4You do not meet a man but frowns.
5Our bloods
1.1.3No more obey the heavens
6than our courtiers'
1.1.47Still seem as does the King's.
Still seem as does the King's. But what's the matter?
His daughter, and the heir of's kingdom (whom
1.1.610He purposed to his wife's sole son, a widow
1.1.711That late he married), hath referred herself
1.1.812Unto a poor but worthy gentleman. She's wedded,
1.1.913Her husband banished, she imprisoned: all
1.1.1014Is outward sorrow, though I think the King
Be touched at very heart. None but the King?
He that hath lost her too; so is the Queen,
1.1.1318That most desired the match. But not a courtier,
1.1.1419Although they wear their faces to the bent
1.1.1520Of the King's looks, hath a heart that is not
1.1.1621Glad at the thing they scowl at.
Glad at the thing they scowl at. And why so?
He that hath missed the princess is a thing
1.1.1824Too bad for bad report, and he that hath her --
1.1.1925I mean that married her, alack, good man,
1.1.2026And therefore banished -- is a creature such
1.1.2127As, to seek through the regions of the earth
1.1.2228For one his like, there would be something failing
1.1.2329In him that should compare. I do not think
1.1.2430So fair an outward and such stuff within
Endows a man but he. You speak him far.
I do extend him, sir, within himself;
1.1.2734Crush him together rather than unfold
His measure duly. What's his name and birth?
I cannot delve him to the root. His father
1.1.3038Was called Sicilius, who did join his honor
1.1.3139Against the Romans with Cassibelan;
1.1.3240But had his titles by Tenantius, whom
1.1.3341He served with glory and admired success,
1.1.3442So gained the sur-addition "Leonatus";
1.1.3543And had, besides this gentleman in question,
1.1.3644Two other sons, who in the wars o'th' time
1.1.3745Died with their swords in hand, for which their father,
1.1.3846Then old and fond of issue, took such sorrow
1.1.3947That he quit being; and his gentle lady,
1.1.4048Big of this gentleman, our theme, deceased
1.1.4149As he was born. The King, he takes the babe
1.1.4250To his protection; calls him Posthumus Leonatus;
1.1.4351Breeds him and makes him of his bed-chamber;
1.1.4452Puts to him all the learnings that his time
1.1.4553Could make him the receiver of, which he took
1.1.4654As we do air, fast as 'twas ministered;
1.1.4755And in's spring became a harvest: lived in court
1.1.4856(Which rare it is to do) most praised, most loved;
1.1.4957A sample to the youngest; to th' more mature,
1.1.5058A glass that feated them; and to the graver,
1.1.5159A child that guided dotards. To his mistress,
1.1.5260For whom he now is banished, her own price
1.1.5361Proclaims how she esteemed him; and his virtue
1.1.5462By her election may be truly read
What kind of man he is. I honor him
1.1.56Even out of your report.
64But pray you tell me,
1.1.57Is she sole child to th' King?
Is she sole child to th' King? His only child.
1.1.5866He had two sons (if this be worth your hearing,
1.1.5967Mark it); the eldest of them at three years old,
1.1.6068I'th' swathing clothes the other, from their nursery
1.1.6169Were stolen, and to this hour no guess in knowledge
Which way they went. How long is this ago?
Some twenty years.
That a king's children should be so conveyed,
1.1.6574So slackly guarded, and the search so slow
That could not trace them! Howsoe'er 'tis strange
1.1.6777Or that the negligence may well be laughed at,
Yet is it true, sir. I do well believe you.
We must forbear. Here comes the gentleman,