
Showing posts with label Julie Chambers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Julie Chambers. Show all posts

Thursday, September 26, 2019

AMONGST US Opening Event

Before the week runs away entirely, here are handful of highlights from last Saturday’s memorable opening of AMONGST US, an exhibition of figurative works on paper by Rachel Derum, Philip Faulks, Rona Green, Greg Harrison, Bill Hay and Deborah Klein at The Art Vault, Mildura.

That's me above with a selection of my Homo-insecta watercolours, snapped by Rachel Derum prior to our artist talk with Philip Faulks.

An installation view of all six watercolours is directly below:

Below, L-R: Julie Chambers, Director of the Art Vault, Philip, myself and Rachel present our talk in front of works by Philip Faulks. 

Following view, L-R: Philip, myself and Rachel with a selection of works by exhibition curator, Rona Green. (Photo credit for images 3 & 4: Shane Jones).

Thanks so much to Julie and Kevin, the peerless Art Vault team and everyone who came. We had an absolute ball and can’t wait to return.

The Art Vault 
43 Deakin Avenue
Mildura VIC 3500
(03)5022 0013

Opening hours: Monday 10 am - 2 pm; 
Wednesday - Friday 10 am - 5 pm; 
Saturday 10 am - 3 pm

The exhibition runs to 7 October 2019