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2017 Challenges Archive > 2017 RRRC Countdown

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message 1: by Fran, Moderator (last edited Dec 23, 2016 12:00AM) (new)

Fran | 12187 comments 2017 RRRC COUNTDOWN

Duration: January 01, 2017 - December 31, 2017

Thanks to the ladies at Crazy Challenge Connection for letting us borrow and putting our tiny spin on this challenge!

This challenge is super simple and super long! For this challenge, you will read the corresponding number of books published in that year:

2001 - read 1 book published in 2001
2010 – read 10 books published in 2010
2011 – read 11 books published in 2011
2012 – read 12 books published in 2012, etc.

The year published can be either the year the book was first published or the year the edition you read was published. (Please make sure you link to that particular edition)


★ Books must be at least 150 pages long or 45k words.

★ Books must have the romance genre listed on the main page.

★ For each book you read, please post a link to the title along with the author and the date finished.

★ Rereads are allowed but you must read the book in its entirety.

★ To reduce clogging of the thread and long, looooong lists of books, please try to use spoiler tags for your list and covers of books. For example:

(view spoiler)

(view spoiler)

Choose your own difficulty!
Level 1 - read for 2012-2017 - 87 books
Level 2 - read for 2001-2010 + 2017 - 72 books (shorter but HARDER)
Level 3 - read for 2009-2017 - 117 books
Extreme! - read for 2006-2017 - 138 books

message 2: by Fran, Moderator (last edited Dec 21, 2016 11:52PM) (new)

Fran | 12187 comments Q & A!

Q1: How do create a spoiler tag?
A1: Just bookend what you want hidden with < spoiler > hidden stuff < / spoiler >
Remove the spaces within the brackets!

Q2: Can I change levels?
A2: Yep, if you wanna move up, just not down.

Q3: Can I backdate books?
A3: Yes, so long as the books were started and finished within the year of 2017.

Q4: Can I use books for different challenges?
A4: Yes! This is standard to RRRC.

Q5: Can I mix and match dates use (first published vs. edition published)?
A5: Yes.

Q6: Do you want us to go with the date pub (which seems to be the original) or with the edition that GR deems most popular? I'm guessing the date pub/original?
A6: Let's keep it simple. We should use 1 of 2 dates only: date first published or date of edition read. That being said, I'm not gonna police anyone's books/years.

Not a question but what I observed last year: NON-ROM & novellas not qualified for length. We like to peruse each other's reading lists (especially for those pesky early years) for ideas and suggestions, so please be conscious you are reading a qualified book before posting for this challenge.

If you're going for the extreme level AND you plan on posting book links AND covers, reserve an additional space to cover your overflow. All other levels should be fine, unless you get wordy. :)

message 3: by Fran, Moderator (new)

Fran | 12187 comments *

message 4: by GreenFairy (last edited Dec 27, 2017 12:41AM) (new)

GreenFairy (greenfairy429) | 1096 comments I keep trying every year. So I'm trying this again...

Gonna start with Level 1 though

2013 9
Phoenix Rockstar 2/3/17-2 stars
Protecting What's His 3/14/17-3 stars
Twice Tempted 5/23/17-4 stars
Gable 2/1/17-4 stars
The Beautiful Dead 8/5/17-4 stars
Tell Me 12/8/17 4 stars
Seven Years 5/31/17 4 stars
Truce 10/28/17 3 stars
Torn from You 11/3/17 3 stars

2014 12
Heat 2/9/17-3 stars
Hammer's Fall 4/6/17-3 stars
The Vixen and the Vet 3/24/17-3 stars
Seventh Grave and No Body 4/17/17-4 stars
Destroyed 6/15/17-3 stars
Up from the Grave 7/17/17 4*
There Goes the Neighborhood A Drawn Series Prequel 9/2/17-4 stars
Kodiak's Claim 9/13/17-3 stars
Pretty Little Things 11/29/17 4 stars
Token Huntress 10/4/17 4 stars
Mister Black 10/17/17 3 stars
Masquerade 12/6/17 2 stars

Magic Shifts 1/7/17-4 stars
Stalked 1/8/17-1 star
Reap 3/21/17-3 stars
Silver Bastard 3/31/17-4 stars
Fear Me 6/5/17-3 stars
Second Debt 5/13/17-4 stars
Eighth Grave After Dark 4/23/17-4 stars
Tyrant 4/12/17-3 stars
Third Debt 7/3/17-4 stars
Cartel 9/12/17-4 stars
Bound by Flames 12/23/17 4 stars

Raw and Dirty-1/3/17-3 stars
Magic Binds-1/14/17-4 1/2 stars
Predator-1/15/17-2 stars
Stepbrother Thief 1/25/17- stars
Pendulum 3/7/17-3 stars
The Dirt on Ninth Grave 5/30/17-4 stars
Country Christmas 7/24/17-4 stars
Read My Lips 8/12/17-4 stars
Fractured Paths 8/18/17 4 stars
Hard 8/28/17 4 stars
Teach Me Dirty 8/28/17-3 stars
Weathered Love 7/14/17 3 stars

Football Sundae 5/8/17-5 stars
Thirty Days: Part One 7/22/17-4 stars
His Rules 11/28/17 3 stars

message 5: by LaurLa (last edited Dec 31, 2017 03:09PM) (new)

LaurLa | 4877 comments 2017 RRRC Countdown
January - December 2017

MY 2017 RRRC Countdown 1 of 2 (msg 5)

Level Extreme!: books pubbed 2001-2017
Completed: 153 of 153 books

✔✔2001: 1 of 1
Too Good To Be True (D and S Security, #2) by Kasey Michaels
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✔✔2002: 2 of 2
Purity in Death (In Death, #15) by J.D. Robb Practice Makes Perfect (Serenity House) by Kathryn Shay
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✔✔2003: 3 of 3
Portrait in Death (In Death, #16) by J.D. Robb Imitation in Death (In Death, #17) by J.D. Robb The Sinner (Rizzoli & Isles, #3) by Tess Gerritsen
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✔✔2004: 4 of 4
Divided in Death (In Death, #18) by J.D. Robb Visions in Death (In Death, #19) by J.D. Robb Facing Fear (S.A.S.S., #2) by Gennita Low Blue Dahlia (In The Garden #1) by Nora Roberts
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✔✔2005: 5 of 5
Survivor In Death (In Death, #20) by J.D. Robb Origin in Death (In Death, #21) by J.D. Robb Someone to Believe In (O'Neil Brothers, #1) by Kathryn Shay Lost in Temptation (Regency Chase Family Series #1) by Lauren Royal Her Sexiest Mistake by Jill Shalvis
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✔✔2006: 6 of 6
Memory in Death (In Death, #22) by J.D. Robb Haunted in Death (In Death, #22.5) by J.D. Robb A Hunger Like No Other (Immortals After Dark #2) by Kresley Cole No Rest for the Wicked (Immortals After Dark #3) by Kresley Cole Thrill Me to Death (Bullet Catcher, #2) by Roxanne St. Claire When Darkness Comes (Guardians of Eternity, #1) by Alexandra Ivy
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✔✔2007: 7 of 7
Sweet Return by Anna Jeffrey Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity, #2) by Alexandra Ivy Wicked Deeds on a Winter's Night (Immortals After Dark #4) by Kresley Cole Dark Needs at Night's Edge (Immortals After Dark #5) by Kresley Cole One Night with a Goddess (Goddess, #2) by Judi McCoy Magic Bites (Kate Daniels, #1) by Ilona Andrews Hold On to Me (Hearts of the South, #3) by Linda Winfree
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✔✔2008: 8 of 8
Unlawful Contact (I-Team, #3) by Pamela Clare Darkness Everlasting (Guardians of Eternity, #3) by Alexandra Ivy Dark Desires After Dusk (Immortals After Dark #6) by Kresley Cole One Foot in the Grave (Night Huntress, #2) by Jeaniene Frost At Grave's End (Night Huntress, #3) by Jeaniene Frost Making Over Mr. Right (Goddess #3) by Judi McCoy Raeliksen (Emerald Isle Trilogy, #1) by Renee Vincent The Beast in Him (Pride, #2) by Shelly Laurenston
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✔✔2009: 9 of 9
Darkness Revealed (Guardians of Eternity, #4) by Alexandra Ivy Kiss of a Demon King (Immortals After Dark #7) by Kresley Cole Magic Strikes (Kate Daniels, #3) by Ilona Andrews Doubleblind (Sirantha Jax, #3) by Ann Aguirre The Mane Squeeze (Pride, #4) by Shelly Laurenston Murphy's Law (Damaged Heroes, #1) by Sandy James Sweet Inspiration (Klaus Brothers, #1) by Penny Watson Ain't Too Proud to Beg (Dog Walkers, #1) by Susan Donovan Loving a Lost Lord (Lost Lords #1) by Mary Jo Putney
(view spoiler)

message 6: by LaurLa (last edited Dec 31, 2017 03:08PM) (new)

LaurLa | 4877 comments 2017 RRRC Countdown
January - December 2017

MY 2017 RRRC Countdown 2 of 2 (msg 6)

