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Who Are the Greys and What is Really Going On?

Who Are the Greys and What is Really Going On?

The specific work of the Greys involves the creation of bio-diversity in planetary ecosystems and adaptation of species to new environments.

Shades of Grey – Who Are the Greys and What is Really Going On?

by Judy Carroll



The Greys are a vast universal culture that spans many planets and dimensions. For some of them, their story began billions of years ago on Earth when a species of human-type beings known as the Ant People were seeded on Earth by highly evolved insectoid star beings. These Ant People are distant cousins to the off-planet Greys in the same way that Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons are distant cousins to modern-day Earth humans. As a younger insectoid species, they operated as a hive consciousness. The off-planet Greys such as Zetas and Blue-Grey Arcturians have long-evolved past this and operate through the higher universal consciousness of Oneness.

Being insectoids, the specific work of the Greys involves the creation of bio-diversity in planetary ecosystems and adaptation of species to new environments. This is the reason for the genetic work being carried out by them over generations of humans, as well as other Earth species. They are also assisting the remaining Ant People in healing and evolving. This work is to ensure that no species is lost if the planetary environment is again destroyed, as has occurred several times in the past. If this does happen, Earth’s life-forms, including humans, will continue to evolve elsewhere. This mission being carried out by the Greys is the equivalent of the ‘Noah’s Ark’ story in the Bible.

During the time of the dinosaurs, a human species that I call the Repterrans (reptilian Earth humans) were seeded here by the Draconians. In the act of rebellion against Universal Law, these Repterrans “hijacked” the planet and took control. They attacked the resident Ant People, many of whom were captured, forcibly cross-bred and fitted with implants to control and enslave them. An ‘ethnic cleansing’ was carried out to stop the Ant Peoples’ ability to reproduce and therefore to evolve. Some of the Ant People managed to escape to the moon to avoid further confrontation, where they still remain.

The Repterrans are also still present, reincarnating here in Earth human form. They cannot evolve because of their fear-based need to control others, which blocks their own evolution. I refer to them as the Controllers, but they are also known as the Illuminati, the Cabal, and the Overlords. Their aggressive nature has caused continual warfare on Earth for many millennia. They continue to bio-engineer and clone their own hybrids, using genetic material taken from the bodies of ETs retrieved from crashed ships. These cloned bio-robots are the PLFs (Programmed Life Forms) spoken of by researcher and author Dr. Steven Greer. They’re made specifically to resemble genuine off-planet Greys such as the Zeta Reticulans. The fact that two very different groups are involved needs clarification. One group are highly evolved insectoid star beings, and the other is cloned insectoid/reptoid hybrids created right here on Earth.

The Repterrans do not want to forfeit their control, nor do they want humanity to be awoken. They wish to remain here, exploiting, and feeding off human fear. The Programmed Life Forms, created through their own hybrid program, are an integral part of the MilAb (Military Abduction) program involving cleverly faked “alien abductions” that are carried out by the military to cause maximum fear and confusion.

The Repterrans presence on Earth is now seriously threatened by the genuine star people, who began returning here after the detonation of the bombs that ended WWII. They use the moon as a base, as some of the Ant People are still peacefully settled there. The off-planet people are deeply concerned, as are the Ant People, that humanity was, and is, taking Earth down a road to destruction, especially with the development of nuclear weaponry, which seriously impacts off-planet. The effect of the two bombs that ended the last World War was felt right through the entire solar system and beyond.

There are also several star people resident here who are operating through what is known as a dual or blended soul consciousness. I am one of these, with conscious awareness of living a double life, both as an Earth Human and as a Zeta Grey. This is a pre-birth choice to enable us to carry out an ambassadorial role between the star people and Earth-plane humanity at this time of major change on Planet Earth. I have conscious recall of carrying out work upon our ship as a Grey, as well as my work down here as an Earth human teaching Tai Chi and Reiki. The role that Greys and other ETs are carrying out on Earth is vital because our presence here is to intervene in the exploitation and enslavement that has blocked the spiritual evolution of humanity for millennia.

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It is now time for Earth-plane humanity to wake up and become aware of the blocks and mind-control imposed upon you over millennia by the Repterran Controllers. Human DNA was interfered with by them during the time referred to in the Bible as “Genesis.” This is now being addressed and rectified when people are taken onto our ships, where repair work is done. As well as this, quantum physics is now proving to you that ultimately you create your own reality. Connecting with the “God Spark” of love that is within each and every one of you is your key to freedom and evolution. It is time for all of you to wake up to the fact that you are empowered beings who can take your future into your own hands, as we and other older planetary cultures have also done in times past. Please allow us into your hearts to show you the way.

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About the Author

Judy Carroll is the author of Extraterrestrial Presence on Earth, The Zeta Message and Human by Day, Zeta by Night. Judy introduced her life-long connections to the Zeta Greys in her first two books. In her new book, Extraterrestrial Presence on Earth, she reveals that she is a “blended” soul whose conscious awareness spans two planetary connections—both Earth human and Zeta Grey. Judy’s mission, along with other blended souls now incarnated as Earth humans, is to be an interplanetary ambassador, introducing more clarity and deeper understanding of what has happened here in the past, offering an understanding of present time global events, and providing guidance on how to heal our future as a planetary civilization. For more information, please visit:

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