Small DirectX renderer with an Entity Component System architecture.
You must download Visual Studio IDE and install the C++ package. Now you can open directx11-playground.sln
and build the app with f5
A simple triangle. The only example that does not use indexed drawing.
A rotating colored cube. Each face is independant so that the colors can be applied without smearing.
Show some procedurally-generated primitives with their UV maps.
Loads a GLTF model with its texture.
[WIC] Skybox
Show an environment in the background using a cubemap.
[WIC] Global GUI
Display a grid, some icons for the lights and a dynamic gizmo to always know the orientation of the camera.
Setup a simple scene with a directional light and no material. A menu is available to edit ambient, diffuse and specular properties.
[WIC] Multiple light types
Uses multiple point, directional and spotlights.
[WIC] Materials
Uses different objects with different materials applied to them to compare how they react to lighting.
[WIC] Gooch shading
Change pixel color value from "cool to warm" based on normal direction angle from the camera.
[WIC] Toon shading
A rendering technique closer to traditional 2D animation.
[WIC] Object picking
Select objects on the scene with the mouse and raytracing.
[WIC] View frustrum culling
Do not render objects outside of the camera view.
[WIC] Occlusion culling
Do not render objects hidden by other ones.
[WIC] High Dynamic Range
Allows a rendered image to show more details when the scene contains both shadows and highlights.
[WIC] Gamma correction
Fix the gamma of the screen.
[WIC] Normal mapping
Show micro-geometry with lighting based on a texture.
[WIC] Parallax mapping
Adds micro-geometry to a model based on a texture.
[WIC] Directional light
Base exemple of PBR.
[WIC] Multiple light types
Test multiple light types with PBR.
[WIC] Materials
Uses PBR materials.
Local illumination technique based on the scene.
Shows hows lights can traverse some materials.
[WIC] Hair
Render hair and fur.
Shadows created by a directional light.
[WIC] Point shadow mapping
Shadows created by point lights.
Adds more shadows to micro-geometry based on vertex density.
[WIC] Light map
Baked global illumination based on raytracing.
[WIC] Linear transform
Basic translation and rotation loaded from gltf.
[WIC] Squeletal animation
A basic character movement loaded from gltf.
[WIC] Bloom
Show a light with bloom effect.
[WIC] Depth of field
Blur the out of focus area of the image.
[WIC] Motion blur
Blur based on movement of the camera.
[WIC] Particle system
Shows emissive particles.
[WIC] Instanced rendering
Render a forest.
[WIC] Tesselation
Shows how an object contains more or less geometry based on camera distance.
[WIC] Deferred shading
Improve lighting performance with geometry buffer.
[WIC] Deferred plus shading
Improve lighting performance in a forward shading pipeline by dividing the screen on multiple areas.