Friday Speak Out!: Write With Your Heart; The Best Writing Advice I Received From My Father

Friday, March 28, 2025

By Jeanine DeHoney

I proclaimed I wanted to be a writer at a very young age. As I sat on the sofa in my family’s Livingroom, my imagination had free reign as I wrote stories about cute little kittens and fairies with the exception of Fridays and Saturdays.

Then, as the weekend loomed in front of me, my father who was a saxophone player and jazz aficionado, who loved listening to music teeming at the seams with the barebones of improvisation, syncopation, and a melodious rhythm, would take a  jazz album from his collection out of its sleeve and play it on our stereo console.  

I would drop everything to sit beside him, and then mirror how he attended to this music; the bobbing of his head, tapping of his feet, taking mental notes of any listening instructions he gave me. 

The main one he imparted to me was, “Always listen with your heart and not just your ears.”

So, I would, and the music I thought sounded strange as a child soon sounded inviting and soothing.


When I became an adult, and began my journey as a freelance writer, I realized my father’s words held significance, not just for music but for writing. I paraphrased his words some to encompass that I also needed to, “Always write with or from my heart.”

For when I did, I didn’t write to anyone else’s drumbeat. I didn’t hold back from writing what others thought should be “shrouded” or “kept hidden in the closet” particularly if it concerned a sensitive or cultural issue. I opened my heart and gave myself permission to empty my emotions on paper and let readers see the authenticity and vulnerability of who I was or who I was writing about. I stopped worrying about being judged. 

Writing with my heart allowed me to unfetter my core on the page and forge a relationship with readers who might be walking a mile in my emotive shoes.

My words; the fiction stories, the creative nonfiction essays. even my first children’s picture book, are all heart stories. They are not just slivers but full-on narratives about the complexities of love, life, family, culture, the bad entwined with the good, sadness entwined with joy, etc., just like the music I learned to appreciate as I listened with my father.  

Although I never got the chance to tell my father his advice on listening to jazz would be some of the best and most inspiring advice I got about writing, I hope he knew somehow. I hope he knew when he thumbed through my first published magazine story in my early twenties, that I followed his instructions about the heart. That I listened for the heartbeat of my stories when they hovered overhead, until they defied gravity and landed on the page. 

And from one writer to another, I pass that same advice on to you, write with or from your heart, because you are a unique wordsmith and your/our stories are oh so needed in the world we live in today.

 * * * 

As a freelance writer my writing has been published in Wow: Women on Writing, Mutha Magazine, Literary Mama, Scary Mommy, Brain Child Magazine, Please See Me Literary Magazine, The Light, Jerry Jazz Magazine, Rigorous Magazine, Soul In Space, The Write Place At The Write Time, Gemini Literary Magazine, The Dirty Spoon Radio Hour and Journal, Sisters AARP,  Mahogany Blog, Carefree, Kiza Blacklit, and a fiction story in an upcoming anthology curated to spread awareness about domestic violence, “Why I Stayed," and MER literary magazine, among others. I am an essayist in anthologies by Chicken Soup For The Soul, Black Lawrence Press-"Mamas, Martyrs, and Jezebels," Black Freighter Press's- "Waiting To Exhale" and BLF Press- "Black Joy Unbound,” and in Zora’s Den anthology. I won first prize for prose for the table/feast Literary Magazine The Blossom Contest, and The Colorism Healing Contest and second place for my essay for the Light-Leaders Igniting Generational Healing and Transformation Literary Journal, and was shortlisted for a fiction story for the Embellishment Contest for Australia's Voices of Women which was performed in Australia as a monologue. I was an Honor Award winner for Sleeping Bear Press Own Voices Own Stories 2022 award season for a children's picture book, "This Sunday My Daddy Came To Church," and it was acquired for publication by Sleeping Bear Press and will be available  in August 2025. 

Would you like to participate in Friday "Speak Out!"? Email your short posts (under 500 words) about women and writing to: marcia[at]wow-womenonwriting[dot]com for consideration. We look forward to hearing from you!

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What Is the Heart?

Thursday, March 27, 2025

Recently I’ve been watching sessions from the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators Online Conference. My favorite sessions always involve a how-to element. One session was on finding your writer’s voice. Another was on taking something from idea to full picture book. 

Yet my favorite session was on making your work stand out. The same thing kept coming up. Know what is at the heart of your project. 

It was interesting to hear agents and editors alike explain how vital it is to know what is at the heart of your project. When you are drafting a project, it helps keep you focused. Whether you are outlining or working on your draft, when you feel stuck, consider the heart. Why am I writing this? What inspired it? What do I want this piece to do for my readers? Often these questions can help get you moving again. 

Questions like these are just as critical when you are revising. This is especially true if you are revising based on an agent’s or editor’s comments. 

Think about it. The agent tells you that editors are seeing too many manuscripts set in New York. You groan. You did so much research to figure out what your characters would see as they moved through the city. Should you try revising and setting your story somewhere else? It depends. Why are you writing this piece? Let’s say that you wanted to create a fast-paced piece of fiction with two sisters as the main characters. Hmm. New York didn’t even come into play. What did you want this piece to do for your readers? You wanted them to experience a story with two smart, sassy women who have each other’s backs, come-what-may. Maybe you could try a new setting. 

But if the agent tells you that one of these two characters needs to go, no one wants a sisters-as-buddies story? That’s another situation altogether. The pair of sisters who are also buddies is at the heart of your story. Getting rid of one of them would be self-defeating. 

The agent concedes that you can keep both of your characters. But one of the sisters should betray the other. That would increase the tension and be quite the plot twist! It would. But it too would go against the heart of your story. If you want to give the agent's suggestion a try, you might try to write the big reveal and see if it feels genuine. 

Or you could employ one of my favorite tricks. The story needs more tension. Check. But who else could be the secret villain? Who else could it be that would be just as shocking? That would create just as much tension? I always try to see what is behind the request for a change. But I also try to keep the heart of my story in sight. 

I am much better at doing that when I write nonfiction. I am hoping that using this idea in my fiction will help me wend my way through that revision. 


  • Click here to find her newsletter.
Sue Bradford Edwards' is the author of over 60 books for young readers.  

