nana penah buat snow globes sendiri!!!
masa nana darjah 4.. (15 years back)
sedih xde gamba~..
tp mmg sebijik mcm ni je..hehe..
cume nana punye. tahan 2 hari je pastu, bocor.. haha
biasalah benda budak darjah 4 yg buat sorg2..
oh i miss old days ;)
for the tutorial, click this ----> Snow Globes Tutorial
good luck & have fun diy-ing..
masa nana darjah 4.. (15 years back)
sedih xde gamba~..
tp mmg sebijik mcm ni je..hehe..
cume nana punye. tahan 2 hari je pastu, bocor.. haha
biasalah benda budak darjah 4 yg buat sorg2..
oh i miss old days ;)
for the tutorial, click this ----> Snow Globes Tutorial
good luck & have fun diy-ing..
after been married for 18 days,
baru nana ada time nk masak for mr h :)
so my first dish is his favorite lauk, ayam masak merah..
selepas 2 jam berperang, menangis, menjerit......
ni lah hasilnye~
bak kata mr h , "sedap sampai menjilat jari"
yelah. ;) thanks hunny 4 everything..
baru nana ada time nk masak for mr h :)
so my first dish is his favorite lauk, ayam masak merah..
selepas 2 jam berperang, menangis, menjerit......
ni lah hasilnye~
bak kata mr h , "sedap sampai menjilat jari"
yelah. ;) thanks hunny 4 everything..
dan2 lepas kitorg engaged last year, 17 Nov 2010...
first thing kitorg buat ntuk kawin is, "photographer hunting"..
and we fall in love with Nikaizu's works ----> Nikaizu Photography
tanye2 parents..pastu trus agreed , hired nik :)
during our wedding day, nik bawak , Amir Afiq
alhamdulillah, amir pun hebat!
and kitorg automaticly fall in love with his works too ----> Amir Afiq
skrg, nana tgh tunggu album siap & nak dpt dvd semua gamba2 dorg shot.
weee! i cant wait ;)
thanks 4 everything guys!!
first thing kitorg buat ntuk kawin is, "photographer hunting"..
and we fall in love with Nikaizu's works ----> Nikaizu Photography
tanye2 parents..pastu trus agreed , hired nik :)
during our wedding day, nik bawak , Amir Afiq
alhamdulillah, amir pun hebat!
and kitorg automaticly fall in love with his works too ----> Amir Afiq
skrg, nana tgh tunggu album siap & nak dpt dvd semua gamba2 dorg shot.
weee! i cant wait ;)
thanks 4 everything guys!!
we decided to have a private reception - just for our close friends & family members :)
lps abis potong cake, HUJAN dtg tanpa diundang..
bkn setakat hujan, die ajak skali angin, ribut, lipan, etc... haha
BUT, thank god nana ada geng2 KOMA (Kumpulan Orang Minyak Aktiviti) yg pandai nk handle the situation..
game still on..wpun byk jgk game2 yg xley buat :)
overall... i love my beach wedding sooo much.. weeee
enjoy the pictures!
taken from : NikAizu Rocks!
lps abis potong cake, HUJAN dtg tanpa diundang..
bkn setakat hujan, die ajak skali angin, ribut, lipan, etc... haha
BUT, thank god nana ada geng2 KOMA (Kumpulan Orang Minyak Aktiviti) yg pandai nk handle the situation..
game still on..wpun byk jgk game2 yg xley buat :)
overall... i love my beach wedding sooo much.. weeee
enjoy the pictures!
taken from : NikAizu Rocks!
we have 3 receptions (2 cards)
1. pastel modern vintage wedding's card (size A5)
2. beach wedding's card
COST : 4 colors : for the whole set including ice cream sticks is, RM1.00 - RM1.30
1. pastel modern vintage wedding's card (size A5)
..the envelope (front & back view)..
..my side (all soft pink & cream)..
..calendar & accommodation list..
..the envelope (front & back view)..
..his side (all baby blue & cream)..
..calendar & accommodation list..
