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Показаны сообщения с ярлыком GRIND. Показать все сообщения

вторник, 24 мая 2016 г.

Emergency Attack compilation # 3

Emergency Attack 3 DIY compilation is out now !!!
Fuck the capitalist mentality, download for free.
Abolish mornings (India)

 Abominations all over (Belgium)

 Agathocles (Belgium)

 Agent Patogen (Spain)

 Arquivo morto (Brazil)

 Badak militia  (Indonesia)

 Corporation is exploitation (Belgium)

 Doomsister (France)

 Extinct! (Germany)  

 Kingterror (Belgium )

 Konaklysm (Indonesia)

 Massive Genital Erection  (Indonesia)

 Over Power (Indonesia) 

 SampleViolence (Belgium)

 Sars (Indonesia)

 Shit fucking shit (Italy)

 Society Prison Complex (Germany)

 The Grindful Dead (Brazil)

 Travølta (Belgium)

 Tremor (Brazil)

Tumor Ganas

What  I Want (Brazil)

Vagina Dentata (Indonesia)

XrepeatX (India)

 Yattai (France)

A collaborative project between klinik 66 and C.R.A.P.

четверг, 19 ноября 2015 г.

Read Slowly We Rot Fanzine Online for free!

Read Slowly We Rot Fanzine Online for free!

In wait of the release of the new issue of Slowly We Rot which has been delayed a couple of months for objective reasons you can now find and read all previous issues online here: 

Or buy physical copies here: 

Copies of Slowly We Rot #4 and Slowly We Rot #7 are still available for wholesale and / or selected trades, if interested get in touch!

понедельник, 7 сентября 2015 г.

Slowly We Rot Zine

Slowly We Rot

Slowly We Rot #8
Issue 8 of Slowly We Rot is scheduled for an October-November 2015 release!
Deadline for promo submission, adverts and compilation booking: 
30th of September 2015!
For more details please email swrzine@yahoo.com
Please find below some new details on SWR#8:
- English written
- b&w pages professionally printed
- A4 size
- glossy paper
- traditional & extreme metal compilation included
+ Free Compilation CD!
+ Free Bonus Zine, Rotten Romania!
- Worldwide distribution
- interviews, reviews, Rising Demons section, Merchants of Death section + more
- genres promoted: Heavy, Thrash, Death, Grind, Black, Gothic, Doom, Dark
Ad-rates available, please get in touch if interested:
1/4 page
1/2 page
full page
Front Cover
Back Cover
2nd cover
3rd cover
Track submissions for compilation CD still open, but hurry up if interested! 
Bands already confirmed: Spine Crown (Brazil), Tyrael (Germany), Infection (Peru), Premortal Breath (Germany), Infected Chaos (Austria), Morthus (Germany), Designs of Chaos (UK), My Silent Wake (UK).

- please email first and ask for availability
- traditional & extreme metal only
- only good recordings (no rehearsal sound, no live recordings)
- symbolic rates if track accepted
Deadline for promo submission & advert booking:
30th of September 2015
Thanks for your support!
SLOWLY WE ROT #7 looking for more distributors, ask for wholesale rates or trades!
60 pages, A4 format, glossy paper, professional print + Free Compilation CD + Free Bonus Zine, Rotten Romania!!!

Featuring: Abhorrence, Azaghal, Brutality, Devourment, Esoteric, GBMC, LLOTH (in memory of Tristessa, Astarte), Nazxul, Overkill (first part of an amazing vintage interview about the beginnings of the band), Shape of Despair, Varathron...
...and also: 0, Arthedain, Department of Correction, Excimer, Krampus, Metal Race Records, My Funeral, Nex Carnis, Nightbreed, Nitroatmosfericum Records, Pest Productions, Putrid Offal, Regiment, Rotten Music, Skan, The Pete Flesh Deathtrip, Uzziel, Trivax, Vargafrost, Whispering Woods,

- more than 200 reviews
+ Free Compilation CD!
+ Rotten Romania #1 / 2015, free bonus zine covering the Romanian scene, this time featuring: Concurrency in Knowledge, Costin Chioreanu, Decease, Dirty Shirt, Gothic, Kistvaen.
For wholesale rates and trades please contact swrzine@yahoo.com

Slowly We Rot Shop

Our email address is:

четверг, 30 июля 2015 г.

NOISE FROM HELL COMPILATION VOL​​​​​​​​​​​.​​​​​​​​​​​20






понедельник, 6 июля 2015 г.


