VAZ 2109 1987

This generation of VAZ 2109 has been produced from January, 1987 to January, 2004. We can provide information about 6 modifications of this generation. The car has been produced only with front wheel drive.

This Lada (VAZ) is available with six petrol engines with displacement from 1.1 to 1.5 litres and power of from 54 to 140 horsepower.
The car is available with only with manual gearbox.

Compare VAZ 2109 to other cars

VAZ 2109 1987 average fuel consumption in combined cycle for petrol engine is from 6.8 to 10 litres per 100km. The most fuel efficient VAZ 2109 1987 petrol engine version is 21093, consuming 6.8 litres per 100km.

The best acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h - 9 seconds has 2109-91 version, conversely the tardiest one is 21091 reaching this speed only in 17 seconds. The maximum top speed is 190 km/h for the 1.3 petrol 140 hp version (2109-91).

Lenght of VAZ 2109 is 401 cm, it is small car. VAZ 2109 gross weight is from 1340 to 1465 kg (depending on modification), which is about 10 percent lighter than the average for this age and class.

This Lada (VAZ) is quite costly - it can be purchased (in Latvia, EU) for around 1800 €. Below you will find more detailed information about VAZ 2109 prices and costs.

VAZ 2109 modifications

Modification Engine Power Consumption
21091 Jan 1987 — Jan 1994 1.1 Petrol 54 HP -
2109 Jan 1987 — Jan 1997 1.3 Petrol 64 HP -

Most dynamic version - 100 km/h in 9 seconds

1.3 Petrol 140 HP 10.0 l/100km
21093 Jan 1990 — Jan 2004

Most fuel efficient version

1.5 Petrol 68 HP 6.8 l/100km
21093i 1.5 Petrol 76 HP 7.3 l/100km
21093 Jan 1990 — Jan 2004 1.5 Petrol 78 HP 7.7 l/100km

VAZ 2109 prices

VAZ 2109 1987 - 2004 hatchback price in Latvia is from 500 € to 3500 €.
Comparing to analogical vehicles VAZ 2109 price is entirely high - VAZ 2109 is approximately for 63 percents more expensive then average hatchbacks of this age (compare hatchbacks 1987 - 2004 prices). VAZ 2109 high price can be explained by its quality above average (see below), therefore this Lada (VAZ) could be reasonable purchase in long term perspective.

VAZ 2109 2000 price 1000 € 2000 € 3000 €
VAZ 2109 1995 price 1300 € 2400 € 3500 €
VAZ 2109 1993 price 2300 € 2700 € 3300 €
VAZ 2109 1992 price 600 € 1500 € 2800 €
VAZ 2109 1991 price 2000 € 2900 € 3500 €
VAZ 2109 1990 price 1500 € 1700 € 1900 €
VAZ 2109 1989 price 900 € 1400 € 2200 €
VAZ 2109 1988 price 800 € 1000 € 1400 €
VAZ 2109 1987 price 500 € 700 € 900 €

VAZ 2109 total costs of ownership

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VAZ 2109 1987 features (options)

Percentage of VAZ 2109 with corresponding feature (option)

Metallic paint
Roof bars (railings)

VAZ 2109 1987 photo images

VAZ 2109 1987 photo image 1

VAZ 2109 1987 photo image 2

VAZ 2109 1987 photo image 3

VAZ 2109 1987 photo image 4

VAZ 2109 1987 photo image 5

VAZ 2109 1987 photo image 6

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