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Enterprise Server 3.14 release notes

August 27, 2024

For upgrade instructions, see "Upgrading GitHub Enterprise Server."

3.14.0: Features

  • Instance administration

    • On an instance with multiple replica nodes, to start or stop replication for all nodes in a single configuration run, administrators can use the ghe-repl-start-all and ghe-repl-stop-all commands.

  • Instance services

    • Administrators can scale the appliance using generation 2 virtual machines, with support for booting in UEFI mode. This requires deploying a new instance and restoring data onto it. See "Using generation 2 virtual machines."

    • Nomad has been upgraded to 1.5.17 and Consul has been upgraded to 1.17.4. These services are used in GitHub Enterprise Server to orchestrate containers and configuration.

  • Identity and access management

    • Automated user provisioning via the System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) standard is available in public beta. Instances that use SAML authentication can enable SCIM to provision user accounts and manage their lifecycle from an identity provider (IdP). You can configure SCIM using an application for supported IdPs, or using the REST API endpoints for SCIM. See "Configuring user provisioning with SCIM on GitHub Enterprise Server."

      • If your instance already uses SAML, you will need to configure a new IdP application that supports automated provisioning via SCIM.
      • Existing private beta customers should also reconfigure their implementation with an updated application.
      • During the public beta, we recommend testing SCIM support for your identity system in a non-production instance before adding SCIM to your current setup.
    • Organization owners can create and assign custom organization roles, delegating administrative duties to trusted teams and users. See "Managing custom organization roles."

    • Users can use the account switcher to switch between multiple accounts. See "Switching between accounts."

    • On an instance that uses built-in authentication, users can use passkeys to sign in securely to GitHub, without needing to input their password. See "Authenticating with a passkey."

    • Enterprises that use an SSH certificate authority can allow SSH certificates to be used to access user-owned repositories. See "Enforcing policies for security settings in your enterprise."

  • Audit logs

    • Every 24 hours, a health check runs for each audit log stream. If a stream is set up incorrectly, an email will be sent to the enterprise owners as notification that their audit log stream is not properly configured.

  • Secret scanning

    • Users can specify which teams or roles have the ability to bypass push protection. This feature is in public beta and subject to change. See "About push protection."

    • Secret scanning detects secrets leaked in discussions and in pull request titles, bodies, and comments. This feature is in public beta and subject to change. See "About secret scanning."

    • Secret scanning blocks contributors from uploading files with detected secrets if push protection is enabled for a repository. This feature is in public beta and subject to change.

    • Audit log events are created when secret scanning non-provider patterns are enabled or disabled at the repository, organization, or enterprise level.

  • Code scanning

    • Users can create a dedicated code scanning rule to block pull request merges, instead of relying on status checks. This feature is in public beta and subject to change. See "Set code scanning merge protection."

    • Users can use CodeQL threat model settings for C# to adapt CodeQL's code scanning analysis to detect the most relevant security vulnerabilities in their code. This feature is in public beta and subject to change. See "Editing your configuration of default setup."

    • Organizations that use default setup for code scanning can use organization-level model packs to extend the coverage of multiple repositories. This feature is in public beta and subject to change. See "Editing your configuration of default setup."

    • CodeQL can scan Java projects without a build. This feature is in public beta and subject to change.

    • This release comes installed with version 2.17.6 of the CodeQL CLI, used in the CodeQL action for code scanning. Significant updates since the default version installed on GitHub Enterprise Server 3.13 include:

      • Support for Java 22, Swift 5.10, TS 5.4, and C# 12
      • New queries for C/C++, Go, Java, and Ruby:
        • cpp/type-confusion: Detects casts to invalid types
        • cpp/iterator-to-expired-container: Detects the creation of iterators owned by temporary objects that are about to be destroyed
        • go/uncontrolled-allocation-size: Detects slice memory allocation with excessive size value
        • java/unvalidated-url-forward: Prevents information disclosure caused by unsafe URL construction
        • rb/insecure-mass-assignment: Detects instances of mass assignment operations accepting arbitrary parameters
        • rb/csrf-protection-not-enabled: Detects cases where Cross-Site Request Forgery protection is not enabled in Ruby on Rails controllers
  • Dependabot

    • Users can consolidate Dependabot pull requests by enabling grouped security updates for related dependencies in a package ecosystem. See "About Dependabot security updates."

    • Dependabot can access Cargo private registries to provide updates to Rust dependencies. See "Guidance for the configuration of private registries for Dependabot."

    • Dependabot pauses scheduled jobs after 15 failures. This gives an earlier indication of potential issues while still ensuring that critical security updates continue to be applied without interruption.

    • Dependabot uses private registry configurations specified in the dependabot.yml file as expected, even if there is a configuration with target-branch. This ensures that security updates are applied correctly, regardless of your repository's configuration settings. See "Configuring access to private registries for Dependabot."

  • Code security

    • The security overview dashboard, with the ability to view secret scanning metrics and trending data for the enablement of security features, is available at the enterprise level. See "Viewing security insights."

    • The security overview dashboard for organizations is now generally available.

    • On the security overview dashboard, users can view alert trends grouped by tool. The group-by option is designed to improve the ability to track and analyze the effectiveness of scanning tools, enabling more strategic decision-making. See "Viewing security insights."

    • On the security overview dashboard, users can filter by security tool. This feature is in public beta and subject to change.

    • In the dependency graph, a software bill of materials (SBOM) generated for a package now includes the package URL for more packages. Previously, the package URL was not included if the manifest file referenced a package with a version range.

