With over 100 new MOCs being added every day, you're sure to find your next build!
Find MOCs to BuildWhether it's just a casual hobby or a full-time passion, why not earn a few bucks
doing what you love? Join thousands of other designers who are feeding their
LEGO addiction hobby, with the proceeds of their own creations.
Or simply share your MOCs for free with millions of LEGO fans to enjoy.
Interested in selling your MOC designs? Rebrickable is the largest MOC Marketplace you'll find.
Millions of potential buyers who love LEGO browse the site every month. Where else are you going to find an audience like that?
Create a free account, upload your Premium MOCs, set your price, and let Rebrickable do the rest!
Alternate Build MOCs can be made using only the parts found in an existing LEGO set. You probably already have enough parts to build lots of these great MOCs.
Creations (MOCs)