She is also the instructor for 3 WOW classes which begin on the first Monday of every month. She teaches:
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Interview with Zarah Elouis-Ro, 2nd Place Winner in the Fall 2024 Flash Fiction Contest

Monday, March 24, 2025


Zarah is a single parent living in Liverpool, United Kingdom, with her son, Kellen. Zarah holds a marketing degree from the University of Liverpool and previously worked as a paralegal in contract law. Zarah is independently learning creative writing and in 2021, Zarah was shortlisted in the Penguin Michael Joseph Christmas Romance competition, following which she organised with other shortlistees to write and publish two Christmas Romance anthologies, with a third planned for 2025. Zarah writes broadly across the Fiction genre with a preference for sci-fi, fantasy, dystopian and speculative fiction. In 2024, Zarah was a candidate awarded the Writers on the Rise program with the Black British Book Festival and Pan Macmillan, and was shortlisted in the Jericho Writers Self-Edit Your Novel course, as well as being named a Top 10 Finalist in the WOW Summer 2024 Flash Fiction contest and being shortlisted for the Tadpole Press December micro contest and the Globe Soup December micro contest. Zarah hosts a weekly online writing group for underrepresented writers, and is currently focusing on two novels for submission in Summer 2025. In her spare time, Zarah crochets, bakes, and does DIY (badly).

 ----------Interview by Renee Roberson 

 WOW: Hello again, Zarah, and welcome! “The Salt Line” is the sort of story one wants to read more than once, so they can fully take in all the metaphors and hidden meanings tucked away in the paragraphs. How did you get the idea for this story? 

 Zarah: I find inspiration in the most unlikely places. This time it came from a spam email from Quora. The subject line read something like “I heard my mother asking the neighbour for salt” and the post was a short parable about asking your neighbours for something small so they feel like they can ask you for something when they need it. I thought that was beautiful, and my mind immediately conjured “The Salt Line” in response. I was fascinated about the concept of asking your neighbour for something but needing something completely different. So much of how we communicate is actually about what is left unsaid, what lingers, or the difference between what people hope they are conveying and how it actually comes across. This was one of the fastest shorts I have ever written because the idea was so clear and it was so fun to write. 

WOW: Inspiration really does exist all around us! Let's talk about perspective—reading the story from the daughter’s point of view—is one of the most powerful aspects of “The Salt Line.” How do you feel it would have changed had it been written from the mother’s perspective? 

Zarah: Writing from the perspective of the daughter really allowed me to play with the presentation, severity, and impact of the mother’s mental health issues in a way that I am not sure I would have been able convey had I written the story from her perspective. Through the eyes of children we often see how all they want is a parent to love them and feel happy, regardless of how bad their home life might actually be. 

From the adult perspective, all you have is the anxiety and the judgment consuming your brain and nervous system. There is no empathy for the self or compassion. The mother is aware that she needs help and things need to change, but in her consumption, she leaves her daughter alone (albeit only to go next door) when everything finally gets too much for her to bear. That is a challenging aspect to write about when it comes to mental health, but through the lens of a child, we see the compassion and empathy she is unwilling to give herself. Her daughter generously accommodates her mother’s illness despite the isolation of their life. Then we see the immediate positive of her mother taking action to regain her life: even though the daughter doesn’t understand her mother’s request for salt, she intuits that something has shifted and it is now safe for her to return to the role of child and go and play. 

If we flip that, and have the mother aware that she is a burden to her child, we lose the complex nature of carer dynamics. Many children care for their parents as a necessity. It is unfair and heartbreaking, but these children love their parents and want what is best for them. I think it is tragically beautiful. As a parent/carer, I am a little obsessed with writing about the importance of community. 

I think one perspective I could have conveyed from the mother is how self-awareness, self-love, wanting to change etc, is no replacement for community. Humans are social creatures and we cannot heal alone. But the mere thought of being vulnerable can be vomit-inducing! Fearing rejection means people often overlook the immediate channels that can help their situation feel less apocalyptic. Having the courage to take that step and say “I need help” is a wonderful thing, and I like to believe I could have done justice to the relief she would have felt after receiving her neighbour’s acceptance. 

WOW: Having experienced success in a variety of writing competitions, but particularly WOW’s, which limits the word count to 750, what advice would you give writers trying to tell a complete story in such a short amount of time? 

 Zarah: We all know the advice to “kill your darlings”, right? Every sentence you write is a darling you can kill. It is excruciating hacking away at your story to get it to fit a restricted word count but practice makes perfect. Can you say it in less words and retain the impact? Regardless of how it makes you feel (dagger to the heart!), if the answer is yes, then you must do it. I start off with a master document of free form writing, then copy and paste into a new document and whittle it down. That way I can compare the two, and if there is a competition with a higher word count I want to enter, I then have room to expand. I usually end up with about 3 versions of one story! Oddly though, “The Salt Line” was pretty close to the word count when I had finished splurging, so it was more about refining the quality than cutting it down. 

WOW: Are there any writers who have inspired your own work? 

Zarah: When I was a child I used to read Jodi Picoult books that I pilfered from home. Same with Marian Keyes. I loved how Jodi creates such complex characters and ethical quandaries, and Marian is just amazing at writing relatable, funny and complex characters in more every day scenarios. My favourite adult book is by Kate Morton “The Forgotten Garden”. It has everything I love — drama, tragedy, secretive characters, mystery, and a hint of the magical. My favourite children’s books are the “His Dark Materials” trilogy by Phillip Pullman and “The Narnia Chronicles” by C.S. Lewis. I love the existential themes wrapped up in fantasy and adventure. Whenever I read any of these authors they inspire me to write as I am reading them, which means I often have to pause my reading to write. 

WOW: Those are some great authors to recommend. Many writers have a love/hate relationship with the revision process. I know I do! How do you tackle it in your own work? Do you have any tips you could share with us? 

Zarah: I am an odd one out here as I typically loathe the first draft process but I adore editing. My top tip for editing down a piece to fit a specific word count is divide your cull by page. For example, if you have a 700 word limit, but you have a story that’s 1000 words and 3 pages long, set yourself the target of cutting 100 words from each page. I repeat this process until I get down to the word count. It takes the pressure off because on some pages you’ll naturally cull more which will help you save in the areas you really can’t cut. You’ll know those areas because the story either won’t make sense without them, or you’ll feel like the sparkle has been lost. Also remember that when editing, every writing rule can be broken if you commit the sin well enough! The only other advice I have is to leave time between edits and don’t fall into the trap of eternal editing. As writers, we are (or should be!) always learning new techniques to make us better, but the catch is that your previous works will never keep pace with that. And that’s okay! You need to know when to stop editing and send it on to the next stage, otherwise nobody will ever see your work.

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Trespassers and Other Stories by Áine Greaney: Blog Tour & Giveaway

Trespassers and Other Stories by Aine Greaney

I'm excited to announce the blog tour for Trespassers and Other Stories by Áine Greaney. This book is perfect for readers who like contemporary fiction that spans cultures (Ireland and America) and character age groups (characters ages 16 – 76). You'll especially enjoy it if you love reading women characters facing issues of identity, family disruption, and displacement. 

Today, we're sharing an interview with author and giving you a chance to win a copy of the novel!

Before we interview the author, here's a bit more about the book:

From coastal Massachusetts to rural Ireland, the characters in Trespassers struggle to reconcile past and present, place and displacement, loss and hope.

