enjoy ALL the pics :)
this is from nana to hariz (11 dulang) + 1 sirih junjung
..wallet & belt..
..sirih junjung..
..kain pelekat & sejadah..
..perfume & body lotion..
..baju2 formal..
..kasut keje..
..jam tangan (adat batal air sembahyang)..
..mini cakes & designed cookies..
this is from hariz to nana (9 dulang)
..duit mas kawin & rantai (for adat batal air sembahyang)..
..al-quran & telekung..
..sirih junjung..
..purse/clutch & sunglasses..
..mini cakes & designed cookies..
..kasut kesukaan nana.weee..
..tudung & kain baju kurung..
..set perfume & body lotion..
hope my hantarans list boleh bg some idea for b2b out there ;)
simple , nice & worth it