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Team Challenges Archive > Team Clint Eastwood

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❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments Book & Author: Flirting with Texas by Katie Lane
Date Read: 21/07/14
Works For: F - Title, C (Character Beauregard Cates) T (Character Twyla), O (Character Olive Washburn)
Genre Points: No

message 102: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments ❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Styxx Anaxkolasiღ♥ღ wrote: "Our weekly results are saying that we got 225 points, isn't it supposed to be 235?"

It is. Apparently The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe will not count for the teams that claimed it as the word count is below the 160 page threshold. Karen is letting me shuffle some books around though, so I'm going to move Crooked Creek Ranch into the final count to get our points.

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments Logan wrote: "❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Styxx Anaxkolasiღ♥ღ wrote: "Our weekly results are saying that we got 225 points, isn't it supposed to be 235?"

It is. Apparently The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe will not cou..."


message 104: by ❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ (last edited Jul 23, 2014 09:19AM) (new)

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments Book & Author: The Heart of Texas by R.J. Scott
Date Read: 21/07/14
Works For: T - Series title (Texas #1) C Character (Jackson Campbell) I don't know if middle names count but if they do it can count for N Character (Riley Nathaniel Hayes)
Genre Points: Yes

message 105: by ❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ (last edited Jul 23, 2014 09:19AM) (new)

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments Book & Author: Frat Boy and Toppy by Anne Tenino
Date Read: 22/07/14
Works For: F - Title, T - Author and Series Title (Theta Alpha Gamma series) C - Character (Collin)
Genre Points: Yes

message 106: by Marie (new)

Marie | 287 comments Just to check in, I'm on a family roadtrip for a couple of days, so I'll be a bit behind with posting books, cuz the only internet I have is on my phone..:-)

message 107: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments Thanks for the check-in Marie! I've also been away from my computer and am trying to keep up by phone as much as I can. I promise I'll get the thread and spreadsheet updated by tomorrow.

In the meantime, just keep posting books and I'll figure out how to plug them in as we go.

message 108: by Marie (new)

Marie | 287 comments Book: Tempting the Player by J. Lynn
Date read: 21/7
Works for: T and C (character Chad Gamble)

Book: Tempting the Bodyguard by J.Lynn
Date read 22/7
Works for T and C (Chandler Gamble character)

message 109: by NayNay (new)

NayNay Out of the Mist (Stewart Sisters, #1)  by JoAnn Ross

Book & Author: Out of the Mist (Stewart Sisters, #1) by JoAnn Ross
Date Read: 07//22/14
Works For: Title - O Character - Ian MacDougall MacKenzie
Genre Points: No

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments Book & Author: Screwing the System by Josephine Myles
Date Read: 23/07/14
Works For: C - (Character Cosmo Rawlins) N - (Character Nasher) T (Character Tori)
Genre Points: Yes

message 111: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments We are doing great so far ladies!

Message 7 has been updated to here, and the spreadsheet as well.

We only need an "I" to finish our first spelling.

message 112: by NayNay (new)

NayNay Killer Secrets (Tempting SEALs, #5) by Lora Leigh

Book & Author: Killer Secrets by Lora Leigh
Date Read: 07/23/14
Works For: Series - T (Tempting SEALS) - Character - I (Ian Richards)
Genre Points: Yes

message 113: by NayNay (new)

NayNay I forgot to mention...Killer Secrets is a re-read for me, I'm not sure they are allowed?

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments I'm not sure about this group but in others the requirements for re-reads is that it has to be 6 months since you last read it and you have to read the whole book. I could be wrong though.

message 115: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments I just checked with the Mods - re-reads are allowed if it was last read more than 6 months ago.

message 116: by NayNay (new)

NayNay Okay I'm's been years since I read it.

message 117: by Marie (new)

Marie | 287 comments Book: One Night With a Hero by Laura Kaye
Date read: 23/7/14
Works for: O

I've just seen the problem with "The Lion, the Witch and th Wardrobe". I'm sorry about the page count, I should've checked. I read it in Serbian and the editions don't match. Sorry :(

message 118: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments It's okay Marie, really! I would never have thought to check. Another team used that book too, so we weren't the only ones. :)

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments Book & Author: Mr. X by Clarissa Wild
Date Read: 24/07/14
Works For: C - Author, N (Character Natasha)
Genre Points: Yes

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments I'm gonna start reading A Night to Surrender which will work for the F with the character Susanna Finch

message 121: by NayNay (last edited Jul 25, 2014 10:51PM) (new)

NayNay Forever Yours (The Moreno Brothers, #1.5) by Elizabeth Reyes

Book & Author: Forever Yours by Elizabeth Reyes
Date Read: 07/23/14
Works For: Title - F
Genre Points: NO

Tears of the Moon (Gallaghers of Ardmore / Irish Trilogy, #2) by Nora Roberts

Book & Author: Tears of the Moon by Nora Roberts
Date Read: 07/24/14
Works For: Title - T Author - N
Genre Points: NO

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments Nay Nay, Tears of the Moon can also work for N with the authors name.