A woman travels from her Massachusetts home to her native Irish village to care for her estranged and sick father. Back in her childhood home, she comes face-to-face with previously unspoken losses.

A wealthy couple travels to Cape Cod to spend their 52nd summer on the wife's ancestral estate. On their private beach above Nantucket Sound, the husband must confront the realities of their long marriage and its social-class tensions.

An Irish immigrant takes her American-born teen to a raucous Boston house party. At that party, the teenager discovers that her mother had lied about her child's birth father—a lie that will permanently divide the mother and daughter.

PUBLISHER: Sea Crow Press
ISBN-10: 1961864207
ISBN-13  978-1961864207
Print Length: 130 pages

You can purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or You can also add it to your GoodReads reading list.

About the Author, Áine Greaney

An Irish native, Áine Greaney now lives and writes in the Boston area. In addition to her five published books, her short works have appeared in Creative Nonfiction, Salon, Another Chicago Magazine, The Boston Globe Magazine, The New York Times, Books Ireland, NPR/WBUR and other publications.  

As well as being an author, Greaney is a trained teacher who has designed and led fiction and non-fiction workshops, presentations and keynotes for regional, national and international organizations. 

Her work has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, cited in Best American Essays and named a ‘Great Group Read’ by the Women’s National Book Association. 

You can find her online at:

Instagram: ainegreaney
Threads: ainegreaney

- Interview by Nicole Pyles

WOW: First of all, congrats on your short story collection. What inspired you to put this collection together?

Áine: Thank you. I got the idea for this collection when, during a rare bout of house cleaning, I came across some of my old short stories in print literary magazines. As I stood next to my bookshelves, it felt like I was reading a stranger’s work. Also, I noticed a recurring pattern: Across these stories, the main characters (mostly women and ranging in age from 17 to 77) all found themselves in uncomfortable or misfit places.

When I switched on my laptop to read through some stories in progress, here was that same theme of displacement. So I knew that I had to roll up my sleeves to edit and finish the stories and that this collection would be about places (Ireland and Massachusetts).

WOW: I love finding an ongoing theme in my work. It tells me so much about my writing. You have some incredible successes under your belt. What have you learned that you can share with us about how to make a short story capture a reader?

Áine: I learned the opening scenes or pages have to draw the reader in, while also subtly orienting the reader to the story’s place, era and characters.  Also, the opening scenes must present or hint at the story’s central conflict.  Through vivid language and precise word choices, we are inviting the reader to come on board and join us for this virtual and immersive reality tour through our fictional world.

Recently, I read that this is about more than a literary journey or entertainment. Neuroscience says that, as a scene unfolds on the page or screen, our brains and nervous systems can react accordingly. But these neuro-responses won’t happen unless our opening scenes are meticulously crafted—which means some wild writing but careful editing.

WOW: How interesting! I never knew that. Did you have to go back and do any extensive revisions to your stories?

Áine: Oh, gosh, yes! On that house-cleaning day, when I read those old stories, I realized just how much we change as readers and as writers. In some cases, I saw how overwritten the stories were.

Meanwhile, those unfinished stories in my laptop needed what I call “macro editing.” In one story, the opening scene became the closing scene. Another opening scene got moved to half way into the story. Once I had made these architectural changes, I reached for my red pen to do multiple rounds of micro-editing. And I mean, “multiple rounds!”

WOW: That must have been such a rewarding process. I loved reading more about you in your author Q&A on your website. How did moving to America change your writing career and direction?

Áine: I’m an almost lifelong reader, so once I settled into my first landing place in upstate New York, I scouted out the town’s local library and independent book shop. In that main street shop, I found “The Middleman and Other Stories,” a fiction collection by the late and wonderful author Bharati Mukherjee. As well as her writing style, Mukherjee’s stories about immigrants in America really, really spoke to me.

 A few years later, mostly on a lark, I decided to apply for a fiction-intensive fellowship at the local state university.  As part of the application, I had to write, finish and submit a short story. I got accepted, and, on the first night there, the teacher-author said that he’d assumed from my submitted story that I was (a) male and (b) British and (c) at least 75 years old.  

This was over three decades ago now, but looking back, I think that Mukherjee’s stories about the experience of straddling countries and cultures—coupled with being in a community of fiction writers in that class—gave me the courage to get and keep writing.

WOW: Ha, I can't help but laugh about what your teacher said at the time. I'm so glad you kept going with your writing. You describe yourself as being an immigrant author. How does that guide the stories you write and the readers you interact with?

Áine: Especially in the early years or decade here in America, I lived my life in a kind of liminal space between my new and native countries and cultures. Now, there are days when I see or hear nothing to remind me of my past life in Ireland. Other days, a sight or sound or an extra vivid night dream will instantly transport me back to childhood. This juxtaposition between past and present and between native and adopted countries keeps me writing.

When I read other immigrant writers, the authors’ words and stories often mirror my own dual-realities. The literature of displacement makes me feel less displaced.

 It's like you found your literary community! Drifting away from your short story collection a bit, your book Writer With a Day Job spoke to me. How do you balance your day job with writing?   

Áine: I’ve written all of my books, stories and essays while working a day job—which is what inspired me to write my instructional book!  I’m a morning writer, so I get up an hour or more before I have to get ready for work. I also keep my day job and my creative work very separate—both in my mind and in daily life. Since our pandemic, I’ve been working two part-time jobs—as a communications specialist for a non-profit health organization and as a writing-workshop instructor. Both are (mostly) work from home roles, which is wonderful.  Deleting the commute time gives us back a big slice of creative time. Finally, it helps to keep what I call “a writers mission,” and to keep reminding ourselves that writing is who we are.

WOW: As someone who used to have an hour commute to and from work, and now works from home, gaining those two hours back is a life changer. That brings me to one of my favorite questions to ask writers: what does your writing space like?

Áine: For the generative work such as journaling, first drafts, or general scribbling, I use an attic room in my house where I’ve placed a small writing table. An American friend told me it’s an old vanity table, but trust me, early in the morning before work, there’s nothing beautiful or vain about what gets written there!  For my second drafts and those macro and micro edits, I print up the manuscript and walk to a local café or our local public library. Getting out of the house helps with the switcheroo from day-job to writer. It also helps me to switch from writer mode into critical reader mode.  

WOW: I think that's a wonderful balance for your writing routines. Thank you so much Áine for taking the time to talk with us today. Best of luck on your tour!

Trespassers and Other Stories by Aine Greaney Blog Tour and Book Giveaway

-- Blog Tour Calendar

March 24 @ The Muffin
Join us at The Muffin as we celebrate the launch of Áine Greaney's blog tour for her short story collection, Trespassers and Other Stories. Read an interview with the author and enter a giveaway for the book.

