Monday, March 17, 2025

And yet more bananas

On her blog Janice has written about surgical stockings. I commented there that after getting Husband's on him I needed a lie-down. I mean there's tight and there's flipping ridiculous. 

Anyway, I tried to get a spare pair from the chemist and then from the nurse but everyone said you could only get them from the hospital. He doesn't need to wear them now anyway so that was okay, but what happens next? 

I get adverts on Facebook for surgical/compression socks! 

Janice also said that they're not very glamorous. But what about these?!

You can buy them on the internet in loads of fancy designs! So you know where to go if you need to.

Two tiny bananas

Me: "I dreamed that I'd written a play and we were having a party and everyone had a role to play and had to learn their parts. But I couldn't remember mine; I couldn't even remember the plot"
Husband: "I dreamed I was leading a drama class because the teacher had gone away to write a play."
Me: "He probably came into my dream to help me."
Husband: "But then I looked down and a bubble had appeared out of my chest scar, and inside were two tiny bananas."
Me: "You win!"

* * * * *

We've just been for a little walk in Mumbles. We had to go to the building society so combined that with a short stroll. It would have been along the sea front but there was a very cold wind coming at us whichever direction we walked.

And I'm very proud of myself as I got a beef and beer stew going in the slow cooker before we went. I'm not usually organised enough for that.

* * * * *

Only one piece missing this time.

However they did include a spare piece, which was kind - if pointless - of them.

Sunday, March 16, 2025

The Old Enemy

Even my Welsh lady socks and rugby jumper were no competition for the England rugby team yesterday. It wasn't as if Wales made any huge mistakes; they just weren't good enough. A record loss against the 'old enemy'. 

A few years ago this advert was banned!

Ah, well, there's always next year. Or maybe the year after. Currently the team is without a head coach and nobody's putting themselves forward. Oh, maybe I should! Do you think I'd be good at telling those men what to do?

* * * * *

At the end of church this morning I commented to my neighbour that the speaker seemed to have talked for a long time. "I didn't notice," she said. "I was too engrossed."
"Oh um yes, me too."

This afternoon I finished cutting the grass and did some pruning. Well, I did the pruning I could reach. I need a little sturdy step-stool. I also moved my ducks. 

This is a much better and more logical place for them but it does leave me again with the question: what to put in the dark corner?

Husband came out to check on what I was doing and, after watering the greenhouse, he sat and enjoyed a bit of the afternoon sunshine.

He's improving every day. In fact yesterday at about 11.30 he came into the room where I was doing my jigsaw. He said, "When are you going to Mumbles?"
I shrugged. "In a bit I expect."
"Only I want soup for lunch and beer for the rugby."
"Okay! I'll go now!"

He must be getting better if he's getting demanding.

Friday, March 14, 2025

You know what's coming now, don't you?

I was three-quarters of the way through my first bit of front lawn when it struck me the mower was blowing out a lot of grass.

"Perhaps the box is full," thinks I. I open the lid and am surprised to find it empty. And I can see the blade. "That's not usual," thinks I again. 

Yes, I'd forgotten to replace the box so had been blowing cut grass all over the place.

This is what happens when I boast.

At least I should sleep well tonight.

Boast of the Day

I mowed the lawn!

This is more significant than it sounds as lawn mowing is Husband's domain. True, he had to show me how to plug it in but it was a weird one.

Two things have come from this. Firstly I would never attain bowling green mower standard. Husband said, "Go back and forth in straight lines." Didn't take me long to get bored - I have a very low boredom threshold - and go this way and that instead.

Husband also said, "The trampoline is heavy. If you can't move it we'll ask one of the boys to come and do it at the weekend." Pah! Easy peasy! They don't call me Granny Strong for nothing. Actually nobody calls me Granny Strong but maybe they should.

That's our biggest bit of lawn. We have seven other little bits. Some may get forgotten for now, but having practised on the back I'm ready to move to the front!

* * * * *
Husband had his stitches out yesterday. There were only two. The big cuts must have been magicked together. The nurse said his wounds were healing beautifully. So all good.

My young 'grandson' loved his cake but tells me he's changed his mind. Now he wants a Porsche Boxster from between 2008 and 2013. And when he's a rich and successful lawyer he will have a Mercedes S class as his family car. Or was it C class? One of them anyway.

