Miro for Nonprofit Organizations

The online collaborative whiteboard platform for nonprofit organizations (NPOs) to get work done remotely.

Benefits & Features

With Miro for NPOs, you can invite colleagues to collaborate on an infinite canvas in real-time.
A plan that fits your budget
We’ve got you covered, with a discount on any paid plan that meets your team’s needs.
Unlimited number of boards
Create as many boards as you need to – the possibilities are endless!
One tool on any device
Conveniently collaborate across mobile, desktop, and more.
Integrate with Google Drive
Import documents directly to your boards from your Google Drive account.
Flexible and intuitive platform
Engage your team in Miro to seamlessly take in-person work online.
Whiteboard essentials online
Draw free-hand, capture ideas on sticky notes, create diagrams, and more.

Get a 30% discount on paid Miro

Nonprofit organizations get a 30% discount on paid Miro plans to support the important work they're doing.
Complete the form

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Applications will be approved within 10 days. We’ll send you a confirmation email when your account is activated.

  • Just send us a message with the documentation proving your eligibility, and we will provide you with the promo code for the NPO discount.

  • People you invite may view and comment on boards without signing up. In order to edit and contribute to the boards, they’ll need to sign up for Miro with an email address.

  • Miro provides a discounted account to nonprofit organizations. Check if you’re eligible.

  • Eligible NPOs will receive a 30% discount on any Miro plan. It may be combined with our standard annual discount (20%) on Team and Consultant Plans, which gives about 50% off the purchase.

  • Eligible NPOs may receive the discount indefinitely, for the duration of the active account. We may ask to verify your NPO credentials at any time.

Not every organization is eligible to receive access to the NPO discount. Please note that we reserve the right to grant or deny access to this offer for any reason and to supplement or amend the eligibility guidelines at any time.