李翊君 (lǐ yì jūn) 黑玫瑰(多刺的玫瑰) - Black Rose (prickly rose)

Source Website: http://lyrics.oiktv.com/lyric.php?sid=1748&aid=2758&lid=2758
李翊君歷年專輯 (李翊君历年专辑) - Albums collections over the years
lǐ yì jūn lì nián zhuān jí

PHOTO: http://imgsrc.baidu.com/forum/pic/item/ef6f78f0af7c12da7931aae1.jpg

黑玫瑰(多刺的玫瑰) 歌詞 - Black Rose (prickly rose) - Song lyric
hēi méi guī (duō cì de méi guī) gē cí

Lyric (作詞 zuò cí): 陳坤嶽 chén kūn yuè
Music (作曲 zuò qū): 黃敏 huáng mǐn
Singer (歌手 gē shǒu): 李翊君 (lǐ yì jūn)
Albums (專輯 zhuān jí): 黑玫瑰 hēi méi guī

PHOTO: http://img1.qq.com/ent/pics/409/409127.jpg

炎熱的金色太陽白色的茫霧 - The golden hot sun, white hazy fog
yán rè de jīn sè tài yáng bái sè de máng wù

迫阮流浪的孤女異鄉半沉浮 - Wandering orphan forced to a foreign land and experiencing ups and downs of life (struggle at the extreme brink of life)
pò ruǎn liú làng de gū nǚ yì xiāng bàn chén fú

可恨的男性假仁慈迎新又棄舊 - Hateful male pretending to be benevolent at welcoming new arrivals but abandon the old
kě hèn de nán xìng jiǎ rén cí yíng xīn yòu qì jiù

誰人瞭解阮心事誰知花謝含淚珠 - Who will understand heartfelt problems and who realise that fading flower contains tears
shuí rén liǎo jiě ruǎn xīn shì shuí zhī huā xiè hán lèi zhū

因何女性命如此偏偏歹遭遇 - Why are women associated with bad life experiences
yīn hé nǚ xìng mìng rú cǐ piān piān dǎi zāo yù

PHOTO: http://imgsrc.baidu.com/forum/pic/item/4a3ea8d3234bb23f970a16e5.jpg

多刺的黑色玫瑰受盡了霜雪 - Prickly black roses fully suffered the frost and snow
duō cì de hēi sè méi guī shòu jìn le shuāng xuě

可恨男性愛採花害阮者狼狽 - Hateful male likes predicament from harmful beauty
kě hèn de nán xìng ài cǎi huā hài ruǎn zhě láng bèi

雖然阮不是好賢妻也不是母夜叉 - Although not a perfect wife but is not an ugly and fierce woman (hag, shrew, a woman of violent temper and speech)
suī rán ruǎn bú shì hǎo xián qī yě bú shì mǔ yè chā

按怎心肝彼呢硬無情無義來反背 - Why so hard-hearted, ruthlessly turn rebellious
àn zěn xīn gān bǐ ne yìng wú qíng wú yì lái fǎn bēi

迫阮淪落黑社會罪惡叫你賠 - Stoop so low to commit underworld crime and let you taste the terror
pò ruǎn lún luò hēi shè huì zuì' è jiào nǐ péi

無情的環境迫阮踏入黑暗路 - The cruel environment forced to step into the dark sadistic world
wú qíng de huán jìng pò ruǎn tà rù hēi àn lù

PHOTO: http://imgsrc.baidu.com/forum/pic/item/7b2a304e3d5728d3d1c86ae6.jpg

自恨紅顏多薄命目屎像落雨 - Hate the poor fate of a beautiful women, tears drops like heavy rainfall
zì hèn hóng yán duō bó mìng mù shǐ xiàng luò yǔ

反悔阮當初來墮落才著受痛苦 - Regret having to reduced to such painful state
fǎn huǐ ruǎn dāng chū lái duò luò cái zhù shòu tòng kǔ

跳出黑暗的江湖不願耽誤好前途 - Escape from the black world so as not to obstruct the better future
tiào chū hēi 'àn de jiāng hú bú yuàn dān wu hǎo qián tú

安份守己願吃苦行著光明路 - Law-abiding and willing to put up with hardship to walk the righteous path
ān fèn shǒu jǐ yuàn chī kǔ xíng zhù guāng míng lù

Translated by:
Using nciku (www.nciku.com), an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin)

PHOTO: http://img.downbt.com/up_image/big_image/20060106/1136520661.jpg

李翊君 - 黑玫瑰 MV

From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZopnSo-mVH8&feature=related

PHOTO: http://www.tu888.cn/guoneinvxing/liyijun/lyjd40.jpg

PHOTO: http://photocdn.sohu.com/20090721/Img265374921.jpg

PHOTO: http://photocdn.sohu.com/20090721/Img265374922.jpg

PHOTO: http://www.bride100.net/Original/200712/20071224921222.jpg

PHOTO: http://img1.qq.com/ent/pics/409/409127.jpg

PHOTO: http://imgsrc.baidu.com/forum/pic/item/ef6f78f0af7c12da7931aae1.jpg


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