Showing posts with label Snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snow. Show all posts

Monday, March 25, 2013

When I think of spring, this isn't it!

Just have time to post a few pictures of the snow we got overnight before I go to work. I think there still some more to come.

I wish I would have taken them as soon as I got up. A lot had fallen off by the time I took them. It was breathtakingly beautiful.

I spotted a robin hiding in the holly bushes.

Now enough winter. Bring on SPRING!!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Snow and Birds!!

Winter storm Euclid which has affected a large portion of our country moved through Ohio today giving us our first major snow of the season. By the way......since when are they naming snow storms like they do hurricanes?
 Fortunately I had the day off and was able to enjoy it from the comfort of my home. I like snow on days like this, but tomorrow when I have to get out and drive in it, it's not so pretty anymore!

What it looked like this morning.

By mid afternoon we had 5 or 6 inch's and it's still falling.

But the best thing about snow days is all the birds that come to feed.
Tufted Titmouse

Striking the perfect pose. They are among my favorite bird to photograph but I don't know how many pictures I take only to have them come up empty or a blur because they have flitted away.

Like this:)

Carolina Wren

A Female Cardinal stops by for a drink.

Male Cardinals are easy to spot when the ground is covered with snow and the tree's are bare.

House Finch

Black-Capped Chickadee


American Goldfinch

I counted at least 17 birds in this tree but there might have been more.

I think these were all House Finches.

Just before dusk I loved how the Christmas Tree lights reflected through the window.
Have a great week and a Happy New Year!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Let it snow!

Well....while I don't really care that much for snow, I admit it looks pretty when everything is covered with a blanket of the white stuff.
We had an inch or two on the ground and we were expecting to get a few more inches overnight.

Woke up to this! We got at least 5 or 6 inches overnight!
Carolyn, Are you jealous?
 That's my sister who goes to Florida to get away from this stuff. Lucky!

The birds like to perch on top of this feeder. No room today!

Bailey the snow dog!

Pampas Grass



No, this is not deer or rabbit damage. This is a ninebark shrub and it's bark peels off in the winter revealing a new layer of bark underneath.
And now I get to go out and drive to work in it...Yea:(