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From Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum
000 - 099.M41
100 - 199.M41
Year | Event | Source |
123.M41 | Clan Raukaan of the Iron Hands defeat a group of Dark Eldar slavers in the Hundharr Cluster by using a number of civilian workers as bait for a trap. | Clan Raukaan - A Codex: Space Marines Supplement (6th Edition) |
139.M41 | Abaddon the Despoiler's forces complete construction of the Planet Killer in the Eye of Terror. | |
139-160.M41 | Abaddon uses the Planet Killer to lead the 12th Black Crusade that ravages the Gothic Sector, known later as the Gothic War. | |
143.M41 | The Jorun Retaliation. The Howling Griffons, Ultramarines and Sons of Orar Chapters defeat the Cabal of the Crimson Libation and their ex-Imperial Guard slaves. Chaplain Armand Titus of the Howling Griffons is interred within a Dreadnought sarcophagus after succumbing to the Xenos poisons.[3] | |
143-151.M41 | Magdellan Prime Civil War | Imperial Armour Volume Two - Second Edition, pg. 20 |
Fall of Betalis IV to forces of Chaos. Battle Sisters of the Order of the Ebon Chalice helped to evacuate Ecclesiarchy officials and sacred relics | Imperial Armour Volume Two - Second Edition, pg. 20 | |
154.M41 | The Planet Killer is finally destroyed. No traces of the remains are found by Inquisitor Horst's investigation 2 years later. | |
179.M41 | Rogue trader Veronique Renuka is declared an outlaw for her involvement in a coup attempt on Cyclopia. | Rogue Trader Core Rulebook, pg. 362 |
189.M41 | Eternal Praetorian is lost with all hands while searching for a stable route into the Koronus Expanse. | Rogue Trader: Into the Storm, pg. 165 |
200 - 299.M41
Year | Event | Source |
201.M41 | The genocidal madman Kobras Aquairre, last of the Aquairre rogue traders, disappears into the Rifts of Hecaton. | Rogue Trader Core Rulebook, pg. 362 |
211.M41 | A Meritech Clan raid on a trio of Battlefleet Calixis Sword-class frigates triggers a fifteen-year war that ends with the destruction of Meritech clan strongholds. | Rogue Trader: Battlefleet Koronus, pgs. 28 & 56 |
213.M41 | Invasion of Castaburg: Warlord Skarmork's Orks invade Castaburg. The Death Korps of Krieg counterattack. | |
220.M41 | Explorator Fleet Hydrax-Lamda-15 discovers an Ork Terror Ship adrift in space. The ship is devoid of life, but contains the corpses of hundreds of Orks. A standard bearing the words 'Carcharodon Astra' is found atop a mound of bodies several metres high. | Imperial Armour Volume Ten - The Badab War - Part Two, pgs. 118–119 |
241.M41 | The Helican subsector capital is moved to Thracian Primaris from Gudrun when it overtakes the latter as the preeminent world of the subsector. | Malleus (Novel) - Eisenhorn (Omnibus), Chapter Two, pg. 289 |
248.M41 | Asdrubael Vect seals the daemon-summoning Dark Eldar Archon Ysclyth into his own territory. The daemons tear apart Ysclyth and his kabal. | Codex: Chaos Daemons (6th Edition), pg. 22 |
249.M41 | Battle of Columnus - The Forge World Columnus is assaulted by the Ork Weirdwaaagh! led by the Weirdboy Zagdakka. Iron Hands Clan Raukaan, a Raven Guard Shadow Company, and the entire Legio Ferrax Titan Legion are among the defenders. The Orks are defeated and Zagdakka killed, though at the cost of the entire Raven Guards company and Shadow Captain Stenn, who were used as bait for the Ork Warlord and allowed to die by Warleader Kristos. | Clan Raukaan - A Codex: Space Marines Supplement (6th Edition) |
260.M41 | As a result of Warleader Kristos' actions on Columnus, seen to be not of logic but the settling of a score with the Raven Guard, the Kristosian Conclave is called on Medusa to debate his actions there, but the conclave expands to become a general debate on the chapter's philosophy. During the 200 years of the conclave, no Iron Father is elected to lead the Iron Council. | Clan Raukaan - A Codex: Space Marines Supplement (6th Edition) |
261.M41 | The first Falchion-class frigate is laid down at the forge world Voss. | Rogue Trader: Battlefleet Koronus, pg. 26 |
273.M41 | Hydra Flak Tank found. | Imperial Armour Volume One - Imperial Guard and Imperial Navy |
298.M41 | Rogue trader Salgut Falkin ferries thirty thousand surplus hive workers from Clove in the Calixis Sector to an uninhabited world. He remains long enough to see their prefabricated habs deployed. | Rogue Trader Core Rulebook, pg. 326 |
300 - 399.M41
Year | Event | Source |
310.M41 | Rogue trader Salgut Falkin returns to the colony world he founded after a series of unfortunate encounters with the eldar. He finds a thriving community calling itself New Clove and installs himself as Imperial commander. An eldar fleet follows him and ejects the colonists from their Maiden World. Falkin and the remainder of his flotilla disappear into the Koronus Expanse. | Rogue Trader Core Rulebook, pg. 326 |
322.M41 | The Golden Halos Space Marine Chapter encounters the infamous "ghost ship" Celestion while aboard the Battlecruiser Garandus. The result is a severe glancing collision upon the lower port bow, ripping apart several of the chapter's dropships. A surprise warp vortex halts all recovery operations. Casualties were listed as 2,362, 17% from the Golden Halos. | Inferno! 11 |
342.M41 | Inquisitor Eisenhorn declares Inquisitor Quixos a heretic and Extremis Diabolus. Eisenhorn leads a cell that hunts down and kills Quixos three years later (Quixos approx. 300 years old at this point). | Malleus (Novel) |
359.M41 | Copul IV cleansed by the Ultramarines. | |
367.M41 | A joint Space Marine and Imperial Guard force led by Marneus Calgar scours the Ork world of Balur. | |
371.M41 | Sergeant Severus of the Ultramarines is wounded on Corinth and interred in a Dreadnought. He returns for the seven-year Corinthian Crusade in 698.M41. | |
Acata Uprising | Imperial Armour Volume Two - Second Edition, pg. 20 | |
373.M41 | Inquisitors murdered. Jaq Draco raids the Black Library of Chaos. Planet Sabulorb incinerated. Jaq Draco killed in the Eldar Webway. | Harlequin (Novel) |
383.M41 | Warp storm Iagon affects Lissandro. The governing body, the Quorum Immaculate, has the population implanted with electoos bearing hexagrammatic wards against daemonic possession. The arrival of the Black Ships triggers the false wards and the population is transformed into Pink Horrors. By the time the Grey Knights arrive, the entire population is either dead or converted. The Grey Knights witness the disappearance of the Blue Scribes and discover that the symbol was one of invitation, not banishment. | Codex: Chaos Daemons (6th Edition), pg. 22 |
385.M41 | Following the deaths of the Seventeen Holy Martyrs, Lord Inquisitor Heydrich Tarlemon orders the Calixis Sector Ordo Malleus to collate all their records of daemonic names and activities. | Dark Heresy: Daemon Hunter, pg. 74 |
388.M41 | Assassination of Fenton Kail: Fenton Kail is assassinated days after declaring his discovery of an intact Standard Template Construct. | Rogue Trader Core Rulebook, pg. 362 |
392.M41 | Battle of Karsk System (Macharian Crusade) - The Macharian Crusade begins, led by Lord Commander Solar Macharius. | White Dwarf 240 (UK), pgs. 32-33 |
Rediscovery of Persepolis (Macharian Crusade) - The Hive World of Persepolis is re-contacted by the Imperium after 5,000 years. | White Dwarf 240 (UK) pgs. 32-33 | |
393.M41 | Battle of Zaga IV (Macharian Crusade) | White Dwarf 240 (UK), pgs. 32-33 |
395.M41 | Battle of Thoth (Macharian Crusade) | White Dwarf 240 (UK), pgs. 32-33 |
Invasion of Adrantis Five (Macharian Crusade) | White Dwarf 240 (UK), pgs. 32-33 | |
399.M41 | After seven years of Crusade, nearly one thousand worlds brought into the Imperium in the Segmentum Pacificus. A seven year Crusade ending with Lord Commander Solar Macharius' death and causing the Macharian Heresy. | White Dwarf 240 (UK), pgs. 32-33; Codex: Dark Angels (6th Edition), pgs. 36-38 |
400 - 499.M41
Year | Event | Source |
400.M41 | Death of Lord Commander Solar Macharius | White Dwarf 240 (UK), pgs. 32-33; Codex: Dark Angels (6th Edition), pgs. 36-38 |
401-404.M41 | Inquisitor Gideon Ravenor and his team investigate the illegal trade in flects, a warp-tainted drug on Eustis Majoris | Ravenor: The Omnibus pg. 306-307, pg. 570 |
405.M41 | The Dark Angels suppress civil wars during the Macharian Heresy. The Ravenwing uncovers cults and signs of Cypher's presence. An encounter with the Space Wolves allows several Fallen Angels to escape during the Lythanos Uprisings. | Codex: Dark Angels (6th Edition), pg. 25 |
410-412.M41 | The First Siege of Vaxanide by Ork raiders was repulsed by elements of Battlefleet Calixis under Commodore Brokk. | Rogue Trader: Battlefleet Koronus, pg. 56 |
422.M41 | Siege of Port Wander (422-424.M41) - Waaagh! Gulgrog lays siege to Port Wander. Two-thirds of Battlefleet Calixis responds to the attack, led by Admiral Androvast Strophes. Fist of Adamant cripples the ork flagship and routs the invasion. The Imperial Navy reclaims Port Wander instead of pursuing the orks into the Maw. The orks of the Koronus Expanse remain a minor threat for the next four centuries. | Rogue Trader: Edge of the Abyss, pg. 51 |
443.M41 | The Inquisition has Lord-Captain Balastus Irem and his family wiped out for dealing in xenotech excavated from the Cineris Malificum, including Halo Devices. | Rogue Trader Core Rulebook, pgs. 281 & 361-362 |
444.M41 | First War for Armageddon: Chaos incursion led by Angron and World Eaters beaten back by Space Wolves and Grey Knights. | Codex: Chaos Space Marines (3rd Edition, 2nd Codex), pg. 8; Codex: Chaos Space Marines (6th Edition), pg. 24 |
447.M41 | Godjera Incursion | Imperial Armour Volume Two (Second Edition), pg. 20 |
450-465.M41 | Inquisitor Hesten compiles the Hesten manuscript, which documents principles of the God Incarnate (Thorian doctrine). | |
452.M41 | Invasion of Yerena System: The Order of the Bleeding Heart, entrusted with the bones of Saint Emiline, evacuates the Shrine World of Emiline's Hope when an Ork Waaagh! under the command of the Arch Maniac of Calvera invades the Yerena System. | |
474.M41 | Armageddon riots. Warp storms cut off Armageddon. Food shortages lead to armed rebellion in a dozen hives. | |
498.M41 | Parsimus Dewain, last of the Dewain rogue traders, dies without an heir. | Rogue Trader Core Rulebook, pg. 362 |
500 - 599.M41
Year | Event | Source |
500.M41 | Across the Imperium there are visions of the Emperor's tears. From the poorest urchin to the mightiest Chapter Master, all who see the visions know that the Emperor weeps not for himself, but for all mankind. | Warhammer 40,000 6th Edition Rulebook, pg. 171 |
Liege Tarn Marvolus of Footfall is quartered after attempting to extort tribute from rogue trader Cassilus. | Rogue Trader: Hostile Acquisitions, pgs. 18-19 | |
507.M41 | The Second Siege of Vaxanide by Ork Space Hulk Pinnacle of Savagery was defeated by a task force of Imperial Navy, Explorators and Rogue Traders under command of Lord-Admiral Vargaz | Rogue Trader: Battlefleet Koronus, pg. 56 |
508.M41 | Imbach Genocide: It is known that 2nd Company of the Skull Bearers Space Marine Chapter took part in it. Later all of the records about this Genocide were expunged by the Inquisition | Imperial Armour Volume Two - Space Marines and Forces of the Inquisition, pg. 64; Imperial Armour Volume Two - Second Edition: War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes, pg. 20 |
528.M41 | A sub-fleet of the Disciples of Thule under Magos Solus Kanceme enters the Koronus Expanse and scatters in search of pre-Imperial artefacts. | Rogue Trader Core Rulebook, pg. 359 |
538.M41 | The Prefect Majoris of the mining world Dlathus in the Hazeroth Abyss mistakes rogue trader Lady Sun Lee for a representative of the Adeptus Terra and releases his world's Imperial tithe to her. He disappears before the official tithe collectors arrive the next year. | Rogue Trader Core Rulebook, pg. 328 |
600 - 699.M41
Year | Event | Source |
609.M41 | The Bloodwrath Incident: A transport ship carrying the 92nd Brontian Longknives Imperial Guard Regiment, three years overdue after leaving Dwinlicht, translates into realspace near Port Wander. Initial investigation brings the boarding party into contact with daemons of Khorne. Inquisitors of the Ordo Malleus board the ship to fight the incursion and find its source. The Inquisitors fight a Bloodthirster in the central cargo bay, but the ship is destroyed when it passes within one million kilometres of Port Wander. | Dark Heresy: Daemon Hunter, pgs. 18-19 |
622.M41 | Inquisitor Estroz purges House Thrungg after members of the noble house summon the Slaaneshi daemon Merthen the Skindancer. Only three members of Thrungg survive, being off-world at the time. Sebellus Hive's manufacturing capability is crippled for months despite the timely intervention of the Inquisitor's Acolytes. | Dark Heresy: Daemon Hunter, pg. 90 |
633.M41 | An Astropath in Footfall was driven to madness and slow death by terrible visions believed to relate to the star Concanid in the Koronus Expanse. | Rogue Trader Rulebook, pg. 351 |
650.M41 | Goru Heresy | Imperial Armour Volume Two (Second Edition), pg. 20 |
651.M41 | Commander Puretide is born in Dal'yth sept. | Codex: Tau Empire (6th Edition), pg. 28 |
659.M41 | Logan Grimnar becomes new Great Wolf of the Space Wolves. | Grey Hunter (Novel) |
666.M41 | The Battle for Grand Al'gul. | Imperial Armour Volume Nine - The Badab War - Part One, pgs. 92–93 |
The Yuctan Incident: The entire population of Yuctan, including a Naval depot housing squadron Farsight, vanishes following an encounter with Necron raiders. A single Cobra destroyer survives to tell the tale. | The Harvest Fleets | |
672-990.M41 | Segmentum Tempestus experiences a sudden and severe rise in warp storm activity, afflicting even the most reliable Warp routes. Natural and unnatural disasters plague the worlds of the Orpheus Sector. Psykers report recurring nightmares of dead cities and rising darkness. The Ordo Hereticus and Ordo Malleus ruthlessly suppress knowledge of this nightmare epidemic. Only the vigilance of Battlefleet Orpheus and the Angels Revenant keep the sector from falling out of Imperial control. | Imperial Armour Volume Twelve - The Fall of Orpheus, pg. 23 |
679.M41 | Trade War between Ferrozoica Hive and Vervunhive on the planet Verghast.[*] | Necropolis (Novel), Chapters One & Three |
680.M41 | Inquisitor Chaegryn travels to Ghosar Quintus to investigate the mining colony's suspected heretical turn from the Imperial Cult. After a violent encounter with a sub-level overseer, Chaegryn declares the investigation closed and his intent is to return to the Ordo fortress. He never arrives. | Deathwatch: Overkill |
681.M41 | Part of Ortan Cassius's Deathwatch kill team is reassigned to investigate Ghosar Quintus and retrieve Inquisitor Chaegryn. Kill Team Excis is lost and Cassius demands he be allowed to take his kill team to Ghosar to avenge them and learn the truth of Chaegryn's disappearance. | Deathwatch: Overkill |