March 27 @ Bookroom Reviews
Visit Dick's blog for a guest post by about the origins of stories: where fictional ideas and inspirations come from.

April 1 @ Just Katherine
Visit Katherine's blog again for her review of Áine Greaney's short story collection, Trespassers and Other Stories.

April 2 @ Create Write Now
Join Mari for a blog post by Áine Greaney about how to set up and stick to a writing schedule.

April 2 @ The Mommies Reviews
Join Glenda for a guest post by Áine Greaney about Willie Nelson's three rules and how they apply to writing.

April 5 @ Renee Roberson's blog
Visit Renee's blog for her response to the author's prompt about when she was in an uncomfortable, misfit place or setting or a place or setting where she could never be her true self.

April 8 @ Words by Webb
Visit Jodi's blog for a guest post by Áine Greaney about how she got started as a writer. 

April 9 @ Beverley A. Baird's blog
Stop by Beverley's blog for a guest post by Áine Greaney about being a dual-genre writer.

April 10 @ Frugal Freelancer
Visit Sara's blog for her interview with author, Áine Greaney.

April 11 @ Renee Roberson's blog
Join Renee for her review of Áine Greaney's short story collection, Trespassers and Other Stories.

April 12 @ Boys' Moms Reads!
Visit Karen's blog today for her review of Áine Greaney's short story collection, Trespassers and Other Stories.

April 13 @ Book Reviews From an Avid Reader
Visit Joan's blog for her review of Áine Greaney's short story collection, Trespassers and Other Stories.

April 14 @ A Wonderful World of Books
Visit Joy's blog for an excerpt from Áine Greaney's short story collection, Trespassers and Other Stories.

April 16 @ Beverley A. Baird's blog
Visit Beverley for her review of Áine Greaney's short story collection, Trespassers and Other Stories.

April 16 @ The Mommies Reviews
Visit Glenda's blog again for her review of Áine Greaney's short story collection, Trespassers and Other Stories.

April 17 @ A Storybook World
Visit Deirdra's blog for a spotlight of Áine Greaney's short story collection, Trespassers and Other Stories.

April 19 @ Boots, Shoes and Fashion
Join Linda's blog for an in-depth interview with Áine Greaney about her short story collection, Trespassers and Other Stories.

April 20 @ Chapter Break
Visit Julie's blog for a guest post by Áine Greaney about being a writer with a day job.

April 21 @ StoreyBook Reviews
Visit Leslie's blog for an excerpt from Áine Greaney's short story collection, Trespassers and Other Stories.

April 22 @ Frugal Freelancer
Sara joins in the tour by responding to our tour-themed prompt of a time when she was in an uncomfortable, misfit place or setting or a place or setting where she could never be her true self.

April 23 @ World of My Imagination
Join Nicole when she shares her response to a tour-themed prompt of a time when she was a misfit. Plus, she shares her thoughts of Áine Greaney's short story collection, Trespassers and Other Stories.

April 25 @ Choices
Visit Madeline's blog for a guest post from Áine Greaney on finding and keeping the joy in writing.

***** BOOK GIVEAWAY *****

Enter to win a print copy of Trespassers and Other Stories by Áine Greaney! Fill out the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win. The giveaway ends April 6th at 11:59 pm CT. We will choose a winner the next day and announce in the widget as well as follow up via email. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Interview with Hana S. Elysia, Runner Up in the WOW! Q1 2024 Creative Nonfiction Contest

Sunday, March 23, 2025


Hana S. Elysia is a professional dancer turned writer with a keen interest in the dark and whimsical. Her writing has appeared in Cleaver Magazine, Confluence, Trembling with Fear, and elsewhere. She was named the winner of the Duality Creative Nonfiction contest in Cleaver Magazine, the 2024 Story Slam at the AGLSP annual conference, and the 2023 Creative Writing Award in Confluence. Her short nonfiction piece “What They Call Me” is directly based on her mother’s life after coming to the United States from Miyazaki, Japan. More of her writing can be found at, as well as on Instagram @hana.s.elysia. 

----------Interview by Renee Roberson 

WOW: Hana, congratulations again and thank you for being here today! "What They Call Me" features a series of vignettes involving your mother's experience after moving to the United States from Japan. How did you decide which scenes to include in this essay? Were there any in the first draft that you decided to edit out? 

Hana: I interviewed my mother to decide which scenes to include. When the opportunity to write about her life presented itself, I went to her with an open mind and no parameters, then took extensive notes on everything she described. I remember one specific question I asked: what feeling do you want readers to be left with at the end of this piece? Initially I thought she’d say something like, “An inkling of hope for a better future,” but it was the opposite. She wanted to convey the bitter hopelessness in realizing that she couldn’t return home. That she’d been torn from her family and trapped in 1960s Kansas City, surrounded by hostile strangers, including her own mother. She rarely talked about her past while I was growing up, and after I became an adult, I finally understood it was because of the pain she carried. I didn’t edit out any scenes. They all came together naturally, I had no idea what they’d become. I only knew that portraying the emotional nuances would be the most important aspect. I’m grateful to Cleaver Magazine for giving me the chance to tell my mother’s story, and now to WOW! Women on Writing for spreading it farther. 

WOW: What do you think makes a compelling piece of creative nonfiction? 

Hana: I hesitate to tell a reader—and especially a writer—what I think compelling creative nonfiction is. There are so many experiences that can be portrayed in so many different ways, along with narrative techniques that are easy to get tangled up in. I suppose my answer is this: truth in the story, and trust in the voice. Even the most mundane topics become fascinating when the author isn't afraid to be mundane. 

WOW: What is your process like for finding markets for your writing? 

Hana: Because I’m a writer who does a little bit of everything, I tend not to fit into one market or another. Sometimes I lean toward literary fiction, sometimes toward speculative—it depends on my mood! Readers who prefer cross-genre work may enjoy this multifaceted niche I call home. I love connecting with them and trust that they’ll find me of their own volition. 

WOW: It can be difficult writing a piece on such a personal topic such as family history and trauma. Do you have any tips on how to best get started? 

Hana: I’d say to set aside rules, techniques, and thoughts about craft during the first drafting process. Editing and refinement can come later, follow your spiritual pull. Some writers may want to approach their stories from a more emotional perspective while others remain at a distance. Allowing yourself to tell it in whatever way feels right, is right. In my case, the first step was to just sit down and listen. 

WOW: Are you working on anything new? We'd love to hear about it! 

