
Showing posts with label Self-portrait. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Self-portrait. Show all posts

Thursday, April 30, 2020


Pictured above: Covert Covid 12: Self-portrait in Chenuala heliaspis Moth Mask, (1)  the final work in a set of twelve, created in as many days during life in lockdown.

"In the event of an oxygen shortage on airplanes, mothers of young children are always reminded to put on their own oxygen mask first, better to assist the children with theirs. The same tactic is necessary on terra firma. There's no way of sustaining our children if we don't first rescue ourselves. I don't call that selfish behaviour. I call it love".
- Joyce Maynard.

The masks in this series (scroll down to see the previous eleven) were originally conceived in 2010 as a relatively small part of a substantial body of work relating to my feminist fairy tale, The Story of the Moth Masks (2008). Somewhat overlooked at the time, the masks now seem uncannily prescient. Ten years on, they've finally found their proper place, although as yet, there's no fairy tale ending in sight.

(1) Chenuala heliaspis mask, 2010, acrylic on found papier-mâché mask.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Covert Covid 11: Self-portrait in Scaptesyle dichotoma Moth Mask (1), the penultimate instalment of a series created in my Covid Cave in Ballarat East over twelve days of life in lockdown.

(1) Scaptesyle dichotoma mask, 2010, acrylic on found papier-mâché mask, de rigueur for social distancing and equally indispensable for the prevention of face-touching.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Covert Covid 10: Self-portrait in Agathia pisina Moth Mask (1).

Ballarat East, Tuesday, 28 April, 2020.

(1) Agathia pisina mask, 2010, acrylic on found papier-mâché mask.

Monday, April 27, 2020


Covert Covid 9: Self-portrait in Damiens elegans Moth Mask, (1) ninth in a suite of twelve.

“The human face is, after all, nothing more or less than a mask”
- Agatha Christie.

Ballarat East, Monday, 27 April, 2020.

(1) Damiens elegans mask, 2010, acrylic on found papier-mâché mask.

Sunday, April 26, 2020


Covert Covid 8: Self-portrait in Dysallacta megalopa Moth Mask (1) #8 in a sequence of 12.

Stay home, stay safe.

Ballarat East, Sunday, 26 April, 2020.

(1) Dysallacta megalopa mask, 2010, acrylic on found papier-mâché mask.

Saturday, April 25, 2020


Covert Covid 7: Self-portrait in Amerila timolis Moth Mask, (1) #7 of a twelve-part series.

Ballarat East, Saturday, 25 April, 2020.

(1) Amerila timolis mask, 2010, acrylic on found papier-mâché mask.

Friday, April 24, 2020


Covert Covid 6: Self-portrait in Carthea saturnioides Moth Mask. (1)

"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth"
- Oscar Wilde.

Ballarat East, Friday, 24 April 2020.

(1) Carthea saturnioides mask, 2010, acrylic on found papier-mâché mask, 2010.

Thursday, April 23, 2020


Covert Covid 5: Self-portrait in Conogethes tharsalea Moth Mask, (1) the fifth in an ongoing series reflecting on social isolation and life in lockdown.

The artist's studio, Ballarat East, Thursday, 23 April 2020.

(1) Conogethes tharsalea mask, 2010, acrylic on found papier-mâché mask.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Covert Covid 4: Self-portrait in Uliocnemis partita Moth Mask. (1) Life in lockdown and social isolation on International Mother Earth Day 2020.

The artist's studio, Ballarat East, Wednesday, 22 April, 2020.

(1) Uliocnemis partita mask, 2010, acrylic on found papier-mâché mask.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Covert Covid 3: Self-portrait in Dymphania numana Moth Mask. (1)

The artist's studio, Ballarat East, Tuesday, 21 April, 2020.

(1) Dymphania numana mask, 2010, acrylic on found papier-mâché mask.

Monday, April 20, 2020


Covert Covid 2: Self-portrait in Hypsidia robinsoni Moth Mask (1).  

A personal response to social isolation and life in lockdown.

The artist's studio, Ballarat East, Monday, 20 April, 2020.

(1) Hypsidia robinsoni mask, 2010, acrylic on found papier-mâché mask.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

My younger self

Deborah Klein, Self-portrait as an undergraduate, circa 1982,
 oil on canvas, 50.8 x 38.1 cm

The self-portrait pictured above was made in the early 1980s when I was an art school undergraduate at what is now Monash University (Caulfield Campus). Buried deep in storage for decades, it resurfaced during our recent move. 

The two photos directly below date from around the same time. They were sent to me in late 2018 by Melbourne photographer, Russell Brooks, although this is the first time I’ve shared them. In the second photo, I’m pictured with Tania Sironic, a fellow printmaking student. Hard to believe I was ever that young, although I still feel the same at heart. Happily, I’m still in touch with some of the good folk from those dim, distant days.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


Shane Jones and I each have an artwork and sketchbook in the group show DRAWING STRENGTH in the Barn Gallery at Montsalvat Arts Centre. We’re delighted with curator Jo Lane’s placement of our drawings, in a charming alcove flanking an oversized fireplace. Despite being part of the main gallery, the area feels quite self-contained, as if we are in our very own room. My concertina format sketchbook sits in front of the fireplace. Shane’s book, opened in the view below to sketches of our cat Alice, is grouped with other sketchbooks at the opposite end of the gallery.

DRAWING STRENGTH runs from November 17, 2018 - January 6, 2019.