Level Extreme!: books pubbed 2001-2017
Completed: 153 of 153 books

✔✔2010: 10 of 10
My Aliyah Heart in Chains (Texas Heat, #2) by Sable Hunter Twice Bitten (Chicagoland Vampires, #3) by Chloe Neill Renegade (Elite Ops, #5) by Lora Leigh Naked Edge (I-Team, #4) by Pamela Clare Swinging on a Star (Weddings by Bella, #2) by Janice Thompson
It Had to Be You (Weddings by Bella, #3) by Janice Thompson All She Wants for Christmas (Kent Brothers, #1) by Jaci Burton Samson's Lovely Mortal (Scanguards Vampires, #1) by Tina Folsom Amaury's Hellion (Scanguards Vampires, #2) by Tina Folsom Guarding Suzannah (Serve and Protect, #1) by Norah Wilson
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✔✔2011: 11 of 11
Hard Bitten (Chicagoland Vampires, #4) by Chloe Neill Drink Deep (Chicagoland Vampires, #5) by Chloe Neill The Choice (Walk the Right Road, #1) by Lorhainne Eckhart Sticks and Stones (Cat DeLuca Mysteries, #2) by K.J. Larsen Live Wire (Elite Ops, #7) by Lora Leigh
Breaking Point (I-Team, #5) by Pamela Clare A Rare Gift (Kent Brothers, #2) by Jaci Burton Twenty-Eight and a Half Wishes (Rose Gardner Mystery, #1) by Denise Grover Swank Yvette's Haven (Scanguards Vampires, #4) by Tina Folsom Zane's Redemption (Scanguards Vampires, #5) by Tina Folsom Soldier of Fortune (Rakes and Rogues of the Restoration, #2 ) by Judith James
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✔✔2012: 12 of 12
Make Me Yours (Unravel Me, #2) by Kendall Ryan Biting Cold (Chicagoland Vampires, #6) by Chloe Neill Danger in High Heels (High Heels, #7) by Gemma Halliday Lost and Found (Walk the Right Road, #2) by Lorhainne Eckhart Consumed (Dark Protectors, #4) by Rebecca Zanetti Provoked (Dark Protectors, #5) by Rebecca Zanetti
Croc and the Fox (Furry United Coalition, #3) by Eve Langlais Skin Deep (I-Team, #5.5) by Pamela Clare That Wedding (That Boy, #2) by Jillian Dodd One Fine Fireman (The Bachelor Firemen of San Gabriel, #0.5) by Jennifer Bernard The Best Thing (Kent Brothers, #3) by Jaci Burton Impact (Wild Men of Alaska, #1) by Tiffinie Helmer
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✔✔2013: 13 of 13
Dangerous Connections (Blackthorne, Inc., #5) by Terry Odell Believe In Me (The Vengeance Trilogy, #3) by Lana Williams Lost Souls (Caitlyn O’Connell, #2) by Delilah Devlin House Rules (Chicagoland Vampires, #7) by Chloe Neill Biting Bad (Chicagoland Vampires, #8) by Chloe Neill Diamond Girl (G-Man, #1) by Andrea Smith
Love Plus One (G-Man, #2) by Andrea Smith Night Moves (G-Man, #3) by Andrea Smith Merkaba (Walk the Right Road, #3) by Lorhainne Eckhart Bounty (Walk the Right Road, #4) by Lorhainne Eckhart Some Like It Hot (Cat DeLuca Mysteries, #3) by K.J. Larsen The Bangkok Affair by Taylor Lee Shadowed (Dark Protectors, #6) by Rebecca Zanetti
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✔✔2014: 14 of 14
See How She Runs (Cape Trouble #2) by Janice Kay Johnson Mercy (Beartooth, Montana, #5) by B.J. Daniels Sandpiper Island (Bachelors of Blueberry Cove Book 3) by Donna Kauffman Tempted by the Soldier (Falling for You, #2) by Nicolette Day A Matchless Romance (Aisle Bound, #4) by Christi Barth Against The Spread (Anna Dawson's Vegas, #2) by Mara Jacobs Impulse (Infinitus Billionaire, #1) by E.B. Walters
Forged In Ash (Red-Hot SEALs, #2) by Trish McCallan These Men (G-Man, #3.6) by Andrea Smith Homicide in High Heels (High Heels, #8) by Gemma Halliday Marked (Dark Protectors, #7) by Rebecca Zanetti Love Hacked (Knitting in the City, #3) by Penny Reid Beauty and the Mustache (Knitting in the City, #4; Winston Brothers, #0.5) by Penny Reid That's Amore (Weddings by Bella, #4) by Janice Thompson
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✔✔2015: 14 of 15
Over the Top (Maverick Montana, #4) by Rebecca Zanetti Captive Cowboy (Captured Hearts, #2) by Lindsey Brookes Becoming the Whiskey Princess (Taking Risks, #2) by Toni Aleo Wicked Lies (Men of Summer, #2) by Lora Leigh That Baby (That Boy, #3) by Jillian Dodd Taz (G-Man, #4) by Andrea Smith The Cowboy Inherits a Bride (The Cowboys of Chance Creek, #0.5) by Cora Seton
Soul Deep (I-Team, #6.5) by Pamela Clare Seduction Game (I-Team, #7) by Pamela Clare Dead By Midnight An I-Team Christmas (I-Team #7.5) by Pamela Clare Happily Ever Ninja (Knitting in the City, #5) by Penny Reid Need Me (Broke and Beautiful, #2) by Tessa Bailey Last Call (Cocktail, #4.5) by Alice Clayton Holding Strong (Ultimate, #2) by Lori Foster Tough Love (Ultimate, #3) by Lori Foster
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✔✔2016: 16 of 16
The Goal (Off-Campus, #4) by Elle Kennedy Savage Urges (The Phoenix Pack, #5) by Suzanne Wright Just What I Needed (Need You, #2) by Lorelei James Warrior Witch (The Malediction Trilogy, #3) by Danielle L. Jensen Ostrich and the 'Roo (Furry United Coalition, #6) by Eve Langlais Ice/Reaux (Bayou Heat, #19-20) by Alexandra Ivy Sugar Daddy (Sugar Bowl, #1) by Sawyer Bennett The Player and the Pixie (Rugby, #2) by L.H. Cosway
Midnight Soul (Fantasyland, #5) by Kristen Ashley Mischief and the Masters (Masters of the Shadowlands, #12) by Cherise Sinclair Dirty Royal by Amelia Wilde Wanderlust by Roni Loren Kayden/Simon (Bayou Heat, #21-22; 1001 Dark Nights #45) by Alexandra Ivy A Kiss in the Snow (Fool's Gold #20.5) by Susan Mallery Breaking Out (Military Romantic Suspense) (SEAL Team Heartbreakers Book 6) by Teresa J. Reasor Big Rock by Lauren Blakely
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✔✔2017: 17 of 17
Marriage of Inconvenience (Knitting in the City, #7) by Penny Reid Fatal Threat (Fatal, #11) by Marie Force Just One Touch (Slow Burn, #5) by Maya Banks Rock Chick Reawakening (Rock Chick, #0.5) by Kristen Ashley Brighter Than the Sun (KGI, #11) by Maya Banks Save the Date by Annabeth Albert The Cad and the Co-Ed (Rugby, #3) by L.H. Cosway Dating-ish (Knitting in the City, #6) by Penny Reid
Most Valuable Playboy by Lauren Blakely Talk Cowboy to Me (Lucky Cowboys, #1) by Carolyn Brown What it Takes (Kowalski Family, #10) by Shannon Stacey The Thing About Love by Julie James Wild Ride (Black Knights Inc., #9) by Julie Ann Walker All You Need (Need You, #3) by Lorelei James On Second Thought by Kristan Higgins Under Pressure (Body Armor, #1) by Lori Foster Fierce Obsessions (The Phoenix Pack, #6) by Suzanne Wright
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message 7: by Fran, Moderator (new)

Fran | 12187 comments LaurLa wrote: "*jumping up and down pumping fist* YES, it's here!!!
*still pumping fist* I'll need two posts!"


message 8: by Sandra (last edited Oct 16, 2017 06:34PM) (new)

Sandra | 712 comments This is one of my favourites!


(view spoiler)
Raw Talent (Colby Agency, #23) by Debra Webb Talk Nerdy to Me (Nerds, #5) by Vicki Lewis Thompson Nerds Like It Hot (Nerds, #6) by Vicki Lewis Thompson Spying in High Heels (High Heels, #1) by Gemma Halliday Lover Eternal (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #2) by J.R. Ward Investigating 101 (Colby Agency, #22) by Debra Webb

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Logan's Redemption by Cara Marsi My Nerdy Valentine (Nerds, #7) by Vicki Lewis Thompson Killer in High Heels (High Heels, #2) by Gemma Halliday Lean Mean Thirteen (Stephanie Plum, #13) by Janet Evanovich A Soldier's Oath (Colby Agency, #26) by Debra Webb The Legacy (The Mighty Quinns, #12) by Kate Hoffmann Long Hard Ride (Rough Riders, #1) by Lorelei James

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Just the Sexiest Man Alive by Julie James Smash Cut by Sandra Brown Mayhem in High Heels (High Heels, #5) by Gemma Halliday Fearless Fourteen (Stephanie Plum, #14) by Janet Evanovich Caught (Gemini Men, #1) by Jami Alden Plum Lucky (Stephanie Plum, #13.5) by Janet Evanovich Alibi in High Heels (High Heels, #4) by Gemma Halliday Rock Chick (Rock Chick, #1) by Kristen Ashley

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Mercy by Annabel Joseph Crash Into Me by Jill Sorenson Small-Town Secrets (Colby Agency, #32) by Debra Webb Kept (Gemini Men, #2) by Jami Alden Unleashed (Gemini Men, #3) by Jami Alden Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, #15) by Janet Evanovich The Summer I Turned Pretty (Summer, #1) by Jenny Han Rock Chick Rescue (Rock Chick, #2) by Kristen Ashley Branded as Trouble (Rough Riders, #6) by Lorelei James

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Last Chance (Last Chance Rescue, #6) by Christy Reece Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #8) by J.R. Ward Colby Lockdown (Colby Agency, #37) by Debra Webb Rock Chick Redemption (Rock Chick, #3) by Kristen Ashley Raising Kane (Rough Riders, #9) by Lorelei James The Darkest Hour (KGI, #1) by Maya Banks No Place to Run (KGI, #2) by Maya Banks Tough Customer (Mitchell & Associates #2) by Sandra Brown Delicious (Wicked Lovers, #3) by Shayla Black Second Chance (Last Chance Rescue, #5) by Christy Reece

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No Turning Back by Tiffany Snow Someone Else's Fairytale (Someone Else's Fairytale, #1) by E.M. Tippetts Hardball (Philadelphia Patriots, #2) by V.K. Sykes Sweet Justice (Last Chance Rescue, #7) by Christy Reece On Thin Ice (Ice, #6) by Anne Stuart Sweet Revenge (Last Chance Rescue, #8) by Christy Reece Sweet Reward (Last Chance Rescue, #9) by Christy Reece Surrender to Me (Wicked Lovers, #4) by Shayla Black Chasin' Eight (Rough Riders, #11) by Lorelei James Hidden Away (KGI, #3) by Maya Banks Snatched by Pamela Burford

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Rush by Beth Yarnall Fall From Grace (Mad World, #1) by Christine Zolendz Saving Grace (Mad World, #2) by Christine Zolendz Collide (The Secret Life of Trystan Scott, #1) by H.M. Ward A Night of Southern Comfort (The Boys are Back in Town, #1) by Robin Covington Truth (Consequences, #2) by Aleatha Romig Heir Untamed (Latvala Royals, #1) by Danielle Bourdon Fastball (Philadelphia Patriots, #1) by V.K. Sykes Turn to Me (Kathleen Turner, #2) by Tiffany Snow Alpha Instinct (Moon Shifter, #1) by Katie Reus Stars & Stripes (Cut & Run, #6) by Abigail Roux Backdraft (The Secret Life of Trystan Scott, #2) by H.M. Ward

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Forever Innocent (The Forever Series, #1) by Deanna Roy Redesigned (Off the Subject, #2) by Denise Grover Swank Convicted (Consequences, #3) by Aleatha Romig Stolen (Lucy Kincaid, #6) by Allison Brennan Chances Are (Last Chance Rescue, #10) by Christy Reece Man of My Dreams (Dreams, #1) by Faith Andrews Two Wrongs, One Right (Come Undone, #3) by Katee Robert King and Kingdom (Latvala Royals, #2) by Danielle Bourdon Her Dakota Man (Dakota Hearts #1) by Lisa Mondello Gloria's Secret (Gloria's Secret, #1) by Nelle L'Amour Chasing Mrs. Right (Come Undone, #2) by Katee Robert Right There with You (With You, #1) by R.J. Sable Scornfully Yours (Torn, #1) by Pamela Ann

message 9: by Sandra (last edited Oct 14, 2017 11:24AM) (new)

Sandra | 712 comments Part 2

(view spoiler)
Call Me Cat (Call Me Cat Trilogy, #1) by Alex Lux Gloria's Revenge (Gloria's Secret, #2) by Nelle L'Amour A Royal Legacy (Latvala Royals, #6) by Danielle Bourdon Temporarily Yours (Shillings Agency, #1) by Diane Alberts Lost and Found (Love in New York, #1) by Elle Casey Southern Rocker Boy (Southern Rockers, #1) by Ginger Voight Scandal by Grace Kagni One True Thing (One True Thing, #1) by Lynne Jaymes Dirty Deal (Perfectly Matched, #2) by Christine Bell Forever Loved (The Forever Series, #2) by Deanna Roy Club Luxe 1 The Private Room (Billionaires Underground #1) by Olivia Noble If I Break (If I Break, #1) by Portia Moore Sweet Seduction Sabotage (Sweet Seduction, #6) by Nicola Claire You Loved Me At My Darkest (You Loved Me, #1) by Evie Harper

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Amour (Passion and Glory #1) by Samantha Kaye Yes, Please (Please, #1) by Willow Summers The Raven (The Florentine, #1) by Sylvain Reynard Unsaid (The Manhattanites, #3) by Avery Aster Tethered Bond (Holly Woods Files, #3) by Emma Hart Twisted Bond (Holly Woods Files, #1) by Emma Hart Tangled Bond (Holly Woods Files, #2) by Emma Hart The Assignment (Hero Special Forces Romance, #1) by M.S. Parker The Ambush (Hero Special Forces Romance, #2) by M.S. Parker The Battle (Hero Special Forces Romance, #3) by M.S. Parker Confess by Colleen Hoover Arrogant Bastard (Arrogant, #1) by Winter Renshaw Freefall (Indigo Lounge, #5) by Zara Cox Priceless Treasure (The Lost Andersons, #4) by Melody Anne Taking What's His (Shillings Agency #4) by Diane Alberts

(view spoiler)
Tied Bond (Holly Woods Files, #4) by Emma Hart Burning Bond (Holly Woods Files, #6) by Emma Hart Twirled Bond (Holly Woods Files, #5) by Emma Hart Womanizer (Manwhore, #4) by Katy Evans Falling for You (Searching for Love #1) by Noelle Stevens The Cowboy Ropes a Bride (Kiss County Bachelors Book 1) by Kristin Miller Sweet Seduction Secrets (Sweet Seduction #8) by Nicola Claire Mister O by Lauren Blakely Be on the Lookout Bodyguard (Orion Security #3) by Tyler Anne Snell The Shadow (The Florentine, #2) by Sylvain Reynard The Roman (The Florentine #3) by Sylvain Reynard Now, Please (Please, #2) by Willow Summers More, Please (Please, #3) by Willow Summers Unconventional (The Manhattanites, #4) by Avery Aster Southern Nights & Secrets (The Boys are Back in Town, #4) by Robin Covington Fatal Promise (Slye Temp, #6) by Dianna Love