Hana: I’d love to write a prequel to “What They Call Me” that takes place back in Japan and features a strange event my mother went through. But the latest short story I just finished writing is reminiscent of Mrs. Caliban, a novel about a neglected housewife who has an affair with an amphibious humanoid man. I also finished a flash fiction piece that’s based on a memory of mine as a dancer, where I was gifted something I haven’t forgotten to this day. And whichever route I choose to go for a debut novel, I’ll likely put my heritage on full display. I have a particular interest in Japanese mythology, so we’ll see where that ends up taking me in the future.
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Libraries are Community

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

I can't stop thinking about my monthly library board meeting. Despite the controversial things happening in our nation's libraries concerning choices of books and events in recent years, my local library seems relatively untouched. Our board mostly discusses upcoming events for patrons, switching over to LED lights, the ongoing search for personnel (anyone know a reliable part-time custodian?). Our meetings are mostly about the nuts and bolts of creating the best possible library for the community.

But on Monday night, in addition to our usual stack of papers of the librarian's report, bills for approval and other details there was something extra. A Show Up for Our Libraries handout was a statement from the American Library Association about an executive order issued on March 14 calling for the elimination of the Institute of Museum and Library Services "to the maximum extent consistent with applicable law." Hmmm.

I did some research and it seems there are some things that "shall" be maintained according to law while others "may" be maintained. Of course the unsaid half is that they also "may not" be maintained. It's very complicated and blurred by legalese talk. What I want is someone to tell me straight out what we will be losing. Is this a step toward ceasing our national public library system?

I'm all for saving money but libraries - public, school, academic - receive 0.003% of the federal budget. That's a very thin sliver of the pie. Maybe our representatives are thinking that libraries are dinosaurs. We have the Internet. We can get any book we want on Amazon. Why do we need libraries? Or more to the point, why are we still paying for libraries?

Frankly, because libraries are so much more than a building full of books. Libraries are community. People come to my local library to read but they also come for presentations on everything from computers to reptiles. They can join groups for readers, writers, knitters, gamers, computer geeks, puzzlers. They can get loans of baking supplies, party games, hand tools, sewing machines. They can use a 3-D printer, a computer, a copier, free wifi. They can see art displays and use meeting spaces. They can bring their children to story time, learning programs, holiday parties.

In rural areas like mine, libraries are an important bastion of community life. Our nearest bookstore is in the next county. Keeping school libraries open and filled with books for all students is a continuing challenge with shrinking school budgets. Also, there are limited spots for people to come together and participate in activities. And many people are feeling a pinch to their budget. We don't all have the luxury of buying that book our child needs/wants to read, participating in fun activities or even affording Internet service. The many services the public library provides are a gift to our whole community.

For many years, libraries have been a valuable resource for me. Helping me to polish my writing and helping me research for various assignments - everything from poisonous plants to pretzels. Recently, I received an assignment to interview Jesse Q. Sutanto and my library quickly rounded up four of her books from nearby libraries so I could be an expert before talking to her. I have a new assignment and they are rounding up another batch of books for my pre-interview cram session. Libraries help me earn my living.

I'm worried about the future of public libraries, are you?

Jodi M. Webb writes from her home in the Pennsylvania mountains about everything from DIY projects to tea to butterflies. She's also a blog tour manager for WOW-Women on Writing and a writing tutor at her local university. Get to know her @jodiwebbwrites,  Facebook and blogging at Words by Webb

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Interview with Râna Campbell, First Place Winner of WOW! Fall 2024 Flash Fiction Contest

Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Râna is a Montreal-based freelance editor and was, until recently, a full-time caregiver to her beloved mother, Füsun Atalay of Ankara, Turkey. Having lost her mother days before receiving WOW contest news, Râna dedicates this bio to promoting Füsun’s intimate collection of writings, Monkey Appetite. Füsun was a force of nature in nurturing, encouraging, and inspiring Râna in writing just as in life, and it is with a heavy heart but overwhelming gratitude that Râna shares her success in this contest with her.

“Werewolf Syndrome” was Râna’s first semi-professional publication; it originally appeared in Intrepidus Ink. For editorial services, Râna can be contacted through her website.

--interview by Marcia Peterson

WOW: Congratulations on winning first place in our Fall 2024 Flash Fiction competition. What prompted you to enter the contest?

Râna: In a general sense, I like WOW. I’ve been following the site for about a year, and I’m always impressed with the quality of the articles and stories that are published. So, I wanted to position myself among all these talented writers, and I took my shot by entering a previous WOW contest (in which I was thrilled to have been awarded an honorable mention). As far as this contest is concerned, honestly, it was a spontaneous, last-minute decision. I had high confidence in my story, so I figured I should take a chance on it. I was also encouraged by reading up on Quressa—I got a vibe about her that I liked and related to, and I wanted to share my story with her.

WOW: Can you tell us what encouraged the idea behind your story, “Werewolf Syndrome?”

Râna: Well, if the ideas behind the story are that (1) we live with warped notions of beauty (and, arguably, of wellness); and (2) we can resist these by embracing our authentic selves, then what foregrounded these ideas was probably the fact that, at the time of writing, I was suffering from extremely uncomfortable (and visually unattractive) flare-ups of my multiple chronic skin conditions. This put me at odds with myself—I felt like my own skin was eating me alive and making me look monstrous (just like my protagonist feels as though her body is waging war on her with her condition of rapid/excessive hair growth). In retrospect, I think that, subconsciously, that feeling gave way to a question about what it would be like to engage in radical self-acceptance—which would include accepting the discomfort, the ugliness, etc. In a more conscious and immediate way, I was writing to a prompt from my writers’ community, and the prompt engendered an interested in exploring the theme of transformation. I’ve commented on this in a prior interview.

WOW: What advice would you give to someone wanting to try writing flash fiction for the first time?

Râna: This is really important for a work of any length, but I feel it’s critical to the success of a flash piece: Know your story’s substance, and focus on weaving it into every developmental and stylistic aspect of the story. A longer story, like a novel, will have a number of themes and preoccupations, and will take many ins and outs, detours and sideroads, etc., in driving to the heart of its substance. But I would argue that flash fiction has to dive right into its substance and dwell in it the whole time. Is your story essentially about grief? Then let grief drip off every line and permeate every space. Is it about redemption? Then show us redemptive actions and engage with your characters’ redeeming qualities. Is it about love, hate, blame, forgiveness? Then be bold and thorough in using language that expresses, embodies, suggests, or reflects these things.

WOW: What are you reading right now, and why did you choose to read it?

Râna: I just finished reading Albert Camus’s The Plague, which I picked up out of a sense of intellectual responsibility—I’m a philosophy major with an interest in existentialism, yet I had only ever read one of Camus’s books before (and disliked it, at that). I’m around the same age now that Camus was when he won the Nobel Prize for literature, so I felt a kind of humble kinship with him and wanted to give a brother a chance!

I’ve also been leafing through various pieces in my mom’s book, Monkey Appetite, as a way of coping with grief and feeling close to her, having recently lost her to illness. I worked on this project with her, as her editor, so I feel really fortunate to have this tangible and deeply storied legacy to hold on to.

WOW: Thanks so much for chatting with us today, Râna. Before you go, do you have a favorite writing tip or piece of advice you can share?