689.M41 | A localised and violent warp storm designated the "Howling Vortex" engulfs the Barren Stars, cutting off the Morros Lachrymal penitentiary from the rest of the Orpheus Sector. All void travel and communications cease, leaving the fate of the colony's thirteen million prisoners and the prison hulks en route a mystery. | Imperial Armour Volume Twelve - The Fall of Orpheus, pg. 24 |
Rogue Trader Orolshan discovers the derelict Eternal Praetorian in orbit of the Witch-Cursed World. | Rogue Trader: Into the Storm, pg. 165 | |
691.M41 | The Battle of Jade Reach: Three rogue trader flotillas answer the call for help from the Imperial Navy vessel Wrote for Luck to fight an ork fleet. | Rogue Trader Core Rulebook, pg. 322 |
692.M41 | The Angelis Boat, a buried ship of unknown metal, suddenly awakens without warning and flies away. The Angelis Boat is suspected of being a Necron Dirge Class Raider. | Battlefleet Gothic Armada, pg. 78 |
696.M41 | A Tau probe is discovered in the Koath system. The translated message was a greeting and an invitation to "share the culture, technology, and protection of the Tau Empire." | Codex: Tau Empire (6th Edition), pg. 5 |
698-705.M41 | The Corinthian Crusade: Chapter Master Marneus Calgar of the Ultramarines leads the crusade, which consists of Ultramarines, Angels of Absolution, Lamenters, Silver Skulls, Scythes of the Emperor, Marines Errant and over fifty Imperial Guard regiments. Waaagh! Skargor is crushed and the threat from the Orks of Charadon is diminished for over thirty years. | Imperial Armour Volume Nine - The Badab War - Part One, pgs. 76–77 |
700 - 799.M41
Year | Event | Source |
701.M41 | Corinth Crusade: the Liberation of Slaughterhouse III. | Imperial Armour Volume Nine - The Badab War - Part One, pgs. 109, 111 |
703.M41 | Erasmus Haarlock vanishes after wiping out his entire family. | Rogue Trader Core Rulebook, pg. 362 |
704.M41 | The Siege of Tulwa: Marneus Calgar leads infiltration force that destroy the Fortress of Pain (Iron Warriors). | |
710.M41 | A Mechanicus tribunal declares Magos Biologis Sar Resque heretek and Excommunicate for deliberately releasing a mutation-plague upon Outpost 1253. | Dark Heresy: Creatures Anathema, pg. 11 |
712.M41 | Magdelon Incursion | Imperial Armour Volume Two - Second Edition, pg. 20 |
718.M41 | Roodmar Urussalin, last of his rogue trader line, is presumed slain by orks. | Rogue Trader Core Rulebook, pg. 362 |
The Inquisition discovers that the Sinners' Plagues in the Drusus Marches are the work of heretek Magos Biologis Sar Resque. | Dark Heresy: Creatures Anathema, pg. 11 | |
721.M41 | Corsair Prince Nhilus the Ardent and his raiding Eldar Corsairs army are defeated by the Angels Sanguine Chapter | Imperial Armour Volume Two (Second Edition), pg. 20 |
722.M41 | The last group of heretek Magos Biologis Sar Resque's followers are destroyed along with the colony hive of Teruxyne. Resque remains at large. | Dark Heresy: Creatures Anathema, pg. 11 |
731.M41 | Commander Puretide is crippled in battle while touring the Damocles Gulf colonies. He retires to Mount Kan'ji on Dal'yth, mentoring exceptional Fire Caste initiates. After his death, the Earth Caste creates an AI hologram so his wisdom can reach further generations. | Codex: Tau Empire (6th Edition), pg. 28 |
733.M41 | The decade-long Arkunasha War begins. Commander Farsight is active during the war. | Codex: Tau Empire (6th Edition), pg. 29 |
737.M41 | Valos reported stripped of life, later revealed to be the work of Hive Fleet Behemoth. | |
738.M41 | 26th Founding. | Warhammer 40,000 Compendium, pg. 6 |
739.M41 | Wolf Lord Finn Goresson boards the gargantuan Ork warship Starkrusha, with a small force of Space Wolves. Six months later, he emerges from the ship with Warboss Godstompa's head hanging from his belt. | Codex: Space Wolves (5th Edition), pg. 18 |
740.M41 | The Exorcists Chapter save the planet of Stonekraal from a large Genestealer infestation. | Imperial Armour Volume Ten - The Badab War - Part Two, pgs. 126–127 |
740-743.M41 | The Balance Wars take place. | The Sabbat Worlds Crusade (Background Book) |
741.M41 | Inquisitor Bastalek Grim attends the Great Feast of Wolf Lord Gerrod Redbeard, committing the sagas recounted there to his eidetic implants. From these he creates Imperial records later titled "The War of the Giants." | Codex: Space Wolves (5th Edition), pg. 18 |
Following a costly victory over Imperial Titan Legions on Malaxis, the Autarchs of the five largest eldar craftworlds convene. They decide that the lesser races must be shown their place; their message spreads across the craftworlds, resulting in the largest recruitment of eldar taking the Path of the Warrior in millennia. Many civilian paths are abandoned as a result. | Codex: Eldar (6th Edition), pg. 22 | |
Thulean datavaults recovered from Dolorium's voids at this time describe star systems beyond the Koronus Expanse. | Rogue Trader Core Rulebook, pg. 337 | |
742.M41 | The Imperium of Man launches the Damocles Crusade against the Tau Empire. The Tau first deploy Onager Gauntlet technology against Imperial armour. A truce is agreed upon and Imperial forces are redeployed against the approaching Hive Fleet Behemoth. Due to a lack of transports, several regiments of the Imperial Guard are left behind. First Imperial contact with Kroot. The Tau Empire's Second Sphere of Expansion ends. | Codex: Space Marines (4th Edition), pg. 20; Codex: Tau (3rd Edition), pg. 58; Codex: Tau Empire (6th Edition), pgs. 29 & 73 |
744.M41 | Taggarath, Seer of Corrinto, foresees the approach of the End Times, and prophesies a time of unprecedented upheaval, in which even the light of the Emperor is swallowed in darkness. Taggarath is immediately executed for heresy, but his prophecy still spreads in whispers. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 126; Codex: Chaos Daemons (6th Edition), pg. 22 |
A string of murders and thefts at the Kellerman Scholam on Amarah are linked to a Cult Celestarii plot regarding xenos artefacts. A gun battle between cultists and Adeptus Arbites leaves the Scholam a smoking ruin. Witnesses report seeing a fire-shrouded figure retrieve several artefacts from the burning complex, untouched by the fire. Forensic examinations do not establish which of the Scholam's collection of xenos artefacts were stolen before the fire destroyed the rest. | Imperial Armour Volume Twelve - The Fall of Orpheus, pg. 24 | |
The Silent King ends his self-imposed exile and returned to the galaxy after encountering the Tyranids within the intergalactic void and realising the threat they pose. He has begun a journey across the galaxy with a band of his loyal Triarch Praetorians to reawaken Tomb Worlds that still slumber so they may unite against the Tyranids. | Codex: Necrons (5th Edition), pg. 24 | |
745.M41 | The Fall of Tyran, the battle that marked the first major encounter between the Human species and the alien Hive Fleets. Inquisitor Kryptman would eventually investigate the incident and designate the new threat as the Tyranids. | Codex: Tyranids (5th Edition), pgs. 8-9 |
The First Tyrannic War. Hive Fleet Behemoth attacks the Ultramarines' homeworld of Macragge. At the Battle for Macragge, the Tyranids are defeated, but only at great cost - the entire First Company is wiped out, and the 3rd and 7th Companies suffer horrific casualties. | Codex: Tyranids (5th Edition), pgs. 10-11 | |
Aun'Va makes the decision to place Commander Puretide's favoured pupils (including O'Shaserra) into stasis, allowing them to be recalled when needed in the future. | Codex: Tau Empire (6th Edition), pg. 29 | |
746.M41 | The Sons of Guilliman purge Nova Terra of genestealers, executing the entire ruling class in the process. Sergeant Constantinus declares he will lead the sector into a better age, seceding it from the Imperium. The bloody unrest attracts the attention of the Ruinous Powers. The Officio Assassinorum has Constantinus killed to end the rebellion. | Codex: Chaos Space Marines (6th Edition), pg. 24 |
Rogue trader Wrath Umboldt discovers the Processional of the Damned and glimpses the Alenic Depths. | Rogue Trader Core Rulebook, pg. 362 | |
748.M41 | The Blood Star Campaign. | Warhammer 40,000 6th Edition Rulebook, pg. 172 |
749.M41 | The 812th Feast of Blades is held, with all twelve of the competing Space Marine chapters in attendance. Hervald Strom of the Iron Knights is victorious. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49 |
750.M41 | The Red Wolves Space Marines, unsupported, prevent the Night Lords Chaos Space Marines from acquiring the possessed cruiser Shadeblight. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49 |
The Great Exodus. After mysterious activity in the Argos System involving six Eldar Craftworlds, every primary star within sixty light years is extinguished. Nearly 12% of the Imperial population and 32% of the heavy industry is successfully evacuated. The ring of dead planets becomes a salvager's paradise and is now known as the Deadhenge. | Warhammer 40,000 6th Edition Rulebook, pg. 172 | |
752-754.M41 | The Khulan Wars take place. | The Sabbat Worlds Crusade (Background Book) |
754.M41 | The Harvest of Reavers: Aspyce Chorda has the surviving pirates of Iniquity lobotomized and used as slave-serfs. | Rogue Trader Core Rulebook, pg. 361 |
754-756.M41 | The Salamanders Chapter purge the Moons of Ymgarl of Genestealers. Captain Sokhar Bray'arth of the 4th Company is interred in the Iron Dragon Dreadnought chassis after suffering mortal wounds. | Imperial Armour Volume Ten - The Badab War - Part Two, pgs. 78 & 172; Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49 |
755.M41 | The Sabbat Worlds Crusade, the largest Imperial offensive since the Macharian Crusade, begins. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 22 |
757.M41 | First recorded incidence of the Zombie Plague. Twenty-three billion healthy Imperial citizens of Hydra Minoris are quarantined. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 126; Codex: Chaos Space Marines (6th Edition), pg. 24 |
759.M41 | Scouring of Quintarn: Marneus Calgar commands forces against Ork scavengers who captured the triple system of Quintarn, Tarentus and Masali (part of the Ultramar Coalition) in the aftermath of the Battle for Macragge. | |
760.M41 | The Minotaurs Chapter breaks the Siege of Casaubon. | Imperial Armour Volume Ten - The Badab War - Part Two, pg. 109 |
Commander Farsight recaptures much of the territory the Tau Empire lost in the Damocles Gulf Crusade but refuses the recall order. He establishes the fortified Farsight Enclaves. | Codex: Tau Empire (6th Edition), pg. 29 | |
762.M41 | Marneus Calgar leads the Ultramarines against the Daemon-corrupted Forge World of Thrax. After retrieving crucial data-records from the manufactorums, banishing thousands of daemons in the process, Calgar withdraws his forces and pronounces Exterminatus on the planet. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 40 |
The Catachan MXIV 'Unseen Lurkers', led by Colonel 'Steel Eye' Black engage Orks of the Death Skulls on the planet of Kato, a shadow world. The stalemate is only broken once Sentinels locate and destroy the Ork Stompa factory hidden in Widow Valley. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 22 | |
Purging of Gladrinus VI | Imperial Armour Volume Two (Second Edition), pg. 20 | |
765.M41 | Space Marine Chapter Losses to date: 13 lost in the Warp, 21 Irrecoverable battle losses, 9 Geneseed failure, 4 Inquisitorial purges, 16 Other circumstances. | Codex: Space Marines (3rd Edition), pg. 47 |
Warmaster Slaydo killed on the planet Balhaut. | The Sabbat Worlds Crusade (Background Book) | |
766.M41 | Prince Yriel's Eldar pirates attack several Imperial listening posts in the Catachan and Ryza systems. Without their early warning 'eys and ears', this leaves both systems vulnerable for decades to come. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 126 |
Twelfth Army is diverted from the Second Kholdas War to put down a rebellion on Danik's World. | Rebel Winter (Novel), Hammer and Shield | |
The Chartist freighter Manticore Agirus suffers a failure of its Geller field during transit from Arcantis to Ribasu. The screams of its crew and three thousand passengers echo through the Capitoline sub-sector's Warp signature for decades. | Imperial Armour Volume Twelve - The Fall of Orpheus, pg. 24 | |
769.M41 | Defence of Vervunhive, planet Verghast. | Necropolis (Novel) |
771.M41 | The Tanith First and Only defend the Shrinehold of Saint Sabbat on Hagia. | Honour Guard (Novel) |
The Tanith First and Only assist with the liberation of Phantine. | The Guns of Tanith (Novel), Prologue | |
772.M41 | He'stan Vulkan, Forgefather of the Salamanders, recovers the Gauntlet of the Forge after defeating the Eldar pirate lord Iath Bloodweaver. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49 |
The Tanith First and Only see action in the stalemated trench war on Aexe Cardinal. | Straight Silver (Novel) | |
773.M41 | Brazen Skulls are listed as extinct. | |
The Tanith First and Only aid the reincarnated Saint Sabbat on Herodor. | Sabbat Martyr (Novel) | |
Air war rages on Enothis between Imperial and Chaos pilots. | Double Eagle (Novel) | |
774.M41 | Gereon Mission, Sabbat Worlds Crusade | Traitor General (Novel) |
775-777.M41 | Sulsalid Campaign, Fourth Quadrant rebellion. | Imperial Armour Volume Nine - The Badab War - Part One, pgs. 100–101 |
776.M41 | Step-cities campaign on Ancreon Sextus concludes. | His Last Command (Novel) |
777.M41 | Chaos Space Marines led by the Black Legion break out of the Cadian Gate, only to be slowed by the Cadians and are eventually driven back with the help of the Imperial Fists. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 22; Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49 |
Gereon liberated by Sabbat Crusade forces. | The Armour of Contempt (Novel) | |
778.M41 | General Andreas Carnhide, a veteran Imperial Guard commander, draws together feuding factions of Guard, Navy, and Adeptus Mechanicus to retake the hive world of Lyubov from the forces of Chaos, including warriors of the Blood Pact. | Tactica Imperialis |
The Tanith First and Only fight on the fortress-world of Jago. | Only in Death (Novel) | |
780.M41 | Lycanthos Drift Campaign, Fourth Quadrant rebellion. | Imperial Armour Volume Nine - The Badab War - Part One, pgs. 57 & 59; Codex: Dark Angels (6th Edition), pg. 25 |
Blood Pact infiltrators attempt assassination of Mabbon Etogaur on Balhaut. | Blood Pact (Novel) | |
781.M41 | Wolf Lord Osric Three-Fists's fleet is ambushed in the Maelstrom by a larger Chaos fleet. When his flagship is crippled, Osric leads the remains of his Great Company in a boarding action of the Chaos flagship Storm of Hate. Only thirty Space Wolves board the ship, but manage to capture the ship and turn its firepower on the rest of the Chaos fleet. | Codex: Space Wolves (5th Edition), pg. 18 |
Tanith First and Only raid Salvation's Reach. | Salvation's Reach (Novel) | |
