I’m really liking this series. I found myself thrown back into Miranda’s world and the weird but wonderful Bard Academy. The books are really clever - using a classic as a theme and incorporating it into the story yet keeping the story fresh and original. It was great fun to read and I enjoyed spending time with Miranda and her friends. I’m really looking forward to the third Moby Clique and hope more are published in this really addictive and brilliant series!
Monday, 30 November 2009
The Scarlet Letterman by Cara Lockwood
I’m really liking this series. I found myself thrown back into Miranda’s world and the weird but wonderful Bard Academy. The books are really clever - using a classic as a theme and incorporating it into the story yet keeping the story fresh and original. It was great fun to read and I enjoyed spending time with Miranda and her friends. I’m really looking forward to the third Moby Clique and hope more are published in this really addictive and brilliant series!
Saturday, 28 November 2009
In my mailbox (16)
This week I got the following books:
(all descriptions from Amazon)
For Review:
Jo has just moved to America with her mum. She's always been a fairly average girl - not a nerd but certainly never one of the popular kids. But on her first day in her new school, she seems to be adopted by the It girls - and is invited to one of their parties. There, she meets Jake Matthews, officially the hottest boy in school, and when they begin to play the kissing-in-the-closet game, Seven Minutes in Heaven, amazingly Jake picks Jo join him in the closet! She can't believe her luck. But the reality of being kissed and groped by Jake is not quite as great as the fantasy...Jo has a choice to make: should she carry on, kiss Jake and secure her position in the It crowd - or should she tell him where to get off and risk relegation back to the land of the ordinary ...? At this moment - Jo splits. She's Josie the Cool - girlfriend of Jake, member of the It crowd. She's also Jo the Nerd - rejected by the It crowd, single ...Will her two halves ever come back together again? Is Jake the guy she's meant to be with or could some of the other people she meets along her journey - Rachel the scary goth, David the misfit or Albie the rocker - be the answer? A fabulously inventive, heartwarming and funny take on the Sliding Doors idea, for teen readers.
Carlota and Bethany are best friends. Bethany is the sensible one with a long-term boyfriend, Carlota is the crazy one with a wild past and rebellious nature. All is fine in their world - apart from Carlota hating her stepdad and longing for a old flame. And apart from Bethany thinking her boyfriend is about to dump her and that her period is late...Carlota comes up with a plan to put all their troubles behind them and go on a girls-only wild day out, with only their favourite magazine to guide them through the day. If they open it on a fashion page they have to get hold of a fabulous new outfit and pretend to be models. If they open it to a page on snogging, they have to find a boy to snog. The magazine will take them everywhere they need to go - but will it help them to reveal the secrets they are keeping from each other?
Many thanks to Luisa for sending me these:)
From the bestselling author of the Blue is for Nightmares series (Llewellyn Publications) comes a chilling new paranormal romance series for teens. Until three months ago, everything in 16-year-old Camelia's life had been fairly ordinary. But when Ben joins her school, everything begins to change. Rumoured to be responsible for his ex-girlfriend's accidental death, Ben is immediately ostracised by everyone except for Camelia. Inexplicably, she is drawn to him - but soon she begins receiving eeries phone calls and threatening notes. Can Ben be trusted?
As the vampire population at Waterloo High continues to grow, Beth Frasier realises that she has to save not only her school, but also her home town. And only one thing is for sure - she has to find the head vampire and kill him. Her only problem? With her classmates turning over the the dark side one by one, Beth doesn't know who to trust - and who to kill.
Sookie Stackhouse is a cocktail waitress in a little bar in Bon Temps, a small town deep in Louisiana. She's funny and pretty and well-mannered, but she doesn't have that many close friends - mind you, that's not so surprising when you consider how few people can appreciate her abilities as a mind-reader. It's not a quality that has the guys beating down her door - well, unless they're vampires or werewolves or the like . . . but they're not just supernatural freaks, some of them are friends, even family . . . The box contains: Dead Until Dark, Living Dead in Dallas, Club Dead, Dead to the World, Dead as a Doornail, Definitely Dead, All Together Dead, From Dead to Worse.
Friday, 27 November 2009
Being Nikki by Meg Cabot
From Amazon: Things aren't pretty for Emerson Watts.
Em was sure there couldn't be anything worse than being a brainiac the body of a teenaged supermodel.
