
There is no fee for becoming a member of the Ōpāwaho Heathcote River Network. Membership affords you three or four emails a year to keep you informed of river developments and boosts our advocacy voice.

Join up – be part of the solution

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Type of Membership*
New Zealand

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Types of Membership

There are three classes of membership of OHRN:

Individual Membership: available to any person who is aged sixteen years or older and who supports the objectives of OHRN.

Junior Membership: available to any person aged fifteen years or younger and who supports the objectives of OHRN.

Group Membership: available to any incorporated society or incorporated charitable trust which is environmentally active and which supports the objectives of OHRN.

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Benefits of Membership

Individual members:

  • receive the OHRN Newsletter
  • can participate in Society activities and events.
  • can attend & vote at meetings of OHRN
  • can be nominated for election to the Committee

Junior members:

  • receive the OHRN Newsletter
  • can participate in Society activities and events.

Group Members:

A group member is eligible to exercise three (3) votes at any general meeting and may appoint up to three (3) representatives for the OHRN Committee. The group’s representatives are chosen by the member group, but may be subject to veto by the Committee of OHRN.

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