783.M41 | Battle of Maedrax. Eldrad Ulthran of Ulthwé foresees an Imperial explorer force would awaken the Necron tomb world. The Eldar destroy the explorer fleet and then the Necron complex. When leaving Maedrax, they have to fight their way through a relief force of Blood Angels Space Marines. Unfortunately, the Necron dynasty is much larger than Eldrad believed; tomb worlds across the system awaken. | White Dwarf 342 (US), pg. 33 — "Timeline" ; Codex: Eldar (6th Edition), pg. 22 |
784.M41 | Synod of Segmentum Obscurus declares the Margin Crusade. | Rogue Trader: Battlefleet Koronus, pg. 56 |
785.M41 | Aspyce Chorda goes to war with Calligos Winterscale over resources. | Rogue Trader Core Rulebook, pg. 361 |
786.M41 | Eliac Zephyrblade of Saim-Hann delivers an ultimatum to the Imperial colony on Gnosis Prime: evacuate or die. The colonists refuse and Zephyrblade leads his warhost against them. Despite being outnumbered one hundred to one, the warhost destroys the colony's military and industrial infrastructure before leaving the colony to their Dark Eldar allies. | Codex: Eldar (6th Edition), pg. 22; Planetstrike pgs. 60-61 |
790.M41 | The Vostroyan IX under Graf Toshenko are wiped out defending the factory city of Polia on the planet of Nimbosa from the Tau Commander Brightsword, inspiring the populace to resist the Tau's culture of 'the Greater Good'. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 22 |
791.M41 | Imperial forces begin liberation of Urdesh. | The Warmaster (Novel) |
792.M41 | Urdesh liberated and Anakwanar Sek slain. | The Anarch (Novel) |
794.M41 | The Faceless Lord Karrad Vall braves the Maw to shell Footfall and battle Calligos Winterscale. His fleet tears through the defences and he leaves taunting messages before he disappears for a decade. | Rogue Trader Core Rulebook, pg. 356 |
795.M41 | The Cadian 23rd put down an uprising in the Krandor System. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 126 |
796.M41 | Adinbur Prime: Patrol group Tiryns assaulted by Necron escorts, but escape. | Battlefleet Gothic Armada, pg. 77 |
797.M41 | The Siege of Zalathras: Marneus Calgar of the Ultramarines holds the gate alone against an invasion of Orks for a night and a day. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 40 |
ca. 798.M41 | The Siege of Somonor: Eldar Farseer Eldorath Starbane attacks Somonor. Necron Overlord Szaron of the Arrynmarok Dynasty swears allegiance to Imotekh, becoming a client of the Sautekh Dynasty. Imotekh repulses Starbane's attack, allowing him to flee back to Alaitoc after severing his right hand. | Codex: Necrons (5th Edition), pgs. 13 & 22 |
799.M41 | The Ultramarines begin to fortify the eastern bounds of Ultramar against the Tau Empire. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 40 |
The San Leor Massacre. The Red Corsairs attack San Leor. Nine Orders Militant of the Adepta Sororitas launch a counter-attack to defend the Sisterhood's original homeworld and annihilate the attackers.
[Conflicting sources]The Red Corsairs were not formed until after the Badab War, over one hundred years after 799.M41 |
Codex: Sisters of Battle (5th Edition) |
800 - 899.M41
Year | Event | Source |
801.M41 | Lugganath Eldar craftworld first detected by the Imperium. | Codex: Eldar (3rd Edition) |
The Astronomican flickers, resulting in thousands of ships being lost in the Warp. | White Dwarf 342 (US), pg. 33 — "Timeline"; Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 127 | |
Hive Fleet Naga enters the galaxy from the Eastern Fringe. | Codex: Tyranids (5th Edition), pgs. 16–17 | |
Judgement of Hellenus | Imperial Armour Volume Two - Second Edition, pg. 21 | |
803.M41 | The Ordo Xenos burns Amphian Deed for his role in the Halo of Darkness cult, ending the Deed lineage of rogue traders. | Rogue Trader Core Rulebook, pg. 362 |
804.M41 | Cardinal-Astral Borja dies and Cardinal Xaphan is named as his successor. Xaphan declares that he will make a pilgrimage through the Scarus Sector, which will take five years. | Imperial Armour Volume Five - The Siege of Vraks - Part One, pg. 8 |
805.M41 | Marneus Calgar leads three Ultramarines companies against Waaagh! Gutshredda in the Forgoil system. In only three weeks, the Ultramarines halt the Waaagh! by destroying the Orks' tellyporta ships and Stompa factories. Calgar personally leads a Terminator Squad in a boarding action of Gutshredda's flagship, Da Superdestructa. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 40 |
806.M41 | The Novum Deception: T'au forces launch a preemptive strike against Novum Prime. | Stronghold Assault, A Galaxy Under Siege |
807.M41 | Purgation of Jhanna: Marneus Calgar leads two Ultramarines companies in the recapture of rebellious oceanic cities of Omon and Vorlencia against renegades and Chaos Space Marines. | Codex: Space Marines (3rd Edition), pg. 36 |
674.810.M41 | After a failed assassination attempt on Cardinal-Astral Xaphan, civil unrest consumes Vraks Prime. The Departmento Munitorum receives an urgent request for relief. | Imperial Armour Volume Five - The Siege of Vraks - Part One, pg. 11 |
811.M41 | Dark Eldar raiders mount occasional but highly damaging raids on the main habitation area of Naxos, Colony One, until a force of Space Marines from the Iron Snakes chapter under the command of Captain Trokus turns up to resolve the situation. | Tactica Imperialis, |
Wayward Son, an escort vessel belonging to the flotilla of rogue trader Caleb Gilderoy, appears at the outer perimeter of an Adeptus Mechanicus outpost at Harrow Watch. Garbled communications claim that the ship suffered severe damage from hostile xenos and a warning of a force that destroyed Gilderoy's flotilla. The ship refuses to turn back and is destroyed when it enters Harrow Watch's exclusion zone. | Imperial Armour Volume Twelve - The Fall of Orpheus, pg. 24 | |
The merchant brig Daughter of Regals is lost with all hands. The Rak'Gol are believed to be responsible. | Rogue Trader Core Rulebook, pg. 359 | |
812.M41 | Fleets from the Malan'tai, Iyanden, and Idharae Craftworlds eliminate Hive Fleet Naga, but a single bioform infiltrates and consumes Malan'tai. | Codex: Tyranids (5th Edition), pgs. 16–17 & 58; Codex: Eldar (6th Edition), pg. 22 |
The Purging of Contqual: The Iron Hands drive the forces of Chaos from a dozen planets on the Contqual subsector. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49 | |
199.812.M41 | The first convoys of Imperial army men and materiel arrive in the Vraks system. | Imperial Armour Volume Five - The Siege of Vraks - Part One, pg. 18 |
812-813.M41 | The Luxor Uprising: The Novamarines, Ultramarines and Cadian 98th Armoured Regiment crushed an Alpha Legion-sponsored insurrection on Luxor. | Imperial Armour Volume Nine - The Badab War - Part One, pg. 119; Imperial Armour Volume Two - Second Edition, pg. 21; Imperial Armour Volume One - Imperial Guard and Imperial Navy, pg. 84 |
813.M41 | Unidentified robotic forces annihilate the Tau Empire colony of Cano'var. | Codex: Tau Empire (6th Edition), pg. 29 |
Inquisitor Vilane orders the eradication of Kulth's planetary defence force in response to their increasingly-violent displays of martial prowess. The ensuring 19 Hours War sees the near-total destruction of Kulth's southern continent. | Dark Heresy: Daemon Hunter, pg. 94 | |
166.813.M31 |
The 88th Imperial Guard (Krieg) heavy artillery opens fire on the outer defence lines of the Fortress of Vraks. The Siege of Vraks begins. | Imperial Armour Volume Five - The Siege of Vraks - Part One, pg. 20 |
212.813.M41 | Siege of Vraks: the first infantry battle begins in Sector 46-39. Three days of battle sees almost no gains on either side. | Imperial Armour Volume Five - The Siege of Vraks - Part One, pgs. 22-23 |
897.814.M41 | Siege of Vraks: the Battle of Fort A-453. The 12th, 30th, and 34th line korps secure a breakthrough at Fort A-453 and push the defenders back across open ground. | Imperial Armour Volume Five - The Siege of Vraks - Part One, pgs. 25-29 |
815.M41 | Contact is lost with Explorator Fleet 913. Three companies of the Ultramarines are sent to investigate, but find only empty vessels drifting in space. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 40 |
Dal'yth sept receives unexpected aid from Commander Farsight to repel an invasion by the Ork warboss Grog. | Codex: Tau Empire (6th Edition), pg. 29 | |
255.815.M41 | Siege of Vraks: a renegade counter-attack in Sector 60-53 forces the collapse of the 1st line korps's left flank. The 19th regiment loses over eighty thousand men in the first two days. It will take six months to recover the lost ground. | Imperial Armour Volume Five - The Siege of Vraks - Part One, pgs. 38-41 & 46 |
818.M41 | Throth Half-Head of the Space Wolves defeats the giant Ur-Bolg wreaking havoc on Fenris. | Codex: Space Wolves (5th Edition), pg. 18 |
649.818.M41 | Siege of Vraks: a sneak assault on a defence laser emplacement in Sector 50-45 turns into an open fight and the attack is repulsed. | Imperial Armour Volume Five - The Siege of Vraks - Part One, pgs. 46-47 |
819.M41 | A perceived insult provokes fighting between the Mortifactors and the Crimson Fists. Only an intercession by Ultramarines Chapter Master Marneus Calgar prevents open war, and the incident is kept secret from the Adeptus Terra. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49 |
An outbreak of contagious madness and despair affects Ilsig Hive on Chemarium II, causing thousands to kill themselves. Civil order collapses. Ranker Nonesuch, the self-titled "Beggar King," arises to lead his followers to overthrow the planetary government and spread his malevolence to the rest of the system. An exclusion zone is established around the system. | Imperial Armour Volume Twelve - The Fall of Orpheus, pgs. 24-25 | |
820.M41 | The Flesh Tearers seal a Warp rift in the Adeonis Sector against an onslaught of Tzeentch's daemons. The Changeling tugs the strings of fate to move them toward damnation. | Codex: Chaos Daemons (6th Edition), pg. 22 |
Siege of Vraks: reports of Adeptus Astartes in the renegade forces comes to the attention of Lord Commander Zuehlke. Arkos's warband has joined the fight for Vraks. | Imperial Armour Volume Five - The Siege of Vraks - Part One, pg. 47 | |
821.M41 | Siege of Vraks: the Dark Angels arrive in system consisting of the battle barge Angel of Retribution and the strike cruisers Sword of Caliban and Salvation. Azrael leads half of the Chapter's battle-brothers in response to the request for aid. They destroy the star port and both causeways across the Srna trench and then depart. | Imperial Armour Volume Five - The Siege of Vraks - Part One, pgs. 54-58 |
822.M41 | Forces from Craftworld Alaitoc drive off a raid on Ildanira by Abaddon the Despoiler | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 127 |
Wolf Lord Erik Morkai ambushes the pirates of the Kabal of the Shattered Hand over the Leutin Necropolis. | Codex: Space Wolves (5th Edition), pg. 19 | |
101.822.M41 | Siege of Vraks: three siege regiments make an all-out attack on the defences of the Fortress of Vraks. After eight days, the 468th siege regiment cracks the Fortress of Vraks's second line of defence, forcing the renegades back to the inner defence line. | Imperial Armour Volume Five - The Siege of Vraks - Part One, pgs. 68-75 |
054.823.M41 | Siege of Vraks: First Battle of Vraks. A Chaos fleet overwhelms the Imperial blockade and lands reinforcements on Vraks Prime. The 88th Army's supply line is now cut off. | Imperial Armour Volume Six - The Siege of Vraks - Part Two, pgs. 8-13 & 23 |
077.823.M41 | Siege of Vraks: Assault on Mortuary Ridge. Forces from the 468th regiment capture the first defences but find themselves under assault from Khornate Chaos Space Marine warbands and are forced back down the hill. | Imperial Armour Volume Six - The Siege of Vraks - Part Two, pgs. 18-23 |
158.823.M41 | Siege of Vraks: Disaster at 61-47. Unexpected renegade air and Titan support turns the 101st regiment's attack into a rout. | Imperial Armour Volume Six - The Siege of Vraks - Part Two, pgs. 23-27 |
711-735.823.M41 | Siege of Vraks: Nurgle Chaos Space Marine warbands annihilate the trapped 19th regiment with chemical weapons, chiefly TP-III. | Imperial Armour Volume Six - The Siege of Vraks - Part Two, pgs. 36-40 |
082.824.M41 | Siege of Vraks: Second Battle of Vraks. The replenished Battlefleet Scarus leaves for Vraks Prime. The traitor battleship Anarchy's Heart and her escorts ambush the fleet, crippling Duke De Walle and destroying her escorts before retreating under fire from General Dyhane. The fleet resupplies the 88th army and deploys 22 Titans of the Legio Astorum. | Imperial Armour Volume Six - The Siege of Vraks - Part Two, pgs. 40-42 |
249.825.M41 | Siege of Vraks: The Kagori Offensive. With air and Titan support, the 88th army reclaims the land it had ceded in the Assault on Mortuary Ridge. | Imperial Armour Volume Six - The Siege of Vraks - Part Two, pgs. 42-48 |
803.825.M41 | Siege of Vraks: The Attack on Armoury 55-46. Krieg engineers detonate mines tunneled beneath Armoury 55-46 and fight for four days, but make no gains against the renegades and Khorne Berzerkers. | Imperial Armour Volume Six - The Siege of Vraks - Part Two, pgs. 63-68 |
2.059.826.M41 | The Conclave of Scarus declares Deacon Mamon Extremis Diablous. | Imperial Armour Volume Six - The Siege of Vraks - Part Two, pg. 75 |
714.826.M41 | Siege of Vraks: the Sector 57-44 mine is detonated, collapsing a section of the fortress's curtain wall and allowing Gorgon troop transports into the breach. Seven assaults through the breach fail to establish a beachhead. | Imperial Armour Volume Six - The Siege of Vraks - Part Two, pgs. 69-78 |
989.826.M41 | Siege of Vraks: Operation Execution Place. Red Scorpions strike force Ainea takes the gap at Sector 57-44 and holds it until Imperial forces consolidate on their position. | Imperial Armour Volume Six - The Siege of Vraks - Part Two, pgs. 79-82 |
101.827.M41 | Siege of Vraks: Grey Knights arrive in the Vraks system and Inquisitor Lord Hector Rex assumes overall command of the 88th siege army. | Imperial Armour Volume Seven - The Siege of Vraks - Part Three, pg. 9 |
273.827.M41 | Siege of Vraks: the 34th line korps is embroiled in a "green hell" when TP-III shells, plague mutants, plague zombies, and Plague Marine forces meet their offensive. | Imperial Armour Volume Seven - The Siege of Vraks - Part Three, pg. 11 |
628.827.M41 | Siege of Vraks: the 15th company of the 468th regiment captures point 202, "Hangman's Hill." | Imperial Armour Volume Seven - The Siege of Vraks - Part Three, pg. 18 |
412.828.M41 | Siege of Vraks: the Battle for Gate 579-459. | Imperial Armour Volume Seven - The Siege of Vraks - Part Three, pgs. 27-30 |
081.830.M41 | Siege of Vraks: Inquisitor Lord Hector Rex leads the assault on the Lower Gate of the Citadel of Vraks. | Imperial Armour Volume Seven - The Siege of Vraks - Part Three, pgs. 51-53 |
