Challenge: 50 Books discussion

Finish Line 2015 > JB's Challenge List for 2015

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message 1: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Brown | 1323 comments In the year 2007, I read 79 books.
In the year 2008, I read 100 books.
In the year 2009, I read 165 books.
In the year 2010, I read 145 books.
In the year 2011, as I began to start taking notes on a portion of my reading, I read 82 books.
In the year 2012, I read 62 books
In the year 2013, I read 90 books.
Last year, in 2014, I read 87 books.
For this year, my official goal is to read at least 70 books. So far, I've finished one:

1) At Day's Close: Night in Times Past by A. Roger Ekirch

message 6: by Jonathan (last edited Jan 26, 2015 04:09PM) (new)

☼♎ Carmen the Bootyshaker Temptress ☼♎ Wow you have an interesting reading list. Good luck with your challenge. You seem to be close to your goal already. :)

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