But it turned out she was wrong. Because that supermodel could turn out to have a mother who's gone mysteriously missing, a brother who's shown up on her doorstep demanding answers, a former best friend who's intent on destroying Stark Enterprises to avenge the death of his lost love, and a British heartthrob who's written a song about her that's topping the charts.
How can Em balance all that with school, runway shows, and weekend jaunts to St. Johns - especially when she's got ex-boyfriends crawling out of the woodwork who want more than just a photo op; a sister who is headed to the high school cheerleading championships; a company she represents that seems to be turning to the dark side...
Not to mention trying to convince the love of her life that models aren't really airheads after all...especially one model in particular.
But then, nobody said it was going to be easy being Nikki.
I am really enjoying this series. We get to watch Em try to adapt to her new life and try to keep her old one – and at the same time try to work out exactly what Stark is up to. Very interesting and being a Meg Cabot book there is a lot of fun along the way. Granted it’s not the most realistic of plots but that really doesn’t matter as it's so enjoyable. I don’t want to give too much away but I’m really looking forward to the next book Runaway as we may finally get to know the big secret! (see Meg’s blog here) And (more importantly) I have to know if she will finally end up with Christopher.
Thursday, 26 November 2009
In Your Room by Jordanna Fraiberg
This is a really sweet love story. Both Molly and Charlie are really likeable characters – in fact I really REALLY liked Charlie - and there was a realistic connection between the two. You could see how they pushed each other to be better and do things they may not have done otherwise. I also liked that you got the story from both points of view and enjoyed reading the emails they sent each other.
Molly’s struggle to except her stepfather Ron was also done really well and I liked the focus on Molly’s interest in fashion – it gave the story more believability and stopped it just being a love story. Charlie’s wish for a real connection in a relationship felt refreshing and made me like him even more.
I really recommend this – it was great fun and I had a really goofy smile on my face by the end!
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
2010 Debut Author Challenge
I've signed up to take part in my first challenge! It's the 2010 Debut Author Challenge and it's hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren. Click on the link above for all the informations and if you wish to participate you can sign up by clicking here.
Read so far...
1. Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver
2. Nearly Departed by Rook Hastings
3. A Match Made in High School by Kristin Walker
4: Need by Carrie Jones
5: My So Called Aferlife by Tamsym Murray
6: The Naughty List by Suzanne Young
7: Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
8: Della Says: OMG! by Keris Stainton
9: Wintercraft by Jenna Burtenshaw
10: Tyger Tyger by Kersten Hamilton
11: Minder by Kate Kaynak
12: Matched by Ally Condie
So Challenge completed!
I also read...
Finding Sky by Joss Stirling
Ondine by Ebony McKenna
TimeRiders by Alex Scarrow
The Eternal Ones by Kristen Miller
(All of which I think are 2010 debuts)
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
I want to read that...
Kayla McHenry’s sweet sixteenth sucks! Her dad left, her grades dropped, and her BFF is dating the boy Kayla’s secretly loved for years. Blowing out her candles, Kayla thinks: I wish my birthday wishes actually came true. Because they never freakin’ do.
Kayla wakes the next day to a life-sized, bright pink My Little Pony outside her window. Then a year’s supply of gumballs arrives. And a boy named Ken with a disturbing resemblance to the doll of same name stalks her. As the ghosts of Kayla’s wishes-past appear, they take her on a wild ride… but they MUST STOP. Because when she was 15? She wished Ben Mackenzie would kiss her.
And Ben is her best friend's boyfriend.
I really enjoyed Prada and Prejudice and this sounds sooo good! I can't wait - why is everything great being published months from now? *sulks*
This is published by Razorbill in August 2010.
Monday, 23 November 2009
Hold Still by Nna Lacour
I completely fell in love with this book. Everything about it just worked for me. I adored the writing – it was really beautiful and really bought Catlin to life. I really felt as if I was in her head and was on the journey with her. Her pain was palpable and it felt completely realistic to me.
This is another one of those books that is very character driven and relies on character interaction and development. It is in this aspect that this book excels. I loved Catlin’s progression through the novel and it felt a very realistic portrayal of grief. I also loved the way her parent tried to help – you could see how scared and worried they are yet they still give her the room to grieve. They also provide the tools for her to work her way through her grief which was lovely to see. Her interactions with her new friends were really interesting and you could see her struggle with the responsibility of being a friend and her need for contact. Ms. Delani was a really interesting character and gave insight into the responsibility a teacher feels when a student commits suicide.