159.830.M41 | Siege of Vraks: the Red Scorpions battle barge Sword of Ordon arrives in the Vraks system with four hundred battle brothers to aid the 88th army by the request of Inquisitor Lord Hector Rex. | Imperial Armour Volume Seven - The Siege of Vraks - Part Three, pg. 61 |
Siege of Vraks: Inquisitor Lord Hector Rex battles and banishes An'ggrath at the climax of the battle for the Cardinal Gate. | Imperial Armour Volume Seven - The Siege of Vraks - Part Three, pgs. 68-69 | |
Siege of Vraks: Space Marine forces assault the Citadel. Interrogator-Chaplain Belphegor captures Arkos. | Imperial Armour Volume Seven - The Siege of Vraks - Part Three, pgs. 76-82 | |
288.830.M41 | Siege of Vraks: the Angels of Absolution battle barge Liberatorii Delictum and strike cruiser Repentant destroy Anarchy's Heart. | Imperial Armour Volume Seven - The Siege of Vraks - Part Three, pg. 84 |
411.830.M41 | Siege of Vraks: Ordo Malleus forces destroy a Warp portal in the Citadel undercroft and banish Uraka Az'baramael. | Imperial Armour Volume Seven - The Siege of Vraks - Part Three, pgs. 85-86 |
414.830.M41 | The Siege of Vraks comes to an official end. Thirty-four Krieg regiments have fought for almost eighteen years and lost almost fourteen million men. Vraks Prime's original population of eight million souls has been wiped out, the numbers of enemy losses incalculable. In the end, Vraks Prime has been utterly destroyed in the fighting and is cordoned off by the Inquisition. | Imperial Armour Volume Seven - The Siege of Vraks - Part Three, pg. 86 |
832.M41 | The Deathwing deploys en masse to kill or capture every inhabitant of Minoria's moon in the Periliac System, ignoring requests for their presence to fight Waaagh! Drillakilla on Periliac Prime. | Codex: Dark Angels (6th Edition), pg. 25 |
833.M41 | The Vinculus Crusade is fought by Black Templars and Sisters of Battle of the Order of the Bloody Rose under the command of Marshal Ludoldus and Canoness Jasmine against an assassin-cult on Peleregon IV. The Daemon-possessed Inquisitor Vinculus is slain. | Codex: Black Templars (4th Edition), pg. 19 |
835.M41 | The War for Piety. Piety emerges from a Warp storm overrun by Daemons. Canoness Sariah leads a mission of her Order of the Sacred Rose to recover valuable artifacts from the Reliquary of Hope, one of the few untainted areas. Only the Canoness and two Celestians survive entering the Reliquary, but recover Saint Dolan's right thighbone and three pages of the Lexicon of Falsehoods. They leave just before a fleet of Grey Knights arrives and performs Exterminatus on the planet by cyclonic torpedoes. | Codex: Sisters of Battle (5th Edition) |
837.M41 | Space Wolves and Flesh Tearers fight, brother against brother, in a dark moment for both Chapters at the battle of Honour's End. | Codex: Space Wolves (5th Edition), pg. 19 |
841.M41 | Ninety-four years after the Battle for Macragge, the Ultramarines First Company's operational strength exceeds fifty percent for the first time. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 40 |
844.M41 | Chinchare Hrud Infestation | Imperial Armour Volume Two - Second Edition, pg. 21 |
845.M41 | Dark Eldar pirates capture Warmaster Ingenus, commander of the Dimmamak War, escalating the situation. In response, all high ranking Imperial Guard officers are assigned bodyguards and another forty thousand regiments are raised. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 22 |
The Blood Swords chapter purges the Inando system. More than one hundred billion Imperial citizens are slain in the resulting Exterminatus actions. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49 | |
849.M41 | Cato Sicarius, Captain of the Ultramarines' Second Company, is appointed High Suzerain of Ultramar. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 40 |
All contact is lost with Birmingham, the Black Planet. Subsequent investigations confirm a Dark Eldar massacre. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 127 | |
The 813th Feast of Blades. Hervald Strom of the Iron Knights is victorious yet again, despite suffering heavy wounds in the Vinculus Crusade. It is the first time in the history of the event that a single Chapter, let alone a single Champion, has won two successive victories. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49 | |
850.M41 | Inquisitor Solomon Lok leads an expedition to the Anphelion System. See also - Anphelion Project | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 127 |
850-901.M41 | Third Inter-Guild War. The Guild Fathers, Inca Sector of the Ultima Segmentum, fight a war against Eldar pirates, sponsored by business rivals. The Sons of Antaeus and Subjugators Space Marine chapters answer the call of the Guild Fathers. | Chapter Approved 2004, The Cursed Founding |
852.M41 | The Invaders chapter assault the Eldar Craftworld Idharae. They succeed in destroying the planet, despite taking horrendous casualties. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49 |
853.M41 | Battle of the Steel Cross. Captain Cortez of the Crimson Fists slays an Ork Warlord and his bodyguard. | Codex: Space Marines (3rd Edition), pg. 39 |
The Daemonbane War: The Great Company of Wolf Lord Sven Bloodhowl is saved on the world of Yaogeddon when the Radical Inquisitor Lord Querrian turns the rival hordes of Khorne and Slaanesh against each other. When the Ordo Malleus demands Querrian's execution, the Space Wolves fight against their forces until Querrian can escape. | Codex: Space Wolves (5th Edition), pg. 19 | |
The Second Krandor Rebellion. | Warhammer 40,000 6th Edition Rulebook, pg. 173 | |
855.M41 | The Assault on Black Reach: The Ultramarines Second Company under Captain Cato Sicarius defeats Waaagh! Zanzag on Black Reach. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pgs. 36–37 & 40 |
857.M41 | Saim-Hann Eldar launch a surprise assault on the Mortant VII 'Headhunters' during the Sacking of Colonia. A single squad of Catachan Devils, led by Gunnery Sergeant Harker drives back the xenos after emerging from cover and killing the Eldar's Autarch. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 22 |
The fleet of the Silver Skulls chapter blockades the worlds of the Lazar system for three years. Since the worlds are dead, questions are asked, but no answers are ever given by the Silver Skulls. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49 | |
858.M41 | The Defence of Dimmamar: The birth world of Sebastian Thor is suddenly attacked by Farseer Kauerith leading elements of the Eldar Craftworld Ulthwé. Though no reason for the attack is evident, the Farseer is killed in the course of the battle by Seraphim Superior Amelda of the Order of the Bloody Rose and her squad. | Codex: Sisters of Battle (5th Edition) |
861.M41 | Battle of Arconar. Marneus Calgar defeats a coalition of Eldar Raiders on the feral world of Arconar, scattering their forces and capturing their bases both on and off world. | Codex: Space Marines (3rd Edition), pg. 36 |
The Ultramarines' chapter records indicate that they have finally replaced their losses from the Battle for Macragge. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 40 | |
862.M41 | Waaagh! Skullkrak invades the Targus system. Kayvaan Shrike and the Raven Guard Third Company are among the forces that respond. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49 |
863.M41 | The Saint Cyllia Massacre: The Adamant Fury Titan Legion falls to Chaos and massacre the Saint Cyllia PDF before escaping1. Leading the Cadian 423rd, Knight Commander Pask engages rearguard elements of the traitor Titan Legio.2 | 1Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 127
2Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 22 |
865.M41 | The Purging of Modanna: Kor'sarro Khan, Master of the Hunt of the White Scars, drives the Daemon Prince Kernax Voldorius from his most important fortress. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49 |
867.M41 | Captain Cortez of the Crimson Fists breaks through Eldar lines, despite suffering seventeen wounds, including a stab through one of his hearts and two heavy weapons hits. | Codex: Space Marines (3rd Edition), pg. 39 |
870.M41 | Mogul Kamir and Imperial Guard regiments of Attila deploy in force on the planet of Loxar IV to fight a three-year campaign against the Necrons. Victory is finally taken after the ill-fated charge of the Lumen Valley, the largest calvary charge to take place in records of the Imperium. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 22 |
871.M41 | The Liberation of Quintus: With the aid of Kayvaan Shrike and the Raven Guard Third Company, Kor'sarro Khan slays Kernax Voldorius in the streets of Mankarra, and returns with the Daemon Prince's head to the White Scars' fortress-monastery. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49 |
876.M41 | The Bloodtide returns under the command of the Bloodthirster Ka'jagga'nath. It rampages across the planet Van Horne until Ka'jagga'nath is banished by the 4th Brotherhood of the Grey Knights. | Warhammer 40,000 6th Edition Rulebook, pg. 173; Codex: Chaos Daemons (6th Edition), pg. 22 |
877.M41 | An enormous Void whale emerges from the Warp, mutated by exposure to the Empyrean. The Space Wolves of Engir Krakendoom's Great Company board the entity before it can destroy the stronghold of Perillia, combating the entire hostile ecosystem in the whale's innards, before planting demolition charges on its vital organs and escaping seconds before the explosion. The Perillian Gas Belt is born from the whale's remains. The gas belt overtakes Rillith and Deith, bringing catastrophes. The Inquisition resorts to sorcery to disperse the gas belt. | Codex: Space Wolves (5th Edition), pg. 19; Codex: Chaos Daemons (6th Edition), pg. 22 |
878.M41 | Chaos pirates, led by the Daemon Prince M'kar, claim several uninhabited planets on the borders of Ultramar; Ultramarines Captain Cato Sicarius destroys most of the pirate fleet in a battle in the Halamar Rift, though M'kar escapes into the Warp. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 40 |
879.M41 | Battle of Knarts Landing. Marneus Calgar defeats a rebel army led by General Dornal in a thirty-day battle on the industrial world of Knart's Landing, taking less than 17% casualties. | Codex: Space Marines (3rd Edition), pg. 36 |
883.M41 | The largest armoured assault since the Battle of Tallarn, spearheaded by the Cadian 423rd, attacks and nearly annihilates a renegade Titan Legion in a battle on the Planus Steppes. Imperial forces are to endure the loss of over eight thousand tank companies and thirty five super-heavy detachments. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 22 |
Dark Eldar warriors of the Kabal of the Black Heart raid Imperial Munitions Relay Base 359, causing the western Imperial flank to collapse during the Irgax Offensive and threatening the stability of the Imperial presence on Kyobin and the entire subsector. | Warhammer 40,000 6th Edition Rulebook, pg. 344 | |
886.M41 | A deputation from the Ecclesiarchy visits the Space Wolves' homeworld of Fenris, planning to investigate rumours of pagan worship. The Wolves open fire on the fleet, provoking a three-week war between the Wolves and three orders of the Adepta Sororitas, which ends when the Ecclesiarchy decides to retreat. | Codex: Space Wolves (5th Edition), pg. 19 |
888.M41 | The Battle for Orar's Sepulchre: The entire Ultramarines chapter goes to war for the first time since the Battle for Macragge to defend Orar's Sepulchre on planet Commrath from Eldar forces from Craftworlds Alaitoc and Iyanden. In the final battle, Marneus Calgar defeats the Alaitoc Avatar in single combat. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 40 |
The Crusade of Wrath: Black Templars defeat the Word Bearers and reclaim many worlds near the Maelstrom. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 127 | |
891.M41 | The Persya sector undergoes the 'long midnight' as Eldar pirates prey on them for over half the year, until driven off by Imperial Patrol Praxion. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 127 |
On Yurk, grav-tank skimmers from craftworld Iyanden destroy the forces of ork warlord Killfist without a single loss, preventing a Waaagh! from forming and threatening a nearby eldar colony. | Codex: Eldar (6th Edition), pg. 22 | |
892.M41 | Captain Cortez defends the breach in Fortress Maladon's wall in twenty-one hours of constant fighting. | Codex: Space Marines (3rd Edition), pg. 39 |
894.M41 | Betalis Campaign on Betalis III | Imperial Armour Volume Two - Second Edition: War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes, pg. 21 |
895.M41 | Craftworld Alaitoc launches a devastating invasion of the Invaders' home world in retaliation for their destruction of Idharae. With the Invaders still under-strength, only three companies escape the disaster and their fortress-monastery is destroyed. The Invaders are thereafter a spacebound chapter. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49 |
The Space Wolves and a host of Eldar Aspect Warriors ally to destroy the Waaagh! of Grimtusk Bloodboila. The operation is a success, but a simple mistranslation at the victory celebration afterwards leads to a fight breaking out, followed by open war between the Wolves, Eldar, and Orks. | Codex: Space Wolves (5th Edition), pg. 19 | |
897.M41 | Sisters of Battle fortress-convent Sanctuary 101 is completely destroyed. This raid is the first recorded Imperial contact with the Necrons. | Codex: Necrons (3rd Edition), pg. 11 - Darkness Rising; Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 127 |
Faze V is re-discovered by a Rogue Trader who has the support of the Dark Angels Fifth Company. The local human population is mind-linked with a huge artificial intelligence and the Dark Angels destroy it. Millions of locals rise up against the Imperium and the Dark Angels crush the rebellion and burn the planet to the ground. Bekenel, Grand Master of the Deathwing, retrieves some data from the machine complex. | Codex: Dark Angels (3rd Edition), pg. 20; Codex: Dark Angels (6th Edition), pg. 25 | |
Hive Fleet Colossus descends upon the Imperial world of Thressiax. Ignoring the orders of Imperial Command, Wolf Lord Bran Redmaw details two squads of Grey Hunters to protect the planet's spaceport from the Tyranids long enough for the civilian population to evacuate. | Codex: Space Wolves (5th Edition), pg. 19 | |
Battle of Centius Prime | Imperial Armour Volume Two - Second Edition, pg. 21 | |
897-903.M41 | Hive Fleet Gorgon eats through the Tau Empire until a combined force of Tau and Imperium of Man fleets stops it at Kel'shan. | Codex: Tau Empire (6th Edition), pg. 29; Codex: Tyranids (5th Edition), pgs. 18–21 |
898.M41 | the Necron Arotepk Dynasty assaults the Eldar Maiden World of Silentia to steal a precious gem that was likely a Shard of the Void Dragon. In 912.M41 this shard escaped and despite being only a fraction of the creatures former glory it managed to lay waste to the Dynasty and gorge itself on a dozen worlds. Eventually however Arotepk Crypteks were able to force the beast back into its cage | Codex: Necrons (7th Edition), A New Epoch Begins |