International D.I.Y. punk compilations, featuring 21 bands .
D.I.Y., Anarcho, Punk, DBeat, HCpunk Crust, Thrash, Powerviolence, Grindcore

"a collaborative project between KLINIK 66 and C.R.A.P. "


Abominations all over (Belgium) Albert fish (Portugal) Arquivo morto (Brazil) Bömbärdeo (Chile)Bud2aY (Poland) Civilian Boots (Indonesia) Crise total (Portugal) End Of Ernie (Belgium)Estereotipo Degollao (Chile) Fokkum (Netherlands) Gritando kaos (chile) Heädshöt (Mexico)Missiles of October (Belgium) PWRTL (Sweden) [P.U.T.] (Belgium) Sick of you (Indonesia) The gorgets punk lady (Indonesia) Theist (Indonesia) Warattack (Indonesia) What I want (Brazil)Xcenerex (Italy)

вторник, 11 марта 2014 г.


crust'N'grind punk from Belarus:
Band's info / music / etc:

crust noire from Germany:
Band's info / music / etc:

It is not obligatory to stick exactly to this plan. If you could help us with gigs in some other cities on our way or you know someone who can help, please, contact us.

30.08 [NEED HELP!] Poland, Warsaw
31.08 [NEED HELP!] Poland, Szczecin, Poznan / Germany, Berlin 
01.09 [NEED HELP!] Germany, Hamburg
02.09 [NEED HELP!] Germany, Flensburg
03.09 [NEED HELP!] Denmark, Copenhagen
04.09 [NEED HELP!] Sweden, Gothenburg
05.09 Norway, Oslo «Barrikaden» Squat Birthday Party [Day 1]
06.09 Norway, Oslo «Barrikaden» Squat Birthday Party [Day 2]
07.09 [NEED HELP!] Finland, Turku
08.09 [NEED HELP!] Finland, Tampere
09.09 [NEED HELP!] Finland, Helsinki
10.09 [NEED HELP!] Finland ...
11.09 [NEED HELP!] Estonia, Tallin
12.09 [NEED HELP!] Latvia, Riga
13.09 [NEED HELP!] Lithuania, Vilnius

We are 9 people from PARTiYA + VICTIMS OF CLASSWAR (2 bands) and several people of support.
We have backline for guitar and bass.
We would like to get some money as we need to pay for roads and petrol and we need some food, drinks and sleeping places. 
Send your answers on the e-mails:
okpunkrock@gmail.com - Mysh | PARTiYA
klartsha@aol.com - Klara | VICTIMS OF CLASSWAR
Please, repost this message to friends who can help us.
Greetings and thanks in advance! 
Hope to see you soon!

воскресенье, 11 августа 2013 г.

Rencor - Miserables (2013)

Rencor es un proyecto de grindcore con muchos tintes de distintos géneros (powerviolence, death metal, hardcore...)realizado por Antonio Acién (voz, bajo, programación) y Rubén Gutiérrez (guitarra) tras el cese de la actividad de su anterior grupo, Necrosed.

пятница, 22 марта 2013 г.

Ungovernable Resistance 2013 Compilation!!!

Ungovernable Resistance 2013 Compilation Volume 1

[Various Artists] [International]

 100% DIY/Free/Non Profit. All music submitted with consent of the bands.

[Beatdown HC] [Crust] [HC Punk] [Anarcho Punk] [Grind] [D-Beat] [Folk Punk] [Metallic HC] [Blackened Crust] [Power Violence]


1. Detain - No Escape (2:00)
2. Drowning - 13 families ft Tito Fury (2:33)
3. Snakes - Thin The Herd (1:22)
4. B1B - toxic human plague (1:25)
5. Disease - Alone,we die... (2:08)
6. Bring To Ruin-death reign (2:16)
7. Dredd - Street Justice (0:42)
8. Scumdogs - La confusión del rebaño (1:25)
9. Wagars - Musu saknes mit pazeme (2:50)
10. Communion of Thieves - Bottomless Execration (6:06)
11. Dis-Boikot - Dis-Boikot - After War (2:22)
12. Global Parasite - Ode To Sitchin (2:08)
13. Culto Del Cargo - Respirando la morte (1:27)
14. AÇÃO DIRETA - Sob Outros Céus (3:13)
15. 100%Dongo - Fucking police (2:24)
16. BEDA - To us not on the way... (1:30)
17. Disphux - i belive in no one but myself (1:09)
18. Livre? - Você é louco por controle ou tudo isso é simplesmente soberba (2:06)
19. Abhorrent System - Existence Is Futile (1:55)
20. Kastete - your time is now (3:11)


Ungovernable Resistance 2013 Compilaton Vol 2 (Punk/HC)

[Various Artists] [International]

 100% DIY/Free/Non Profit. All music submitted with consent of the bands.

