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The Anunnaki and Human History

The Anunnaki and Human History

Anunnaki OMTimes

The Anunnaki are major players in the history of Earth, with many different claims being made about them, so who are they and where did they come from?

The Anunnaki

by Judy Carroll



Human life on Earth did not evolve naturally, as Darwin’s theory of evolution suggests. Nor has it occurred suddenly and miraculously out of clay by the hand of God, as described in the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament. It is actually a combination of both a natural evolution and intelligent design by more highly evolved off-planet human-type beings who are widely acknowledged by the indigenous people of Earth as Creator Beings, Sky Fathers, Star Elder, etc. Illustrations of some of these beings, known as Wandjinas, can be found in Australian Aboriginal rock paintings.

Only the most recent genesis event, the creation of “Adam” and “Eve,” is acknowledged in the Old Testament, but what is not generally known is that there was an earlier human genesis event on Earth during the time of the dinosaurs, long before mammalian homo sapiens came onto the scene. It involved the creation of a reptoid-human species out of a bipedal dinosaur species and was carried out by a group of off-planet creator beings known as the Draconians.

In my book, Extraterrestrial Presence on Earth: Lessons in History, I refer to this earlier Earth human culture as “Repterrans,” to denote that they are an Earth (Terra) human species, but derived out of reptilians rather than mammals. These Repterrans were the founders of the Sumerian and Babylonian civilizations that were carried over from Atlantis. In the Sumerian language, the Repterrans were known as the Anunnaki.

They were the gods and demi-gods of Greek legend, as well as the Roman, Egyptian and Norse pantheons. In fact, nearly every country on Earth makes mention of these more-than-human beings in their folkloric traditions. Their ultimate role in the pre-history of the West is that of the “God” of the Old Testament.

The Anunnaki had acquired a very high level of technology from their Draconian forebears, and they established an advanced society on Earth that is referred to as “Atlantis.” In Atlantean society, gold was highly valued, as it is today. The Anunnaki established gold mines in Africa and bio-engineered a species of mammalian primates in that country to a point where these creatures were able to carry out menial tasks. These half-human/half-animal beings were known as “Mixtures,” and were used as slaves to work the mines for the Anunnaki.

Earth was a very violent place, with the various Anunnaki groups fighting among themselves for ownership of the planet, and all of them exploiting the Mixtures. Off-planet intervention arrived in the form of creator beings (mainly Pleiadians), who stepped in to assist the Mixtures through a program of genetic enhancement, to fully humanize and hopefully free them from exploitation by the Anunnaki. This is the real story behind the “Adam and Eve” parable.

The Anunnaki saw what was happening, and they felt threatened by this development of a more upgraded Homo sapiens species, with a stronger infusion of off-planet genetics in their make-up. This prompted them to carry out an act of interference, which is recorded in the Old Testament as the temptation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, which resulted in the “Fall of Man.” It was not about the “eating of the forbidden fruit,” but rather involved genetic tampering with the newly enhanced DNA of the new human species, causing their energy frequency to “fall back down the scale.”

As the new humans began to multiply, the Anunnaki maintained control over them by displays of power using advanced technology passed down from their Draconian forebears. This technology included off-planet ships, perceived by the newer humans as “Chariots of Fire,” in which the Anunnaki traveled across the skies, and the “Wheels Within Wheels” described by the Prophet Ezekiel. These were not the silent, inter-dimensional “UFOs” seen today, but rather thunderously noisy flying vehicles that made the earth shake and the clouds seem to be on fire as they passed overhead.

Of course, they terrorized and amazed the younger human species, and thoroughly convinced them that these larger-than-life beings who appeared in human form, were “God.” They knew them by various names such as Yahweh and Jehovah. Thus, the Anunnaki were able to keep tight control of the younger human culture.

Further control was practiced in the form of divide-and-conquer techniques, with “God” sending various human tribes out to wage wars on each other. This age-old and well-proven technique continues to be used by the Repterran Anunnaki, who still incarnate on Earth to this day, controlling and exploiting the younger Homo sapiens species.

In modern society, the Repterran Anunnaki are known as the Cabal, the Illuminati, and the Controllers. They comprise the shadow government that hides behind and controls Earth’s legitimate governments. The Anunnaki bloodlines run through all the royal families on Earth. It is this ancient bloodline that endows them with an inbred sense of superiority, entitlement, and privilege.

The Anunnaki also control humanity through religion. They “hijacked” the Christian religion 300 to 400 years after the crucifixion of Jesus by distorting his message of love. This distortion occurred under the Emperors Justinian and Constantine, who changed and deleted much of Jesus’s teachings, including the understanding and acceptance of reincarnation, which is a vital component of human spiritual evolution.

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The divide-and-conquer agenda of the “God” of the Old Testament is still very much in force on Earth, and it was stepped up to a critical point with the development of nuclear weaponry during World War II. The atomic bomb detonations at Hiroshima and Nagasaki sent shockwaves and fall-out far off into the solar system and through to other dimensions, alerting the Cosmos to the need for help and intervention on Earth. So began the massive increase in the sighting of UFOs in the skies since the late 1940s, and many thousands of people coming forward with stories of contact with beings from other planets and dimensions.

Despite widespread disinformation by the Controllers who want us to perceive the off-planet visitors as threats, thousands of people on Earth have benefitted in positive and uplifting ways from ET contact. A major awakening and genetic enhancement of humanity is now being carried out to enable an escape from the Controllers’ influence. This, in turn, is the catalyst for an upward and expanded shift in the consciousness of Earth-plane humanity, thus enabling evolution to a higher level.


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About the Author

Judy Carroll was born and still lives in Australia. She has had 60 years of encounters with Grey ETs since her early childhood. She introduced her life-long connections to the Zeta Greys in her first two books, The Zeta Message and Human by Day, Zeta by Night. In her most recent book, Extraterrestrial Presence on Earth, she reveals that she is a “blended” soul whose conscious awareness spans two planetary connections—both Earth human and Zeta Grey. Judy’s mission, along with other blended souls now incarnated as Earth humans, is to be an interplanetary ambassador, introducing more clarity and deeper understanding of what has happened here in the past, offering an understanding of present time global events, and providing guidance on how to heal our future as a planetary civilization. For more information on Judy, please check out:

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