899.M41 | The Battle of Carrion Deep. One of the first confirmed and detailed conflicts between the Imperium and the rising Necron threat. | Imperial Armour Volume Ten - The Badab War - Part Two, pgs. 88–89 |
900 - 999.M41
Year | Event | Source |
900.M41 | The Tau's listening post on Morix Prime is eliminated by the Ultramarines' 4th Company. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 40 |
901.M41 | Battle of Kornovin. Mortarion kills Grey Knights Supreme Grand Master Linus Geronitan. The Grey Knights choose Kaldor Draigo as his successor to finish the ritual battle and banish Mortarion back to the Warp. | Mortarion's Heart (Audio Drama) |
901-912.M41 | Lugft Huron, Chapter Master of the Astral Claws, revolts. An Imperial investigation fleet is destroyed in orbit of Badab, killing 23,000 agents of the Imperium. Huron declares himself Tyrant of Badab and secedes from the Imperium. The Badab War follows. | Codex: Chaos Space Marines (4th Edition), pg. 57; Codex: Chaos Space Marines (6th Edition), pg. 24; Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 127 |
902.M41 | The Thirteenth Castigation of Golgotha is carried out by the Fire Hawks Chapter. | Imperial Armour Volume Nine - The Badab War - Part One, pg. 69 |
903.M41 | Badab War: the Lamenters, Mantis Warriors and Executioners join Huron's revolt. | Codex: Chaos Space Marines (4th Edition), pg. 57 |
Captain Cortez fights through the entire six-week Kardian campaign without supplies after they had been lost to enemy fire during deployment. | Codex: Space Marines (3rd Edition), pg. 39 | |
Hive Fleet Gorgon is destroyed by the combined forces of the Tau and the Imperial Guard. | Codex: Tyranids (5th Edition), pgs. 18–21 | |
904.M41 | Badab War: the Fire Hawks retaliate when their supply ship is captured by the Mantis Warriors. | Codex: Chaos Space Marines (4th Edition), pg. 57 |
A Chaos incursion on Paraghast turns Patrihive into a nightmarish twisted prison. Billions of souls fight daemons of Nurgle and Slaanesh as their home hive turns against them. | Codex: Chaos Daemons (6th Edition), pg. 22 | |
905.M41 | Badab War: the Marines Errant are recalled from Eastern Fringe but find themselves protecting convoys more than actively attacking the rebels. | Codex: Chaos Space Marines (4th Edition), pg. 57 |
Siege of Castellax: The Iron Warriors Fortress World of Castellax is invaded and overrun by Waaagh! Biglug | Stronghold Assault, pg. 6 | |
906.M41 | Badab War: the Red Scorpions and Minotaurs are called in to suppress the revolt. | |
Badab War: The Betrayal at Grief - Lord High Commander Verant Ortys of the Red Scorpions is killed under an attack by unknown forces during a meet between the Loyalist and Secessionist forces. The Chapter Master of the Mantis Warriors Sartaq is also killed. Lugft Huron is later blamed for this incident. | Imperial Armour Volume Nine - The Badab War - Part One, pg. 31 | |
907.M41 (913?) |
Badab War: Several chapters are redeployed in response to Ork expansions in the Ultima Segmentum and the Imperial Navy assumes their responsibilities. Badab is blockaded, while more chapters are brought in to investigate the Executioners and Mantis Warriors' worlds. | Codex: Chaos Space Marines (4th Edition), pg. 57 |
908.M41 | Badab War: The bulk of the Lamenters are caught in an ambush and surrender to loyalist forces. | Codex: Chaos Space Marines (4th Edition), pg. 57 |
908-912.M41 | Badab War: A series of sieges see the fortresses of Huron crumble to the loyalists. Badab is eventually surrounded and cut off. | Codex: Chaos Space Marines (4th Edition), pg. 57 |
912.M41 | The Badab War ends with the fall of Badab and final defeat of the Astral Claws. Heavy fighting in the Palace of Thorns sees Huron badly wounded but two hundred Astral Claws escape with him to the Maelstrom. | Codex: Chaos Space Marines (4th Edition), pg. 57 |
Svengar the Red of the Space Wolves and his men disappear forever after sailing through a wyrmhole in search of Leman Russ. | Codex: Space Wolves (5th Edition), pg. 20 | |
The Death Korps of Krieg are sent to the world of Derondii in punishement for withheld tithes. The Death Korps spend the next ten years bombarding the world's cities to rubble, five years after recieving an unconditional surrender and two years after the last sign of life is spotted. | Stronghold Assault, pg. 7 | |
912.M41-Present | In the aftermath of the Badab War, the Lamenters, Mantis Warriors and Executioners are sent on century-long penitence crusades. | Codex: Chaos Space Marines (4th Edition), pg. 57 |
913.M41 | Disciples of Ahriman sack the Jollana Librarium. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 127 |
Molov Massacre. All details purged by Inquisition | Imperial Armour Volume Two - Second Edition, pg. 21 | |
915.M41 | Starting of The Red Hunt - The Red Hunters Chapter were ordered to shadow the Mantis Warriors, Lamenters and Executioners in their penitent crusades after the Badab War. | Imperial Armour Volume Two - Second Edition: War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes, pg. 22 |
917.M41 | Battle of Amion. Red Talons and Armageddon Steel Legion vs. rebel Imperial forces. | |
Azrael is named Grand Master of the Deathwing. | Codex: Dark Angels (6th Edition), pg. 52 | |
919.M41 | Commissar Ciaphas Cain is attached to the Valhallan 12th Field Artillery regiment in the hopes of enjoying a career in a backwater post as far from combat as possible. He ends up facing down a Tyranid Hive Tyrant on Desolatia IV completely by accident with nothing but a laspistol and chainsword. This event, and others following it, eventually snowball his reputation to ridiculous levels. He is also assigned a permanent adjutant, Gunner Ferik Jurgen. | Fight or Flight (Short Story) |
The Eagle Warriors tried to repel Feral Orks from the central lowlands of the primal continent on Balur Secundus but receive a grievous defeat when the Orks ambushed them and kill all except Veteran Sergeant Nzahan who managed to survive. | Imperial Armour Volume Two (Second Edition), pg. 22 | |
920.M41 | Loss of the troopship Emperor's Faithful to Eldar pirates. Over five million Guardsmen and 200,000 Naval personnel are listed as missing. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 127 |
The Tau Empire claims Ur-Clemait until the Word Bearers return to claim their Blood Tithe. | Codex: Chaos Space Marines (6th Edition), pg. 26 | |
921.M41 | Marneus Calgar, Chapter Master of the Ultramarines, is ambushed by the Night Lords while en route to the Darkhold battlezone, and his ship crash-lands on the feudal world of Barathred. Several hundred Chaos Space Marines of the Night Lords make planetfall, but under Calgar's leadership, the planet's feudal population rises up and defeats them. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 40 |
922.M41 | The first four companies of the Dark Angels put down a rebellion on Sephlagm. | Codex: Dark Angels (6th Edition), pg. 25 |
925.M41 | Contact lost with eighteen planets in the Vidar sector, including the forge world Lentrel Prime. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 128 |
Waaagh! Grax invades the Ryza system. Regiments are raised from planets within ten light years, including the worlds of Barac, Ulani, Dulma'lin and Catachan. To meet demand, four-fifths of Dulma'lin's populace is drafted. The Orks would eventually be broken decades later at the Battle of Desolation Valley by Commander Mordrid van Hordric. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 22 | |
926.M41 | The Vaxhallian Genocides: The Purge slaughter over fourteen billion Imperial citizens in a single month. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 128; Codex: Chaos Space Marines (6th Edition), pg. 25 |
The Dulma'lin Cleansing: The Catachan II, led by Colonel "Iron Hand" Straken, the only regiment to survive planetfall on Dulma'lin, fights a year-long guerrilla war against the Ork invaders, destroying the Orks' main settlement two days ahead of the arriving Imperial reinforcement. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 23 | |
The Necron World Engine is destroyed on the edge of the Doranno System, thanks to the heroic sacrifice of the Astral Knights chapter. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49 | |
927.M41 | Green Skins and Black Hearts: The Ork Invasion of Perlia by Hismyonie Kallis is published. It is later used by Inquisitor Amberley Vail when she is organizing the Cain Archive. | Death or Glory (Novel), Editorial Note after Chapter One |
An army of daemons wipes out the famous armoured siege regiment of Hammeront IV under the command of Grand Marshal Lourgant during the Fallaxian Scourging. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 23 | |
928.M41 | Two opposing Eldar Phoenix Lords of the Striking Scorpions Aspect, Arha and Karandras, duel for seventeen days in the ruins of ancient Zandros. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 128 |
The Catachan II, with the help of Planetary Defence Forces engage in search and destroy missions against Ork Kommandos in the polar ranges of the planet Ulani. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 23 | |
929.M41 | Due to the slow-moving machinations of the Administratum, the news of the destruction of the Hammeront IV regiment fails to be passed onto the Departmento Munitorum, which charges the regiment to lead the liberation of the Abraxis Citadel on Prassium. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 23 |
The Trenor Uprising. Three dozen Ultramarines Scouts, under the directions of veteran Sergeant Torias Telion, put down a rebellion on Trenor in less than a day. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 40 | |
930.M41 | The Orks under Krakskull are destroyed in a trap in a ravine on Arandra V by the Catachan XXIV 'Waiting Death'. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 23 |
Verdan Wars | Imperial Armour Volume Two - Second Edition: War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes, pg. 22 | |
931.M41 | The Gravalax Incident: an Imperial taskforce primarily made up of Valhallan Ice Warriors successfully prevents the Tau Empire from annexing the Imperial world of Gravalax. The Imperial Guard and the Tau make a rare alliance to eliminate a fifth column of genestealers among the population.1 | For the Emperor (Novel) |
The Hammeront IV are charged with desertion by the Departmento Munitorum and their commander, Lord General Lourgant, is posthumously sentenced to death. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 23 | |
932.M41 | Techno Magus Stannum Vir discovers a priceless STC relic on the Agri world of Jollov. Combined elements from Catachan, Mordian, Kanak, Molov, and Agathon regiments sacrifice themselves defending the spaceport from Hive Fleet Moloch, buying Vir enough time to recover the artifact and escape. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 23 |
933.M41 | Insurgents, Chaos Cultists, Genestealers and a Tyranid Hive fleet splinter all threaten the world of Periremunda at the same time. They are narrowly defeated by a joint taskforce of the Imperial Guard and Navy. | Duty Calls (Novel), Editorial Notes after Chapters Eight and Twenty |
The Ravagers, a Khorneate warband, began their raids on isolated shipping lines and colonies. The warband is too fast for the Imperial Navy to catch up. | The Traitor's Hand (Novel), Chapter One | |
934.M41 | Ardaric Vaanes, Shadow Captain of the Raven Guard's 4th Company, is declared Excommunicate Mortis. | The Chapter's Due (Novel), Chapter Nine, pg. 181 |
Elysian Drop Troops of the Imperial Guard end a decade-long blockade of the Stranthium Orbital Space Docks, driving off Ork Kaptin Blacklaw and his Freebooterz. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 23 | |
The Toran VI Massacres: The Crimson Fists defeat the warband of Chaos Lord Sathash the Golden. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49 | |
935.M41 | M'kar returns from the Warp and seizes control of the star fort Indomitable with a horde of Daemons, in the outer orbit of Calth. Marneus Calgar leads Terminators from the Ultramarines First Company aboard the fort and defeats the Daemon Prince. M'kar is officially listed as destroyed, but Calgar later confesses that he was forced to imprison the Daemon within the star fort's warp core and set it adrift. Half of the Ultramarines' 5th Company is stationed aboard the fort to guard the daemon's prison. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 40; The Chapter's Due (Novel), Chapter Three |
An Imperial Guard offensive on Bren's World is stalled when it fails to overcome the defences of Haven's Spire. Elite Storm Trooper units break the deadlock by destroying several void-shield generators. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 23 | |
936.M41 | Hive World Derondii withholds its annual tithes. The Death Korps of Krieg are deployed as an honour guard for the Departmento Munitorum investigation team. After locals lynch the team, the Death Korps levels the primary hive city with a ten-year artillery barrage. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 23 |
937.M41 | Inquisitor Pranix leads a strikeforce of Space Wolves, Cadian and Tallarn Imperial Guard in an attempt to wrest the Hollow Worlds from the control of the Red Corsairs. Huron Blackheart has preselected sections of tunnel collapsed, isolating and destroying portions of the Imperial army. The Imperial army is forced to withdraw. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 128; Codex: Chaos Space Marines (6th Edition), pg. 25 |
The Imperial Navy finally catches up with the Ravagers over the Tau colony of Salomine, resulting in the destruction of most of the warband. Salomine then possibly falls to the Imperium. | The Traitor's Hand (Novel), Chapter One | |
Surviving remnants of the Ravagers make their way to Adumbria to stop cultists from transforming the planet into a Daemon World of Slaanesh, but also encounter five Imperial Guard regiments and several Navy ships. By the end of the battle, both Chaos factions are utterly annihilated, and the planet is prevented from falling to Chaos. | The Traitor's Hand (Novel), Chapters One and Nineteen through Twenty | |
The Cadian 9th devastates Hive Fleet Scarabus at the walls of Fortress Carcasson without losing a single company. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 23 | |
938.M41 | The Battle for Moden's Ridge: On Yaquit 27 Colonel Straken leads the Catachan II in a charge that exterminates the L'Huraxi invaders, who outnumber the Imperial Guardsmen more than ten to one. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 23 |
939.M41 | While serving with the 70th Luther McIntyre regiment on V'run, responding to Ork attacks occurring throughout the Segmentum Solar, Commissar Yarrick learns the Ork language from a captured greenskin. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 23 |