I also loved the presentation of the book. The way they incorporated Ingrid’s Journal into the book through different paper colour and drawings had a huge impact and as a result made Ingrid a main character in the novel. The author does a great job in showcasing depression in a real and honest way. When we get to see Ingrid through her own words and through the memories of others we get to see this as a long term illness with symptoms that can easily go unnoticed. It was interesting to see Catlin struggle with the truth behind many of her memories now that she sees them in a different light.
I don’t think I’ve done how much I loved this book justice – all I can say is please read it. It’s absolutely stunning.
Friday, 20 November 2009
One lovely Blog Award.
Loads of thanks to Andrea @ Buried in Books, Yay Reads and Carla @ The Crooked Shelf for giving me this award.
Here are the rules: Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
It's taken me a while to post this - I've been waiting until I had 15 blogs to pass it on to. Some are new (ish) and some are established but they are all new to me:)
A Good Addiction
A Passion for Books
Ellz Readz
Everything To Do With Books
Ramblings of a Bibliophile
Library Lounge Lizard
Pirate Penguin's Reads
Read Into This!
Reading is Bliss
Reverie Book Reviews
The Page Flipper
WORD for Teens
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Gingerbread by Rachel Cohn
When Cyd's rebelliousness gets out of hand, her parents ship her off to New York City to spend the summer with "Frank real-dad," her biological father. Trading in her parents for New York City grunge and getting to know her bio-dad and step-sibs is what Cyd has been waiting for her whole life. But summer in the city is not what Cyd expects -- and she's far from the daughter or sister that anyone could have imagined.
Simon Pulse, $7.99
I found this in a local charity shop so didn’t realise it’s an American publication – it’s available if you are able to order online.
This was my first Rachel Cohn book and I enjoyed it. Cyd Charisse certainly has a very unique voice – at first I wasn’t sure I was going to like her she was so ‘in your face’ but she soon grew on me. I liked her no holds barred attitude and the way she spoke.
The book is really quirky – one of the characters is a doll called gingerbread (hence the title)! – but is great fun too. The main drew of the book for me were the different relationships – Cyd and Shrimp, Cyd and her family and Cyd and her ‘bio dad’ (and his family). The dynamics of these were really interesting and I especially liked her banter with her half-brother.
I have already bought the second book called Shrimp (which is available in the UK) and there is also a third called Cupcake
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Major Crush by Jennifer Echols
Marching to the beat of a different drum...
Tired of the beauty-pagean circuit, Virginia Sauter tosses her tiara, pierces her nose, and auditions for the most unlikely of roles -- drum major of the high school marching band.
Virginia wins, but is forced to share the title with Drew, whose family has held the position for generations. Sure, Drew is hot, but because of his superior attitude, he and Virginia are constantly arguing. That is, until they share more than just their half-time salute...
But as the drum major's heated competition turns to sizzling romance, explosive rumors threaten everything -- including the band's success. Love seemed to be a sure hit, but Virginia and Drew may be marching straight into disaster.
Jennifer Echols has officially become one of those authors that I will read purely because her name is on the book. I haven’t read a book of hers yet I haven’t really enjoyed.
Major Crush has all the things I’ve come to expect from her writing. The characters had that added spark that made them just that little bit more interesting. They were dealing with some real issues and there was some fun along the way – the band teacher was hilarious! It was also really sweet and romantic.
I can’t wait until next year when I’ll get some more of her books to read.
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
I want to read that...
June by Robin Benway
From Goodreads:
Three sisters, three extraordinary, life-changing powers!
I hugged my sisters and they fit against my sides like two jigsaw pieces that would never fit anywhere else. I couldn’t imagine ever letting them go again, like releasing them would be to surrender the best parts of myself.
Three sisters share a magical, unshakeable bond in this witty high-concept novel from the critically acclaimed author of Audrey, Wait! Around the time of their parents’ divorce, sisters April, May, and June recover special powers from childhood—powers that come in handy navigating the hell that is high school. Powers that help them cope with the hardest year of their lives. But could they have a greater purpose?
