Supported languages
JavaScript, Ruby, Python, PHP, Scala, and HTML
From the developer
Get back your time with Buddy’s delivery pipelines that eliminate repeatable tasks in your daily development.
Automatically build & ship web projects on a single git push, on click, or recurrently. Easily define your own delivery process just like you build a house of bricks: from builds and tests, to deployments, custom scripts, and website monitoring.
Bring the newest tech to your team’s stack with native Docker support: containers, microservices, Kubernetes deployments, and more.
Instant deployments
Deploy code to FTP/SFTP, AWS, Google Cloud, DigitalOcean, Kubernetes, Heroku and Rackspace, on click, automatically on push, or recurrently.
Builds and Tests
Fetch dependencies, compile code, compress CSS, and run your Gulp/Grunt tasks. Run unit, integration and E2E tests in isolated Docker containers to make sure your code is free of errors.
DevOps actions
Migrate DB's, run SSH scripts on your servers, send web hooks, and automatically clear CDN cache after deployments.
Native Docker Support
Build Docker images and push them to Docker Hub, K8s, Amazon ECR, Google CR, or a private registry. Use your own images as a template for builds and launch dockerized apps on the server.
Solve problems with dev/stage hosting by launching your apps directly from the GitHub repository. Define the framework, services & databases, and run the sandbox with one click.
Pricing and setup
5 projects, 1 GB RAM, 1x concurrency
5 projects, 1 GB RAM, 1x concurrency
- 1 concurrent execution (120 executions / month)
- 1 GB RAM / 1 vCPU
- 512 MB cache space
- 5 projects
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