AF38 - Base Input Air Force - Little Rock Air Force Base - AR Page: 1 of 1
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On 13 May 2005 the Secretary of Defense (SecDef) released his recommendations to the Base Realignment and
Closure Commission (BRAC). In the recommendation, the 189th AW (AR ANG) is to gain 14 C-130Hs and 4 C-
130Js and continue to execute the mission of a Formal Training Unit (FTU). While the BRAC recommendations
signal aircraft movements it leaves several questions unanswered. The 189AW has become aware that a suggestion
was made to deviate from the BRAC recommendations by withholding the C-130J FTU while still transferring
aircraft from the active duty fleet. The purpose of this Background Paper is to clarify the SecDef intent for the roles
and missions and describe how withholding the C-130J FTU breaks with this intent and is harmful to the nations
- Prior to the BRAC release, SecDef had directed the USAF to transfer the C-130 FTU to the ARC at a ratio
of 75%ARC to 25% active
- BRAC recommendation reflected this intent with 14 C-130Hs and 4 C-130Js to the 189th AW
- The "J" model buy was cut from 120 to 60 several month ago, but was reinstated in the budget two days
before the BRAC recommendation release
- Prior to reinstating the "J" buy, only four aircraft were needed in the C-130J FTU, hence it is clear the
intent of BRAC was to place the C-1 30J FTU in the 189h AW
- There is apparently debate at HQ AETC as to the necessity of concurrently transferring the J-Model FTU
and 4 J-model aircraft.
- BRAC clearly intended to move the C-130J FTU to the 189" or the school would have been retained as a
new mission at LRAFB, instead of transferring the active duty C-130Js to the 189th AW
- Creating a C-130J FTU outside of the 189h AW would not be a BRAC issue but rather a Future Total
Force (FTF) issue requiring additional facilities.
- The ANG C-130Js delivered to the 189t' AW will be TF coded (training aircraft) and used to train students
to comply with BRAC law
- These aircraft and aircrews are non-deployable assets
- Creating a new C-130J school outside the 189AW would take additional C-130 J aircraft, aircrew and
maintainers out of the deployment cycle
- Assigning additional J-model C-130s and aircrew to the training mission will reduce deployable assets
by 10% and further exacerbate the dwell to deploy ratio problem.
- Additional personnel would be required above those needed in the 189th AW; increasing overhead and
further reducing deployable personnel, again increasing the dwell ratio
- BRAC places all C-130 student management functions in the 189th and any attempt to create another FTU
will result in duplication of effort and wasteful expenditures on overhead FTU functions and personnel.
- A C-130J school outside of the 189th would result in a loss of efficiencies in practical application
- BRAC recognized that a centralized FTU allows the right mix of assets to efficiently fly the sorties
with the minimum number of flying hours
- The 189AW was given all C-130 student management and a new C-130J FTU will still have to
coordinate all student training with the 189AW
- The C-130J FTU belongs in the 189d' AW as outlined in the SecDef BRAC recommendation
- Failure to place the C-130 J FTU in the 189t AW will undermine the effectiveness of BRAC
- Combat capability willbe reduced
- Lack of efficiency and unnecessary duplication will drive much higher FTU expendituresS*2W21 BRAG Cw"*d)" C~~~
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United States. Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission. AF38 - Base Input Air Force - Little Rock Air Force Base - AR, text, July 21, 2005; ( accessed January 3, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,; crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.