April, the oldest and a bit of a worrier, can see the future. Middle-child May can literally disappear. And baby June reads minds—everyone’s but her own. When April gets a vision of disaster, the girls come together to save the day and reconcile their strained family. They realize that no matter what happens, powers or no powers, they’ll always have each other.
Because there’s one thing stronger than magic: sisterhood.
Monday, 16 November 2009
The Hate List by Jennifer Brown
I found this a very powerful read. It was such a raw and honest account that it was heartbreaking to read at times. I connected to Val immediately and found it interesting to have the story told from her point of view – having her be the girlfriend of the shooter gave the story a unique feel. I found it very insightful watching her grapple with her feelings towards the Nick she remembered and the reality of what he had done.
Jennifer Brown has a lovely writing style – it’s very accessible and I found myself flying through the book. She uses flashbacks and newspaper articles to bring the past to light and this works superbly – by the time you get to the shooting you really feel for all the characters which makes it even more devastating. I liked that you got to see Nick from Val’s point of view to show that a real person was behind the shooting - even if that makes it even more horrifying and heartbreaking.
I found Val’s journey to be a rollercoaster ride of emotion – the book is very character driven and focuses on Val’s need to overcome/accept what has happened and forgive her role in it so she can move on with her life. She is a brilliantly crafted character – a kind of warts and all approach. I found this extended to the other characters as well – I found their reactions to be realistic – the hate, anger, fear, the need to blame or hold someone accountable and ultimately forgiveness. I think it was her father’s reaction that was the most devastating. It felt realistic though, even if I did spend most of the book wishing he’d be different.
This is definitely a book that will stay with me. Val felt very real to me and I’d love to see how she’s getting on in the future.
Sunday, 15 November 2009
A random thought and question...
Saturday, 14 November 2009
In my mailbox (15)
This week I bought:
From Goodreads:
dear caitlin, there are so many things that i want so badly to tell you but i just can’t.
Devastating, hopeful, hopeless, playful . . . in words and illustrations, Ingrid left behind a painful farewell in her journal for Caitlin. Now Caitlin is left alone, by loss and by choice, struggling to find renewed hope in the wake of her best friend’s suicide. With the help of family and newfound friends, Caitlin will encounter first love, broaden her horizons, and start to realize that true friendship didn’t die with Ingrid. And the journal which once seemed only to chronicle Ingrid’s descent into depression, becomes the tool by which Caitlin once again reaches out to all those who loved Ingrid—and Caitlin herself.
Luckily there's no amount of homesickness that a bit of snooping can't cure. Charlie and Molly begin crawling under beds and poking around in closets to find out a little more about each other, and they like what they find.
Can Charlie and Molly's long-distance romance survive jealousy, misunderstandings and the thousand miles between them?
Shrimp by Rachel Cohn
Hope you all had a good week:)
Friday, 13 November 2009
Shrinking Violet by Danielle Joesph
From Goodreads: High school senior Teresa Adams is so painfully shy that she dreads speaking to anyone in the hallways or getting called on in class. But in the privacy of her bedroom with her iPod in hand, she rocks out - doing mock broadcasts for Miami's hottest FM radio station, which happens to be owned by her stepfather. When a slot opens up at The SLAM, Tere surprises herself by blossoming behind the mike into confident, sexy Sweet T - and to everyone's shock, she's a hit! Even Gavin, the only guy in school who she dares to talk to, raves about the mysterious DJ's awesome taste in music. But when The SLAM announces a songwriting contest -- and a prom date with Sweet T is the grand prize - Sweet T's dream could turn into Tere's worst nightmare...
This was a good read. I really liked Tere – she’s the kind of character I could imagine myself being friends with in real life. I also identified with her – I was painfully shy when I was younger so I (unfortunately) recognized the fear she felt in certain situations! I liked the arc her character went through in the book to discover her ‘voice’ – it was this aspect that held my interest. The impact this had on her relationship with her mother was interesting to read as well.
There wasn’t as much romance in the book as I thought there was going to be – so I was a little disappointed in that respect - and I found the songwriting contest to be a bit unrealistic in contrast to the rest of the story – but I think it worked overall.
I really like how Danielle Joseph writes and I think she is definitely an author to watch. I will be keeping my eye out for her next novel.