Râna: I’m going to share a quote from Kenneth Atchity’s book, A Writer’s Time, that I transcribed onto a piece of paper and have hanging above my desk for whenever I need that extra push: “Write from the heart about things that matter to us all, and let nothing deter you from writing what only you can write.”

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Stay, Girl by Angelica R. Jackson: Reader Review Event & Giveaway

Monday, March 17, 2025
Stay, Girl by Angelica R. Jackson

Today, I'm excited to announce a special reader review event with Angelica R. Jackson. She's been a frequent guest at WOW, and we're so honored to introduce her book to you. Our readers will share their thoughts about her incredible coming-of-age novel, Stay, Girl

Plus, a fun fact? She won runner-up in our Spring 2020 Flash Fiction Contest. This book is a reworked version of that story! We're so excited to have her with us. Best of all, you'll also have a chance to win a copy of this incredible book.

Before we share what our readers thought, here's more about her novel:

Who rescued who? In California’s Central Valley in 1953, the love of a neglected dog helps an abused girl find healing, and the caring family she never had.

Bet Carter’s stepfather is a conman with a history of violence, and he’s trying to force thirteen-year-old Bet into that life, too. His controlling ways make Bet’s world smaller every day, until the death of her ailing mother gives the girl an opportunity to flee to her Uncle Earl’s.

Bet only planned a quick stopover in Amberfields, but after her uncle welcomes her into his home, she keeps finding excuses to stay. Bet wants to help Uncle Earl’s foster dog, Penny, learn to trust again—but how can the girl mend Penny’s spirit when her own is so broken?

Joining a hilarious prank war with her new friend Georgie goes a long way to making Bet feel at home in Amberfields. As Bet’s emotional armor softens, along with her reasons to leave, she finally allows herself to dream bigger.

This heartfelt coming-of-age story will have you cheering for a girl whose determination and optimism help her rediscover the healing power of love.

Publisher: Crow & Pitcher Press
ISBN-13: 979-8986272139
Print Length: 287 pages

Purchase a copy on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Be sure to add it to your GoodReads reading list as well.

Stay, Girl Reader Review Event

What WOW Readers Thought

"Sacramento, CA, 1953. Penny was one of the dogs seized by the county in a cruelty case. Thirteen year-old Lizabeth "Bet" Carter is on the run from an abusive stepdad after her addicted mom dies. She's heading to her Uncle Earl's. But only cuz Bet promised her mom she'd "go" to Earl's. Bet never said anything about staying with him. In fact, she plans on high-tailing it down to Oregon to work as a cook's helper in a lumber camp with her best girlfriend. As soon as she can make some plans.

But an unlikely yet heartwarming alliance begins to form in this captivating and compelling coming of age tale reminiscent of Where the Red Fern Grows, Marley and Me, and Shiloh.

Well. When Bet shows up at her Uncle Earl’s unannounced, she finds that her kindly uncle has been caring for the sick, skittish beagle on behalf of the county. Uncle Earl already has two dogs, Nap and Josie. But the canine fam soon includes the skittish, half-starved Penny. Just like big-hearted Uncle Earl’s human fam soon includes Bet. In fact, her uncle’s kindness and compassion begin to grow on her. There’s also the neighbor girl Georgie. She has more spunk than a stick of dynamite.

There’s also M & Ms. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Black Beauty. Meatloaf sandwiches. Triple berry pie. “Fartichokes.” Pillow babies. Socks. An underground Railroad. Prank wars. And that about Bet’s photo entries for the Yuba County Fair competition?

But when Bet and Penny wind up in jail…

Oh, wait. You’ll have to read the book yourself to find out what happens next. Dittot why Dog People Are The Best People. Not that I'm biased or anythin’.

Scene stealers: Doc Marsh the vet and Peggy the deputy. And that’s all I'm gonna say about that.

Beautifully written, Stay, Girl has a lively, homespun flavor to it that’s as warm as an August sun. Think The Waltons meets The Incredible Journey, with maybe a little Witness, too.

The author pulls you in from chapter one and keeps you turning pages till the very end. For example, descriptions of Uncle Earl, Bet and Georgie walking working a vegetable garden, Fae canning or stirring up a batch of jam. Or Bet and Penny cooling off in the local swimming hole on a hot summer day put you right in the think of things. Ditto Uncle Earl’s culinary creations and a couple run-ins with mean old Mrs. Ridgway.

Heartwarming, heartfelt, Stay, Girl brims with wit and warmth. It's the kind of book that’ll crawl inside your heart and set a spell. Captivating and compelling, this one’s a winner.

I loved it! So I’d STAY around and grab my own copy now  fize you. Oh yeah!" 

- Kristine of Pages and Paws

"The heartwarming story of the healing power of love.

Stay, Girl is a wonderfully heartwarming story of 12-year-old Bet and a fostered beagle named Penny set in 1953 California’s Central Valley. While timeless and with universal elements, Bet and Penny’s story comes alive in this nostalgic setting of a simpler time and place. Their tale is one of two wounded creatures re-discovering kindness, love, and safety. I couldn’t put it down.

Bet is a determined, capable 12-year-old, conditioned much too soon to depending on herself for her most basic needs. When her mother passes away, she takes off from her home in Sacramento and her abusive stepfather and makes her way, by foot, to her mother’s brother’s home in Amberfields, California, quite some distance away. Bet’s plan for escape had been to join a friend working in an Idaho lumber camp, but she’d promised her mother on her deathbed that she’d go to Uncle Earl’s, and she always kept her promises.

We can only imagine what Bet expected Uncle Earl to be like, considering her experiences with the adults, especially men, in her brief life, but Earl is not that. A former Navy cook, now working at the small town’s diner, he’s a giving and gentle soul and the caretaker for the county for three rescued dogs. A recent addition to his home is a very sick red and white beagle that had been removed from a deplorable situation. Bet feels a kinship with the small, frightened dog she names Penny, and it becomes her goal to heal her and become Penny’s “person.”

The plot covers the summer of 1953, and Bet and Penny’s slow but steady recovery as both become a part of their new home and new community, seeing a side of people they had been denied up to this point in their lives. The author’s vivid descriptions of the setting drew me in so completely I could almost feel the heat and hear the sounds of that long-ago summer, a time when telephones, television, and cars weren’t a part of every household yet. Bet’s story was compelling, with plot twists that changed its trajectory in unexpected ways and kept me glued to its pages.

I recommend STAY, GIRL to readers of historical fiction, especially those who enjoy coming-of-age stories."

-- Karen S.

"What a fun read. The small-town charm, interesting characters, and, of course, the dogs give this book a warmth and loveliness. While the story made me turn the pages quickly, the heart-felt descriptions and well-developed characters made me want to linger. I loved the surprise twist at the end. While not entirely unexpected, it was perfectly placed and well-resolved. This book would make a great gift for anyone who loves small towns, teenagers, and dogs."

