Key West

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Mr. Howler, you had best not fear or cower. The main antagonist would do well to be broad-minded and imposing. (ハウラーさん、あなたは怯えたり恐がらないでいいですよ。ラスボスは心が大きくって堂々としていて下さい)

Key West (キー・ウエスト, Kī Uesuto) is an antagonist featured in the ninth part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, The JOJOLands.

She is a lawyer affiliated with HOWLER Company who dismisses the company's protesters and works together with Laem Chabang and Ningbo to either find Lulu or the culprits going after HOWLER's assets.


Key West is a tall woman with long, dark hair, thick eyebrows, and an athletic build. She wears a uniform consisting of a long-sleeved shirt and a long skirt. Her shirt has a large sun-shaped patch featuring a "W" logo on her chest and five beads in a V-shaped pattern on her chest pockets. She also has a circular patch on her shoulder with a "W" on it. Key wears a structured cap with the word "Key" prominently displayed on the front in a circle. Her outfit is accentuated by a leather belt with large pouches secured at her waist.


Key West is a calm and assertive lawyer who focuses on protecting her client's interests. When faced with a mob of protesters blaming Acca Howler for their grievances, Key West immediately steps in to shield him. She deflects their accusations and firmly asserts that HOWLER Company is a legitimate water infrastructure company, warning the crowd of the legal consequences of trespassing should they enter Howler's property.[1]

Key West prioritizes projecting strength and authority, as seen when she advises Howler to act like a "main antagonist," encouraging him to remain composed and intimidating in the face of challenges.[1]

She is skeptical and doesn't blindly accept what she is told, such as when she questions whether Yokohama would really have the authority to exchange Dolphin Bank's land to settle Acca's debt. She also seems to be friendly, as she praises Dragona's skin and intelligence. However, her flattery could be a way for her to extract information since she inquires what university Dragona went to and then asks about Professor Herzberg to see if Dragona is familiar.[2]



Key West is implied to be a Stand user, as she mentions that the enemies are Stand users and speaks about Laem Chabang's ability to Acca Howler.[1]



Key West is a lawyer who attended Harvard University.[3] She was hired by Acca Howler to work for HOWLER Company, though Howler doesn't remember her. She was friends with Bobby Jean and investigated his murder at Pearl General Hospital together with Laem Chabang and Ningbo.[1]

The JOJOLands

Resolved to find Lulu or the culprits

Key West stops the protesters from swarming around Acca Howler's car, threatening to get them arrested if they enter past the shrubs in the area, since the land belongs to HOWLER. She introduces herself and her allies to Howler, informing him of the mysterious circumstances behind Bobby's death. They question Howler about what Bobby was investigating, but he refuses to tell them, telling them that their job is only to protect HOWLER's interests. He orders them to track down Lulu since she went missing, so they agree to either look for her or the enemies. Before leaving, Key recalls that they got a record of the search history from Bobby's phone, revealing that he searched the armed forces' military record information for Paco Laburantes.[1]

Later, while Acca rests on his cruiser, Acca and Key West receive the visit of Jodio, Dragona and Charming Man, who are impersonating Yokohama and other Dolphin Bank employees.[4] On the way to the room where Acca wants to take the group, Key West takes an interest in Dragona, praising Dragona's skincare. Believing that Dragona should be smart to be working under "Yokohama", she asks what university Dragona attended. Dragona answers "Harvard", leading to an awkward moment where Key West also reveals she went to Harvard and asks how Professor Herzberg is doing. Dragona hesitates to respond, but their conversation is interrupted when Key West and Dragona then see Acca holding a gun while walking downstairs to the lower decks, so Key West leaves to follow him and the others. During the negotiations, Key West mostly stays put and observes as Acca and "Yokohama" negotiate a transfer of property. She intervenes once to question Yokohama's authority to make the land transfer happen, but Charming Man explains that he's trusted by the bank's upper management. Key West protests the transfer as she argues Acca couldn't possibly accept to give away his ancestors' land, but Charming Man claims that it doesn't matter what they argue because the state government will take his land regardless. Their conversation is interrupted when everyone sees small pieces of rock scattered over the table, and Acca recognizes that it is from the Lava Rock. Suspicious, he orders Dragona at gunpoint to stand up.[2]




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