Mini backpacks were the go-to purse in the 90s. Leading brands like Prada and Adidas pioneered this style early on, and the cool girl in every movie always had one. (Think Clueless, Spice World, Moesha, etc) They're hard to keep in stock at Kokorokoko, but we are always on the hunt! Check out some unique styles we have below- and thanks to our associate Amina for posing outside our shop!
One bag in particular that we currently have in stock has a cool story behind it! Purple Moon was a video game company in the 90s that focused on encouraging girls friendship and decision making. This game came out during a girl games movement when video games were aimed primarily at boys. How cool that this helped pave the way for all genders to enjoy games! In 1999, this company was bought out by Mattel.
Still buggin cuz you don't have one? Go check out our Etsy!