A Chaos Space Marine ambush kills Dark Angels Supreme Grand Master Naberius. Azrael leads the Deathwing to recover his body and is named his successor. | Codex: Dark Angels (6th Edition), pg. 25 | |
940.M41 | Tzeentch cultists revolt on the Imperial planet Chicano. World lost. | Realm of Chaos |
The conquest of Atria IV grinds to a halt outside the Palace of Hate, impregnable to the Imperial forces. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 23 | |
941.M41 | The Second War for Armageddon: A massive Ork Waaagh! led by Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka assaults the hive world Armageddon Secundus. Overlord Herman von Strab's forces are saved by Commissar Yarrick's leadership, buying enough time for elements from the Blood Angels, Ultramarines and Salamanders Space Marine Chapters to arrive and push the Orks off-world. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 128; Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 24 |
942.M41 | Eldar Commander Yriel is the leader of the Craftworld Iyanden space fleet. | Codex: Eldar (3rd Edition) |
944.M41 | Commissar Yarrick comes out of retirement and devotes the rest of his life to hunting down Ghazghkull Thraka. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 128; Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 24 |
Balur Crusade: Marneus Calgar is elected leader of the Space Marine Crusade force operating against worlds along the Eastern Fringes. Operations began with scouring of Ork-held Balur and ending with devastation of Boros. | Codex: Space Marines (3rd Edition), pg. 36 | |
945.M41 | On Atria IV sappers from the Catachan XXIII breach the walls of the Palace of Hate within a week of their arrival. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 23 |
945-959.M41 | Ghazghkull Thraka mounts raids on various planets. | Codex: Armageddon |
946.M41 | Dante, Yarrick and Mannheim monitoring stations are established in the outermost orbit of the Armageddon system. | |
949.M41 | The 814th Feast of Blades is held. Only eight of the twelve competing Space Marine chapters are able to attend. The championship is tied between the Imperial Fists and the Crimson Fists. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49 |
Dark Angels Librarian Ezekiel kills Ork Warlord Groblinik in the Battle of the Sularian Gate, ending his Waaagh! | Codex: Dark Angels (6th Edition), pg. 25 | |
951.M41 | The Amar secession is brought to a swift end by the rapid strikes of the Howling Griffons chapter.[3] | |
Doom Warriors managed to destroy the Psyker-cult on the planet Truan IX | Imperial Armour Volume Two - Second Edition, pg. 22 | |
952.M41 | Waaagh! Garaghak invades the Kastorel-Novem Sector and transforms its capital, Kastorel-Novem, into the Ork base of operations and manufacturing world by enslaving the local population. | Imperial Armour Volume Eight - Raid on Kastorel-Novem, pgs. 7-29 |
954.M41 | The Fall of Rogue's Spire: Waaagh! Dethrekka attacks the sparsely defended planet, and only the fighting retreat by the Sable Swords allows the Explorator and Mechanicus research teams to escape. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49 |
On the planet Cyriax, something huge and terrible awakens beneath Hive Necros, killing hundreds of the city's inhabitants. Great Wolf Logan Grimnar sends his elite Thunderwolf Cavalry to hunt down the Abomination of Cyriax. | Codex: Space Wolves (5th Edition), pg. 20 | |
955.M41 | A daemon invasion of the agri-world Gheistos ends with exterminatus. | Codex: Chaos Daemons (6th Edition), pg. 22 |
Daemons overrun Talus IV, the homeworld of the Brazen Claws Space Marine Chapter. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 30 | |
The Imperial Fists committed to the Siege of Fort Mork are nearly overwhelmed when thousands of Orks pour from the gates in a counter-attack. | Stronghold Assault, pg. 7 | |
Dark Eldar of the Kabal of the Poisoned Heart destroy the Black Templars Chapter Keep on the Jungle World of Delleront. This begins the Crusade of Sorrow. | Codex: Space Marines (6th Edition) (E-Book Edition), pg.178 | |
The Gehenna Campaign is fought between the Blood Angels Chapter and the Necrons. | Codex: Blood Angels (5th Edition), pg. 16 | |
The Killeneth Rebellion is defeated by the Salamanders | Codex: Space Marines (6th Edition) (E-Book Edition), pg.197 | |
956.M41 | The Kieldar Rebellion is crushed by a combined force of the Imperial Guard. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 24 |
Task force of Red Hunters and Inquisition were lost near moons of Lomea following the penitent crusade of the Mantis Warriors during The Red Hunt | Imperial Armour Volume Two - Second Edition, pg. 22 | |
Soulmaw assault the Silver Skulls homeworld, but are unsuccessful. | Codex: Space Marines (6th Edition) (E-Book Edition), pg.69 | |
958.M41 | The Virus of Betrayal: The Cleansing of Viridia and its Aftermath is written by Lady Ottaline Melmoth | The Emperor's Finest (Novel) - Ciaphas Cain: Saviour of the Imperium (Omnibus), Editorial Note Between Chapters One & Two, pgs. 21-22 |
959.M41 | Purging of Ganymede - all information deleted by Inquisition | Imperial Armour Volume Two - Second Edition, pg. 22 |
The Hellfire Stone appears on the death world of Pythos before promptly disappearing as it does roughly every 40 years. | Pandorax (Novel), Chapter Three | |
959-961.M41 | The Pandorax Campaign. | Pandorax (Novel) |
962.M41 | The Imperial base on Buca III is annihilated by an Ork asteroid base. The action is ascribed to Ghazghkull Thraka. | Games Workshop Armageddon Campaign Website |
The War of Infamy begins when the Tau raid Imperial Navy ship yards at Ethron’s Harbour. | Champions of Fenris - A Codex: Space Wolves Supplement, Saga of the Great Wolf | |
Scythe Class Harvest Ships were sighted around Bora Culpa, the population of which had vanished when the Space Wolves performed a reconnaissance mission. | Necron Fleet Listings, pgs. 76-77 | |
Space Hulk Mork’s Mangla emerged out from the Warp, full with a horde of Orks and invaded the Necron world of Ankhabyr. | White Dwarf 44 (2014), The Battle for Ankhabyr | |
963.M41 | The Fire Hawks mobile chapter fleet is sent to Crow's World sector to retaliate against Eldar pirates. En route, the entire chapter is Lost in the Warp. | White Dwarf 99 (UK), Legion of the Damned; Codex: Ultramarines (2nd Edition), pg. 63 |
The Ultramarines clash with Tau colonisation forces in the Battle of Malbede; both armies later unite against Necron awakening. The Tau escape the planet, which is destroyed in an exterminatus ordered by Marneus Calgar shortly afterwards. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook pg. 128; Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 40 | |
Space Wolf Thorgir Redhand is the lone survivor when his Thunderhawk crash-lands on Isoulde, shot down by an enormous dragon. Thorgir slays the dragon, collapsing one of the planet's cathedrals down on both of them. He is dug out, still alive, by the grateful populace. | Codex: Space Wolves (5th Edition), pg. 20 | |
The Grey Knights Second Brotherhood successfully defend against Ork forces in the Assault on Beroghast and kill their leader Warboss Snappaklaw. | Codex: Grey Knights (5th Edition), pg. 16 | |
Dark Eldar raiders over the Macharian Sector world Illisear were fought by a Naval force including support from Rogue Trader House Iaysus. | Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay: Imperium Maledictum, pg. 261 - Rogue Traders of Note | |
964.M41 | Darnath Lysander of the Imperial Fists escapes from the Iron Warriors' stronghold on Malodrax and returns to his chapter, though it will be almost a year before he is pronounced free of chaotic taint and fit to return to duty. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49 |
The Subjugators Chapter and the Deathwatch destroyed the unnamed xenos race in the Tyrama Secundus Campaign | Imperial Armour Volume Two - Second Edition, pg. 22 | |
965.M41 | Forgeworld Palatine III is invaded by Orks. It has been a War World ever since. | Fanatic Online #1, Avicennas Warband |
965-985.M41 | A Crusade is raised to put down a rebellion on Salinas as part of a sub-sector-wide conflict. As part of the Crusade, the Falcatas led by Achaman Falcatas are designated an army of conquest given the Right of Settlement on the planet. | The Killing Ground (Novel), pgs. 180–181 |
966.M41 | Lysander leads the Imperial Fists to Malodrax and scours the Iron Warriors from the planet. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49 |
Wolf Lord Gunnar Red Moon takes battle to the Tau's hidden underwater cities on the Ocean World Kvariam Alpha, driving Land Raiders straight across the seabed. The Tau flee when the Wolves crack the domes of their cities. | Codex: Space Wolves (5th Edition), pg. 20 | |
During an attack on the Imperial city of Chalior, the Eldar Phantom Titan Heart of Eldanesh is destroyed by a Vortex Missile launched from the Grand Redoubt protecting the city. | Stronghold Assault, pg. 7 | |
Xenos raiders capture the Shadow Wolves strike cruiser Purest Intent with all hands. | Helsreach (Novel), Chapter Five | |
The Protean Incident: The Salamanders' Firedrakes are ambushed by Night Lords while investigating a Genestealer-infested Space Hulk. The Firedrakes defeat both threats. | Codex: Space Marines (6th Edition) (E-Book Edition), pg. 197 | |
967.M41 | Dark Eldar of the Kabal of the Lethal Guile raid Vallenin and are defeated by Ultramarines. | Codex: Space Marines (6th Edition) (E-Book Edition), pg. 102 |
Battle of Thersuis: Fought between the Dark Eldar and Black Templars | Codex: Legion of the Damned (E-Book), A Legion Lost | |
968.M41 | The Khai-Zhan Uprising: Rebels capture every major population centre in one night. An Imperial Guard counter attack takes the capital city of Vogen after a series of brutal street battles. The entire planet is recaptured within a month, but at the cost of nine-tenths of the regiments despatched to Khai-Zhan. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 24 |
969.M41 | The Death Guard battleship Terminus Est, the flagship of Typhus, is spotted in the Cando system. The Zombie Plague sweeps across the system in the following months. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 128 |
Invasion of Taladorn: Taladorn is invaded by Iron Warriors. The Imperial Fists with some support from the Ultramarine and Blood Angels defeat the assault. | Sentinels of Terra - A Codex: Space Marines Supplement (6th Edition), The Invasion of Taladorn | |
970.M41 | A Necron Tomb awakens on Bellicas, the home world of the Emperor's Swords chapter. Not one Space Marine survives. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49 |
Drashin was invaded by Tyranids who emerged from the Warp in a Space Hulk. Though the Imperial forces led by the Imperial Fists were eventually victorious, millions of its citizens perished. | Sentinels of Terra - A Codex: Space Marines Supplement (6th Edition), Infestation on Drashin | |
Helmabad erupts into civil war. The Third Company of the Avenging Sons chooses to forsake the Imperium and the system falls to a Chaos rift. | Renegades (Short Story) | |
971.M41 | The Ork Wazdakka Gutsmek begins his plan to create an interstellar "supa'eyeway" through the Warp. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 128 |
The Crusade of Thunder ends with the Fall of Malodrax when the planet becomes subject to Exterminatus. | Sentinels of Terra - A Codex: Space Marines Supplement (6th Edition), The Fall of Malodrax | |
972.M41 | Imperial agri-world Chigon 17 is overrun by Orks under Ghazghkull Thraka using guerrilla tactics. | |
Cleansing of Opridia | Imperial Armour Volume Two - Second Edition, pg. 22 | |
973.M41 | Thousands of daemonic incursions cause huge amounts of damage and sow many seeds of future corruption. | Warhammer 40,000 6th Edition Rulebook, pg. 175 |
974.M41 | The Damnos Incident: The Ultramarines Second Company, led by Captain Cato Sicarius, rescues survivors from the doomed world of Damnos as the Necrons on the planet awaken. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pgs. 38–40 |
975.M41 | The Cadian fortress-world Lutoris Epsilon is lost to Khorneate temptation initiated by Skarbrand the Bloodthirster. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 128 |
A squad of Cadian Whiteshields, led by the young Ursarkar Creed, are hurled into the five-year Drussite Crusade. By the end of the campaign, Creed has been promoted to Captain. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 24 | |
Eldar craftworld Lugganath falls to the Brittle Coma. Its seers project themselves into the Garden of Nurgle in search of Isha and are lost. | Codex: Chaos Daemons (6th Edition), pgs. 15 & 22 | |
The Great War of Confederation. The Tau battle for survival against a major Ork incursion. Commander Shadowsun leads the Tau to victory. | ||
Commander Shadowsun earns her name when Vior'la sept leads the defence against the largest Ork Waaagh! to attack the Tau Empire. | Codex: Tau Empire (6th Edition), pg. 29 | |
976.M41 | Hive Fleet Perseus is detected by the Ultramarines. Marneus Calgar is severely mauled in a skirmish against Tyranids. | White Dwarf 97 (UK), pgs. 37-49 - Ultramarines |
The Liberation of Amadis: Regan Antigone, the sole survivor of the Procell 1st Irregulars, is hailed as the man who rallied and organized the defences that held off the final wave of the rebel attack before the Dark Angels arrive. He swears to never reveal the role or even the existence of the robed figure who truly won the battle. | Malediction | |
977.M41 | Orask Wars | Imperial Armour Volume Two - Second Edition, pg. 22 |
978.M41 | Commissar Yarrick is captured at Golgotha and his personal Baneblade, the Fortress of Arrogance, is destroyed. Yarrick escapes a few weeks later under mysterious circumstances, but the planet is completely overrun by the Orks. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 24 |
Bhorc Prime, was a site of constant struggle between Orks and the Imperium. It went on until the Ork Klawjaw united all Ork factions on the planet and started a massive Waaagh!. Despite their victories, Imperium's forces faced defeat on Bhorc Prime. The whole planet was soon under Ork control and Warboss Klawjaw began his Waaagh! against the Imperium. It would later lead to the creation of one of the biggest Ork domains - the Ork Empire of Bork.[4] | ||
979-988.M41 | The Damocles Gulf Crusade. Several Imperial worlds defect to the Tau Empire, initiating the prolonged crusade, which is abandoned when Hive Fleet Kraken emerges in the Eastern Fringe. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 24 |
980.M41 | Chaos Lord Brule and his Chaos Space Marines are destroyed on Treconodal by a combined force of the Cadian 8th and the Terrax Guard. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 24 |
