Robert Poyser
Robert Poyser's performance at today's Cathedral concert was excellent. He started with a vigorous rendition of 'Strauss: Also Sprach Zarathustra', better know as the opening music to 2001: A Space Odyssey, which was swiftly followed by something completely different, 'Blaze Away by Abe Holzmann', a rousing march probably better known as a popular choice for seaside bandstands all around the UK many years ago.
In their heyday there were over 1,500 bandstands in Britain. Situated in public parks, on piers and seaside promenades they attracted crowds of hundreds and even thousands. I don't know how many are still in use today.
The concert continued with pieces ranging from rousing to gentle and tinkly, yes organ music can be tinkly!
My friend M doesn't usually like organ music but she enjoyed this performance.
∼ Be safe and well∼
Polly x