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments Since Nay Nay has the F covered i won't read A Night to Surrender, i will find something else that will work for the letter I

message 124: by NayNay (new)

NayNay ❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Lothaire "The Enemy of Old"ღ♥ღ wrote: "Nay Nay, Tears of the Moon can also work for N with the authors name."

Geez...that's what happens when I post two books at a time...I will add it to my post, thanks.

message 125: by Marie (new)

Marie | 287 comments Book: Rules of Entanglement by Gina L. Maxwell
Date read: 25/7/14
Works for: F (Fighting for Love series)
Genre points: No

message 126: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments The book I'm reading now will work for "I" as well. Sorry I haven't been pulling my weight this week - vacation really threw off my reading availability.

I sent a PM to Karen on our team, but haven't heard anything. We may be down one teammate. :(

message 127: by NayNay (last edited Jul 25, 2014 10:55PM) (new)

NayNay A Triple Knot by Emma Campion

Book & Author: A Triple Knot by Emma Campion
Date Read: 07/25/14
Works For: Title - T Author - C Character -N Ned (The Black Prince)
Genre Points: NO

message 128: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments Book & Author: Come Away with Me by Kristen Proby
Date Read: 7/25/14
Works For: C-title, N-character Natalie, I-character Isaac
Genre Points: No

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments Book & Author: Loving Hector by John Inman
Date Read: 26/07/14
Works For: I - Author, F (Character Fred) T (Character Thorolf)
Genre Points: No

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments when was the last time Karen checked in? what do we do?

message 131: by Marie (new)

Marie | 287 comments Book and Author: Fighting for Irish by Gina L. Maxwell
Date Read:26/7/14
Works For: F (title), I and O (character Aiden "Irish" O'Brian - I'm not sure if nicknames count, but everyone's calling him Irish through the book, it's even in the title :))
Genre Points: NO

message 132: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments I let Mod Karen know in the captains group. We may get assigned a new player.

message 134: by Marie (new)

Marie | 287 comments So, how are we doing so far without Karen?

message 135: by ❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ (last edited Jul 26, 2014 03:38PM) (new)

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments I just started a book, but i don't know if i will finish it in time or not. so far it works for F, C and T

message 136: by ❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ (last edited Jul 26, 2014 03:36PM) (new)

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments with you new book added i think we are at 215 points

message 137: by Marie (new)

Marie | 287 comments I've also started a book that could work for 'O', and I hope to finish it until dead-line. :D

message 138: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments Yep, we are at 215 points. Need an I, O, and N to finish our third spelling.

message 139: by ❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ (last edited Jul 26, 2014 09:51PM) (new)

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments Book and Author: Faith & Fidelity by Tere Michaels
Date Read: 27/07/14
Works For: F - Title, T - Author, C (Character Evan Cerelli),
Genre Points: NO

If you change Tears of the Moon to N with the authors name then the book i just read can be used for the T, then all we need is the I and O.

message 140: by Marie (last edited Jul 26, 2014 10:06PM) (new)

Marie | 287 comments Book and Author: Of Poseidon by Anna Banks
Date Read: 26/7/14 (it's still the 26th in Serbia :D)
Works For: O (title) and F (character Galen Forza)
Genre Points: NO

message 141: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments Updated to here.

message 142: by NayNay (new)

NayNay Young Bess (Elizabeth Trilogy, #1) by Margaret Irwin

Book & Author: Young Bess by Margaret Irwin
Date Read: 07/26/14
Works For: Author - I
Genre Points: NO

Well I really didn't plan this reading thing out....did you notice all the historical fiction I am reading now that could of counted for last round....geez that is ass backwards, LOL

If we are going to spell it out again there are two more books for this series that I can read for the other two I's. Just let me know and I will continue with it.

message 143: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments Okay, I'll add Nay Nay's book and submit!

message 144: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments Marie, can you set the date read on Rules of Entanglement?

message 145: by NBRC Book Ninja (new)

NBRC Book Ninja | 1025 comments Week 3

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❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments Are we gonna be assigned a new team player this week?

message 147: by NBRC Book Ninja (last edited Jul 27, 2014 11:15AM) (new)

NBRC Book Ninja | 1025 comments Hi team
Paige has been invited as a replacement for Karen. Please make her feel welcome!

message 149: by Marie (new)

Marie | 287 comments Sorry Logan, don't know what happened there. I set it, I hope it's not too late.

Hello, Paige! :D

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments Does anyone know if there is a countdown clock for when book have to be read by for week 3?

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