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Undated M42

The Battle for Korvon II - The Ultramarines, led by Lieutenant Calsius, defend against a Death Guard invasion.[1]
The Battle for Meto - The Ultramarines fight against the Orks on the planet of Meto.[2]
The Battle for Mira III - The Ultramarines fight against the Orks on the planet of Mira III.[3]
The Cleansing of Ybrannis - The Salamanders fight against the Death Guard[4a]
The Battle of Warsylask[4b]
The Waaagh! Wazkrumpa[4c]
The Battle on Torquar[4e]
The Battle of Monai Landing[4d]
The Dark Eldar Civil War begins[5c]
The (Talledus War) - Kor Phaeron of the Word Bearers lead an assault to the Talledus System alongside forces of the Night Lords and Iron Warriors.[6a]
The Battle for Benediction (Talledus War)[6b]
The Battle of Ghreddask (Talledus War)[6c]
The Battle of the Tears of the Emperor (Talledus War)[6d]
The Angel's Halo - The Blood Angels initiate the reconquest of the Red Scar Sector against the remained tendrils of the Hive Fleet Leviathan[7a]
The Battle of Kheru (Angel's Halo, Red Scar Campaign) [7b]
The Battle of Ashallon (Angel's Halo, Red Scar Campaign)[7c]
The Battle of Bhelik Alphus (Angel's Halo, Red Scar Campaign)[7d]
The Dark Eldar Raid Saim-Hann[5b]
The Saga of the Beasttext-middle[Help]
The Revenge for Ceibhal (Saga of the Beast)[8a]
The Storming of Leckides (Saga of the Beast)[8b]
The Purging of Gaivos (Saga of the Beast)[8c]
The Ambush at Gnarion Reef (Saga of the Beast)[8d]
The Siege of Gottgaard (Saga of the Beast)[8e]
The Cleansing of Brakhutos (Saga of the Beast)[8f]
The Battle of Krongar (Saga of the Beast)[8g]
Metalica is corrupted in the Charadon Campaign[33]
The Ork Empire of Octarius is devastated in the Octarius War[34]

