Andrea Savio, Fabio Bignucolo
, Riccardo Sgarbossa, Paolo Mattavelli, Alberto Cerretti, Roberto Turri
A novel measurement-based procedure for load dynamic equivalent identification. RTSI 2015: 274-279 - 2014
- [j22]Gerardo Escobar
, Paolo Mattavelli
, Michael Hernandez-Gomez, Panfilo R. Martinez-Rodriguez:
Filters With Linear-Phase Properties for Repetitive Feedback. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 61(1): 405-413 (2014) - [j21]Paolo Tenti, Alessandro Costabeber, Paolo Mattavelli
, Fernando Pinhabel Marafao
, Helmo K. Morales Paredes
Load Characterization and Revenue Metering Under Non-Sinusoidal and Asymmetrical Operation. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 63(2): 422-431 (2014) - 2013
- [c12]Qiong Wang, Bo Wen, Xuning Zhang, Rolando Burgos
, Paolo Mattavelli, Dushan Boroyevich
Input and output EMI filter design procedure for matrix converters. IECON 2013: 4868-4873 - [c11]Paolo Tenti, Tommaso Caldognetto
, Alessandro Costabeber, Paolo Mattavelli:
Microgrids operation based on master-slave cooperative control. IECON 2013: 7623-7628 - 2012
- [j20]Rosa Paola Venturini, Paolo Mattavelli
, Pericle Zanchetta, Mark Sumner
Adaptive Selective Compensation for Variable Frequency Active Power Filters in More Electrical Aircraft. IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst. 48(2): 1319-1328 (2012) - [j19]Paolo Tenti, Alessandro Costabeber, Paolo Mattavelli
, Daniela Trombetti:
Distribution Loss Minimization by Token Ring Control of Power Electronic Interfaces in Residential Microgrids. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 59(10): 3817-3826 (2012) - [c10]Helmo K. Morales Paredes
, Fernando Pinhabel Marafao
, Paolo Mattavelli
, Paolo Tenti:
Application of Conservative Power Theory to load and line characterization and revenue metering. AMPS 2012: 1-6 - [c9]Paolo Tenti, Alessandro Costabeber, Francesco Sichirollo, Paolo Mattavelli
Minimum loss control of low-voltage residential microgrids. IECON 2012: 5650-5656 - [c8]John Turner, Maruf N. Ahmed, Dong Sam Ha, Paolo Mattavelli
A new approach to the wide bandwidth of piezoelectric transducers for vibration energy harvesting. MWSCAS 2012: 1064-1067 - 2011
- [j18]Guido De Sandre, Luca Bettini, Alessandro Pirola, Lionel Marmonier, Marco Pasotti, Massimo Borghi, Paolo Mattavelli
, Paola Zuliani, Luca Scotti, Gianfranco Mastracchio, Ferdinando Bedeschi, Roberto Gastaldi, Roberto Bez:
A 4 Mb LV MOS-Selected Embedded Phase Change Memory in 90 nm Standard CMOS Technology. IEEE J. Solid State Circuits 46(1): 52-63 (2011) - [j17]Paolo Tenti, Helmo K. Morales Paredes
, Fernando Pinhabel Marafao
, Paolo Mattavelli
Accountability in Smart Microgrids Based on Conservative Power Theory. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 60(9): 3058-3069 (2011) - 2010
- [c7]Paolo Tenti, Helmo K. Morales Paredes
, Fernando Pinhabel Marafão
, Paolo Mattavelli
Accountability and revenue metering in smart micro-grids. AMPS 2010: 74-79 - [c6]Guido De Sandre, Luca Bettini, Alessandro Pirola, Lionel Marmonier, Marco Pasotti, Massimo Borghi, Paolo Mattavelli
, Paola Zuliani, Luca Scotti, Gianfranco Mastracchio, Ferdinando Bedeschi, Roberto Gastaldi, Roberto Bez:
A 90nm 4Mb embedded phase-change memory with 1.2V 12ns read access time and 1MB/s write throughput. ISSCC 2010: 268-269
2000 – 2009
- 2008
- [j16]Luca Corradini
, Paolo Mattavelli
, Elisabetta Tedeschi
, Daniele Trevisan:
High-Bandwidth Multisampled Digitally Controlled DC-DC Converters Using Ripple Compensation. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 55(4): 1501-1508 (2008) - [j15]Walter Stefanutti, Stefano Saggini, Paolo Mattavelli
, Massimo Ghioni
Power Line Communication in Digitally Controlled DC-DC Converters Using Switching Frequency Modulation. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 55(4): 1509-1518 (2008) - [j14]Stefano Saggini, Paolo Mattavelli
, Giovanni Garcea, Massimo Ghioni
A Mixed-Signal Synchronous/Asynchronous Control for High-Frequency DC-DC Boost Converters. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 55(5): 2053-2060 (2008) - [j13]Paolo Mattavelli
