About Hickman Design

Welcome to Hickman Design, founded in 2017. This site was originally setup to document the process of creating art and provide insight into different methods that are suited for every level artist; from beginners all way up through to experts! Over time the site has developed from a portfolio into an art news site, that also sells printmaking equipment and supplies.

From lino printing to monoprinting, screen printing and woodblock printing, this website will offer you an overview of all different printing methods that I’ve become acquainted with over the years. Having spent 3 years working within the commercial printing industry and now currently working in digital marketing for 5 years. I’ll provide you with informative tutorials to help you get started with ease.

Fine Art Printmaking & Illustration

The main focus of my practice had been my Fine Art Printmaking and Illustration, which stole most of my attention for around 6 years. I began studying at college, having taken a Fine Art course which gave me the basic background and insight into printmaking. This lasted for 3 years in total. Once I’d finished this particular course, I moved onto higher education at the Norwich University Of The Arts, where I studied for a further 3 years, graduating in 2015 with BA (Hons) Fine Art.

This 6 years of study has given me an incredible level of expertise as well as some invaluable skills, surrounding printmaking and illustration. I now have a great understanding of traditional printmaking methods, all of which are demonstrated in my works that you’ll find in my online portfolio; created in my very own home studio that I created shortly after completing my studies.

My Own Influences

You may notice some heavy military influence throughout my portfolio, this is thanks to a childhood growing up in a military family in the UK and Germany; a topic that’s very close to my heart and one I hope will give you an insight into not only me but the subject as a whole.

With the age I have grown up in, there has been free access to information on the internet, which has helped to shape my understanding of the world and forming many of the concepts in my portfolio. As time has gone on I now understand that there may be some unknown bias within my artwork from reading skewed data / misinformation online, if you notice this please do let me know.

A special thanks to Sonja Ruddick and Ernst Nichols for teaching me about printmaking during my time at Norwich University of the Arts.

Company Information

Office Address (Not Open To Public – Appointment Only):

Studio 2, Ardleigh Studios
The Old Maltings
Station Road
Ardleigh, Colchester
Essex, CO7 7RT

Company Details:

Wainman Enterprises LTD – Trading as Hickman Design
Company Number: 14301404

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