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Показаны сообщения с ярлыком PUNK. Показать все сообщения

вторник, 24 мая 2016 г.

Emergency Attack compilation # 3

Emergency Attack 3 DIY compilation is out now !!!
Fuck the capitalist mentality, download for free.
Abolish mornings (India)

 Abominations all over (Belgium)

 Agathocles (Belgium)

 Agent Patogen (Spain)

 Arquivo morto (Brazil)

 Badak militia  (Indonesia)

 Corporation is exploitation (Belgium)

 Doomsister (France)

 Extinct! (Germany)  

 Kingterror (Belgium )

 Konaklysm (Indonesia)

 Massive Genital Erection  (Indonesia)

 Over Power (Indonesia) 

 SampleViolence (Belgium)

 Sars (Indonesia)

 Shit fucking shit (Italy)

 Society Prison Complex (Germany)

 The Grindful Dead (Brazil)

 Travølta (Belgium)

 Tremor (Brazil)

Tumor Ganas

What  I Want (Brazil)

Vagina Dentata (Indonesia)

XrepeatX (India)

 Yattai (France)

A collaborative project between klinik 66 and C.R.A.P.

понедельник, 6 июля 2015 г.


International D.I.Y. punk compilations, featuring 21 bands .
D.I.Y., Anarcho, Punk, DBeat, HCpunk Crust, Thrash, Powerviolence, Grindcore

"a collaborative project between KLINIK 66 and C.R.A.P. "


Abominations all over (Belgium) Albert fish (Portugal) Arquivo morto (Brazil) Bömbärdeo (Chile)Bud2aY (Poland) Civilian Boots (Indonesia) Crise total (Portugal) End Of Ernie (Belgium)Estereotipo Degollao (Chile) Fokkum (Netherlands) Gritando kaos (chile) Heädshöt (Mexico)Missiles of October (Belgium) PWRTL (Sweden) [P.U.T.] (Belgium) Sick of you (Indonesia) The gorgets punk lady (Indonesia) Theist (Indonesia) Warattack (Indonesia) What I want (Brazil)Xcenerex (Italy)

суббота, 24 января 2015 г.

среда, 3 декабря 2014 г.

New Release of Evil Punk Records - Бунт Ради Бунта - "Время Право Ждений Ада" (2014) !!!

Двадцатый юбилейный релиз от нашего мегаподпольного, супердиайваного и злобного панк лэйбла!!! Мощнейший альбом от одной из самых неординарных, старейших и беспощаднейших групп беларуси, которая уже почти пятнадцать лет, словно адский бульдозер, сквозь двуногое дерьмо пробивает себе путь к ебеням с этой планеты!!! Сие творение вырвет, разорвёт на мельчайшие куски и разбросает по вселенной ваш заплывший, затуманенный модой и прочим быдляцким дерьмом мозг!!! Да будет Бунт, да будет Бунт Ради Бунта!!!

The twentieth jubilee release of our mega underground, super diy and evil punk label !!! Powerful album from one of the most extraordinary, the oldest and ruthless bands from Belarus, which almost fifteen years, like infernal bulldozer, makes its way through a two-legged shit out from this planet !!! This creation will snatch, tear into a small pieces and throw about of the whole universe your fucking brain, which swollen and blurred away of fashion and other goddamn shit !!! Let it be Revolt, Let it be Revolt for the sake of Revolt!!!

вторник, 11 марта 2014 г.


crust'N'grind punk from Belarus:
Band's info / music / etc:

crust noire from Germany:
Band's info / music / etc:

It is not obligatory to stick exactly to this plan. If you could help us with gigs in some other cities on our way or you know someone who can help, please, contact us.

30.08 [NEED HELP!] Poland, Warsaw
31.08 [NEED HELP!] Poland, Szczecin, Poznan / Germany, Berlin 
01.09 [NEED HELP!] Germany, Hamburg
02.09 [NEED HELP!] Germany, Flensburg
03.09 [NEED HELP!] Denmark, Copenhagen
04.09 [NEED HELP!] Sweden, Gothenburg
05.09 Norway, Oslo «Barrikaden» Squat Birthday Party [Day 1]
06.09 Norway, Oslo «Barrikaden» Squat Birthday Party [Day 2]
07.09 [NEED HELP!] Finland, Turku
08.09 [NEED HELP!] Finland, Tampere
09.09 [NEED HELP!] Finland, Helsinki
10.09 [NEED HELP!] Finland ...
11.09 [NEED HELP!] Estonia, Tallin
12.09 [NEED HELP!] Latvia, Riga
13.09 [NEED HELP!] Lithuania, Vilnius

We are 9 people from PARTiYA + VICTIMS OF CLASSWAR (2 bands) and several people of support.
We have backline for guitar and bass.
We would like to get some money as we need to pay for roads and petrol and we need some food, drinks and sleeping places. 
Send your answers on the e-mails:
okpunkrock@gmail.com - Mysh | PARTiYA
klartsha@aol.com - Klara | VICTIMS OF CLASSWAR
Please, repost this message to friends who can help us.
Greetings and thanks in advance! 
Hope to see you soon!

понедельник, 10 марта 2014 г.

Ignore Idols - 'Into two pieces' (2014)

The debut album of great Moscow punk band Ignore Idols - 'Into two pieces'
Ignore Idols is explosive guitar riffs, rocks the rhythm section, cool vocal and acute social texts about the things that surround us every day, even if we don't notice it. This music is at the intersection of styles , which incorporates the whole musical experience and the piece of the soul of each of us.
It is a way to reach people, who hidden in a sealed shell and only occasionally looking at the world through the eye slits. 
This is an attempt to change something around us to cause a chain reaction and cover the whole world. Because one single person can't make the world better, but we all - can.