-- Nita S.

"I enjoyed all of the characters in this wonderfully written story. I find myself craving a small town, a pack of dogs, and country cooking. I want meatloaf, grilled cheese, pancakes, and all the goodies lovingly written about in this charming novel. Perhaps a cookbook to follow?"

-- Maria W.

"I was immediately drawn into Bet’s world. I was saddened and humbled by her mother’s passing. Angelica R. Jackson writes with great attention to detail, and the visuals are immersive. I was captivated by the novel. I felt wary about Bret’s uncle Earl, and was both concerned for, and proud of her for trying to follow her mother’s advice.

I was very concerned for the dogs’ welfare, and hoped that Bret would be ok too.

Stay, Girl is a novel about hard circumstances, yet it’s both heartwrenching and heartwarming, yet enjoyable."

-- Katherine H.

"Thirteen-year-old Bet escapes from her controlling stepfather after her mother dies. She plans to stay with her Uncle Earl only a short while then move on, but there’s this little dog Penny that needs to heal from abuse. And she’s making friends. Maybe she can stay a little longer. The book is set in 1953."

-- Susan F.

"This book is described as a "coming-of-age" story but after reading, I'm thinking that an unexpected twist. It's the story of a young girl who has been forced to act like an adult, gradually learning how to be a child again. The character's emotions (and at times, lack of emotions) make this a strong book that grabs your attention. It starts out with fear and secrets but eventually finds its way to normality. I felt the writing was powerful, really evoking memorable scenes. I think this is a great choice if an adult and teen want to choose a book to read and discuss - sort of a parent-child book club."

-- Jodi W.

Congratulations to Kristine of Pages and Paws!
We held a random drawing via for all reviewers who participated in this event, and it picked Kristine as the winner of the $25 Amazon Gift Card. We will be sending that out to you via email today, Kristine! 

About the Author, Angelica R. Jackson

Angelica R. Jackson, in keeping with her scattered Gemini nature, has published articles on gardening, natural history, web design, travel, hiking, and local history. Other interests include pets, reading, green living, and cooking for food allergies (the latter not necessarily by choice, but she’s come to terms with it). Ongoing projects include short fiction, poetry, novels, art photography, and children’s picture books.

She’s also been involved with capturing the restoration efforts for Preston Castle (formerly the Preston School of Industry) in photographs and can sometimes be found haunting its hallways. 

​She shares a home in California's Gold Country with a husband, a Miniature Pinscher/Nibblonian mix, and far too many books (if that's even possible). She is the author of the award-winning Faerie Crossed young adult urban fantasy series, and her photos are collected in Capturing The Castle: Images of Preston Castle (2006-2016). Her latest book is Stay, Girl, a literary coming-of-age novel about an abused girl and a dog finding healing in each other.

You can find her online at, You can also follow her on Instagram or Facebook.

--- Interview With Nicole Pyles

WOW: Congrats on your novel, Stay Girl! What inspired this book?

Angelica: While waiting for my energy to come back after cancer treatments in 2021, I immersed myself in comforting reads with characters facing hardships, whose own resilience and ability to see joy help them get through life. I reread classics like A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith, To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, and nostalgic titles like Okay For Now by Gary D. Schmidt and The Shy Ones by Lynn Hall. Stories that are ultimately hopeful and heartwarming.

Falling into these books reminded me why stories like those resonated with me, whether I’d read them as an adult or a child. I wanted to write Stay, Girl for that vulnerable inner child in all of us, the one who feels lost and lonely. This book would be a throwback to those beloved titles—with no dogs dying! These dogs could live forever within my pages.

I had already started Stay, Girl a few years before, but the focus was darker and the trauma more heavy-handed. I knew it could be lighter in tone and still let Bet feel things strongly, and to give her a safe place to look back on her mistreatment before she moves forward. The dogs—Nap, Josie, and Penny—remind her not to get stuck in loss, and to look for the joy around her. These canine characters were inspired by my own dogs, and writing this book also dropped me back into warm memories of them. I created a page on my website just to feature them.

WOW: I love that you transformed this book to appeal to our inner child. I also loved hearing that this novel is a reworked version of a flash fiction story, "The Devil You Know" (it won runner-up in a WOW contest!). What led you to feel this was ready for novel-length?

Angelica: Almost all my stories start as dreams, which often come to me complete with backstory and emotional weight. Stay, Girl started with the scene in “The Devil You Know” playing out in my sleep, and I knew I needed to write about this resilient girl. I jotted down what I remembered and then went back to work on my series, so the notes stayed forgotten on my computer for a while.

I picked it up again later and had written a few chapters when I got the email reminder for the latest WOW contest. I immediately thought of the original scene and how compelling it was to experience it through dream, so I thought it would be an interesting challenge to shape it for the word limit without losing the impact. And seeing the scene through the lens of flash fiction, where every word has to work overtime, made the same events tighter in the novel, too. 

WOW: What an interesting fact that your stories start out as dreams. I was moved to hear that you wrote this story while undergoing cancer treatments. How did you overcome any obstacles in the writing process during this time?

Angelica: It was definitely a difficult time! First, I was an early adopter of a severe COVID infection, and when my breathing never really cleared up, we found the lung cancer. And discovered it was not a recurrence of my previous thyroid cancer, but a separate primary cancer. Thankfully, my husband was working from home then and his employer gave him the flexibility to arrange his hours around caring for me and driving me to chemo treatments. We also lost two of our pets to pre-existing heart conditions, and tried fostering another dog before realizing our Miniature Pinscher preferred to be an only dog.

I went through a lot of physical and mental changes during that time, as you can imagine. One change that seems to be sticking around, whether it’s an aftereffect of Covid or chemo, is memory issues related to language. I “lost” words, both in speaking and in writing, to the point where my doctor referred me for some cognitive testing. No dementia or anything like that, fortunately, but I continued to struggle.

Online thesauruses became my go-to while writing, because I could often remember related words or concepts, even if I couldn’t immediately bring up the specific word I wanted. “Hmm, it’s a word like ‘power,’ but not that—oh, I was thinking of ‘agency’!” Working that way helped me remake those connections for my speech, too, but not with names. I’m helpless with those now, ugh.

WOW: I've never been great with names, either! You told me recently writing this novel helped you immensely during that time. Mind sharing with our readers why that is?

Angelica: I mentioned above that writing helped me with some issues with memory and language, but writing from Bet’s point of view also allowed me to reflect on surviving a childhood with my own mom. As an adult, I finally learned to prioritize my own mental health over trying to excuse or accommodate hers, and to set up healthier boundaries for myself. Bet comes to that realization a lot earlier in her life, and will have a brighter future for it, I think.

