Magic Realism discussion


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message 1: by Candace (new)

Candace  (cprimackqcom) Hi! I hope I've started this new thread alright and that it's ok to do so. I love books that are quirky or that have magical realism in them. I haven't read the selection posted yet, but I own it and am curious as to how current the discussions are as there is no date listed. (I.e. is there another selection soon, no selections?)

message 2: by Tyler (new)

Tyler Johnson | 1 comments I'm a Goodreads author writing in a related genre. This group piqued my interest. I've started the selection and am enjoying the steampunk glamour of it all. I'll hold off on a review until I've finished it.

message 3: by Amber (new)

Amber Alvarez (amber_niko) | 1 comments Hello everyone! I'm new to this whole Goodreads thing so bear with me! I'm a 21 year old college student who's currently studying Hospitality and Tourism Management with a minor in International Studies. I'm Russian and Georgian, which is just a random tid bit. I've recently developed a love for Magical Realism books so, here I am! :)

message 4: by [deleted user] (new)

Hi! I'm Elvina Drake, but I go by Elf.

message 5: by Dennis (new)

Dennis Vickers (dennis_vickers) | 2 comments Hi Elf and welcome to the group. Do you write reviews?

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

Some reviews. Depends if I had strong enough opinions, theories, or just thoughts in general about a book.

message 7: by Dennis (new)

Dennis Vickers (dennis_vickers) | 2 comments I'm reading a collection of Garcia Marquez's short stories right now. It includes some I've read before and some I never heard of. I'm thinking I'll review a story or two on my blog I love Garcia Marquez.

message 8: by [deleted user] (new)


message 9: by Caitlin (new)

Caitlin | 1 comments I just joined GoodReads. Would anyone be interested in reading Little,Big by John Crowley? I just got a copy from the Library :)

message 10: by Shann (new)

Shann Hurst | 1 comments I'm jumping in here. My name is Shann, Looking forward to what you guys are saying.

message 12: by Frank (new)

Frank Mottl (wwwfrankwaynenet) | 5 comments Hi everyone . . . I'm a writer first and a reader second. I usually have a few books on-the-go at the same time. I've written two books that are magic realist in nature. The first one is 'The Cumberland Tales' and the second is 'Mother's Keep'. If anyone wants to review either of these books I'll send you a free ebook.

message 13: by Frank (new)

Frank Mottl (wwwfrankwaynenet) | 5 comments Hi all . . . I've written two books with strong elements of 'magic realism', 'The Cumberland Tales' and 'Mother's Keep'. Both are 'combo' works of prose and poetry with a poem preceding each chapter. My poetry received the 'Award of Excellence' from the Poetry Institute of Canada, as well, I've been published in numerous anthologies in Canada, U.S., U. K., Australia, and China. My writing is a constant journey. I've recently published a murder/thriller/puzzler called 'Cumberland Gold', and am currently working on 'The Transformation of Margery Kempe'. A work of historical fiction based on the religious visionary Margery Kempe. I'm happy to talk with any other readers or writers about magic realist elements in literature. You can check out my work on my website: Thanks for reading!

message 14: by Neil (new)

Neil Plakcy (neilplakcy) | 1 comments I'm delighted to find a group dedicated to magic realism because it's a genre I have always enjoyed, from my first experience with Gabriel Garcia Marquez onward. I'm hoping there are also fans here of Japanese-style healing fiction, which is a new favorite subgenre of mine. It has elements of magical realism and cozy fantasy and inspired my own book, The Smiling Dog Cafe: Healing Fiction. People who need healing find it at the cafe, along with a good cup of coffee.

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