[D-Beat] [Anarcho Punk] [HC Punk] [Folk Punk] [Blackened Crust] [Power Violence] [Crust]


         1. Power is Poison - Occupy just defy (1:42)
        2. Dårligt Selskab - JOURNALIST (2:06)
        3. Nazis Shouldnt Drive - PMA (0:54)
        4. Pass Out - Passed Out (1:14)
        5. Fucktard - Century 21 Scum (2:35)
        6. Tyber Stryke - No more shit (4:00)
        7. SevenSeven -Rage and Unity (2:38)
        8. Role Out-Just Nonsense (1:16)
        9. Floorboard George - DopeSpoke (1:19)
        10. SYSTEM SHIT - IS THIS TO BE? (1:33)
        11. Communion of Thieves - Black Earth (5:10)
        12. EXISTENCH - FORCEFED OF BEING (2:27)
        13. DRUNKTANK - PYSCHO (2:02)
        14. M.S.D.(MATE SPWAN DIE) - SICK OF YOU (2:35)
        15. Dis-Boikot - Dis-Boikot - Political Bastard (2:05)
        16. Disphux - in the name of profit (1:37)
        17. AÇÃO DIRETA - La Fiesta (2:11)
        18. Livre? - Destruir e Construir (3:15)
        19. BEDA - Deadlock (1:07)
        20. To Die - amnesia selektif (1:51)


Ungovernable Resistance 2013 Compilaton Vol 3 (Punk/HC)

[Various Artists] [International]

 100% DIY/Free/Non Profit. All music submitted with consent of the bands. 
[HC] [HC Punk] [Metallic HC] [D-Beat] [Anarcho Punk] [Crust] [UG/Political/Spiritual Hip Hop] [Folk Punk]


 1. Communion of Thieves - El Destierro (2:03)
2. Guerrilla Alliance (Macabean the Rebel & Vega X) - Architecture of a Perfect Weapon (4:10)
3. 40 oz. Folklore - Greedy Bastards (1:52)
4. Diesis-I & MataSiete - Monkey vs Drunkenfist (2:28)
5. Power is Poison - Prey upon the weak (1:29)
6. Slug - Middle East War (4:22)
7. Triangle Fire - abort the troops (3:18)
8. bring to ruin-career suicide (1:19)
9. B1B - more desolation for world domination (1:22)
10. Foreseen -Structural Oppression (4:41)
11. Detain - Locked Up (2:20)
12. Disease - Another Nuclear Age (1:21)
13. Dredd - Cursed Earth (2:12)
14. Essere - Lavoro lavoro (ma quale lavoro...) (2:29)
15. The Bristles - Gulag (1:34)
16. Animal Train - Thin the herd (0:49)
17. Power is Poison - War on the system (1:53)
18. Abhorrent System - Traitor (1:59)
19. Turncoat Collective - Hope's Couch (2:22)
20. Tyber Stryke - The stalker (3:14)


Ungovernable Resistance 2013 Compilaton Vol 4 (Punk/HC)
[Various Artists] [International]

 100% DIY/Free/Non Profit. All music submitted with consent of the bands. 
[Crust] [D-Beat] [Blackened Crust] [HC] [HC Punk] [Grind] [Anarcho Punk] [Power Violence] [Folk Punk]       


 1. Culto Del Cargo - L'era dell'uomo (2:29)
        2. Communion of Thieves - Beauty Beyond an Image (2:55)
        3. Disease - Mother Nature is dying (1:33)
        4. Abhorrent System - Racial Schism (2:44)
        5. Etilikor - te voy a reventar (1:19)
        6. Role Out-Television (1:33)
        7. Kennel - Benvenuta all'inferno (1:50)
        8. Homicide - Pesadelo (0:40)
        9. TO DIE - menuju genderang sunyi (0:19)
        10. Dis-Boikot - Political Bastard (2:05)
        11. Disphux - jeffy (1:18)
        12. Diskent - Nedrusta (0:46)
        13. Tyber Stryke - Hell's fire is waiting for you (2:12)
        14. Turncoat Collective - On the Road to Self-Recovery (2:43)
        15. Oiz II Men - Up The Anti (2:07)
        16. Kennel - La mia ultima lettera (2:02)
        17. Homicide - Inimigo Sem Causa (0:48)
        18. Culto Del Cargo - Immagina (1:40)
        19. Communion of Thieves - Innocencia Interrumptida (2:33)
        20. Etilikor - Pika pika (2:23)
        21. Fokkum - Puppet Masters (0:45)
        22. Fokkum - Slave to convention (0:57)
        23. Homicide - É Tudo Sobre a Informação (0:55)
        24. Homicide - Right You Are (Napalm Death cover) (0:50)
        25. Homicide - Esperando Para Explodir (1:18)
        26. Communion of Thieves - Pasos Libres (5:19)
        27. Communion of Thieves - The Twilight of Capitalism II (3:20)
        28. Disphux - cries of the innocent (1:03)
        29. Etilikor - cabeza de tacho (1:17)
        30. Turncoat Collective - Song For The Speechless (3:41)