(view spoiler)
Full Package by Lauren Blakely Joy Ride by Lauren Blakely Mister Moneybags by Vi Keeland Wildfire (Hidden Legacy, #3) by Ilona Andrews Lethal Game (Red Stone Security, #15) by Katie Reus Midnight Target (Killer Instincts, #8) by Elle Kennedy Messing with Miki (Playing For Love, #5) by Tara Crescent The Flirtation (Submission #10) by Tara Sue Me Pucked Off (Pucked, #5) by Helena Hunting Black Sheep (Dark Desires, #2) by Zara Cox Too Wilde to Tame (Wilde Security, #5) by Tonya Burrows Revenge Kisses (3 AM Kisses, #14) by Addison Moore Sweet Victory (Fighting for Love, #4) by Gina L. Maxwell White Hot (Hidden Legacy, #2) by Ilona Andrews Tense - Volume One (The TENSE Duet, #1) by Deborah Bladon The Chosen (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #15) by J.R. Ward Arrogant Bastard (Dark Desires, #3) by Zara Cox

message 10: by Kelly (last edited Sep 13, 2017 04:27AM) (new)

Kelly (kellyvioletke) | 444 comments Level: Extreme

138/138 - COMPLETED 9/12/17

2006 - 6/6
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New Moon (Twilight, #2) by Stephenie Meyer Portrait of a Lover (American Heiresses, #5) by Julianne MacLean Surrender to a Scoundrel (American Heiresses, #6) by Julianne MacLean Count to Ten (Romantic Suspense, #6; Chicago, #5) by Karen Rose Once Upon a Wedding Night (The Derrings, #1) by Sophie Jordan Time to Run (SEAL Team 12, #3) by Marliss Melton

2007 - 7/7
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Eclipse (Twilight, #3) by Stephenie Meyer There Goes the Bride (Wedding Veil Wishes, #1) by Lori Wilde Die For Me (Romantic Suspense, #7; Daniel Vartanian, #1) by Karen Rose Snowbound by Janice Kay Johnson Natural Born Charmer (Chicago Stars, #7) by Susan Elizabeth Phillips Touching Evil (Bishop/Special Crimes Unit #4) by Kay Hooper Too Wicked to Tame (The Derrings, #2) by Sophie Jordan

2008 - 8/8
(view spoiler)
Breaking Dawn (Twilight, #4) by Stephenie Meyer Romeo, Romeo (Domestic Gods, #1) by Robin Kaye Trust Me (The Last Stand, #1) by Brenda Novak Scream for Me (Romantic Suspense, #8; Daniel Vartanian, #2) by Karen Rose Take No Prisoners (Black Ops Inc., #2) by Cindy Gerard Whisper No Lies (Black Ops Inc., #3) by Cindy Gerard Once Smitten, Twice Shy (Wedding Veil Wishes, #2) by Lori Wilde Addicted to Love (Wedding Veil Wishes, #3) by Lori Wilde

2009 - 9/9
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The Dangerous Gentleman (Rogues of Regent Street, #1) by Julia London Feel the Heat (Black Ops Inc., #4) by Cindy Gerard Kill For Me (Romantic Suspense, #9; Daniel Vartanian, #3) by Karen Rose I Can See You (Romantic Suspense, #10; Minneapolis, #1) by Karen Rose One Scream Away (Sheridan, #1) by Kate Brady Every Time We Kiss (The Spinster Club, #2) by Christie Kelley Whisper of Evil (Bishop/Special Crimes Unit Series #5) by Kay Hooper Hiding in the Shadows (Bishop/Special Crimes Unit #2) by Kay Hooper Out of the Shadows (Bishop/Special Crimes Unit,#3) by Kay Hooper

2010 - 10/10
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Silent Scream (Romantic Suspense, #11; Minneapolis, #2) by Karen Rose Lawful Escort (Eternal Bachelors Club, #1) by Tina Folsom Risk No Secrets (Black Ops Inc., #5) by Cindy Gerard Something Scandalous (The Spinster Club, #3) by Christie Kelley Scandal of the Season (The Spinster Club, #4) by Christie Kelley The Search by Nora Roberts Till Dawn with the Devil (Lords of Vice, #2) by Alexandra Hawkins Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver The Hawk (Highland Guard, #2) by Monica McCarty Wicked Delights of a Bridal Bed (The Byrons of Braebourne, #4) by Tracy Anne Warren

2011 - 11/11
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Inside (Bulletproof, #1) by Brenda Novak In Close (Bulletproof, #3) by Brenda Novak With No Remorse (Black Ops Inc., #6) by Cindy Gerard A Taste of Desire (The Elusive Lords, #2) by Beverley Kendall Heiress in Love (Ministry of Marriage, #1) by Christina Brooke Blood Ties (The Searchers, #2) by Sharon Sala Blood Trails (The Searchers, #3) by Sharon Sala How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf (Naked Werewolf, #1) by Molly Harper Yours to Keep (Kowalski Family, #3) by Shannon Stacey Sara's Son by Tara Taylor Quinn The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer, #1) by Michelle Hodkin

2012 - 12/12
(view spoiler)
Where Angels Rest (Mann Family, #1) by Kate Brady No One to Trust (Red Stone Security, #1) by Katie Reus Last Man Standing (Black Ops Inc., #7) by Cindy Gerard Nowhere to Run (Nowhere, #1) by Nancy Bush Nowhere to Hide (Nowhere, #2) by Nancy Bush The Evolution of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer, #2) by Michelle Hodkin Shiver by Karen Robards Worth the Weight (The Worth, #1) by Mara Jacobs Secrets of a Wedding Night (Secret Brides, #1) by Valerie Bowman Low Pressure by Sandra Brown The Marriage Trap (Marriage to a Billionaire, #2) by Jennifer Probst Before and Ever Since by Sharla Lovelace

message 11: by Kelly (last edited Sep 13, 2017 04:28AM) (new)

Kelly (kellyvioletke) | 444 comments continued..

2013 - 13/13
(view spoiler)
Nowhere Safe (Nowhere, #3) by Nancy Bush Last Hit (Hitman, #1) by Jessica Clare When Summer Comes (Whiskey Creek, #3) by Brenda Novak Home to Whiskey Creek (Whiskey Creek, #4) by Brenda Novak A Risk Worth Taking by Laura Landon After the Kiss (Sex, Love & Stiletto, #1) by Lauren Layne Love the One You're With (Sex, Love & Stiletto, #2) by Lauren Layne The Seventh Victim (Texas Rangers, #1) by Mary Burton A Change of Heart (Perfect, Indiana #3) by Barbara Longley Unbound by Cara McKenna The Difference a Day Makes (Perfect, Indiana, #2) by Barbara Longley My Only Alex & Jamie (Crossroads, #3) by Melanie Shawn Private Practice (Private Pleasures, #1) by Samanthe Beck

2014 - 14/14
(view spoiler)
Dark Skye (Immortals After Dark, #15) by Kresley Cole Backwoods (Aftershock, #4) by Jill Sorenson Beta (Alpha, #2) by Jasinda Wilder Come Away with Me (The Andrades, #1) by Ruth Cardello Last Breath (Hitman, #2) by Jessica Clare Mean Streak by Sandra Brown Wild (Wild, #1) by Jill Sorenson Unstoppable (Beachwood Bay, #5; The Callahans, #3) by Melody Grace Just One Night (Sex, Love & Stiletto, #3) by Lauren Layne I Want to Hold Your Hand (Green Mountain, #2) by Marie Force Maybe Matt's Miracle (The Reed Brothers, #4) by Tammy Falkner Marked (Hostage Rescue Team #1) by Kaylea Cross Stripping the Billionaire (Heirs of Damon, #4) by Noelle Adams The Retribution of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer, #3) by Michelle Hodkin

2015 - 15/15
(view spoiler)
Shattered (LOST, #3) by Cynthia Eden Cast in Ruin (Cast in Scandal #2) by Laura Landon Omega (Alpha, #3) by Jasinda Wilder The Trouble with Love (Sex, Love & Stiletto, #4) by Lauren Layne Searching for Beautiful (Searching For, #3) by Jennifer Probst Searching for Always (Searching For, #4) by Jennifer Probst About Last Night (About Last Night, #1) by Belle Aurora Confess by Colleen Hoover Sacked (Gridiron, #1) by Jen Frederick With Every Heartbeat (Forbidden Men, #4) by Linda Kage The Last Chance Christmas Ball by Mary Jo Putney Blissed (Misfit Brides, #1) by Jamie Farrell When I Was Yours by Samantha Towle Last Kiss (Hitman, #3) by Jessica Clare Last Hope (Hitman, #4) by Jessica Clare

2016 - 16/16
(view spoiler)
Torn (LOST, #4) by Cynthia Eden Unsuitable by Samantha Towle First Star I See Tonight (Chicago Stars, #8) by Susan Elizabeth Phillips Man Candy by Melanie Harlow Too Wild to Tame (Romancing the Clarksons, #2) by Tessa Bailey Cold Hearted (Cold Justice, #6) by Toni Anderson Worked Up (Made in Jersey, #3) by Tessa Bailey Targeted (Callahan & McLane, #4) by Kendra Elliot Lady Claire Is All That (Keeping Up with the Cavendishes, #3) by Maya Rodale The Sexy One by Lauren Blakely Nine Women, One Dress by Jane L. Rosen The Trouble with Mistletoe (Heartbreaker Bay, #2) by Jill Shalvis Smut by Karina Halle Trust (Wrong, #3) by Jana Aston RoomHate by Penelope Ward Say You Want Me by Corinne Michaels

2017 - 17/17
(view spoiler)
Full Package by Lauren Blakely Gone (Deadly Secrets, #2) by Elisabeth Naughton Every Dark Corner (Romantic Suspense, #18; Cincinnati, #3) by Karen Rose Devil in Spring (The Ravenels, #3) by Lisa Kleypas Till Death by Jennifer L. Armentrout No Darker Place (Shades of Death #1) by Debra Webb The Hot One by Lauren Blakely I Dared the Duke (The Wayward Wallflowers, #2) by Anna Bennett The Chosen (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #15) by J.R. Ward The Thing About Love by Julie James Too Hard to Forget (Romancing the Clarksons, #3) by Tessa Bailey Lethal Lies (Blood Brothers, #2) by Rebecca Zanetti The Girl with the Make-Believe Husband (Rokesbys, #2) by Julia Quinn An Affair with a Notorious Heiress (Scandalous Gentlemen of St. James, #4) by Lorraine Heath Joy Ride by Lauren Blakely I Knew You Were Trouble (Oxford, #4) by Lauren Layne The Day of the Duchess (Scandal & Scoundrel, #3) by Sarah MacLean

message 12: by Katie (last edited Apr 11, 2017 06:28AM) (new)

Katie | 2083 comments RRRC: Countdown 2017
77/138 read

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message 13: by Susan (last edited Dec 11, 2017 05:52PM) (new)

Susan (scoutmomskf) | 1831 comments Once again trying for extreme.


2006 0/6
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2007 2/7
(view spoiler)

In Bed With Her Boss (Three Weddings and a Reunion, #1) by Brenda Jackson Mine Till Midnight (The Hathaways, #1) by Lisa Kleypas

2008 2/8
(view spoiler)

Christmas Getaway by Anne Stuart Rich Man's Fake Fiancee (The Landis Brothers #1; Beachcombers #3; Landis/Renshaw) by Catherine Mann

2009 0/9
(view spoiler)

2010 4/10
(view spoiler)

Wicked Intentions (Maiden Lane, #1) by Elizabeth Hoyt Tracker's Sin (Hell's Eight, #4) by Sarah McCarty Montana Destiny by R.C. Ryan Risky Engagement (Code Name Danger #15) by Merline Lovelace

2011 1/11
(view spoiler)
A Winter Scandal (Legend of St. Dwynwen, #1) by Candace Camp

2012 7/12
(view spoiler)

The Summer Garden (Chesapeake Shores #9) by Sherryl Woods Midnight Promises (The Sweet Magnolias, #8) by Sherryl Woods Catching Fireflies (The Sweet Magnolias, #9) by Sherryl Woods Where Azaleas Bloom (The Sweet Magnolias, #10) by Sherryl Woods The Lady Most Willing... (Lady Most..., #2) by Julia Quinn The Unlikely Wife (Bowen, #2) by Debra Ullrick Along Came a Duke (Rhymes With Love, #1) by Elizabeth Boyle

2013 2/13
(view spoiler)

Wind Chime Point (Ocean Breeze, #2) by Sherryl Woods Plain Peace (Daughters of the Promise #6) by Beth Wiseman

2014 14/14
(view spoiler)

A Simple Hope (Lancaster Crossroads #2) by Rosalind Lauer Everywhere She Goes (Mysteries of Angel Butte #2) by Janice Kay Johnson The Calling (Inn at Eagle Hill #2) by Suzanne Woods Fisher The Last Bride (Home to Hickory Hollow, #5) by Beverly Lewis Looking for Trouble (Jackson Girl's Night Out, #1) by Victoria Dahl A Baby on Her Christmas List by Louisa George Loving Lord Ash (Duchess of Love, #3) by Sally MacKenzie Forgive and Forget (Love in the Fleet, #1) by Heather Ashby Marine for Hire (Front and Center, #1) by Tawna Fenske A Shocking Delight (Company of Rogues, #15) by Jo Beverley An Amish Garden by Beth Wiseman A Texas Rescue Christmas by Caro Carson Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness (Half Moon House #1.7) by Deb Marlowe The Maverick of Copper Creek (Copper Creek Cowboys, #1) by R.C. Ryan