For anyone else who has decided to go no-contact with a parent, they will recognize that I ended up grieving for the mom I never had as much as grieving the loss of a relationship with my actual mother. That’s another parallel between myself and Bet, and something that has helped me find peace of mind.

WOW: That's excellent insight. What advice do you have for writers who are undergoing stressful times and have a hard time focusing on their writing?

Angelica: My advice is that you can’t wait for things to settle down, because there will never be a perfect time to write. In my younger days, it was always, “I’ll wait to really commit to this project when I finish school, or once we’ve moved to a quieter place, or…”

But the truth is, your writing time will not wait for you. You have to make an effort to carve it out around all the other things life throws at you. It’s not new advice, but maybe this is the one more time someone needs to hear it to actually make a difference in habits.

With all that said, my personal bane is social media. I will click on Facebook without even realizing I’ve done it. I am retraining myself to take mental breaks out in my garden, rather than to lose myself in reels or clickbait. Still Writing: The Perils and Pleasures of a Creative Life by Dani Shapiro is an excellent collection of reminders of why we write, in spite of…well, everything.

You can see samples of my garden on my Instagram at

WOW: You are an incredible gardener! What are you working on next that you can tell us about?

Angelica: I’m working on a Gothic or horror short story that is a reworking of a full-length historical novel. And I do mean full length—Spirits From The Vasty Deep was the first book I ever wrote, and the manuscript was over 160,000 words, since I indulged myself with developing every side plot and minor character. I had whittled it down to about 95,000 words by the time I queried agents with it, and it got a lot of attention, but no one took it on.

I reworked it several times over the years, but during the lockdown I gave it a complete overhaul and cut 2/3 of the manuscript. Then I changed gears to work on Spellmeet, the last book in my YA UF series, and didn’t come back to Spirits until I finished Stay, Girl. I had every intention of tackling it as a novel-length project again, but as I read through the pages I thought were worth saving, I realized these core scenes could possibly stand on their own as a shorter work.

I’m currently moving some things around and creating new framing, and hoping that it will all come together in a new and worthwhile way. Even if it doesn’t, I never feel like I’m wasting my time, since I learn something about myself and my writing with each attempt.

WOW: I love that and that you are still learning. Thank you so much for joining us today! We look forward to seeing more of you again.

Book Giveaway! Stay, Girl by Angelica R. Jackson

***** BOOK GIVEAWAY *****

Enter to win a print copy of Stay, Girl by Angelica R. Jackson! Fill out the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win. The giveaway ends March 30th at 11:59 pm CT. We will choose a winner the next day and announce in the widget as well as follow up via email. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Interview with Jennifer Paquette: Q1 2025 CNF Contest Two-Time Runner Up

Sunday, March 16, 2025
Jennifer’s Bio:
Jennifer Paquette is the founder and retired artistic director of a theatre program for young people. She now enjoys hanging with her gaggle of granddaughters, and co-producing/directing Voiceover work out of her home studio with her partner in all things, Jason. She is a prize-winning essayist (Eden Mills Literary Contest, Stratford Writers Festival) whose creative work has appeared in The National Arts Centre’s Canada Performs Series, Canadian Stories Magazine, Memoir Writing Ink. and elsewhere. She credits the community of writer friends she meets with regularly for inspiring her. Jennifer has been a contest reader for the Amy MacRae Award for Memoir since 2021 and is the author of two early reader books. Find her at: 

If you haven't done so already, check out Jennifer's award-winning essays "New Ride" and "Goodwill" and then return here for a chat with the author. 

WOW: Congratulations on placing twice in the Q1 2025 Creative Nonfiction Contest! How did you begin writing your essays and how did they and your writing processes evolve as you wrote? 

Jennifer: Both essays were written for a bi-weekly writing group I belong to. “New Ride,” an account of a day spent with my 90-year-old mother came easily, requiring less editing than much of my writing. As the day unfolded, I knew I would write about it, so I made a point of observing, taking in the details. It may be interesting to note that I wrote the photograph section first and built the rest of the piece around it. The process for “Goodwill” was different. It was originally a much longer essay. It lacked focus. I played with tense and voice, trying it in first person, then third person, before landing on the idea to use both. Editing it down to under 1000 words gave the piece clarity (thanks WOW! for that word count!) 

WOW: We’re glad to play a role in the success of your essays! Thank you for sharing your process. What did you learn about yourself or your writing by creating these essays? 

Jennifer: Writing “New Ride” helped to unlock some of the mystery surrounding my relationship with my mother. The decision to pay attention, to witness and record the many versions of her has resulted in a deeper sense of compassion for us both. “Goodwill” tells the story of a time in my life I had been avoiding writing about. It took years to work up the courage which, in the end, was a good thing. Writing nonfiction, particularly about a traumatic experience, requires enough distance from the event to understand its larger meaning. When a photo of me in “the dress” recently surfaced, I began to write, knowing the dress was somehow key. It was. The third person narrative around the dress helped to temper the brutal immediacy of the diary entries and gave the piece a forward focus. 

WOW: From your bio, it sounds like your writing community has been very influential for you. How did you build your writing community? For any readers here who are new and/or still building their writing communities, do you have any tips for doing so? 

Jennifer: I can’t say enough about my writing community. It developed out of a writing course we attended together five years ago. The course came to an end, but we decided to continue meeting, even zooming our way through the pandemic. I strongly recommend registering for writing classes/workshops/courses. Connecting with other writers can be such a source of motivation and inspiration. 

WOW: Which creative nonfiction essays or writers have inspired you most, and in what ways did they inspire you? 

Jennifer: My community of writers. They have very different styles, and I admire them all. We have the luxury of meeting in person and reading our stories aloud. I learn so much, just by listening. And Joan Didion. I love this quote from her The Paris Review interview, 2006: “You get the sense that it’s possible simply to go through life noticing things and writing them down and that this is OK, it’s worth doing. That the seemingly insignificant things that most of us spend our days noticing are really significant, have meaning, and tell us something.” 

WOW: That’s a powerful quote. And it’s wonderful that you draw such inspiration from your writing community, too. If you could tell your younger self anything about writing, what would it be? 

Jennifer: When I was a kid, I’d sit at the kitchen table with paper and pen and an essay to write. I’d moan and groan that I didn’t know what to write and my mother (a teacher) would say, “Just write. It will come.” That has been my mantra ever since. Also, don’t imitate or compare. Allow your own voice to surface and trust that it knows best. 

WOW: Great advice and poignant mantra. Thank you for sharing your writing with us and for your thoughtful responses. Happy writing! 

Interviewed by Anne Greenawalt, founder and editor-in-chief of Sport Stories Press, which publishes sports books by, for, and about sportswomen and amateur athletes. Engage on Twitter or Instagram @GreenMachine459.
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