I also popped into Zac's for an hour to wash dishes as they were desperate. Big changes coming soon, including building work and how we operate, so it's going to be an exciting time.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Get a grip

Tomorrow is the birthday of the young boy in whose welfare I am invested so I've made him a cake. He said he wants a Porsche 911 when he's old enough. I fear this is the closest he's going to get!

He was very specific. He wanted a silver 2006 Porsche 911.

* * * * *

Really must get a grip tomorrow. Sitting around doing very little isn't good for me. If the weather is nice again I'll try and do some gardening soon.

Oh, yes, I finally got the letter from the doctor to send to the insurance company to try and get a refund for my theatre tickets. We'll see where that gets us.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Word of the day

 Something on Janie's blog reminded me about this rather wonderful Word of the Day.

Just tamping

These are the pieces I have left.

And this is the jigsaw.

You get my point?

I know that buying jigsaws from a charity shop is a risk; several times I've found I'm missing the odd piece. But this is ridiculous! What happened to the jigsaw that it ended up missing so many pieces and, more importantly, why did anyone think it would be a good idea to donate it to a charity shop?

I don't think I can even be bothered to try and fit the pieces that are left. Mutter, mutter. 

* * * * *

Okay, obviously I couldn't give up on it. I've fitted in all the remaining pieces except one, which doesn't go anyway. That suggests I have another piece in the wrong place . . . but I don't care!

I'm not sure if 'tamping' meaning very cross is a particularly Welsh phrase. Do you know it?

* * * * *

Husband gets tired early and goes to sleep quickly. I read until late and as a result I'm sleepy in the mornings Husband wakes up at a time I consider early (about 7.00 am). He nudges me. "A cup of tea would be nice."

Now he has brought me tea in bed almost every day of our married life. I owe him this reciprocation. I wonder how long I can hold back my retort.

* * * * *

Now, all those things that need to go on the Sainsburys order that I didn't need to write down because I'd remember them . . .

Sunday, March 09, 2025

It's the hope that does it

My lucky dragon socks didn't work. 

Last time we expected to be thrashed by Ireland but the Welsh boys did us proud. Trouble is that nearly-but-not-quite-good-enough performance fans the flame of hope. "We might beat Scotland." Hey ho. 

Actually regardless of whether we're top of the table or bottom Welsh fans go into every game with just that little tiny flicker, maybe, we might do it. Irrespective of the odds we still hope for miracles. 

Anyway England won today so that makes Husband happy. I'm less so because they played some good rugby and next week we welcome to Cardiff. 

Enough rugby talk. No, wait, one last thing. In the car today I noticed a number plate RU04GBY. Ooh, thinks I, I wonder if it's a rugby player who played at number four, maybe Alun Wyn Jones. I never found out as he was ahead of me and we went in different directions. 

I was going to Next to collect a skirt I'd ordered online. I wanted to try it on before taking it home so thought I'd try on some other clothes as well. I can never usually be bothered to try clothes on so as I was making the effort I took, I think, seven items in with me. I thought I'd try some things that were a bit different. I didn't like any of them. 

It might have been because I was feeling fat, grey, and old - never a good time to try on clothes - or they might have not been clothes that suited me. I didn't keep any on long enough to really consider. It was, pull it over my head, say yuck, take it off again. The problem is I haven't settled on a style yet. You'd think at my age I would have done. As I've said before, I'm definitely more of a Frankie than Grace but ethnic layers don't work on me either.

* * * * *

My children have been keeping me/us well fed. Last night, for instance, Elder Son made Butternut Wellington with a sweet pepper sauce.

It was yummy as all the food has been. 

Saturday, March 08, 2025

Is it a man thing?

When Husband is unwell he speaks very quietly in an "I'm too ill to raise my voice," sort of way. Is it a human thing, a man thing, or a Husband thing?

I had to point out that although he's had his heart repaired I haven't had my ears repaired and he needs to speak UP if he wants me to hear. Especially as he has a habit of muttering to himself and I don't know whether I need to listen or not.

That said, I am the last person you want to nurse you. I helped change his dressings today. I had to lie down twice. And they're very neat wounds, only a little bloody-looking and bruised.

* * * * *

Wales against Scotland today in the rugby. I am wearing my lucky Welsh dragon socks. Last time I wore them Wales played well. They didn't win but they almost could have done. I did wonder if I should wear my Welsh lady socks instead but the risk is too great.

I must show you GrandDaugher2's (age 9) entry for a school art competition.

Can you believe she didn't win? Didn't even place?