2015 15/15
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If You Only Knew by Kristan Higgins Cold-Hearted Rake (The Ravenels, #1) by Lisa Kleypas The Girls of Mischief Bay (Mischief Bay, #1) by Susan Mallery Take Me All the Way (Coral Cove, #3) by Toni Blake Dearest Rogue (Maiden Lane, #8) by Elizabeth Hoyt Marry Me at Christmas (Fool's Gold, #19) by Susan Mallery A SEAL Forever (West Coast Navy SEALs, #3) by Anne Elizabeth Say Yes to the Marquess (Castles Ever After, #2) by Tessa Dare The Spring Bride (Chance Sisters, #3) by Anne Gracie My Kind of Wonderful (Cedar Ridge, #2) by Jill Shalvis The Rebel of Copper Creek (Copper Creek Cowboys, #2) by R.C. Ryan Kiss Me Hello (Sweetest Kisses, #3) by Grace Burrowes The Last Chance Christmas Ball by Mary Jo Putney Still the One (Animal Magnetism, #6) by Jill Shalvis All I Want (Animal Magnetism, #7) by Jill Shalvis

2016 16/16
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Lone Star Nights (The McCord Brothers, #2) by Delores Fossen Blame It on the Cowboy (The McCord Brothers, #3) by Delores Fossen The Maverick's Holiday Surprise (Montana Mavericks The Baby Bonanza #5) by Karen Rose Smith A Better Man (Sunshine Creek Vineyard, #1) by Candis Terry Tell Me Again (Colorado Hearts #3) by Michelle Major Fully Ignited (Boston Fire, #3) by Shannon Stacey The Viscount Needs a Wife (Company of Rogues #17) by Jo Beverley The Fairest of Them All (Marrying the Duke, #2) by Cathy Maxwell The CEO's Little Surprise (Love and Lipstick #1) by Kat Cantrell An Heir for the Billionaire (Dynasties The Newports #2) by Kat Cantrell His Secret Baby Bombshell (Dynasties the Newports, #4) by Jules Bennett The Holiday Gift (Cowboys of Cold Creek, #15) by RaeAnne Thayne Mountain Shelter by Cassie Miles Scene of the Crime Means and Motive by Carla Cassidy A Wedding for Christmas (Twilight, Texas #7) by Lori Wilde Stormswept by Deborah Martin

2017 17/17
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Turquoise Guardian (Apache Protectors Tribal Thunder #1) by Jenna Kernan Eagle Warrior (Apache Protectors Tribal Thunder #2) by Jenna Kernan San Antonio Secret (Carder Texas Connections, #8) by Robin Perini Baby on the Oregon Trail by Lynna Banning Those Texas Nights (Wrangler's Creek, #1) by Delores Fossen The Cowboy's Cinderella by Carol Arens A Marriage of Rogues by Margaret Moore His Mail-Order Bride (The Fairfax Brides #1) by Tatiana March Fugitive Bride (Campbell Cove Academy #3) by Paula Graves Forged in Desire (The Protectors #1) by Brenda Jackson A Fortune in Waiting by Michelle Major Her Sweetest Fortune (The Fortunes of Texas The Secret Fortunes) by Stella Bagwell Fortune's Second-Chance Cowboy (The Fortunes of Texas The Secret Fortunes) by Marie Ferrarella Escorted by the Ranger by C.J. Miller Locked, Loaded and SEALed (Red, White and Built #1) by Carol Ericson Alpha Bravo SEAL (Red, White and Built #2) by Carol Ericson Quick-Draw Cowboy (The Kavanaughs #2) by Joanna Wayne

message 14: by Susan (new)

Susan (scoutmomskf) | 1831 comments Part 2 of Countdown, if needed.

message 15: by ✿~Danielle~✿ (last edited Jan 21, 2017 04:17PM) (new)

✿~Danielle~✿ (dmh1) ✔ 2017 RRRC COUNTDOWN
Extreme - 138 books

Start: 1 January 2017
Finish: 31 December 2017

Read: 30
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2017 | 0 out of 17

(view spoiler)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2016 | 12 out of 16
Kyle (Legacy Ranch, #1) by R.J. ScottFish Out of Water by Amy LaneShifting Gears (Crossroads #2) by Riley HartOnce Broken Faith (October Daye, #10) by Seanan McGuireFalling Down by Eli EastonTest Drive (Crossroads, #3) by Riley HartBeyond Surrender (Beyond, #9) by Kit RochaLord of a Thousand Steps (Love in Laguna, #4) by Tara Lain
Rookie Move (Brooklyn Bruisers, #1) by Sarina BowenThe Bird and the Sword by Amy HarmonIdol (VIP, #1) by Kristen CallihanManaged (VIP, #2) by Kristen Callihan
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2015 | 4 out of 15
Cronin's Key (Cronin's Key, #1) by N.R. WalkerBefore I Fall (Falling Book 1) by Jessica ScottReckless (Pier 70, #1) by Nicole EdwardsTempt Me Like This (The Morrisons #2) by Bella Andre

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2014 | 6 out of 14
A Cold Dark Place (Cold Justice, #1) by Toni AndersonCold Pursuit (Cold Justice, #2) by Toni AndersonUs Three (One Voice, #1) by Mia KerickHeir of Fire (Throne of Glass #3) by Sarah J. MaasThe Deeper Game (Taken Hostage by Hunky Bank Robbers, #3) by Annika MartinBlue Eyed Stranger (Trowchester Blues, #2) by Alex Beecroft

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2013 | 3 out of 13
Strength of the Pack (The Tameness of the Wolf #1) by Kendall McKennaCrooked Tree Ranch (Montana, #1) by R.J. ScottWritten in Red (The Others, #1) by Anne Bishop

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

message 16: by ✿~Danielle~✿ (last edited Jan 21, 2017 04:16PM) (new)

✿~Danielle~✿ (dmh1) ✔ 2017 RRRC COUNTDOWN
Extreme - 138 books

Start: 1 January 2017
Finish: 31 December 2017

Read: 30
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2012 | 1 out of 12
Steamroller by Mary Calmes
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2011 | 0 out of 11

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2010 | 1 out of 10
Finding Sky (Benedict, #1) by Joss Stirling
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2009 | 1 out of 9
Tigers & Devils (Tigers and Devils #1) by Sean Kennedy
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2008 | 0 out of 8

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2007 | 1 out of 7
Halfway to the Grave (Night Huntress, #1) by Jeaniene Frost
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2006 | 1 out of 6
The Assignment (Assignment, #1) by Evangeline Anderson
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

message 17: by Ethel (last edited Dec 23, 2017 03:23PM) (new)

Ethel | 739 comments Countdown Challenge 2017

87/87 read

2012 (12/12)
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2013 (13/13)
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2014 (14/14)
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2015 (15/15)
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2016 (16/16)
(view spoiler)

2017 (17/17)
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message 18: by Sunshine (new)

Sunshine (sunshine22222) | 935 comments spot 1

message 19: by Sunshine (new)

Sunshine (sunshine22222) | 935 comments spot 2

message 20: by Becky (last edited Dec 22, 2017 05:28AM) (new)

Becky (fibrobabe) | 1532 comments 87/87

(view spoiler)

2013- 13/13
(view spoiler)

2014- 14/14
(view spoiler)

2015- 15/15
(view spoiler)

2016- 16/16
(view spoiler)

2017- 17/17
(view spoiler)

message 21: by Becky (new)

Becky (fibrobabe) | 1532 comments I think level 1 needs to be 2012-2017. 2013-2017 is only 75 books.

message 22: by Chan (new)

Chan | 4987 comments Hmm...I'll give it a shot. This challenge is a little intimidating [Chan shivers with fear]

message 23: by Fran, Moderator (new)

Fran | 12187 comments Becky wrote: "I think level 1 needs to be 2012-2017. 2013-2017 is only 75 books."

Thanks for the catch Becky! I corrected it in the first post :)

message 24: by Fran, Moderator (new)

Fran | 12187 comments *Correction*

Level 1 - read for 2012-2017 - 87 books

message 25: by Rachel C. (last edited Dec 06, 2017 10:13PM) (new)

Rachel C. (rachelus) | 607 comments RRRC 2017 Countdown Challenge
Level: Extreme!
Duration: January 1 - December 31, 2017

Complete = 73 / 138

2006 (Read = 1 / 6)
The Assignment (Assignment, #1) by Evangeline Anderson

2007 (Read = 0 / 7)

2008 (Read = 6 / 8)
The Missing Butterfly (Missing Butterfly, #1) by Megan Derr Magic to the Bone (Allie Beckstrom, #1) by Devon Monk Your Scandalous Ways (Fallen Women, #1) by Loretta Chase Cut & Run (Cut & Run, #1) by Abigail Roux Mine to Possess (Psy-Changeling #4) by Nalini Singh Seduce Me at Sunrise (The Hathaways, #2) by Lisa Kleypas

2009 (Read = 1 / 9)
Magic Strikes (Kate Daniels, #3) by Ilona Andrews

2010 (Read = 9 / 10)
Jealousy (Strange Angels, #3) by Lili St. Crow Magic Bleeds (Kate Daniels, #4) by Ilona Andrews Promises (Coda Books, #1) by Marie Sexton A to Z (Coda Books, #2) by Marie Sexton One Fine Cowboy by Joanne Kennedy Sticks & Stones (Cut & Run, #2) by Abigail Roux Fish & Chips (Cut & Run, #3) by Abigail Roux Undeniably Yours (Kowalski Family, #2) by Shannon Stacey Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor (Friday Harbor, #1) by Lisa Kleypas

2011 (Read = 10 / 11)
Defiance (Strange Angels, #4) by Lili St. Crow Reckoning (Strange Angels, #5) by Lili St. Crow Angelfire (Angelfire, #1) by Courtney Allison Moulton Lady Luck (Colorado Mountain, #3) by Kristen Ashley Hot Head (Head #1) by Damon Suede Pride and Pleasure by Sylvia Day Friends With Partial Benefits (Friends With Benefits #1) by Luke Young Friends with Full Benefits (Friends with Benefits, #2) by Luke Young Divide & Conquer (Cut & Run, #4) by Abigail Roux A Night to Surrender (Spindle Cove, #1) by Tessa Dare

2012 (Read = 5 / 12)
Operation Cinderella (Suddenly Cinderella, #1) by Hope C. Tarr Armed & Dangerous (Cut & Run, #5) by Abigail Roux Stars & Stripes (Cut & Run, #6) by Abigail Roux Frog by Mary Calmes The Autumn Bride (Chance Sisters, #1) by Anne Gracie

2013 (Read = 7 / 13)
All for Hope (The Rawley Family #1) by Olivia Hardin Touch & Geaux (Cut & Run, #7) by Abigail Roux The Magpie Lord (A Charm of Magpies, #1) by K.J. Charles The Mating Chase (Werewolves of Montana, #1) by Bonnie Vanak Autumn in the City of Angels (Autumn, #1) by Kirby Howell Autumn in the Dark Meadows (Autumn, #2) by Kirby Howell Autumn's Blood (The Spirit Shifters, #1) by Marissa Farrar

2014 (Read = 14 / 14)
Untamed (Untamed #1) by Victoria Green Out of Control (Untamed #2) by Jen Meyers Escaped Artist (Untamed #3) by Victoria Green Wild at Heart (Untamed #4) by Jen Meyers Rebel Roused (Untamed #5) by Victoria Green Hard as You Can (Hard Ink, #2) by Laura Kaye Irresistible Force (K-9 Rescue #1) by D.D. Ayres Red Dirt Heart (Red Dirt, #1) by N.R. Walker Zack (Armed and Dangerous #1) by Cheyenne McCray Ball & Chain (Cut & Run, #8) by Abigail Roux Cross & Crown (Sidewinder, #2) by Abigail Roux Born of Fury (The League, #6) by Sherrilyn Kenyon The Winter Bride (Chance Sisters, #2) by Anne Gracie The Duke's Guide to Correct Behavior (Dukes Behaving Badly, #1) by Megan Frampton

2015 (Read = 7 / 15)
The Rogue Not Taken (Scandal & Scoundrel, #1) by Sarah MacLean Raging Hard by B.B. Hamel Him (Him #1) by Sarina Bowen Cold-Hearted Rake (The Ravenels, #1) by Lisa Kleypas Dark Domination (Bought By the Billionaire, #1) by Lili Valente Crash & Burn (Cut & Run, #9) by Abigail Roux Autumn in the City of Lights (Autumn, #3) by Kirby Howell