000 - 099.M42

Year Event
Early M42 The Cleansing of Ganymede (Indomitus Crusade)[9]
The Arks of Omen Campaign is launched by Abaddon and Vashtorr. Angron and Lion El'Jonson return to the mortal realm[10]
The Battle of Machorta Sound (The Crusade of Slaughter, Indomitus Crusade)[11]
The Dark Eldar Civil War - Asdrubael Vect attempts to counter the power of the Ynnari[5c]
The Psychic Awakening begins[5a]
The Salamanders prevent the summoning of Angron on Armageddon.[12b]
Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka leaves the Octarius War at the head of a fleet of 5 million Greenskin warships to lead against the Imperium.[13]
After the 13th Black Crusade and formation of the Great Rift, Perturabo unleashed a thousand armies and coordinated them in a grand strategy against the most heavily defended worlds in Segmentum Obscurus.[14c]
The Invasion of the Stygius Sector - Magnus the Red and his forces invade the Stygius Sector[12e]
Second Relief of Mordian (Invasion of the Stygius Sector)[17]
The Siege of the Rock - sees Luther freed.[18]
The Cerberax Wars - Forces of Khorne fight against the Necrons near Ymga Monolith.[19]
The Battle of Iathglas - The Ynnari battle the forces of Slaanesh in the Battle of Iathglas[5d]
The Battle of Ulthwe.text-middle[Help]
The Sky Sentinels are destroyed by Magnus the Red and his Thousand Sons.[12c]
The Invasion of Iyanden - N'Kisha invades Craftworld Iyanden.[12f]
The Tau Empire wage their Fourth Sphere of Expansion, which is thought lost. Several decades later, contact is re-established through the Startide Nexus and the Fifth Sphere of Expansion is launched.[20] A Sixth Sphere of Expansion is further planned.[32]
Imperial and Ork forces temporarily unite to battle Daemons during the Third War for Armageddon.[12b]
Catachan defeats a Daemonic invasion.[14a]
The Devastation of Baal - Hive Fleet Leviathan invades Baal, homeworld of the Blood Angels Chapter.text-middle[Help]
Asdrubael Vect is "assassinated", only to be reborn as a Living Dark Muse.[15]
The Pariah Crusade begins between the Imperium and Necrons under the Silent King Szarekh.[35] It eventually escalates into the Necron Civil War.[36]
The Fourth Tyrannic War begins with a massive tendril of Hive Fleet Leviathan arriving in Segmentum Pacificus.[31]
~001.M42 The Blackness sweeps across the Galaxy due to the formation of the Great Rift. Much of the Imperium is cut off from Terra as communication and Warp Travel is rendered nigh-impossible. Daemonic legions assault much of the Galaxy. Eventually, the effects will wear off and the Indomitus Crusade will reclaim much of the Imperium.[12a]
The Battle of Lion's Gate. Terra is assaulted by the forces of Khorne in its first major invasion in 10,000 years.[12a]
The Indomitus Crusade is waged by Roboute Guilliman.[16]
001-025.M42 The War of Beasts on Vigilus for control of the Nachmund Gauntlet.[37] It eventually escalates into the War of Nightmares when Chaos arrives.[38]
The Nachmund Rift War begins as the war on Vigilus stabilizes.[39]
005.M42 To Serve the Emperor: A Commissar's Life, written by Commissar Ciaphas Cain is published. The writing of his memoirs spurred him to gather and write a full archive of his glorious career. However, this more candid memoir never sees the light of day, being immediately put under Inquisitorial seal by order of Inquisitor Amberley Vail. The archive simply contains far too much sensitive and restricted information. She organizes the archive, naming it the Cain Archive, and publishes it "for Inquisitors" only. A high number of Inquisitors read it. She is even persuaded to expand it considerably, making it somewhat of a bestseller among the Inquisition.[21a]
006.M42 The fall of Medusa V occurs. The world was mostly evacuated by the Imperium whilst a warp storm engulfed it.text-middle[Help]
ca. 010.M42 Battle for the Orestes System (Indomitus Crusade)[22]
ca. 012.M42 The Mantis Warriors and an Imperial Navy taskforce come to the aid of the planet Herodian IV, which is under attack from a Tyranid splinter fleet. Despite taking heavy losses they begin to turn the tide of the battle against the Tyranids, when Inquisitor Lord Brutius Parthon orders the Mantis Warriors to perform an Exterminatus on the planet; after a Deathwatch Kill-Team was extracted from a hidden Ordo Xenos weapons laboratory on Herodian IV's surface.[23]
200 members of the Space Wolves 13th Great Company displaced from the Horus Heresy are recovered from Warp Portals on Prospero.[24]
Like a Phoenix on the Wing: The Early Campaigns and Glorious Victories of the Valhallan 597th, written by Lady General Jenit Sulla (retired) is published. Amberley Vail uses extracts from it multiple times within the Cain Archive.[25]
The Battle of Raukos (Indomitus Crusade)[16a][26]
The Invasion of Ultramar (Plague Wars) - The armies of Nurgle invade Ultramar from the Scourge Stars.[16]
The Fall of the Tartella System (Plague Wars) - The Great Unclean One Ku'gath with an army of deamons conquers the Tartella System.[12d]
The Battle of Iax (Plague Wars) - Unknowing, a group of refugee carried Nurgle's taint and transforms them into Plaguebearers allowing the daemons of Nurgle to manifest on the planet.[16]
The Invasion of Konor (Plague Wars)[17]
The Recapture of the Spandor System (Plague Wars)[12d][16b]
The Battle of Parmenio (Plague Wars)[16]
The Relief of Iax (Plague Wars)[16]
The War in the Rift[28]
The Recapture of the Tartella System (Vengeance Campaigns)[14b]
037.M42 The Return of the Liberator: Ciaphas Cain and the Second Siege of Perlia by Orten Bassit is published. It is later used by Amberley Vail as an extract within the Cain Archive.[29b]
085.M42 Purge the Guilty! An impartial account of the liberation of Gravalax by Stententious Logar is published. It is later used by Amberley Vail as an extract within the Cain Archive.[21b]
087.M42 Just Visitin': The Life of a Naval Hero by Nelson Lawford is published, a biography of retired Imperial Navy Commodore Hubert Visiter. It is later used by Amberley Vail as an extract within the Cain Archive.[29c]
095.M42 The Abominable Chitin: a Concise History of the Tyrannic Wars by Arten Burrar is published. It is later used by Amberley Vail as an extract within the Cain Archive.[30]
097.M42 Like a Phoenix From the Flames: The Founding of the 597th, written by Lady General Jenit Sulla (retired) is published. Amberley Vail uses extracts from it multiple times within the Cain Archive.[21c]

100 - 199.M42

Year Event
127.M42 In Blackest Night: The Millennial Wars Appraised by Ayjaepi Clothier is published. It is later used by Amberley Vail as an extract within the Cain Archive.[29a]


M41 Timeline