COST : 4 colors : for the whole set including envelop is, RM1.80 - RM2.00
COST : 4 colors : for the whole set including envelop is, RM1.80 - RM2.00
2. beach wedding's card
..front & back view..
COST : 4 colors : for the whole set including ice cream sticks is, RM1.00 - RM1.30
all the above, designs by me ;) oh including glue-ing and cutting..
p/s : to those yg interested dgn design2 ni, can let me know.. u can either use back my design, or totally change the design, follow ur wedding theme :) im happy to help.
email me at , mymail.nana@gmail.com
nana ada 4 hand bouquet..
1. nikah's hand bouquet
2. pastel vintage reception's hand bouquet
3. seashell beach wedding's hand bouquet
4. rustic wedding's hand bouquet
thanks 4 everything mummyku sayang!!! i love u!!!!!! :)
p/s : to those b2b yg interested dgn hand bouquet nana ni, let me know if u guys nak rent or order the new one ikut theme masing2..im happy to help ;)
email me at , mymail.nana@gmail.com
1. nikah's hand bouquet
..using fresh white carla lily.. digubah by my lovely mummy..
2. pastel vintage reception's hand bouquet
..using different design of kain cotton :) handmade by me! digubah by my lovely mummy..
3. seashell beach wedding's hand bouquet
..using seashells.. handmade by my lovely mummy..
4. rustic wedding's hand bouquet
..using dried flower.. handmade by my lovely mummy..
thanks 4 everything mummyku sayang!!! i love u!!!!!! :)
p/s : to those b2b yg interested dgn hand bouquet nana ni, let me know if u guys nak rent or order the new one ikut theme masing2..im happy to help ;)
email me at , mymail.nana@gmail.com
dah 11 hari nana jd wife ntuk muhammad hariz. hehe..
i love u more & more hunny! mwahs!
dah 11 hari nana jd wife ntuk muhammad hariz. hehe..
i love u more & more hunny! mwahs!
nikah pagi kol 9 pagi..
lps tu sanding kol 3 ptg lps solat jumaat :)
enjoy the pic!

lega..dah setel satu hari..
venue : my house - kerteh, terengganu
catering : wati's catering
pelamin : diy by my mum and i
make up : my mum's childhood friend
hairstyle : my bestfriend
bride's dress : from jakarta
decorations : all diy by me & my mum
emcee : my mum's childhood friend's husband :)
lps tu sanding kol 3 ptg lps solat jumaat :)
enjoy the pic!
..with dayang2..
..Arez Love Nana (mkn bersopan)..
..the dress & my diy hand bouquet..
..table makan beradab..
..table goodies2..
venue : my house - kerteh, terengganu
catering : wati's catering
pelamin : diy by my mum and i
make up : my mum's childhood friend
hairstyle : my bestfriend
bride's dress : from jakarta
decorations : all diy by me & my mum
emcee : my mum's childhood friend's husband :)
1. memell @ malisa - schoolmate (SRP) , knal dari sekolah rendah
2. pda @ rafida - schoolmate (SRP) , knal dari sekolah rendah
3. cma @ syima - schoolmate (SRP) , knal dari sekolah rendah
4. mardiana - schoolmate (SRP) , knal dari tadika , my childhood friend
5. diya @ nadia - schoolmate (SRP) , knal dari sekolah menengah
6. juni -schoolmate (SRP) , knal dari sekolah rendah
7. diknor - my cousin, knal dari baby
8. nana kecik - my ex officemate, my bff
9. mimy - bff my sister
10. aimi - anak childhood friend mummy (anak mokna)
11. emma - anak childhood friend mummy (anak mokna)
"to all my dayangs (bridesmaids).. thanks for everything :) without all of u, my wedding wouldn't be this perfect & cute. thanks!!!! hugs and kisses.."
not to forget, my pengapit : my lil sister (adieksz) & hariz's bestfren (gu @ lee zhen kit) TQ!!
..amir.nikaizu,pda.mell.MUMMY KU.diya.diana.juni..
the entrance!
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