2016 (Read = 9 / 16)
The Infamous Heir (Spare Heirs, #1) by Elizabeth Michels Because of Miss Bridgerton (Rokesbys, #1) by Julia Quinn Heir to the Duke (The Duke's Sons, #1) by Jane Ashford The Curse of Tenth Grave (Charley Davidson, #10) by Darynda Jones Us (Him #2) by Sarina Bowen The Rose & the Dagger (The Wrath & the Dawn, #2) by Renee Ahdieh A Scot in the Dark (Scandal & Scoundrel, #2) by Sarah MacLean Fire Touched (Mercy Thompson, #9) by Patricia Briggs Dragonmark (Dark-Hunter, #26; Dragons Rising, #1; Lords of Avalon, #5) by Sherrilyn Kenyon

2017 (Read = 5 / 17)
The Chosen (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #15) by J.R. Ward Egomaniac by Vi Keeland Off Base (Out of Uniform, #1) by Annabeth Albert Mister Moneybags by Vi Keeland Marry in Haste (Marriage of Convenience, #1) by Anne Gracie

.•*¨`*•✿ ✿•*¨`*•. Christine .•*¨`*•✿ ✿•*¨`*• | 573 comments RRRC 2017 Countdown Challenge

Level: Extreme (plus)! Complete: 153/153

2001: 1/1
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Dance Upon the Air (Three Sisters Island, #1) by Nora Roberts

2002: 2/2
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Face the Fire (Three Sisters Island, #3) by Nora Roberts Night Pleasures (Dark-Hunter, #1) by Sherrilyn Kenyon

2003: 3/3
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The Twilight Before Christmas (Drake Sisters, #2) by Christine Feehan Dance with the Devil (Dark-Hunter #3) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Come the Spring by Julie Garwood

2004: 4/4
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Something Borrowed (Darcy & Rachel, #1) by Emily Giffin Kiss of the Night (Dark-Hunter, #4) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Night Play (Dark-Hunter #5, Were-Hunter #1) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Seize the Night (Dark-Hunter #6) by Sherrilyn Kenyon

2005: 5/5
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Something Blue (Darcy & Rachel, #2) by Emily Giffin Magic in the Wind (Drake Sisters, #1) by Christine Feehan Oceans of Fire (Drake Sisters, #3) by Christine Feehan Sins of the Night (Dark-Hunter #7) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Unleash the Night (Dark Hunter, #8; Were-Hunter, #2) by Sherrilyn Kenyon

2006: 6/6
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Dangerous Tides (Drake Sisters, #4) by Christine Feehan Dark Side of the Moon (Dark-Hunter #9, Were-Hunter #3) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Fantasy Lover (Dark-Hunter, #1) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Night Embrace (Dark-Hunter, #2) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Wicked Payback by Daisy Dexter Dobbs New Moon (Twilight, #2) by Stephenie Meyer

2007: 7/7
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The Heir and the Spare (Negligent Chaperone, #1) by Maya Rodale Safe Harbor (Drake Sisters, #5) by Christine Feehan The Dream Hunter (Dark-Hunter #10, Dream-Hunter #1) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Devil May Cry (Dark-Hunter, #11) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Upon the Midnight Clear (Dark-Hunter #12, Dream-Hunter #2) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Eclipse (Twilight, #3) by Stephenie Meyer Queen of Babble (Queen of Babble, #1) by Meg Cabot

2008: 8/8
(view spoiler)

Turbulent Sea (Drake Sisters, #6) by Christine Feehan Dream Chaser (Dark-Hunter #13, Dream-Hunter #3) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Acheron (Dark-Hunter #14) by Sherrilyn Kenyon One Silent Night (Dark-Hunter #15) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Cut & Run (Cut & Run, #1) by Abigail Roux The Rogue and the Rival (Negligent Chaperone, #2) by Maya Rodale Breaking Dawn (Twilight, #4) by Stephenie Meyer A Kiss in Time by Alex Flinn

2009: 9/9
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The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie (Mackenzies & McBrides, #1) by Jennifer Ashley Hidden Currents (Drake Sisters, #7) by Christine Feehan Dream Warrior (Dark-Hunter #16, Dream-Hunter, #4) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Bad Moon Rising (Dark-Hunter, #17; Were-Hunter, #4; Hellchaser, #1) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Pleasure and Purpose (Order of Solace, #1) by Megan Hart Vision in White (Bride Quartet, #1) by Nora Roberts Bed of Roses (Bride Quartet, #2) by Nora Roberts Rocky Mountain Heat (Six Pack Ranch, #1) by Vivian Arend Shanna by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss

2010: 10/10
(view spoiler)

Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage (MacKenzies & McBrides, #2) by Jennifer Ashley Water Bound (Sea Haven/Sisters of the Heart, #1) by Christine Feehan No Mercy (Dark-Hunter #18, Were-Hunter, #5) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Savor the Moment (Bride Quartet, #3) by Nora Roberts Happy Ever After (Bride Quartet, #4) by Nora Roberts Wizard's Chance (The Realm, #1) by Eve Langlais The Hunter (The Realm, #2) by Eve Langlais Rocky Mountain Haven (Six Pack Ranch #2; Rocky Mountain House #2) by Vivian Arend One Pink Rose by Julie Garwood One Red Rose by Julie Garwood

2011: 11/11
(view spoiler)

The Many Sins of Lord Cameron (MacKenzies & McBrides, #3) by Jennifer Ashley Spirit Bound (Sea Haven/Sisters of the Heart, #2) by Christine Feehan The Next Always (Inn BoonsBoro, #1) by Nora Roberts Retribution (Dark-Hunter, #19) by Sherrilyn Kenyon The Guardian (Dark-Hunter, #20; Dream-Hunter, #5; Were-Hunter, #6; Hellchaser, #3) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Virtue and Vice (Order of Solace #4) by Megan Hart So Speaks the Heart (Avon Historical Romance) by Johanna Lindsey Chance's Game (The Realm, #3) by Eve Langlais For the Roses (Rose, #1) by Julie Garwood Bastien (Hidden Breeds, #1) by Tianna Xander Unleashed (The Amoveo Legend, #1) by Sara Humphreys

2012: 12/12
(view spoiler)

The Duke's Perfect Wife (MacKenzies & McBrides, #4) by Jennifer Ashley The Seduction Of Elliot McBride (MacKenzies & McBrides, #5) by Jennifer Ashley A Mackenzie Family Christmas The Perfect Gift (MacKenzies & McBrides, #4.5) by Jennifer Ashley The Last Boyfriend (Inn BoonsBoro, #2) by Nora Roberts The Perfect Hope (Inn Boonsboro, #3) by Nora Roberts The Lost Night (Rainshadow, #1; Ghost Hunters, #9) by Jayne Castle Time Untime (Dark-Hunter #21; Hellchaser, #4; Were-Hunter, #7) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Rocky Mountain Desire (Six Pack Ranch, #3) by Vivian Arend Rocky Mountain Angel (Six Pack Ranch, #4) by Vivian Arend Clean Sweep (Innkeeper Chronicles, #1) by Ilona Andrews Untouched (The Amoveo Legend, #2) by Sara Humphreys Untamed (The Amoveo Legend, #3) by Sara Humphreys

.•*¨`*•✿ ✿•*¨`*•. Christine .•*¨`*•✿ ✿•*¨`*• | 573 comments 2017 RRRC Countdown Continued....

✔ 2013: 13/13

(view spoiler)

The Wicked Deeds of Daniel Mackenzie (MacKenzies & McBrides, #6) by Jennifer Ashley The Untamed MacKenzie (MacKenzies & McBrides, #5.5) by Jennifer Ashley Deception Cove (Rainshadow, #2; Ghost Hunters, #10) by Jayne Castle Styxx (Dark-Hunter, #22) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Unexpected (Silver Creek, #1) by Maisey Yates Rocky Mountain Rebel (Six Pack Ranch, #5) by Vivian Arend Rocky Mountain Freedom (Six Pack Ranch, #6) by Vivian Arend Undone (The Amoveo Legend, #4) by Sara Humphreys Unclaimed (The Amoveo Legend, #5) by Sara Humphreys Elite (Eagle Elite, #1) by Rachel Van Dyken Elect (Eagle Elite, #2) by Rachel Van Dyken Redneck Romeo (Rough Riders, #15) by Lorelei James Chesapeake Blue (Chesapeake Bay Saga #4) by Nora Roberts

2014: 14/14
(view spoiler)

Scandal And The Duchess (MacKenzies & McBrides, #6.5) by Jennifer Ashley Rules for a Proper Governess (MacKenzies & McBrides, #7) by Jennifer Ashley Air Bound (Sea Haven/Sisters of the Heart, #3) by Christine Feehan The Hot Zone (Rainshadow, #3; Ghost Hunters, #11) by Jayne Castle Untouched (Silver Creek, #2) by Maisey Yates Unbroken (Silver Creek, #3) by Maisey Yates Rocky Mountain Romance (Six Pack Ranch, #7) by Vivian Arend Rocky Retreat (Six Pack Ranch, #8) by Vivian Arend Her Perfect Mate (X-Ops, #1) by Paige Tyler Her Lone Wolf (X-Ops, #2) by Paige Tyler Enforce (Eagle Elite, #1.5) by Rachel Van Dyken Entice (Eagle Elite, #3) by Rachel Van Dyken Elicit (Eagle Elite, #4) by Rachel Van Dyken

2015: 15/15
(view spoiler)

The Stolen Mackenzie Bride (MacKenzies & McBrides, #8) by Jennifer Ashley A MacKenzie Clan Gathering (MacKenzies & McBrides, #8.5) by Jennifer Ashley Earth Bound (Sea Haven/Sisters of the Heart, #4) by Christine Feehan Siren's Call (Rainshadow, #4; Ghost Hunters, #12) by Jayne Castle The Rock (Highland Guard, #11) by Monica McCarty Dragonbane (Dark-Hunter #25; Lords of Avalon, #4; Were-Hunter, #9, Hellchaser, #6) by Sherrilyn Kenyon The Striker (Highland Guard, #10) by Monica McCarty Rocky Mountain Shelter (Six Pack Ranch, #9) by Vivian Arend Her Wild Hero (X-Ops, #3) by Paige Tyler Sweep in Peace (Innkeeper Chronicles, #2) by Ilona Andrews Witched At Birth (A Paris, Texas Romance, #1) by Dakota Cassidy Zack (Cold Fury Hockey, #3) by Sawyer Bennett Viper Game (GhostWalkers, #11) by Christine Feehan Love After All (Hope, #4) by Jaci Burton Make Me Stay (Hope, #5) by Jaci Burton

2016: 16/16
(view spoiler)

Archangel's Heart (Guild Hunter, #9) by Nalini Singh Lord of the Privateers (The Adventurers Quartet, #4) by Stephanie Laurens The Beast (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #14) by J.R. Ward Illusion Town (Ghost Hunters, #13) by Jayne Castle Fire Bound (Sea Haven/Sisters of the Heart, #5) by Christine Feehan Ruled (Outlaws, #3) by Elle Kennedy Dragonmark (Dark-Hunter, #26; Dragons Rising, #1; Lords of Avalon, #5) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Defy the Dawn (Midnight Breed, #14) by Lara Adrian Freakn' Out (Freakn' Shifters, #7) by Eve Langlais When a Lioness Snarls (A Lion's Pride #5) by Eve Langlais Rock Wedding (Rock Kiss, #4) by Nalini Singh Rules of Contact (Play by Play, #12) by Jaci Burton Pirate (Space Gypsy Chronicles, #1) by Eve Langlais Sinner (Space Gypsy Chronicles, #2) by Eve Langlais Ostrich and the 'Roo (Furry United Coalition, #6) by Eve Langlais Wolf Unleashed (SWAT, #5) by Paige Tyler

2017: 17/17
(view spoiler)

Wake A Sleeping Tiger (Breeds, #31) by Lora Leigh Bound Together (Sea Haven/Sisters of the Heart, #6) by Christine Feehan Dragonsworn (Dark-Hunter, #28) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Justice Ascending (The Scorpius Syndrome, #3) by Rebecca Zanetti Her True Match (X-Ops, #6) by Paige Tyler Her Dark Half (X-Ops, #7) by Paige Tyler The Chosen (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #15) by J.R. Ward When a Lioness Pounces (A Lion's Pride, #6) by Eve Langlais The Lady By His Side by Stephanie Laurens An Irresistible Alliance Devil's Brood Trilogy, #2 by Stephanie Laurens Immortal Unchained (Argeneau, #25) by Lynsay Sands Power Game (GhostWalkers, #13) by Christine Feehan Love Me Again (Hope, #7) by Jaci Burton Red Wolf (Shifters Unbound, #10) by Jennifer Ashley The Unyielding (Call of Crows, #3) by Shelly Laurenston Dragon Squeeze (Dragon Point, #2) by Eve Langlais

message 28: by Karen ♐ (last edited Dec 20, 2017 02:46AM) (new)

