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VS Code August recent updates

Since last month’s upgrade to GPT-4o, we now increased the available Chat context, so you can reference larger files and have longer chat conversations with GitHub Copilot Chat in VS Code. Additionally, you can now click Attach Context in Inline and Quick Chat to add more relevant context to your queries.

This month’s release also brings the following improvements to Copilot Chat in VS Code:

  • Easily generate tests using the Generate Tests using Copilot action or the /tests slash command. Copilot will now update and append tests to existing files or create a new test file if none exists. Learn more.
  • Revisit previous chat sessions with the Show Chats button. Sessions now have AI-generated names and can be manually renamed. Entries are sorted by the date of the last request and grouped by date buckets. Learn more.

  • Provide specifics on unsatisfactory Chat responses by selecting the Thumbs down button. A dropdown with detailed options helps you pick a problem type or report it as an issue to us, helping us improve Copilot. Learn more.

  • Code Actions now have clearer names: Generate Tests using Copilot and Generate Documentation using Copilot. Just place the cursor on an identifier and choose the action. Learn more.

Experimental New Features

Experimental settings are available in VS Code to gather your feedback and influence the future development of Copilot. Share your thoughts in our issues.

Check out the full release notes for VS Code’s August release (version 1.93) for more details and to learn more about the features in this release.

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The CodeQL for Visual Studio Code documentation is now on docs.github.com.

This migrates the content from https://codeql.github.com/docs/codeql-for-visual-studio-code and provides a consistent, single-site experience with improved text, descriptions, images, and navigation.

On May 8, 2024, we’ll begin automatically redirecting from the original codeql.github.com location to the new location.

The source files now exist in Markdown format in the public, open-source docs repository. If you would like to contribute, you can consult and follow the steps listed in the GitHub Docs contributing guide.

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Copilot enhancements in Visual Studio Code

We have introduced several features to the Copilot Chat extension in Visual Studio Code. These updates, available in Visual Studio Code 1.86 and the latest Copilot Chat extension 0.12, aim to provide a more streamlined and interactive coding experience. From new context variables that offer more control over the context you provide to Copilot, to expanded voice control capabilities, these updates are designed to improve your interaction with Copilot. Let’s take a closer look at these new features.

Context variables

You can use context variables to provide additional context to your questions in chat by using the # symbol. We have introduced two new context variables: #file and #editor to give you more control to specify that context.

The #file variable lets you reference specific files from your workspace in your chat prompt. This helps make the answers from Copilot Chat more relevant to your code by providing context about the file you are working with. You can ask questions like “Can you suggest improvements to #file:package.json?” or “How do I add an extension in #file:devcontainer.json?”. By using the #file variable, you can get more targeted and accurate responses from Copilot.


With the #editor context variable, you have control over whether to include the visible code of the active editor in your prompt to Copilot Chat. Previously, this information was automatically included when you hadn’t selected text in the editor. Now, you can choose to explicitly add the visible code to the context or omit it for more general questions.


The #selection context variable already enabled you to focus Copilot’s suggestions on the specific code you select in the editor. By combining the #file, #editor, and #selection variables, you have full control over the context you provide to Copilot Chat, ensuring that you receive the most relevant and helpful answers.

Inline chat

We also added several features, such as Copilot Code Actions and an updated live mode, to make your Copilot inline chat experience more productive.

As you’re writing and iterating over your code, you can now invoke Copilot through Code Actions (light bulb) on a specific line in the editor. This functionality gives you direct and targeted access to Copilot to improve your code. When there is an error in the code, you can use the sparkle Code Action to let Copilot explain the error or propose a fix.


With the updated inline chat live mode, you can now see and evaluate the suggested code modifications in-place in the editor. Additionally, you have the option to drill through to the inline diff editor to compare the proposed changes against the original code.

Responsible AI

We emphasize responsible usage of AI, especially when it comes to source code. We’ve added a new setting that asks users for confirmation before saving code that was generated by Copilot. This ensures that users have control over the code generated by Copilot and can review it before saving.

This setting, inlineChat.acceptedOrDiscardBeforeSave, is enabled by default. When the setting is enabled, a file save will wait for the user to accept or discard any pending inline chat session. This also applies when Auto Save is enabled, which will be temporarily turned off until inline chat has ended.


Enhancing voice interactions

We have further enhanced voice interactions in VS Code by giving you more flexibility and options for initiating voice interactions.

Now, you can use the “Hey Code” voice command to start a voice session with Copilot Chat. You can choose whether you want this voice command to open the Chat view, inline chat in the editor, quick chat, or choose dynamically based on where the focus is.

To enable this voice command, make sure to install the GitHub Copilot Chat and VS Code Speech extensions. Once installed, you can enable the “Hey Code” voice command in the accessibility.voice.keywordActivation setting.

In addition, you can accelerate voice input for chat by using the “hold to speak” mode: press and hold the keybinding for inline chat and voice recording automatically starts. As soon as you release the keys, the request is sent to Copilot.

Besides these main features, you can also explore our other exciting new preview features.

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The GitHub Actions extension for VS Code is now in public beta. This extension includes rich editing features, such as syntax validation and autocomplete, making workflow authoring and editing faster and easier. Developers will also be able to view workflow runs, inspect logs, and trigger re-runs directly from VS Code.

To get started, visit the VS Code Marketplace or learn more about the extension's capabilities from the Actions VS Code Extension blog post.

See what's next for Actions by visiting our public roadmap.

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You can now enable Visual Studio Code as a preferred editor for all Assignments in GitHub Classroom. To do so, select “Visual Studio Code” as a supported editor during Assignment creation. Once enabled, all accepted Assignments will include an “Open in VS Code” badge in the Assignment repository READMEs. This badge will open the assignment in Visual Studio Code with the new GitHub Classroom extension auto-installed. You can also independently install the extension from the Visual Code Marketplace

Get started with the Visual Studio Code integration

Add a Supported Editor section of Assignment Creation now shows Visual Studio Code as a dropdown option

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