  • GitHub Actions

    • For self-hosted GitHub Actions runners on this GitHub Enterprise Server release, the minimum required version of the GitHub Actions Runner application is 2.317.0. See the release notes for this version in the actions/runner repository on If your instance uses ephemeral self-hosted runners and you've disabled automatic updates, you must upgrade your runners to this version of the Runner application before upgrading your instance to this GitHub Enterprise Server release.

    • Deployment views across environments are now generally available. Users can pin environments and use additional filters to filter the views. See "Viewing deployment history."

  • GitHub Pages

  • Repositories

  • Projects

    • Users can use the auto-close issue workflow to automatically close issues when a project item moves to a specific "completed" status. See "Using the built-in automations."

  • Integrations and extensions

    • When authenticating to a native GitHub App or OAuth app, users will be prompted to select which account they want to sign in to using an account picker. Developers of apps can append ?prompt=select_account to their login flow to show users the account picker.

    • When using a JSON Web Token (JWT) to authenticate or request an installation token, developers of GitHub Apps can use the app's client ID for the JWT's iss claim. The application ID remains valid, but is considered deprecated.

3.14.0: Changes

  • Pushes that update over 5,000 branches no longer trigger webhooks or GitHub Actions workflows.

3.14.0: Known issues

  • Complete SCIM payloads are written to the audit log, including SCIM attributes that are not required or supported per API docs. Customers using Okta with SCIM may notice that a placeholder password attribute is among the data passed to audit logs in its current configuration. This placeholder data is associated with Okta’s password synchronization feature that is not expected or required by GitHub. See okta-scim for more information.

  • Custom firewall rules are removed during the upgrade process.

  • When enabling automatic update checks for the first time in the Management Console, the status is not dynamically reflected until the "Updates" page is reloaded.

  • During the validation phase of a configuration run, a No such object error may occur for the Notebook and Viewscreen services. This error can be ignored as the services should still correctly start.

  • If the root site administrator is locked out of the Management Console after failed login attempts, the account does not unlock automatically after the defined lockout time. Someone with administrative SSH access to the instance must unlock the account using the administrative shell. For more information, see "Troubleshooting access to the Management Console."

  • On an instance with the HTTP X-Forwarded-For header configured for use behind a load balancer, all client IP addresses in the instance's audit log erroneously appear as

  • In some situations, large .adoc files stored in a repository do not render properly in the web UI. The raw contents are still available to view as plaintext.

  • Repositories originally imported using ghe-migrator will not correctly track Advanced Security contributions.

  • REST API endpoints for admin stats may time out on appliances with many users or repositories. Retrying the request until data is returned is advised.

  • When following the steps for Replacing the primary MySQL node, step 14 (running ghe-cluster-config-apply) might fail with errors. If this occurs, re-running ghe-cluster-config-apply is expected to succeed.

  • Running a config apply as part of the steps for Replacing a node in an emergency may fail with errors if the node being replaced is still reachable. If this occurs, shut down the node and repeat the steps.

  • If a hotpatch upgrade requires the haproxy-frontend service to be restarted, the restart will hang if there are existing long-lived connections, such as browser web sockets or Git operations. No new connections will be accepted for up to 5 minutes. Any existing unfinished connections at this time will be disconnected.

  • When restoring data originally backed up from a 3.13 appliance, the Elasticsearch indices need to be reindexed before some of the data will show up. This happens via a nightly scheduled job. It can also be forced by running /usr/local/share/enterprise/ghe-es-search-repair.

  • The global search bar does not have suggestions enabled due to the redesigned navigation and pending new search experience.

  • Upgrades include an error concerning Error deregistering job for consul-template. This message does not indicate any problems with your install and can be safely ignored.

  • Some links to GitHub Docs from GitHub Enterprise Server may lead to a "Page not found," because an enterprise-cloud@latest portion is incorrectly added to the URL.

  • An organization-level code scanning configuration page is displayed on instances that do not use GitHub Advanced Security or code scanning.

  • In the header bar displayed to site administrators, some icons are not available.

  • When restoring from a backup snapshot, a large number of mapper_parsing_exception errors may be displayed.

  • On boot, the resolvconf service may fail to start because the /run/resolvconf directory does not exist when the service attempts to touch a file there, with the error:

    /bin/touch: cannot touch '/run/resolvconf/postponed-update': No such file or directory

    If this occurs, workaround this issue with the following commands — this change will persist on reboots, but not upgrades:

    sudo sed -i.bak \
    '/\[Service\]/a ExecStartPre\=\/bin\/mkdir \-p \/run\/resolvconf' \
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl start resolvconf 
  • Services may respond with a 503 status due to an out of date haproxy configuration. This can usually be resolved with a ghe-config-apply run.

  • When enabling automatic update checks for the first time in the Management Console, the status is not dynamically reflected until the "Updates" page is reloaded.

3.14.0: Deprecations

  • The Manage GHES API reached feature parity with the Management Console API in GHES 3.12. As a result, we will remove the Management Console API in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.15. For information about updating tooling that relies on the Management Console API, see "REST API endpoints for Management Console."

3.14.0: Errata

  • These release notes previously indicated as a known issue that on GitHub Enterprise Server 3.14.0 when log forwarding is enabled, some forwarded log entries may be duplicated. The fix for this problem was already included prior to the release of GitHub Enterprise Server 3.14.0. [Updated: 2024-09-16]