Magic Realism
Magic realism is a global and varied mode of literature, from the early twentieth century European works which made the everyday seem magical, to the later Latin American texts that made the magical seem everyday, to present incarnations that blend and mix realism and magic in any number of ways.
This group will try to be inclusive, embracing a wide-range of texts that might be labelled 'magic realist', and exists both simply for enjoyment, learning and sharing. ...more
This group will try to be inclusive, embracing a wide-range of texts that might be labelled 'magic realist', and exists both simply for enjoyment, learning and sharing. ...more
The United Kingdom
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This is a public group. Anyone can join and invite others to join.
The Cumberland Tales and Mother's Keep
By Frank · 1 post · 15 views
By Frank · 1 post · 15 views
last updated Nov 17, 2023 06:48PM
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