The Promethean War. The Salamanders fight an urban war against the Black Legion on Heletine. The Order of the Ebon Chalice arrives to reinforce the Space Marines and together push forward, but their advance is stopped by Daemon Prince Lord Gralastyx and his Chaos Space Marines and the Imperium forces are nearly defeated. Saint Celestine appears suddenly and fights through the hordes and eventually kills Gralastyx and turns the tide of the battle. She disappears again just as suddenly. | Codex: Sisters of Battle (5th Edition) | |
981.M41 | Durlan Ocellati discovers warp route into Wheel of Fire | Book of the Astronomican |
Taelos of the Imperial Fists takes a warrior pilgrimage through the Maelstrom, Choria, Fell Heart, and Golgotha | Codex: Space Marines (4th Edition), inside back cover | |
The Battle of Parenxes. Red Corsairs lure the Space Wolves cruiser Wolf of Fenris into a trap, where they board the ship and Huron Blackheart kills Gnyrll Bluetooth. As their situation becomes clear, the few surviving Wolves turn to the enemy side, and the Wolf is captured. | Codex: Space Wolves (5th Edition), pg. 20 | |
982.M41 | Last encounter with Hive Fleet Perseus, which drifts outsystem. | |
983.M41 | The Fire Hawks are declared lost in the warp. | |
Ragnar Blackmane avenges the death of his Wolf Lord, Berek Thunderfist, by slaying the Chaos Champion Ghorox Bloodfist in single combat. Ragnar and his handpicked force later defeat Ghorox's allies from the Word Bearers during the Gravespite Massacre. Ragnar is acclaimed Berek's successor. | Codex: Space Wolves (5th Edition), pg. 20 | |
983-985.M41 | A Hrud migration is halted, due in no small part to the actions of the Cadian 8th and the tactical brilliance of Ursarkar Creed. | Codex: Eye of Terror, pg. 40; Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 24 |
984.M41 | Battle of Hell Town: Pyran Dragoons assigned to an Armageddon jungle base desert their posts, leaving the Armageddon Ork Hunters to defend against Ork invasion. | |
A single Silver Sabres Space Marine survives the drop onto the feudal world of Vhospis and rallies the defenders against a daemon invasion. | Codex: Chaos Daemons (6th Edition), pg. 23 | |
985.M41 | Eldar predations in the Underhives of Cathoria II. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 128 |
986.M41 | Imperial Battlecruiser Radiant Way wiped out by Ork pirates led by Ghazghkull Thraka. | History of the Third War for Armageddon |
987.M41 | Space Wolves attack the Ork-held planet of Xit; 519th crusade ends in the Wheel of Fire. | Book of the Astronomican |
A Tyranid invasion destroys the Shadow Wolves Space Marine Chapter on their home world of Varadon. | Helsreach, Chapter Five | |
Lammas Campaign underway, Valstadt 13th Armoured Regiment fighting. | Imperial Armour Volume One - Imperial Guard and Imperial Navy, pg. 29 | |
989.M41 | Orks of the Charadon empire invade Rynn's World. During the initial invasion the Crimson Fists are nearly wiped out by their own defence missile. . Later Rynn's World was reclaimed by Pedro Kantor of the Crimson Fists and relief army of the Imperium | Imperial Armour Volume Two - Second Edition, pg. 22 |
Helbrecht is elected as High Marshal of the Black Templars and declares a Crusade against the Cythor Fiends of the Ghoul Stars. | Codex: Black Templars (4th Edition), pg. 44 | |
Waaagh! Snagrod barrels through the Loki sector, devastating Rynn's World and the Crimson Fists. The Dark Angels reinforce the Crimson Fists to purge the Orks from the sector. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 128; Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49; Codex: Dark Angels (6th Edition), pg. 25 | |
The Ultramarines Third Company liberates the Lagan system from the Tau Empire. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 40; Codex: Tau Empire (6th Edition), pg. 29 | |
990.M41 | The ancient ruling class of nobility on Rophanon have their lands and power taken away from them when the Adeptus Terra decides to turn the planet into a retirement community for high-ranking clerks and a massive records storage facility. The council of Rophanon instigates a rebellion but Lord General Artemis Blythe just happens to be on the planet recovering from wounds suffered during a space battle. He leads the fight back, when eventually becomes mired in a war of attrition. When Hive Fleet Leviathan emerges near Rophanon the Imperials withdraw and let the Tyranids destroy the planet before letting the Deathwatch deliver the Exterminatus. | Tactica Imperialis |
The Fire Lords chapter descends on Bellicas and exterminates the Necrons there, avenging the destruction of the Emperor's Swords. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49 | |
The Dark Eldar noble Zorothriel captures Karanak on a hunt on the Daemon world Khornax. Karanak breaks free and kills everyone onboard Zorothriel's warship. | Codex: Chaos Daemons (6th Edition), pg. 23 | |
991.M41 | The Martyrdom of Praxedes. Canoness Praxedes of the Order of Our Martyred Lady assists the Imperial Guard on the cardinal world of Okassis against Hive Fleet Kraken. They defeat the first wave only to have the second wave breach the walls of the Ecclesiarchal Cathedral. Praxedes buys precious time for evacuation by slaying a Hive Tyrant, but shortly afterward succumbs to a mortal wound. The disruption caused by the Hive Tyrant's death makes successful the evacuation of the Ecclesiarchy's priests as well as civilians at the space port. | Codex: Sisters of Battle (5th Edition) |
991.M41-Present | Orphean War against Necron Maynarkh Dynasty | Imperial Armour Volume Two - Second Edition, pg. 23 |
992.M41 | The Second Tyrannic War. Iyanden craftworld nearly destroyed by Hive Fleet Kraken. Lamenters and Scythes of the Emperor chapters virtually destroyed. | Codex Imperialis (Background Book) |
Ursarkar E. Creed annihilates Ulthwé raid on Aurent. | Codex: Eye of Terror, pg. 40; Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 128; Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 24 | |
Necron Shroud class Light Cruiser encountered in Segmentum Pacificus. | Battlefleet Gothic Armada, pg. 77 | |
After an eruption on the burial plains of Rhea's World, plaguebearers assault the planet's hives. | Codex: Chaos Daemons (6th Edition), pg. 23 | |
Roghrax Bloodhand swears to Khorne that he will take a skull from every warrior species in the galaxy. He directs his fleet to the Eastern Fringe so he can take skulls from the encroaching Tyranid forces. | Codex: Chaos Space Marines (6th Edition), pg. 26 | |
Raid on Kastorel-Novem. Raven Guard and Elysian Drop Troops attacked Orks forces but were defeated | Imperial Armour Volume Two - Second Edition, pg. 23 | |
993.M41 | Commissar Ciaphas Cain retires from active duty and is appointed an instructor at the Schola Progenium on Perlia. | For the Emperor (Novel), Editorial Note before Chapter One; Cain's Last Stand (Novel), Chapter One |
Kraken devastates hundreds of worlds before it is halted. The Eldar Craftworld Iyanden is ravaged, and two Space Marine Chapters are all but wiped out, the Scythes of the Emperor and the Lamenters. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 40 | |
Defence of Ichar IV. Marneus Calgar acts as supreme commander in defence of Ichar IV, a vital industrial world on the Eastern Fringe. Tyranid invaders from Hive Fleet Kraken are held in check by the combined efforts of Space Marines, Imperial Guard and alien Eldar forces. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 128; Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 40 | |
Iron Warriors Warsmith Vhostok Pistonhand takes control of Diesos and manufactures countless daemon engines. The Ruinous Powers send massive Daemonic legions to free their servants. The war for Diesos ends within a month and then starts anew as the legions fight amongst themselves. | Codex: Chaos Daemons (6th Edition), pg. 23 | |
The Tau Empire and Imperium of Man fight over Nimbosa. Commander Brightsword is censured for the Koloth Gorge Massacre. | Codex: Tau Empire (6th Edition), pg. 29 | |
Battle on Miral Prime against Tyranids. The Scythes of the Emperor suffered great losses. | Imperial Armour Volume Two - Second Edition, pg. 23 | |
995.M41 | Battle of Korsk II: Space Marines crush Lord Varlak's rebellion in a major tank battle on the plains of Korsk II. | |
Tau fleet action at the shrineworld Ghola's Hope. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 128 | |
Hive Fleet Jormungandr invades the north-eastern boundaries of the Imperium. Space Marines of the Death Spectres and Honoured Sons chapters lead the counterattack. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49 | |
A Warp-time dilation manifests over Thridia, spawning daemons from the very air. The defenders fall back toward Hive Vertes and right into awakening Necron Warriors. The Necrons attack the daemons, allowing the Imperial Guard to reach the hive. The men are mind-wiped and the battlefields bombarded. | Codex: Chaos Daemons (6th Edition), pg. 23 | |
Every volcano on Abheilung erupts at once, killing millions of settlers and spilling forth Daemon engines crafted in the Dark Mechanicum forges under the surface. The planet is scoured of life in less than a month. | Codex: Chaos Space Marines (6th Edition), pg. 26 | |
Huron Blackheart attacks Parenxes. During the fight, Red Corsairs strike forces manage to board and capture the Space Wolves strike cruiser Wolf of Fenris. | Codex: Chaos Space Marines (6th Edition), pg. 26; Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 128 | |
The "Voice of the Emperor" makes himself known in the Agripinaa Sector, exhorting its inhabitants to rise up against the authority of the Administratum. | Dataslate: Cypher - Lord of the Fallen (Background Book), Everywhere and Nowhere | |
996.M41 | The Valhallan 18th "Tundra Wolves" wipe out the vanguard of Hive Fleet Jormungandr at Goyan Valley, under the command of Kubrik Chenkov. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 24 |
Bora Culpa incident. Population found vanished after a recon by the Space Wolves. | Battlefleet Gothic Armada, pg. 76 | |
A distress signal lures the Dark Angels into a genestealer ambush in the hives of Durganion XIII. The Ravenwing kills the broodlord and the rest of the Dark Angels exterminate the xenos. The entire planet is marked for corruption testing. | Codex: Dark Angels (6th Edition), pg. 25 | |
997.M41 | Inquisitors Alexio, Credo, and Fortez report having destroyed Temple of the Star Child on Levilnor IV | Warhammer 40,000 3rd Edition Rulebook, pg. 272 |
Hive Fleet Medusa invades the galaxy through the Ghoul Stars. | Codex: Tyranids (5th Edition), pg. 29 | |
A hundred thousand daemonettes take up a joking invitation to a party held by the ruler of Ferrite Mons. Even the Vostroyan Firstborn regiment falls to the daemonettes. | Codex: Chaos Daemons (6th Edition), pg. 23 | |
The Tau Empire's Third Sphere of Expansion begins. | Codex: Tau Empire (6th Edition), pg. 29 | |
The Iron Warriors' Fortress World of Forgefane is besieged by a tendril of Hive Fleet Leviathan. The Iron Warriors welcome the challenge, but are over-matched and within weeks, the last of the world's fortresses, the Ironblood Citadel, falls to the swarms of Raveners. | Stronghold Assault, pg. 7 | |
The Imperium sends operatives from the Officio Assassinorum to kill the Voice of the Emperor. None return, though one is able to relay a communication describing the target. | Dataslate: Cypher - Lord of the Fallen (Background Book), Everywhere and Nowhere | |
Defence of Valedor | Imperial Armour Volume Two - Second Edition, pg. 23 | |
138.997.M41 | Hive Fleet Leviathan contacts the galactic base of the Imperium, causing destruction in Segmentums Tempestus, Ultima, and Solar. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 128 |
221.997.M41 | The Ork Warlords Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka and Nazdreg launch an attack upon the power plant of Kadillus Harbour, the capital-city of Piscina IV. The Dark Angels, under the command of Third Company Master Belial manage to disrupt his plans until further Dark Angels reinforcements manage to arrive. The Ork horde is driven off. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 129; Codex: Dark Angels (3rd Edition), pg. 19; Codex: Dark Angels (6th Edition), pgs. 25 & 57 |
310.997.M41 | Ksi'm'yen sept is established and used as a staging ground for the Third Sphere of Expansion. | Codex: Tau Empire (6th Edition), pg. 29 |
509.997.M41 | A combined Mortifactors and Ultramarines strikeforce defeat a tendril of Hive Fleet Leviathan at Tarsis Ultra. The remainder of the Hive Fleet rampages on, completely unaffected. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 129; Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 40 |
525.997.M41 | Commander Farsight leads the defence of the Farsight Enclaves against Hive Fleet Kraken. | Codex: Tau Empire (6th Edition), pg. 29 |
601.997.M41 | Sebastian Yarrick and Ghazghkull come face to face again on the world of Golgotha. Yarrick is captured and tortured but ultimately released - Ghazghkull is planning to invade Armageddon again, and wants a good fight. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 129 |
622.997.M41 | Golgothan refugees are slaughtered en masse by Dark Eldar raiders on the moon of Jagdor. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 129 |
977.997.M41 | The Tau Empire resumes the Third Phase Expansion under Commander Shadowsun. They capture several worlds on the Eastern Fringe. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook |
998.M41 | The Taros invasion fleet arrives, carrying the 4621st Imperial army to prosecute the Taros Campaign against the Tau. The invasion fails and the Tau annex the world, renaming it T'ros. | Codex: Tau Empire (6th Edition), pg. 29 |
Five Necron Shroud-class Light Cruisers attempt to run the Solar Blockade. Two make it to Martian orbit, and one successfully lands in the Noctus Labyrinth before being destroyed. No wreckage is recovered. | Battlefleet Gothic Armada, pg. 77 | |
Historicus Coran Celecius is tried for heresy after his work links the Aphis hermitage massacre to the Necrontyr and other mysterious past encounters. | ||
Inquisitor Lichtenstein is declared Excommunicate Traitoris. | ||
Hive Fleet Moloch attacks the galaxy through the Ghoul Stars. | Codex: Tyranids (5th Edition), pg. 29 | |
Operation Thunderstorm. A Cadian Army Group lands on the Ork-held world of Golgotha to retrieve the remains of Commissar Yarrick's command tank, the Fortress of Arrogance. Although the Army Group takes horrific casualties, the tank is retrieved and repaired in time to serve as Yarrick's mount during the Third War for Armageddon. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 24; Gunheads (Novel) | |
A Tyranid splinter fleet invades the Ice World of Shadrac. A company of Space Wolves appears unexpectedly to reinforce the small Imperial Guard force there. Only a handful of warriors escape, and Shadrac is lost, but the casualties inflicted on the Tyranids is enough to give the Hive Mind pause. | Codex: Space Wolves (5th Edition), pg. 21 | |
The Dark Angels and Black Templars come to blows over the handling of a prisoner. Inquisitor Archibald is assigned to lead an inquiry. | Codex: Dark Angels (6th Edition), pg. 25 | |
