Name & Etymology
Design & Analysis
Digimon Reference Book
Video Games
⇨ Japanese One of the Olympos XII, it styles itself the Digital World's foremost drinker. It is very caring with a cheerful personality, and gathers Child or Adult Digimon to hold parties day and night. Because it is able to distill any kind of alcohol within its body, it is said that at parties it answers the requests of the Digimon it has befriended and treats them to alcohol. It prefers the taste of fruit wine, and its favorite fruit wine is something fermented from the sweets borne by the "Karpos Hulē" forest carried on Ceresmon's back, so whenever it can snatch a moment it eagerly requests Ceresmon to "Let me brew fruit wine." For that reason, it is on very good terms with Ceresmon, and they often act together.
Its Special Moves are wrapping up the opponent in both of its hands, transforming their configuration data into drinking snacks, and then eating them (Cook of the Hell), and refining alcohol mixed with deadly poisons that cause sleep or paralysis within its body, and then pouring it over the opponent to leave them incapacitated (Party of the Heaven). In addition, in its "Reverse of the Dead", where Bacchusmon fires the data it has consumed from the large mouth on its abdomen at the opponent as a destructive beam when it becomes too intoxicated and the patterns on its body turn pale, it takes in data and increases its power each time it hits an opposing Digimon, so its power in annihilation warfare against great numbers of enemies is unfathomable.
Also, the data of Bacchusmon's distilled poison has become an object of study for the Crack Team, and the rumor questioning whether Bacchusmon's poison data is related to the preparation of bacteriological weapons and is part of a plot to assassinate an important person is whispered as if it were true.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English デジタルワールド一の酒豪を自称するオリンポス十二神族の1体。陽気な性格で面倒見が良く、成長期や成熟期のデジモンを集めて昼夜を問わず宴会を開いている。その体内ではあらゆる種類の酒を精製することが出来るため、宴会で仲良くなったデジモンのリクエストに応えて酒を振る舞うという。果実酒を好んで口にし、一番好きな果実酒はケレスモンの背負う森『カルポスヒューレ』に実るスイーツを発酵させた物で、暇さえあればケレスモンに「果実酒を作らせてくれ」と頼み込んでいる。そのためケレスモンとは非常に仲が良く、共に行動することが多い。 必殺技は、その両手で相手を包み込んで、データの構成情報を酒のツマミへと変換し食べてしまう『クック・オブ・ザ・ヘル』と、睡眠や麻痺を誘発する猛毒を混ぜた酒を体内で精製し、相手に浴びせて行動不能に陥らせる『パーティー・オブ・ザ・ヘブン』。そして、バッカスモン自身が酔っ払いすぎて体の模様が青く変化したときに、腹部の大口から飲み食いしたデータを相手に放つ破壊光線『リバース・オブ・ザ・デッド』は、相手デジモンに命中する度に、そのデータを取り込んでパワーを増していくため、大多数を相手にする殲滅戦での威力は計り知れない。 また、バッカスモンの精製する毒のデータはクラックチームの研究対象になっており、細菌兵器の作成や偉人暗殺計画の一部にバッカスモンの毒データが関わっているのではないかという噂がまことしやかに囁かれている。
⇨ Japanese One of the Olympos XII, it styles itself the Digital World's foremost drinker. It is very caring with a cheerful personality, and gathers Child or Adult Digimon to hold parties day and night. Because it is able to distill any kind of alcohol within its body, it is said that at parties it answers the requests of the Digimon it has befriended and treats them to alcohol. It prefers the taste of fruit wine, and its favorite fruit wine is something fermented from the sweets borne by the "Karpos Hulē" forest carried on Ceresmon's back, so whenever it can snatch a moment it eagerly requests Ceresmon to "Let me brew fruit wine." For that reason, it is on very good terms with Ceresmon, and they often act together. Also, the data of Bacchusmon's distilled poison has become an object of study for the Crack Team, and the rumor questioning whether Bacchusmon's poison data is related to the preparation of bacteriological weapons and is part of a plot to assassinate an important person is whispered as if it were true.
Digimon Collectors
⇨ English デジタルワールド一の酒豪を自称するオリンポス十二神族の1体。陽気な性格で面倒見が良く、成長期や成熟期のデジモンを集めて晝夜を問わず宴会を開いている。その体內ではあらゆる種類の酒を精制することが出来るため、宴会で仲良くなったデジモンのリクエストに応えて酒を振る舞うという。果実酒を好んで口にし、一番好きな果実酒はケレスモンの背負う森『カルポスヒューレ』に実るスイーツを発酵させた物で、暇さえあればケレスモンに「果実酒を作らせてくれ」と頼み込んでいる。そのためケレスモンとは非常に仲が良く、共に行動することが多い。また、バッカスモンの精制する毒のデータはクラックチームの研究對象になっており、細菌兵器の作成や偉人暗殺計畫の一部にバッカスモンの毒データが関わっているのではないかという噂がまことしやかに囁かれている。
⇨ Japanese One of the Olympos XII, it styles itself as the heaviest drinker. It is very caring with a cheerful personality, and gathers Digimon to hold parties day and night. It distills any kind of alcohol within its body, and answers the requests of the Digimon it has befriended and treats them to that alcohol.
Digimon Web Official Twitter
⇨ English 酒豪を自称するオリンポス十二神の1体。陽気な性格で面倒見が良く、デジモンを集めて昼夜を問わず宴会を開いている。体内ではいろいろなお酒を精製し、仲良くなったデジモンのリクエストに応えてお酒を振る舞う。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Cook of the Hell
Kukku obu za Heru
Cook of the Abyss[2]
Wraps up the opponent in both of its hands, transforming their configuration data into drinking snacks, and then eats them.
Party of the Heaven
Pātī obu za Hebun
Party of the Heavens[2]
Refines alcohol mixed with deadly poisons that cause sleep or paralysis within its body, then pours it over the opponent to incapacitate them.
Reverse of the Dead
Ribāsu obu za Deddo
Reversal of the Dead[2]
Fires the data it has consumed from its abdominal mouth as a destructive beam when it becomes too intoxicated and the patterns on its body turn pale.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Video Games[edit]
- See: Digimon Crusader/Storyline
Bacchusmon stands up in front of Aegiomon revealing its wine was the responsible of Aegiomon's loss of memory and thus triggering the awakening of Aegiochusmon: Holy.
Bacchusmon is available as a Digimon Medal.
Bacchusmon is available as a Digimon Medal.
Virtual Pets[edit]
Hyper Colosseum
Quote (⇨ Japanese): This data glutton turns alcoholic drinks into its strength!
Quote (⇨ English): 酒食を己の力に変えるデータ大食漢!
Image Gallery[edit]
Additional information[edit]