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
The Boys Next Door by Jennifer Echols
Cute, available, and one cabin over
Lori lives for summertime on the lake. She spends all season wakeboarding, swimming, and hanging with her friends -- including the two hotties in the house next door. With the Vader brothers, Lori's always been one of the guys.
But while Lori and the "baby" brother, Adam, are inseparable friends, she can't deny a secret crush on Sean, the older Vader boy. This year Sean's been paying Lori a lot of attention, and not in a brotherly way.
But just as Lori decides to prove to Sean she's girlfriend material, she realizes that her role as girl friend to Adam may be even more important. And by trying so hard for the perfect summer romance, she could be going way overboard....
This was another great book by Jennifer Echols. I loved the characters – Lori was great as a tomboy trying to be feminine. I understood her attraction to Sean – he was kind of like a movie star – and I absolutely adored Adam. The other characters were great fun too with some great banter in the group scenes.
The plot was good and a great premise for some fun and romantic scenes. Lori seemed to get herself into a few pickles – and it was great fun watching her work out how she really felt. The ending wasn’t a surprise but it was entertaining watching the characters get there and really romantic too. If only things were like this when I was a teenager...but I digress.
I’m really enjoying these romantic comedies by Echols. Great fun, very sweet and with great characters. There is a sequel planned next year for this one and I can’t wait:)
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
I want to read that...
This looks like really good fun. It's published (in the US) February 2010. You can check out the author's website here
Monday, 9 November 2009
Betrayals by Lili St Crow
I find the mythology created here is fantastic – but it can get a bit confusing at times to keep track of all the different things – so a glossary would really help keep it all straight! The ending was good and although it's not strictly a cliff hanger ending the book does feel like it's Part 2 of a longer story.
Overall I really enjoyed it and this is becoming one of my favourite series. I’ve been surprised by people's disappointment with the first book (Strange Angels) and am wondering if this is going to be one of those series you either love or hate? I love it and can’t wait until July when Jealousy is released.
(Click here for a synopsis of Jealousy – WARNING it does contain spoilers for the two previous books)
Sunday, 8 November 2009
In my mailbox (14)
Betrayals by Lili St Crow
From Goodreads: Poor Dru Anderson. Her parents are long gone, her best friend is a werewolf, and she's just learned that the blood flowing through her veins isn't entirely human. (So what else is new?) Now Dru is stuck at a secret New England Schola for other teens like her, and there's a big problem - she's the only girl in the place. A school full of cute boys wouldn't be so bad, but Dru's killer instinct says that one of them wants her dead. And with all eyes on her, discovering a traitor within the Order could mean a lot more than social suicide. . . Can Dru survive long enough to find out who has betrayed her trust - and maybe even her heart?
Friday, 6 November 2009
Wake by Lisa McMann
While I liked the whole dreamcatching premise - it was an interesting idea and felt really original - I have to be honest and say the main hook for me was the relationship between Janie and Cabel. I loved both characters - Cabel was really sweet and caring, Janie really likeable with great inner strength - and I really enjoyed seeing their relationship progress. I still smile when I think about the skateboard ride:)
There seemed to be a lot going on for such a quick read - which was good - and I was surprised by how dark it was - there are some very adult themes in the book including abuse and alcoholism - but I thought they were handled well.
Overall, this was a great start to the series and I look forward to spending more time with Janie and Cabel.
Thursday, 5 November 2009
I want to read that...
When Tessa’s own boyfriend shows up on the List, she turns her sleuthing skills on him. Is Aiden just as naughty as all the rest, or will Tessa’s sneaky ways end in catastrophe?
The Naughty List. Is your boyfriend on it?
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
The Secret Life of Sparrow Delaney by Suzanne Harper
In high school, the last thing you want is for people to think you talk to ghosts. When Sparrow begins tenth grade at a huge new school full of strangers, she thinks her dreams of anonymity and a fresh start are finally coming true. No more following in her six older sisters' footsteps. No more going to class with kids who've seen her grandma doing jujitsu in the front yard next to the headstones of her four dead husbands. And no more worrying about keeping her deep, dark secret hidden.Sparrow makes a new best friend and has her eye on an irritatingly appealing guy in her history class. She feels like she's well on her way to a normal life. But it's another boy—a dead one—who wants Sparrow's attention, and he won't let her be till she's helped him Move On.You see, Sparrow Delaney's secret is that she's a psychic. And there's one very persistent ghost who won't let her forget it.