Karen ♐ (kmk1214) | 1936 comments 2017 RRRC COUNTDOWN
Duration: January 01, 2017 - December 31, 2017
Level 3 - read for 2009-2017

2009 - 2/9
1. Tucker's Claim Sarah McCarty - 10/20
2. Show No Fear Marliss Melton - 12/12

2010 - 5/10
1. Guilty Pleasures Kitty Thomas - 4/20
2. Rocky Mountain Haven Vivian Arend - 5/8
3. Something About You Julie James - 5/21
4. Naked Raine Miller - 8/27
5. Tracker's Sin Sarah McCarty - 11/29
6. Tough Customer Sandra Brown - 12/17

Guilty Pleasures by Kitty Thomas Rocky Mountain Haven (Six Pack Ranch #2; Rocky Mountain House #2) by Vivian Arend Something About You (FBI/US Attorney, #1) by Julie James Naked (The Blackstone Affair, #1) by Raine Miller Tracker's Sin (Hell's Eight, #4) by Sarah McCarty Tough Customer (Mitchell & Associates #2) by Sandra Brown

2011 - 11/11
(view spoiler)
Ready for Love (Gansett Island Series, #3) by Marie Force Wild Man Creek (Virgin River, #12) by Robyn Carr Harvest Moon (Virgin River, #13) by Robyn Carr Bring Me Home for Christmas (Virgin River, #14) by Robyn Carr Secret Thoughts (Victoria Wilde, #2) by Ian Dalton The Tycoon's Revenge (Baby for the Billionaire, #1) by Melody Anne Hidden Summit (Virgin River, #15) by Robyn Carr Submissive Beauty by E.M. Gayle The Billionaire's Dance (Billionaire Bachelors, #2) by Melody Anne Head Over Heels (Lucky Harbor, #3) by Jill Shalvis Power Play (Pleasure Playground #2) by E.M. Gayle

2012 - 12/12
(view spoiler)
Falling for Love (Gansett Island Series, #4) by Marie Force Taking Heart by Wilette Youkey The Proposition (The Proposition, #1) by Katie Ashley Shockwave (Impulse, #1) by Sierra Cartwright About Last Night by Ruthie Knox Hoping for Love (Gansett Island Series, #5) by Marie Force Hostile Home Front (Black Ops Brotherhood #2) by Bella Juarez Season for Love (Gansett Island Series, #6) by Marie Force Yellowstone Redemption (Yellowstone Romance, #2) by Peggy L. Henderson Try Me, Tempt Me, Take Me (One Night with Sole Regret,#1-3) by Olivia Cunning Longing for Love (Gansett Island Series, #7) by Marie Force Kissing Under the Mistletoe (St. Helena Vineyard, #1) by Marina Adair

2013 - 13/13
(view spoiler)
Unbeautifully (Undeniable, #2) by Madeline Sheehan Deadline by Sandra Brown Layers Deep (Layers Trilogy, #1) by Lacey Silks The Proposal (The Proposition, #2) by Katie Ashley Forever Black (Forever, #1) by Sandi Lynn Surrender Your Love (Surrender Your Love, #1) by J.C. Reed Beauty from Pain (Beauty, #1) by Georgia Cates Officer off Limits (Line of Duty, #3) by Tessa Bailey Pinch Me (Suncoast Society, #6) by Tymber Dalton Primal Passion (Trinity Masters #2) by Mari Carr Down and Dirty (Dare Me, #2) by Christine Bell Willing Captive by Belle Aurora Carmen's New York Romance Trilogy (Carmen's New York, #1-3) by Nikki Sex

2014 - 14/14
(view spoiler)
Broken (The Cavanaugh Brothers, #2) by Laura Wright Layers Peeled (Layers Trilogy, #2) by Lacey Silks Filthy Beautiful Lies (Filthy Beautiful Lies, #1) by Kendall Ryan Kiss a Girl in the Rain (Take a Chance #1) by Nancy Warren Stirred Up (Stirred Up, #1) by S.E. Hall On the Rocks (Last Call, #1) by Sawyer Bennett The King (The Original Sinners, #6) by Tiffany Reisz Exquisite Trouble (Iron Horse MC, #1) by Ann Mayburn Veiled Innocence by Ella Frank Lost My Way Found by Kelly Lee Casey Absentminded Angel (Divine Creek Ranch, #20) by Heather Rainier Barefoot in White (Barefoot Bay Brides Trilogy, #1; Barefoot Bay Universe, #8) by Roxanne St. Claire Five Minute Man (Covendale, #1) by Abbie Zanders You (You, #1) by Caroline Kepnes

2015 - 15/15
(view spoiler)
Darkest Before Dawn (KGI, #10) by Maya Banks Without Regret by Nicole Edwards Virtuous (Quantum, #1) by M.S. Force Caged (Mastered, #4) by Lorelei James Valorous (Quantum, #2) by M.S. Force Victorious (Quantum, #3) by M.S. Force Playing with Temptation (The Players Club, #1) by Erika Wilde Strength & Courage (Night Horde SoCal, #1) by Susan Fanetti The Truth About Him (Everything I Left Unsaid, #2) by Molly O'Keefe Surviving Doctor Vincent (The Good Doctor Trilogy, #2) by Renea Mason Sweet Sinful Nights (Sinful Nights, #1) by Lauren Blakely Wait For Morning (Sniper 1 Security, #1) by Nicole Edwards Island Summer A Seacoast Island Romance Volume 1 by Jessica Randolph Christmas in Good Hope (Good Hope #1) by Cindy Kirk The Virgin (The Original Sinners, #7) by Tiffany Reisz

2016 - 16/16
(view spoiler)
Dirtiest Secret (S.I.N., #1) by J. Kenner Hottest Mess (S.I.N., #2) by J. Kenner Sweetest Taboo (S.I.N., #3) by J. Kenner Mr. President (White House, #1) by Katy Evans Je Suis à Toi (Monsters in the Dark, #3.5) by Pepper Winters Bittersweet (True North, #1) by Sarina Bowen Stripped 2 A Ferro Family Novel (Stripped, #2) by H.M. Ward Well Hung by Lauren Blakely Stuck-Up Suit by Vi Keeland Perfectly Paired (Topped, #3; Masters and Mercenaries, #12.5) by Lexi Blake Steadfast (True North, #2) by Sarina Bowen Rapturous (Quantum, #4) by M.S. Force The Life She Wants by Robyn Carr The Sexy One by Lauren Blakely Loving Doctor Vincent (The Good Doctor Trilogy, #3) by Renea Mason Adam (Farraday Country, #1) by Chris Keniston

2017 - 17/17
(view spoiler)
Commander in Chief (White House, #2) by Katy Evans Real Good Man (Real Duet, #1) by Meghan March Brighter Than the Sun (KGI, #11) by Maya Banks Real Good Love (Real Duet, #2) by Meghan March Rough & Tumble (Haven Brotherhood, #1) by Rhenna Morgan Distraction (Club Destiny, #8) by Nicole Edwards For His Eyes Only (Masters and Mercenaries, #13) by Lexi Blake Arranged (Masters and Mercenaries, #13.5) by Lexi Blake In Skates Trouble (Chicago Rebels, #.5) by Kate Meader The Grave Tender by Eliza Maxwell Some Kind of Hero (Troubleshooters, #17) by Suzanne Brockmann All I Am Drew's Story (This Man, #3.5) by Jodi Ellen Malpas Just One Touch (Slow Burn, #5) by Maya Banks Beautiful Mistake by Vi Keeland Irresistible You (Chicago Rebels, #1) by Kate Meader Slam (Brazen Bulls MC, #3) by Susan Fanetti Master of Solitude (Mountain Masters & Dark Haven, #8) by Cherise Sinclair

message 29: by Mary (new)

Mary | 161 comments I am in for Level 1







message 30: by R~wka (last edited Feb 08, 2017 01:33PM) (new)

R~wka (r-wka) | 867 comments I'm n for level 2: 72 Books
(I hope I'll finish it...)
Read: 4/72
* I'm using the year the book was first published

2001 - 0/1(view spoiler)
2002 - 1/2(view spoiler)
Innocent Bird, Volume 1 by Hirotaka Kisaragi
2003 - 1/3(view spoiler)
Innocent Bird, Volume 2 by Hirotaka Kisaragi
2004 - 1/4(view spoiler)
Innocent Bird, Volume 3 by Hirotaka Kisaragi
2005 - 0/5(view spoiler)
2006 - 0/6(view spoiler)
2007 - 0/7(view spoiler)
2008 - 0/8(view spoiler)
2009 - 0/9(view spoiler)
2010 - 1/10(view spoiler)
オトコ心 Otokogokoro  by Neko Kanda
2017 - 0/17(view spoiler)

message 31: by Katherine (last edited Mar 06, 2017 03:15PM) (new)

Katherine | 279 comments ★✩★✩★✩★ 2017 RRRC COUNTDOWN ★✩★✩★✩★ 1st January- 31st December 2017.
Level: Extreme!

2006 - 6/6 (view spoiler)
2007 - 7/7 (view spoiler)
2008 - 8/8 (view spoiler)
2009 - 9/9 (view spoiler)
2010 - 10/10 (view spoiler)

2011 - 3/11 (view spoiler)

message 32: by Katherine (last edited Feb 24, 2017 08:14PM) (new)

Katherine | 279 comments 2012 - 3/12 (view spoiler)
4. Duke of Deception
5. Another Saturday Night and I Ain't Got No Body
6. The Bitch-Proof Bride
7. The Mark of Athena
8. The Innocent Flirt Down Under

The Mark of Athena (The Heroes of Olympus, #3) by Rick Riordan The Bitch-Proof Bride by De-ann Black The Innocent Flirt Down Under by Sally Porch Another Saturday Night and I Ain't Got No Body (Page Turners, #1) by Jennie Marts

2013 - 2/13 (view spoiler)
4. Hostile Kisses
5. A Heat of the Moment Thing
6. Bound by a Baby
7. The Reluctant Duchess
8. The Bad Luck Wedding Dress
9. Killing Models
10. Guess Who I Pulled Last Night?

The Bad Luck Wedding Dress (Bad Luck Wedding Series, #1) by Geralyn Dawson Killing Models (Killing Memories, #4) by Tatiana Moore Guess Who I Pulled Last Night? by Nikki Ashton Hostile Kisses (Killing Memories, #5) by Tatiana Moore A Heat of the Moment Thing by Maggie Le Page Bound by a Baby by Kate Hardy The Reluctant Duchess by Catherine Winchester

2014 - 14/14 (view spoiler)

2015 - 8/15 (view spoiler)
11. 30 First Dates

30 First Dates by Stacey Wiedower

2016 - 16/16 (view spoiler)

2017 - 1/17 (view spoiler)
2. Barbarian's Redemption
Barbarian's Redemption (Ice Planet Barbarians #12) by Ruby Dixon

message 33: by Dana (aNovelAllure) (last edited Jan 10, 2017 02:54AM) (new)

Dana (aNovelAllure) (dana7lynn9) | 108 comments Never done this one before but I'm going to attempt Extreme!
Completed - 3/138

2006 - 0/6
(view spoiler)

2007 - 0/7
(view spoiler)

2008 - 0/8
(view spoiler)

2009 - 0/9
(view spoiler)

2010 - 0/10
(view spoiler))

2011 - 0/11
(view spoiler)

2012 - 0/12
((view spoiler)

2013 - 0/13
(view spoiler)

2014 - 0/14
(view spoiler)

2015 - 0/15
(view spoiler)

2016 - 3/16
(view spoiler)
Shifter's Sacrifice (One True Mate #1) by Lisa Ladew One True Mate 2 Dragon's Heat by Lisa Ladew One True Mate 3 Shifter's Echo by Lisa Ladew

2017 - 0/17
(view spoiler)

Dana (aNovelAllure) (dana7lynn9) | 108 comments RESERVED

message 37: by Grace (last edited Dec 31, 2017 07:46AM) (new)

