47 Pins
Refrigerator Organization
Keep your fridge organized with sleek glass containers. They’re a great way to store pantry essentials or meal prep. From adjustable shelves to egg trays & mats, find organization ideas for your fridge.
10 Sustainable Brands You Should Know About
Introducing a product into the marketplace comes with an inherent carbon footprint, whether it be in the form of wasteful packaging or environmentally harmful production practices. During an age when thousands of new startups surface every year, every business now has a moral responsibility to seek out sustainable ways to offer their products. Thankfully, we have these 10 sustainable brands to lead the way. #ethicalfashion #slowfashion #ecofriendly #zerowaste #zeroplastic #ethicalbrands
Homepage - Going Zero Waste
What if you want to reduce your waste, but you don't have any bulk options in your town? Learn how you can still make a huge impact with out packages options.
Create a Work & Simple Life Balance
Discover the art of living a slow life in the fast lane. It is possible to balance the hustle of full-time work with the serenity of intentional living. Dive into our tips and insights on finding calm amidst the chaos, creating mindful routines, and savoring the moments that matter most.
40 Meditation Quotes To Welcome Peace And Calm
"Meditation practice isn't about trying to throw ourselves away and become something better. It's about befriending who we are." -Pema Chödrön #trvst #quotes #changetheworld #socialchange #meditation
What Is Mindful Eating?
Intuitive eating is a broad approach that includes mindful eating strategies.While the principles of mindful eating can be left open to interpretation, it’s clear they were not meant for dieting purposes. So if you’re wondering how to incorporate mindful eating strategies into your self-care, consider the following. #mindfulness #intuitiveeating #listening #hunger #satiation
Inner Trust | Deepak Chopra The Good Quote #jacquifoxtherapizer #deepakchopra #selfhealingjourney #selftrust #manifesthealth #manifesthealing #manifestabundance | By Jacqui Fox, MMFT | Facebook
Inner Trust | Deepak Chopra The Good Quote #jacquifoxtherapizer #deepakchopra #selfhealingjourney #selftrust #manifesthealth #manifesthealing #manifestabundance | By Jacqui Fox, MMFT | Facebook
Healthy Meal Plan For Weight Loss - Beauty Bites
HEALTHY MEAL PLAN | 7-DAY CHALLENGE #2 Some of the links in this post might be affiliate links. This means that if you click on the link and make a purchase, I’ll receive a small commission – at no extra cost for you, which helps me cover the costs for this blog. Share: PinterestFacebookTwitterYummlyEmailTumblr LAST UPDATED ON JANUARY 19TH, 2020 AT 09:27 PM New month, new challenge! Start fresh and join the 7-day challenge, healthy meal plan for a week and meal ideas included! The challenge t