, Filippo Polo, Flavio Dal Lago, Stefano Saggini:
Analysis of Control-Delay Reduction for the Improvement of UPS Voltage-Loop Bandwidth. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 55(8): 2903-2911 (2008) - [j12]Daniele Trevisan, Paolo Mattavelli
, Paolo Tenti:
Digital Control of Single-Inductor Multiple-Output Step-Down DC-DC Converters in CCM. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 55(9): 3476-3483 (2008) - 2007
- [j11]Gerardo Escobar
, Andres A. Valdez
, Jesus Leyva-Ramos, Paolo Mattavelli
Repetitive-Based Controller for a UPS Inverter to Compensate Unbalance and Harmonic Distortion. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 54(1): 504-510 (2007) - [j10]Gerardo Escobar
, Paolo Mattavelli
, Alex M. Stankovic
, Andres A. Valdez
, Jesus Leyva-Ramos:
An Adaptive Control for UPS to Compensate Unbalance and Harmonic Distortion Using a Combined Capacitor/Load Current Sensing. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 54(2): 839-847 (2007) - [c5]Luca Corradini, Walter Stefanutti, Paolo Mattavelli:
Analysis of Multi-Sampled Current Control for Active Filters. IAS 2007: 1608-1615 - [c4]Giorgio Spiazzi
, Leopoldo Rossetto, Paolo Mattavelli, Paolo Cova, Nicola Delmonte:
Layout Considerations and Thermal Analysis of a 1.8 MHz Resonant VRM. IAS 2007: 1993-2000 - 2006
- [b1]Simone Buso
, Paolo Mattavelli
Digital Control in Power Electronics. Synthesis Lectures on Power Electronics, Morgan & Claypool Publishers 2006, ISBN 978-3-031-02495-5, pp. 1-158 - [j9]Gerardo Escobar
, Panfilo R. Martinez, Jesus Leyva-Ramos, Paolo Mattavelli
A Negative Feedback Repetitive Control Scheme for Harmonic Compensation. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 53(4): 1383-1386 (2006) - 2005
- [j8]Jesus Leyva-Ramos, Gerardo Escobar
, Panfilo R. Martinez, Paolo Mattavelli
Analog Circuits to Implement Repetitive Controllers for Tracking and Disturbance Rejection of Periodic Signals. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs 52-II(8): 466-470 (2005) - [j7]Paolo Mattavelli
An improved deadbeat control for UPS using disturbance observers. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 52(1): 206-212 (2005) - 2004
- [j6]Gerardo Escobar
, Alex M. Stankovic
, Paolo Mattavelli
An adaptive controller in stationary reference frame for D-statcom in unbalanced operation. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 51(2): 401-409 (2004) - [j5]Paolo Mattavelli
, Fernando Pinhabel Marafao
Repetitive-based control for selective harmonic compensation in active power filters. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 51(5): 1018-1024 (2004) - 2002
- [c3]Gerardo Escobar
, Alex M. Stankovic
, Paolo Mattavelli, Romeo Ortega:
On the Nonlinear Control of TCSC . HICSS 2002: 61 - 2001
- [j4]Gerardo Escobar Valderrama
, Paolo Mattavelli
, Alex M. Stankovic
Reactive power and imbalance compensation using STATCOM with dissipativity-based control. IEEE Trans. Control. Syst. Technol. 9(5): 718-727 (2001) - [j3]Paolo Mattavelli
, Gerardo Escobar
, Alex M. Stankovic
Dissipativity-based adaptive and robust control of UPS. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 48(2): 334-343 (2001) - 2000
- [c2]Gerardo Escobar, Alex M. Stankovic, Paolo Mattavelli:
Reactive power, imbalance and harmonics compensation using d-statcom with a dissipativity-based controller. CDC 2000: 3051-3055
1990 – 1999
- 1999
- [c1]Paolo Mattavelli, Alex M. Stankovic:
Dynamical phasors in modeling and control of active filters. ISCAS (5) 1999: 278-282 - 1998
- [j2]Simone Buso
, Luigi Malesani, Paolo Mattavelli
Comparison of current control techniques for active filter applications. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 45(5): 722-729 (1998) - 1995
- [j1]Giorgio Spiazzi, Paolo Mattavelli, Leopoldo Rossetto, Luigi Malesani:
Application of sliding Mode Control to Switch-Mode Power supplies. J. Circuits Syst. Comput. 5(3): 337-354 (1995)
Coauthor Index
aka: Gerardo Escobar Valderrama
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