Grace | 1630 comments 2017 RRRC Countdown
Completed 106/138

2006: 5/6 Completed
Harmony's Way (Breeds, #8; Feline Breeds, #6) by Lora Leigh When Good Things Happen To Bad Boys (Includes Dean Brothers & Friend, #3) by Lori Foster Devil in Winter (Wallflowers, #3) by Lisa Kleypas Woven Dreams (Tapestries, #3) by N.J. Walters Dirty Deeds by Lorelei James
(view spoiler)
2007: 3/7 Completed
Snowbound by Larissa Ione Tanner's Scheme (Breeds, #9; Feline Breeds, #7) by Lora Leigh Magic Bites (Kate Daniels, #1) by Ilona Andrews
(view spoiler)
2008: 6/8 Completed
Magic Burns (Kate Daniels, #2) by Ilona Andrews Dawn's Awakening (Breeds, #14; Feline Breeds, #8) by Lora Leigh Mercury's War (Breeds, #16; Feline Breeds, #10) by Lora Leigh Annabelle Lee (Summersville Secrets, #1) by N.J. Walters A Wallflower Christmas (Wallflowers, #4.5) by Lisa Kleypas Carrie's Answer (Corporate Affairs, #1) by Violet Summers
(view spoiler)
2009: 4/9 Completed
Dirty Sexy Furry (Southern Shifters, #1) by Eliza Gayle Magic Strikes (Kate Daniels, #3) by Ilona Andrews Holiday Heat by Jaci Burton Angels' Blood (Guild Hunter, #1) by Nalini Singh
(view spoiler)
2010: 4/10 Completed
Silver Borne (Mercy Thompson, #5) by Patricia Briggs Magic Bleeds (Kate Daniels, #4) by Ilona Andrews The Mating (Law of the Lycans, #1) by Nicky Charles Archangel's Kiss (Guild Hunter, #2) by Nalini Singh
(view spoiler)
2011: 8/11 Completed
Beast (A Faery Story, #2) by Sophie Oak River Marked (Mercy Thompson, #6) by Patricia Briggs Yvette's Haven (Scanguards Vampires, #4) by Tina Folsom Stealing Coal (Cyborg Seduction, #5) by Laurann Dohner Any Given Sunday (Wild Irish, #7) by Mari Carr Magic Slays (Kate Daniels, #5) by Ilona Andrews Magic Gifts (Kate Daniels, #5.4) by Ilona Andrews Archangel's Consort (Guild Hunter, #3) by Nalini Singh
(view spoiler)
2012: 6/12 Completed
Shadow (New Species, #9) by Laurann Dohner Wrong Bed, Right Guy (Come Undone, #1) by Katee Robert Gunmetal Magic (Kate Daniels, #5.5) by Ilona Andrews No One to Trust (Red Stone Security, #1) by Katie Reus Fatal Deception (Red Stone Security, #3) by Katie Reus Angels' Flight (Guild Hunter, #0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 3.5) by Nalini Singh
(view spoiler)
2013: 8/13 Completed
Fire in the Smokies (Durham Wolves, #2) by Becca Jameson Fighting for Flight (Fighting, #1) by J.B. Salsbury Fate Knows Best (Kindred of Arkadia, #1) by Alanea Alder Rescue in the Smokies (Durham Wolves Book 1) by Becca Jameson Playing Games (Games, #2) by Jessica Clare Undeclared (Woodlands, #1) by Jen Frederick Claiming His Mate (Crescent Moon, #2) by Savannah Stuart His to Protect (Red Stone Security, #5) by Katie Reus
(view spoiler)
2014: 14/14 Completed
Redeemed (Wolf Gatherings, #4) by Becca Jameson Abandoned (Wolf Gatherings) by Becca Jameson Betrayed (Wolf Gatherings #6) by Becca Jameson Nero (Made Men, #1) by Sarah Brianne Double Trouble (Bedlam Butchers MC, #3) by Ruby Dixon Taking It All (Hellfire Riders MC, #2) by Kati Wilde Having It All (Hellfire Riders MC, #3) by Kati Wilde Wanting It All (Hellfire Riders MC, #1) by Kati Wilde Stephan (Caveman Instinct #1) by Hazel Gower Uncivilized (Uncivilized, #1) by Sawyer Bennett Titus (Luna Lodge, #2) by Madison Stevens Assumption (Underground Kings, #1) by Aurora Rose Reynolds Burn for Me (Hidden Legacy, #1) by Ilona Andrews Within These Walls (Walls, #1) by J.L. Berg
(view spoiler)
2015: 15/15 Completed
Werewolves of New York Nathaniel by Faleena Hopkins Sweep in Peace (Innkeeper Chronicles, #2) by Ilona Andrews Until July (Until Her, #1) by Aurora Rose Reynolds Mechanic (Breeding, #2) by Alexa Riley Last Kiss (Hitman, #3) by Jessica Clare Fighting to Breathe (Shooting Stars, #1) by Aurora Rose Reynolds The Sex Surrogate (The Surrogate, #1) by Jessica Gadziala Dr. Chase Hudson (The Surrogate #2) by Jessica Gadziala Richard (Caveman Instinct, #2) by Hazel Gower Riding Red (Fairytale Shifter, #1) by Alexa Riley Obligation (Underground Kings, #2) by Aurora Rose Reynolds Taken by Passion (Wonderland, #1) by Jaymie Holland Bear the Burn (Fire Bears, #2) by T.S. Joyce Vincent (Made Men, #2) by Sarah Brianne Beyond These Walls (Walls, #2) by J.L. Berg
(view spoiler)
2016: 16/16 Completed
Promise by Dani Wyatt One Fell Sweep (Innkeeper Chronicles, #3) by Ilona Andrews My Dom (Boston Doms, #1) by Jane Henry Shielding Lily by Alexa Riley Wide Open Spaces (Shooting Stars, #2) by Aurora Rose Reynolds Win Some, Lose Some by Shay Savage His Submissive (Boston Doms, #2) by Jane Henry Until June (Until Her, #2) by Aurora Rose Reynolds Barbarian's Touch (Ice Planet Barbarians, #7) by Ruby Dixon Barbarian's Heart (Ice Planet Barbarians, #9) by Ruby Dixon Wild Card (Boys of Fall) by Mari Carr Going Hard (Boys of Fall) by Cari Quinn Distraction (Underground Kings, #3) by Aurora Rose Reynolds Her Protector (Boston Doms, #3) by Jane Henry His Babygirl (Boston Doms, #4) by Jane Henry Shelter for Elizabeth (Badge of Honor Texas Heroes, #5) by Susan Stoker
(view spoiler)
2017: 17/17 Completed
Standing His Ground Greer (Porter Brothers Trilogy, #2) by Jamie Begley Ryan (Mallick Brothers, #2) by Jessica Gadziala Until Sage (Until Him, #2) by Aurora Rose Reynolds Before the Lie (Confession Duet #1) by K.D. Robichaux Truth Revealed (Confession Duet Book 2) by K.D. Robichaux Ashes (Dark in You, #3) by Suzanne Wright Lucca (Made Men, #4) by Sarah Brianne Deklan by Shay Savage White Hot (Hidden Legacy, #2) by Ilona Andrews Shelter for Sophie (Badge of Honor Texas Heroes #8) by Susan Stoker Wildfire (Hidden Legacy, #3) by Ilona Andrews Crazy B!tch (Biker Bitches, #5) by Jamie Begley Royally Mine 22 All-New Bad Boy Romance Novellas by Susan Stoker Running into Love (Fluke My Life, #1) by Aurora Rose Reynolds Shifters by the Sea Includes Taken by Him and Bared to Him (Tentacles Shifters Erotic Romance) by Jan Springer Falling Fast by Aurora Rose Reynolds Cowboys & Virgins (Cowboys & Virgins #1-4) by Alexa Riley
(view spoiler)

message 38: by Grace (new)

Grace | 1630 comments 2nd post

message 39: by Elaine (new)

Elaine 2017 RRRC Countdown

Challenge Accepted: January 1, 2017
Challenge (hopefully) Completed: December 31, 2017














message 40: by Elaine (new)

Elaine Reserved

message 41: by Lily (last edited Dec 31, 2017 09:26PM) (new)

Lily (lilygcs) | 200 comments ★ Books must be at least 150 pages long ★

75/87 ~ updated Dec 26th *** unable to complete challenge by end date***

2017 (17)
(view spoiler)

2016 (16)
(view spoiler)

2015 (15)
(view spoiler)

2014 (14)
(view spoiler)

2013 (13)
(view spoiler)

2012 (12)
(view spoiler)

message 42: by Angie (new)

Angie | 761 comments 2016 RRRC Countdown
1/1/17 – 31/12/17
Level 1

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message 43: by Cher (new)

Cher | 57 comments reserved

message 44: by Sassafrass (new)

Sassafrass (sass-a-frass) | 4149 comments I'll be in again. I've got to remember this challenge!

Extreme 138 books

message 45: by Aminko (last edited Dec 24, 2017 03:59PM) (new)

Aminko | 639 comments I'm in again!
Duration: January 1 - December 31
Level: 1 (2012 - 2017)

Total Books Read: 53/87
Books must be at least 150 pages long or 45k words.
Books must have the romance genre listed on the main page.
For each book you read, please post a link to the title along with the author and the date finished.

Year: 2012
Books Read: 7/12
(view spoiler)
Unmaking Hunter Kennedy by Anne Eliot Shadow (New Species, #9) by Laurann Dohner Cloak and Dagger (The IMA, #1) by Nenia Campbell More Than Words by Karla Doyle Between the Lines (Between the Lines, #1) by Jodi Picoult Quinn's Undying Rose (Scanguards Vampires, #6) by Tina Folsom Forbidden (The World of Nightwalkers, #1) by Jacquelyn Frank

Year: 2013
Books Read: 11/13
(view spoiler)
Shadowed (Dark Protectors, #6) by Rebecca Zanetti The Agreement (Unrestrained, #1) by S.E. Lund Moon (New Species Book 10) by Laurann Dohner Married to Maggie (Texas Boys Falling Fast Book 1) by Jan Romes Courting Chaos by Jacklyn Dumais Secret Maneuvers (Ex Ops #1) by Jessie Lane True (New Species, #11) by Laurann Dohner Romancing the Bookworm by Kate Evangelista Cold Day in Hell (Lost and Found, Inc., #2) by Jerrie Alexander Fighting Destiny (The Fae Chronicles, #1) by Amelia Hutchins Thrill Ride (Black Knights Inc., #4) by Julie Ann Walker

Year: 2014
Books Read: 9/14
(view spoiler)
Wicked Innocence (Wicked Innocence, #1) by Missy Johnson Falling for the Groomsman (Wedding Dare, #1) by Diane Alberts Tempted by the Soldier (Falling for You, #2) by Nicolette Day Tamed (Dark Protectors, #6.5) by Rebecca Zanetti A Good Debutante's Guide to Ruin (The Debutante Files, #1) by Sophie Jordan Frozen by Meljean Brook Marked (Dark Protectors, #7) by Rebecca Zanetti Stephan (Caveman Instinct #1) by Hazel Gower Ride Baby Ride (Thompson & Sons #1; Rocky Mountain House #7) by Vivian Arend

Year: 2015
Books Read: 7/15
(view spoiler)
Major Misconduct (Aces Hockey, #1) by Kelly Jamieson Hungry Like the Wolf (SWAT, #1) by Paige Tyler His Fantasy Girl (Things to do Before You Die…, #1) by Nina Croft Dark Instincts (The Phoenix Pack, #4) by Suzanne Wright Barbarian Alien (Ice Planet Barbarians, #2) by Ruby Dixon The Taming of the Billionaire (Billionaires and Bridesmaids, #2) by Jessica Clare Vicious Cycle (Vicious Cycle, #1) by Katie Ashley

Year: 2016
Books Read: 9/16
(view spoiler)
King of Campus (Barnett Bulldogs #1) by Jennifer Sucevic Neighbor Dearest by Penelope Ward Betting On The Wrong Brother (What Happens In Vegas, #12) by Cathryn Fox Born to be Bound (Alpha's Claim #1) by Addison Cain Play Maker (Players, #3) by Katie McCoy You Don't Own Me (The Russian Don, #1) by Georgia Le Carre Words in Deep Blue by Cath Crowley Naughty Boss (Steamy Coffee Collection, #1) by Whitney G. Emergency Engagement (Love Emergency, #1) by Samanthe Beck

Year: 2017
Books Read: 10/17
(view spoiler)
Full Package (Big Rock, #4) by Lauren Blakely Fake Fiancée by Ilsa Madden-Mills Arousal by Simone Sowood Dirty Money (Roughneck Billionaires, #1) by Jessica Clare Royally Bad (Bad Boy Royals #1) by Nora Flite White Hot (Hidden Legacy, #2) by Ilona Andrews The Most Dangerous Duke in London (Decadent Dukes Society, #1) by Madeline Hunter Smart Tass (OHellNo, #1) by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff Rockstar Daddy (Wilder Rock, #1) by Taryn Quinn Pitch Please (There's No Crying in Baseball #1) by Lani Lynn Vale

message 46: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca (bexsi) | 812 comments level 2: 72 Books

2001 - 0/1
2002 - 0/2
2003 - 0/3
2004 - 0/4
2005 - 0/5
2006 - 0/6
2007 - 0/7
2008 - 0/8
2009 - 0/9
2010 - 0/10
2017 - 0/17

message 47: by Rebecca (last edited Jan 29, 2017 12:18AM) (new)

Rebecca (bd200789) 2017 RRRC Countdown January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017
I'm in for Extreme!
2006: 1. The Sicilian's Bought Bride Jan. 10

2007: 1. Small-Town Family Jan. 13

2008: 1. A Small-Town Temptation: Built to Last Jan. 11
2. The Millionaire and the M.D. Jan. 7
2009: 1.A Lawman for Christmas Jan. 28

2010: 1. A Duke's Temptation Jan. 11
2011: 1.