The Cryptus System is invaded by Hive Fleet Leviathan. | ||
433.998.M41 | The Red Waaagh! | |
757.998.M41 | The Third War for Armageddon begins. Having learned from past mistakes, Imperial Commanders commit a ridiculous amount of forces to hold the world, including elements from more than twenty Space Marine chapters. It drags on for months in a bloody stalemate, and soon Ghazghkull grows bored and leaves his generals to finish the fight while he goes looking for other worlds to conquer. Sebastian Yarrick joins the Black Templars' Crusade and gives chase. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 129; Codex: Armageddon |
871.998.M41 | Galdemor is host to a three-way war between daemonic legions of Slaanesh, Khorne, and Nurgle. Not a single soul survives. | Codex: Chaos Daemons (6th Edition), pg. 23 |
990.998.M41 | Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka begins his Great Waaagh! | Codex: Orks (7th Edition) - Da Great Waaagh! |
999.M41 | The Zeist Campaign sees the Imperium take back the worlds they lost in the Tau Third Sphere Expansion. The highly successful Campaign is led by Captain Cato Sicarius of the Ultramarines' 2nd Company, along with elements from at least nine other Chapters and Imperial Guard Regiments. A thrust into the Tau Empire could not be sanctioned however, as the forces were recalled to their other duties. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 48 |
Justicar Alaric of the Grey Knights accompanies Inquisitor Ligeia on a quest to prevent the Daemon Prince Ghargatuloth from returning to the Materium. The Grey Knights are unable to spare more men while deploying their forces to the Cadian Gate to combat the 13th Black Crusade. | Grey Knights (Novel), Chapter 2 | |
The Second Siege of Perlia. A splinter fleet breaks off from the main Chaos force spilling from the Eye of Terror under the command of Warmaster Varan and attacks the Perlian subsector, seeking to recover the Shadowlight, an immensely powerful xenos artifact. They are held off by an impromptu force of PDF, skitarii, and Inquisition soldiery, led by retired Commissar Ciaphas Cain and the faculty of the planet's Schola Progenium. The Siege ends when a Necron scouting party appears and annihilates the Chaos forces and recovers the Shadowlight, though the Imperial forces are able to reach safety. | Cain's Last Stand (Novel) | |
During the 13th Black Crusade, A Cadian battlegroup, "Creed's Blade," volunteers for a suicidal counterattack on the Daemon World of Voidsoul inside the Eye of Terror. The battlegroup is all but wiped out by the Daemonic hosts, until a pack of mysterious wolf-creatures appear and tear into the Daemons. The few surviving Cadians return to the Gate, and their mysterious rescuers are speculated to be brothers of the Space Wolves' lost 13th Great Company. | Codex: Space Wolves (5th Edition), pg. 21 | |
Exiled to the Elixir system for a practical joke, Lukas the Trickster and his Blood Claws confront the immense vehicle armoury of Waaagh! Megamek. With a little research, Lukas and his pack infiltrate a Climatrope at the planet's pole with a Jump Pack assault and lower the planet's temperature, crippling the Orks' war machines before the Wolves arrive in the system in force. | Codex: Space Wolves (5th Edition), pg. 21 | |
The Dark Angels trace the Voice of the Emperor to the Agripinaa Sector. They find and destroy a radio beacon in the approximate former location of Caliban. | Dataslate: Cypher - Lord of the Fallen (Background Book), Everywhere and Nowhere | |
Executioners Chapter arrived to the Orpheus Sector and swear an oath of revenge for the Imperium losses here. | Imperial Armour Volume Two - Second Edition, pg. 23 | |
010.999.M41 | On Thracia, Idaeus, Captain of the Ultramarines' Fourth Company, passes his captaincy to Uriel Ventris before sacrificing himself in the Taking of Bridge Two-Four, denying a flanking route to the Night Lords before the final Imperial offensive. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 40 |
103.999.M41 | Shas'O'Kais leads the victories that establish the Fi'rios sept. | Codex: Tau Empire (6th Edition), pg. 29 |
4.105.999.M41 | Catachan Guardsman Marbo is credited with single-handedly destroying the Ork Gargant Gorkanought, though these reports are dismissed as farfetched by Segmentum Command. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 25 |
303.999.M41 | Ultramarines Captain Cato Sicarius leads a Crusade with elements from thirty Space Marine Chapters to halt the expansion of the Tau Empire. The Tau are driven off dozens of Imperial worlds in the Zeist sector, but the Crusade is halted before it can be completed. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 40; Codex: Tau Empire (6th Edition), pg. 29 |
3.350.999.M41 | Colonel Schaeffer leads the 13th Penal Legion into the Daemon World of Fool's Paradise to hunt down the Daemon Prince Mk'lrathirix. Only two survivors return. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 25 |
561.999.M41 | Cypher eludes Belial for the third time on Piscina IV. | Dataslate: Cypher - Lord of the Fallen (Background Book), Everywhere and Nowhere |
718.999.M41 | Hive Fleet Leviathan invades the Ork Empire in the Octarius system, and war rages with neither side showing any signs of stopping. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 129 |
757.999.M41 | Commander Shadowsun leads the Tau Empire forces in the Battle of Mu'gulath Bay. Twelve advanced weapon prototypes are deployed, with the only failure being a fusion reactor detonation that destroys the moon. | Codex: Tau Empire (6th Edition), pg. 29 |
786.999.M41 | The Deathwing and Ravenwing kill Inquisitor Rasputin while pursuing Cypher. | Dataslate: Cypher - Lord of the Fallen (Background Book), Everywhere and Nowhere |
3.789.999.M41 | Lord Marshal Graf Harazahn of Vostroya assumes control over a scattered Imperial Guard army ground and defeats the Eldar at the Gates of Balcarhsa. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 25 |
854.999.M41 | Ultramar is invaded by the Chaos horde known as the Bloodborn, led by Warsmith Honsou and M'kar the Thrice Born. The entire Ultramarines chapter is mobilized to repel the invaders. Marneus Calgar confronts the Daemon Prince on Talassar, sending him back to the Warp, though Honsou apparently escapes. | Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 40; The Chapter's Due (Novel), Chapters One, Three & Twenty-Four |
884.999.M41 | The Nephilim sector trembles as the 5th Company of the Dark Angels and the renegade Crimson Slaughter battle over the Hellfire Stone. | Warhammer 40,000 6th Edition Rulebook, pg. 176; Codex: Dark Angels (6th Edition), pg. 25; Dark Vengeance (Novella) |
975.999.M41 | The light of the Astronomican grows dim; contact is lost with Ultima Macharia and becomes intermittent with both Macragge and Cypra Mundi. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 129 |
2.975.999.M41 | The Battle for Tyrok Fields: at the outset of the 13th Black Crusade, a murderous plot kills several members of the Cadian High Command, including the Governor Primus. Ursarkar E. Creed takes command of the confused Imperial forces and routes the traitors, turning a Chaos victory into a Cadian triumph. Creed is appointed Lord Castellan of Cadia. | Codex: Eye of Terror, pg. 40; Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 25 |
978.999.M41 | Dark Eldar raiders cripple the Imperial Navy's port at Bakka. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 129 |
3.978.999.M41 | The Armageddon 45th Heavy Artillery decimate the Ork hordes of Minerva. Each shell is inscribed with the name of a soldier or civilian killed at Hades Hive during the Third War for Armageddon. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 25 |
980.999.M41 | The Red Corsairs emerge from the Maelstrom in force and lay siege to several systems, notably the Chogoris, Kaelas, and Sessec systems. The White Scars withdraw from the Armageddon theatre to meet the threat. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 129; Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49; Codex: Chaos Space Marines (6th Edition), pg. 25 |
982.999.M41 | The Great Awakening: a ripple of psychic power flows through the Warp and activates the latent abilities of millions of psykers. Innumerable warp rifts are created and several worlds are lost to daemonic infestation. The Thousand Sons are seen in unprecedented numbers. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 129; Codex: Chaos Space Marines (6th Edition), pg. 25; Codex: Chaos Daemons (6th Edition), pg. 23 |
3.982.999.M41 | The 56th regiment of the Mordian Iron Guard put down the Komarl Revolt, and, to ensure future compliance, executes ten percent of the remaining population for forgetting their duty to the Emperor. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 25 |
5.985.999.M41 | The Imperial World of Cytheria defects to the Tau Empire; a guerilla campaign by several Catachan regiments critically undermines the Tau's morale. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 25 |
986.999.M41 | Tech Priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus discover failures in the mechanisms of the Golden Throne that are far beyond their ability to repair. | White Dwarf 342 (US), pg. 37 — "Timeline" Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 129 |
987.999.M41 | Necron activity detected within 2,000 light years of Terra. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 129 |
989.999.M41 | The Ultramarines 3rd Company liberate the Lagan system from the Tau Empire. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 129 |
990.999.M41 | Eldar forces from the Biel-Tan and Saim Hann Craftworlds destroy both Imperial and Ork worlds surrounding the Octarius system with the intent of denying bio-resources to Hive Fleet Leviathan. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 129; Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49 |
6.990.999.M41 | The Knights of Blood Chaos Space Marines attacks Ornsworld. Imperial Guard reinforcements do not arrive before ninety percent of the planet's population is killed, a cruel repeat of the events of the Gothic War. | Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition), pg. 25 |
992.999.M41 | The Night of a Thousand Rebellions. Countless worlds across the Imperium fall into unrest and rebellion. Even worlds once thought secure, such as Enceladus, Darkhold and Minisotira, are affected. The homeworld of the Lions Defiant Chapter is lost to anarchy. Communication is lost with large swathes of Segmentum Pacificus. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 129; Warhammer 40,000 6th Edition Rulebook, pg. 177; Codex: Chaos Space Marines (6th Edition), pg. 25 |
993.999.M41 | A flood of distress signals and cries for help flood through the Imperium. Entire Astropathic choirs are overloaded and collapse. Anarchy and panic spread as the Imperium's communication systems fail. From Segmentum Pacificus there is only eerie silence... | Warhammer 40,000 6th Edition Rulebook, pg. 177 |
994.999.M41 | Huron Blackheart crushes the Marines Errant. After drawing away most of their fortress-monastery's garrison, Blackheart's Night Lords allies infiltrate and bring down its static defenses. The Red Corsairs withdraw with nearly all of the chapter's gene-seed and relics, dooming the Marines Errant to a slow demise. | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 146; Codex: Chaos Space Marines (6th Edition), pg. 25 |
995.999.M41 | Warmaster Abaddon launches the 13th Black Crusade. The armies of Chaos Undivided lay siege primarily to Cadia but attack many of the surrounding worlds as well. Imperial Forces launch a massive counterattack, and eventually push back the tides of Chaos, but only just barely, and at great cost. The Space Wolves' 13th Great Company are amongst the forces seen fighting against the forces of chaos. Major side battles include the Diamor Campaign | Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook, pg. 129; Codex: Chaos Space Marines (6th Edition), pg. 25 |
In Commorragh, Khaine's Gate begins to fail | Codex: Dark Eldar (7th Edition), The Three Ages of the Dark City | |
999.999.M41 | What is thought to have been a comet hits and destroys the Hive World of Gomorrah, leaving only one survivor. Decades later it was discovered that an Ork/Genestealer Hybrid controlled Space Hulk crashed into Gomorrah as a precursor to a full-scale invasion of the Spetzghasf system. | Redemption Corps (Novel), Chapters 3, 6 & 7 |
The Battle of the Phalanx. The mobile Fortress-Monastery of the Imperial Fists is assaulted by forces of Warsmith Shon'tu and the Daemon Prince Be'lakor | Sentinels of Terra, The 3rd Company's Triumphs | |
A malfunction is found in the Golden Throne by the Adeptus Mechanicus which they are unable to repair. Faced with this cataclysmic scenario, the Tech-Priests become desperate and ally with a faction of Xanthite Inquisitors. Launching an expedition into the Webway, the Tech-Priest and Inquisition forces battle through Harlequins and Daemons alike before reaching Commorragh. There, a dark bargain is struck. | Codex: Cult Mechanicus (7th Edition), The Quest for Knowledge | |
~999.999.M41 | The Prefectia Campaign and the Second Agrellan Campaign are waged against the Tau | |
The Ynnari form to reawaken the Eldar god Ynnead as a major Dysjunction rocks Commorragh from the birth of Yvraine. | ||
The Hunt for the Wulfen and the Siege of the Fenris System. The Space Wolves fall into a plot by Magnus the Red as the Wulfen return. | ||
The Fracture of Biel-Tan sees a Slaaneshi invasion of Biel-Tan defeated and the Yncarne created by the Ynnari, but the Craftworld is forever broken | Codex: Craftworlds (8th Edition), Eldrad Ulthran | |
The War in the Labyrinth between the Ynnari and Thousand Sons | Gathering Storm: Fracture of Biel-Tan, Part 3 | |
Fulgrim reappears to orchestrate The Cacophony of Extremis Six | ||
Cadia is destroyed at the climax of the Thirteenth Black Crusade. The survivors are led by Eldar allies into the Webway | ||
Roboute Guilliman returns to lead the Imperium at the climax of the Ultramar Campaign and takes command on Terra after the Terran Crusade | ||
The Battle of Khaine's Gate sees Asdrubael Vect temporarily secure Commorragh from Daemonic invasion | Codex: Drukhari (8th Edition), pg. 46 | |
The Battle of Iyanden sees Iyanden defeat a Chaos invasion | ||
The Blood Crusade |
M40 | Timeline | M42 |
- *: No exact date is given, but repeated references in Necropolis (Novel) state that the Trade War took place "ninety years before" the Siege of Vervunhive, which, according to The Sabbat Worlds Crusade (Background Book), took place in 769.M41.[1]
Conflicting sources
See directly in the marked entries.
- 1: The Sabbat Worlds Crusade (Background Book)
- 2: Imperial Armour Volume Nine - The Badab War - Part One, pgs. 126–127
- 3: Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition), pg. 49
- 4: White Dwarf 349, pg. 55