Sparrow had a really good voice – very humorous – and I could understand her wish to be ‘normal’ and her fear that if people learnt the truth they wouldn’t accept her. Her family was really quirky (especially her grandma) and they added to the fun and wit of the novel. I really liked Luke and Jack as well as Sparrow’s 'spirit guides' – Luke’s story was handled with care by the author and you really felt for his family.
Overall it was good and kind of reminded me of Meg Cabot’s Mediator series. The ending was really sweet and despite the slow start I was left wanting more – I’d like to see more of Sparrow Delaney.
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
The Ex Games by Jennifer Echols
Brace yourself for the battle of the exes....
Hayden and Nick used to be a hot item, but their brief affair ended with a highly publicized breakup. Now the two are "just friends," excluding the occasional flirtation.
When Hayden wins the girls' division of a local snowboarding competition, Nick is unimpressed, claiming that Hayden wouldn't have a chance against a guy. Hayden calls Nick's bluff and challenges him to a head-to-head boarding contest. Their mutual friends quickly take sides, the girls on Hayden's and the boys on Nick's, making for an all-out battle of the sexes. This friendly competition is bound to get heated -- and they might end up igniting some old flames.
This was such good fun! I loved the characters Nick and Hayden – they were well fleshed out and I adored the banter between the two. I thought Hayden’s past was woven into the present in a really clever way and added to the overall story – giving a depth to it I wasn’t really expecting. I also enjoyed the interactions that Hayden had with her friends and family – she had a really good (and very witty) relationship with her brother – I LOVED the whole ‘toy boy’ on the jeans thing - and through their teasing you could feel a realistic bond. The snowboarding aspect of the novel really interesting - not being a particularly outdoorsy type I was surprised to find myself itching to have a go at it – it sounded so good!
Overall this was a quick, fun read that had me laughing out loud and there were some really sweet and romantic moments that left a big cheesy smile on my face once I’d finished.
Monday, 2 November 2009
Cover Wars: Ransom My Heart
Which do you prefer?
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Book Trailer of the Month
You can check out the author's website here which includes an excerpt of the book.
In my mailbox (13)
This week I bought:
Wake by Lisa McMann
From Amazon: For seventeen-year-old Janie, getting sucked into other people's dreams at any given moment is getting tired. Especially the falling dreams, and the standing-in-front-of-the-class-naked ones. But then there are the nightmares, the ones that chill her to the bone...like the one where she is in a strange house...in a dirty kitchen...and a sinister monster that edges ever closer. This is the nightmare that she keeps falling into, the one where, for the first time, Janie is more than a witness to someone else's twisted psyche. She is a participant...
The Plague by Joanne Dahme
From Amazon: In a land overshadowed by death, fifteen year-old Nell’s uncanny resemblance to Princess Joan brings her to act as her double—what young girl wouldn’t want to leave a life of poverty and pretend to be a princess? But when the plague catches up to the royal entourage, thwarting the King’s plan for the princess to marry the Prince of Castile and seal an alliance between their kingdoms, Nell’s life could change forever. Princess Joan’s brother The Black Prince schemes to make the wedding go on declaring Nell will no longer double for Joan, she will become the princess and dupe Prince Pedro into marriage! With the aid and protection of a quirky band of friends—a Spanish minstrel, a monk, a gravedigger, a band of merchants—Nell must evade not only the Black Prince, a practitioner of the dark arts, but the plague as well, as she fights to return to the King and country. Based on historical truth, Dahme beautifully captures the dark terror of a Plague-infested fourteenth century Europe, while bringing to life the daily existence of medieval life for young adult readers.I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You by Ally Carter
From Amazon: Gallagher Academy might claim to be a school for geniuses -- but it's really a school for spies. Cammie Morgan is fluent in fourteen languages and capable of killing a man in seven different ways (three of which involve a piece of uncooked spaghetti). But the one thing the Gallagher Academy hasn't prepared her for is what to do when she falls for an ordinary boy who thinks she's an ordinary girl. Sure, she can tap his phone, hack into his computer, and track him through a mall without his ever being the wiser, but can Cammie have a normal relationship with a boy who can never know the truth about her?
Hope you all had a good week for books :)