2012: 1. A Dark and Brooding Gentleman Jan. 16

message 48: by Rebecca (last edited Jan 28, 2017 05:35PM) (new)

Rebecca (bd200789) 2013: 1.

2014: 1.

2015: 1.

2016: 1. Mistletoe Daddy Jan. 1
2. Her Christmas Family Wish Jan. 1
3. Christmas with the Single Dad Jan. 2
4. The Rancher and the Baby Jan. 3
5. Twins for Christmas Jan. 4
6. An Aspen Creek Christmas Jan. 5
7. Reunited at Christmas Jan. 6
8. The Makeover Prescription copyright date says 2016 Jan. 6

2017: 1.

message 49: by Camille (last edited Dec 24, 2017 11:01PM) (new)

Camille | 327 comments 92017 RRRC Countdown
January 01, 2017 - December 31, 2017
Level: Extreme
Completed 124/138

*Minimum pages: 150
*Must be romance genre

2006: (view spoiler)
2007: (view spoiler)
2008 (view spoiler)
2009: (view spoiler)
2010: (view spoiler)
2011: (view spoiler)
2012: (view spoiler)
2013: (view spoiler)

message 50: by Becky ♡The Bookworm♡ (last edited Nov 19, 2017 04:10AM) (new)

Becky ♡The Bookworm♡ (mckennamuse) | 731 comments RRRC 2017 Countdown
Level: Extreme! = 138 Books

❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

Books Read To Date: 117 of 138


✔︎ 1. Slave to Sensation by Nailing Singh |4★'s| Jan 11
✔︎ 2. Vamps and the City by Kerrelyn Sparks |4★'s| Feb 20
❑ 3
❑ 4
❑ 5
❑ 6


✔︎ 1. Visions of Heat by Nalini Singh |3★'s| Mar 11
✔︎ 2. Caressed By Ice by Nalini Singh |4★'s| Mar 18
✔︎ 3. Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie |4★'s| May 1
✔︎ 4. Copycat by Erica Spindler |4★'s| Jun 8
✔︎ 5. Conspiracy in Death by J.D. Robb |4★'s| Sep 9
❑ 6
❑ 7


✔︎ 1. City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare |3★'s| Jan 22
✔︎ 2. Smoke Screen by Sandra Brown |4★'s| Jul 15
✔︎ 3. From A Distance by Tamara Alexander |3½★'s| Jul 25
✔︎ 4. Just One of the Guys by Kristan Higgins |4★'s| Aug 2
✔︎ 5. Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs |5★'s| Oct 10
✔︎ 6. Iron Kissed by Patricia Briggs |5★'s| Nov 5
❑ 7
❑ 8


✔︎ 1. How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire by Kerrelyn Sparks |4★'s| Jan 5
✔︎ 2. Again The Magic by Lisa Kleypas |3★'s| Jan 15
✔︎ 3. At Grave's End by Jeanine Frost |3★½'s| Feb 4
✔︎ 4. Courting Miss Hattie by Pamela Morsi |3★½'s| Feb 16
✔︎ 5. Someone to Watch Over Me by Lisa Kleypas |4★'s| Mar 18
✔︎ 6. Kiss of the Highlander by Karen Marie Moning |4★'s| Mar 31
✔︎ 7. An Offer From A Gentleman by Julia Quinn |4★'s| May 24
✔︎ 8. Romancing Mr. Bridgerton by Julia Quinn |4★'s| Jun 23
✔︎ 9. Beyond This Moment by Tamera Alexander |4½★'s| Aug 6


✔︎ 1. Spider's Bite by Jennifer Estep |5★'s| Jan 27
✔︎ 2. Web of Lies by Jennifer Estep |5★'s| Feb 6
✔︎ 3. Venom by Jennifer Estep |4★'s| Mar 1
✔︎ 4. The Healer's Apprentice by Melanie Dickenson |4★'s| Mar 6
✔︎ 5. A Kiss At Midnight by Eloisa James |2★'s| Apr 14
✔︎ 6. Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage by Jennifer Ashley |2★'s| May 8
✔︎ 7. Ten Things I Love About You by Julia Quinn |4★'s| Jun 9
✔︎ 8. Simply Irresitible by Jill Shalvis |4½★'s| Jul 20
❑ 9
❑ 10

✗ - ❖ 2011

✔︎ 1. Animal Attraction by Jill Shalvis |5★'s| Jan 19
✔︎ 2. A Night to Surrender by Tessa Dare |4★'s| Feb 13
✔︎ 3. The Tender Texan by Jodi Thomas |2★'s| Feb 21
✔︎ 4. Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor |3★½'s| Feb 26
✔︎ 5. Tangled Threads by Jennifer Estep |5★'s| Mar 31
✔︎ 6. Spider's Revenge by Jennifer Estep |5★'s| May 4
✔︎ 7. Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor by Lisa Kleypas |4★'s| May 9
✔︎ 8. Second Grave on the Left by Darynda Jones |3★'s| May 20
✔︎ 9. Born at Midnight by C.C. Hunter |5★'s| May 27
✔︎ 10. The Next Always by Nora Roberts |3★'s| Jun 5
✔︎ 11. 40 Love by Madeleine Wickham |1★| Jun 8

✗ - ❖ 2012

✔︎ 1. Rescue My Heart by Jill Shalvis |5★'s| Jan 29
✔︎ 2. Phantom Evil by Heather Graham |3★'s| Feb 1
✔︎ 3. I've Got Your Number by Sophia Kinsella |5★'s| Feb 9
✔︎ 4. Submerged by Dani Pettrey |4★'s| Feb 14
✔︎ 5. Firelight by Kristen Callihan |4★'s| Mar 21
✔︎ 6. A Week To Be Wicked by Tessa Dare |4★½'s| Mar 22
✔︎ 7. Days of Blood & Starlight by Laini Talyor |4★'s| Mar 28
✔︎ 8. A Lady by Midnight by Tessa Dare |4★'s| Apr 27
✔︎ 9. Close To Home by Suzanne Ferrell |4★'s| May 4
✔︎ 10. Moonglow by Kristen Callihan |3½★| May 16
✔︎ 11. Tidewater Inn by Colleen Coble |4★'s| May 28
✔︎ 12. To Whisper Her Name by Tamera Alexander |4★'s| May 31


✔︎ 1. Bittersweet Bride by Denise Hunter |3★'s| Feb 9
✔︎ 2. Rumor Has It by Jill Shalvis |4★'s| Feb 12
✔︎ 3. Clean Sweep by Ilona Andrew |3★'s| Feb 23
✔︎ 4. Kate's Outlaw by E. E. Burke |2★'s| Mar 5
✔︎ 5. Shattered by Dani Pettrey |3★'s| Mar 12
✔︎ 6. Chosen at Nightfall by C. C. Hunter |4★'s| Jul 02
✔︎ 7. Any Duchess Will Do by Tessa Dare |5★'s| Aug 13
✔︎ 8. Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers |4★'s| Aug 16
✔︎ 9. Endless Knight by Kresley Cole |4★'s| Sep 2
✔︎ 10. Starry Night by Debbie Macomber |4★'s| Sep 14
✔︎ 11. Rosemary Cottage by Colleen Coble |3½★| Sep 19
✔︎ 12. Deadly Sting by Jennifer Estep |5★'s| Sep 21
✔︎ 13. Etiquette & Espionage by Gail Carriger |4★'s| Oct 14


✔︎ 1. Then Came You by Jill Shalvis |4★'s| Mar 15
✔︎ 2. Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch |5★'s| Apr 20
✔︎ 3. Dreams of Godds & Monsters by Laini Taylor |4★½| May 25
✔︎ 4. Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson |3★½| Jun 4
✔︎ 5. To Scotland With Love by Patience Griffin |4★½|
✔︎ 6. A Good Debutante's Guide to Ruin by Sophie Jordan |4★'s| Jun 25
✔︎ 7. A Beauty So Rare by Tamera Alexander |4★'s| Jul 13
✔︎ 8. Silenced by Dani Pettrey |3★'s| Sep 28
✔︎ 9. Running Blind by Cindy Gerard |4★'s| Nov 4
❑ 10
❑ 11
❑ 12
❑ 13
❑ 14


✔︎ 1. An Alaskan Wedding by Belle Calhoune |4★'s| Jan 10
✔︎ 2. Through Waters Deep by Sarah Sundin |4★'s| Feb 6
✔︎ 3. A Worthy Pursuit by Karen Witemeyer |4★½'s| Feb 8
✔︎ 4. Still The One by Jill Shalvis |4★'s| Mar 25
✔︎ 5. Among The Fair Magnolias by Tamara Alexandra, et. al. |4★'s| Apr 5
✔︎ 6. IceLikeFire by Sara Raasch |4★'S| May 30
✔︎ 7. To Win Her Favor by Tamera Alexander |5★'s| Jun 10
✔︎ 8. All The Ways to Ruin A Rogue by Sophie Jordan |2★½| Jun 19
✔︎ 9. Meet Me In Scotland by Patience Griffin |4½★'s| Jun 27
✔︎ 10. Sweet Southern Nights by Liz Talley |4★'s| Jul 4
✔︎ 11. Some Like it Scottish by Patricia Griffin |4★'s| Jul 9
✔︎ 12. The Accidental Scot by Patience Griffin |5★'s| Jul 29
✔︎ 13. Suddenly One Summer by Julie James |3★'s| Aug 26
✔︎ 14. Prudence by Gail Carriger |4★'s| Sep 10
✔︎ 15. The Memory House by Bette Lee Crosby |4★'s| Oct 3


✔︎ 1. The Siren by Kiera Cass |4★'s| Jan 8
✔︎ 2. One Fell Sweep by Ilona Andrews  |5★'s| Mar 15
✔︎ 3. Duncan's Bride by Linda Howard |5★'s| Mar 30
✔︎ 4. Heartless by Marissa Meyer |3★'s| Apr 5
✔︎ 5. Sweet Little Lies by Jill Shalvis |3★½| Apr 24
✔︎ 6, A Gathering of Shadows by V. E. Schwab |5★'s| May 12
✔︎ 7. Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas |5★'s| May 13
✔︎ 8. Dragon Spawn by Eileen Wilks |3★½| May 20
✔︎ 9. The Hating Game by Sally Thorne |5★'s| Oct 4
✔︎ 10. My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand |5★'s| Oct 7
✔︎ 11. The Trouble With Scotland by Patience Griffin |4★'s| Oct 12
✔︎ 12. Loving Evangeline by Linda Howard |2★'s| Oct 19
✔︎ 13. Q-Ship Chameleon by Glynn Stewart |4★'s| Nov 2
✔︎ 14. Do You Want To Start A Scandal by Tessa Dare |4½★'s| Nov 7
❑ 15
❑ 16


✔︎ 1. Devil In Spring by Lisa Kleypas |4★'s| Apr 6
✔︎ 2. The Awakening by Amanda Stevens |5★'s| Apr 29
✔︎ 3. Silence Fallen by Patricia Briggs |5★'s| May 5
✔︎ 4. A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas |5★'s| May 19
✔︎ 5. A Conjuring of Light by V. E. Schwab |5★'s| May 21
✔︎ 6. Flame in the Mist by Renée Ahdieh |4★'s| Jul 27
✔︎ 7. To Sir Phillip, With Love by Julia Quinn |5★'s| Aug 1
✔︎ 8. White Hot by Ilona Andrews |4★'s| Aug 13
✔︎ 9. To Wager Her Heart by Tamera Alexander |4★'s| Aug 29
✔︎ 10. The Book Jumper by Mechthild Gläser |3★'s| Sep 7
✔︎ 11. The Other Side of Courage by Joe Matlock |★★★★| Sep 29
✔︎ 12. When He Was Wicked by Julia Quinn |3½★'s| Oct 12
✔︎ 13. Wildfire by Ilona Andrews |5★'s| Oct 21
✔︎ 14. Seeing Red by Sandra Brown |5★'s| Oct 27
❑ 15
❑ 16
❑ 17

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