Romance Readers Reading Challenges discussion

Archive (Inactive Reading Lists) > Heather's Reading List

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message 1: by Heather (new)

Heather (ineedallthebooks) | 98 comments I will start by posting the Challenges I have completed so far and then begin Tracking monthly in August

message 2: by Heather (new)

Heather (ineedallthebooks) | 98 comments Done! :D

A- Alex Archer- The Lost Scrolls 2-16-2010
B- Beverly Barton- Raintree: Sanctuary3-30-10
C- P.C. Cast- Elphame's Choice3-11-10
D- Tananarive Due- The Good House5-11-10
E- Janet Evanovich- Naughty Neighbor4-20-10
F- Christine Feehan- Dark Prince2-21-10
G- Sue Grafton- A is for Alibi2-25-10
H- Linda Howard- Raintree: Inferno3-18-10
I- Alexandra Ivy- When Darkness Comes5-22-10
J- Linda Winstead Jones-Raintree: Haunted 3-29-10
K- Dean Koontz- Darkfall2-24-10
L- Stephanie Laurens- Devil's Bride5-24-10
M- Christopher Moore- You Suck: A Love Story 2-18-10
N- Betty Neels- Hilltop Tryst5-25-10
O- Rebecca Ore- Time's Child5-25-10
P- Susan Elizabeth Phillips- It Had to Be You 5-26-10
Q- Julia Quinn- The Duke And I6-3-10
R- J.D. Robb- Naked in Death2-23-10
S- Ellen Schreiber- Vampireville3-29-10
T- Janelle Taylor- Haunting Olivia6-3-10
U- Daphne Uviller- Super in the City5-28-10
V- Rachel Vincent-Stray3-5-10
W- Linda Wisdom- 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover3-12-10
X- Jude DeverauX- Days of Gold3-2-10
Y- Rebecca York- Killing Moon6-5-10
Z- Carolyn Zane- Millionaire'S Waitress Wife 5-10-10

From Feb 15th to June 23rd

Raintree Sanctuary (Raintree Series, #3) by Beverly Barton The Lost Scrolls (Rogue Angel, #6) by Alex Archer Elphame's Choice (Partholon, #2) by P.C. Cast The Good House by Tananarive Due Naughty Neighbor by Janet Evanovich Dark Prince (Carpathians, #1) by Christine Feehan A is for Alibi (Kinsey Millhone, #1) by Sue Grafton Raintree Inferno (Raintree Series, #1) by Linda Howard When Darkness Comes (Guardians of Eternity, #1) by Alexandra Ivy Raintree Haunted (Raintree Series, #2) by Linda Winstead Jones Darkfall by Dean Koontz Devil's Bride (Cynster, #1) by Stephanie Laurens You Suck A Love Story (Love Story, #2) by Christopher Moore Hilltop Tryst (The Best of Betty Neels) by Betty Neels It Had to Be You (Chicago Stars, #1) by Susan Elizabeth Phillips The Duke And I (Bridgertons, #1) by Julia Quinn Naked in Death (In Death, #1) by J.D. Robb Vampireville (Vampire Kisses, #3) by Ellen Schreiber Haunting Olivia by Janelle Taylor Super in the City by Daphne Uviller Stray (Shifters, #1) by Rachel Vincent 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover (Jazz Tremaine, #1) by Linda Wisdom Days of Gold (Edilean, #2) by Jude Deveraux Killing Moon (Moon, #1) by Rebecca York Millionaire'S Waitress Wife (The Brubaker Brides) (Silhouette Romance) by Carolyn Zane

message 4: by Heather (new)

Heather (ineedallthebooks) | 98 comments June FAC-

I'm a C and a I think I will start with Tempting the Beast (Breeds, #1) by Lora Leigh

I finished 6-10-10 I actually found it a really short read probably about 6 hours or so.

As for the last question I am in between a B and a C.

It's not really my cup of tea there was just too much "action" for my tastes, but the story was interesting so I may read another one in the series.

message 5: by Heather (new)

Heather (ineedallthebooks) | 98 comments July FAC-

I am in!! I am a C.

I think i will read
One for the Money (Stephanie Plum, #1) by Janet Evanovich

I finished this one July 16th! I think I am an A now. I loved Grandma Mazur, I haven't laughed so hard especially the dinner scene it was great!!

message 6: by Heather (last edited Jul 26, 2010 01:12PM) (new)

message 7: by Heather (last edited Mar 15, 2011 04:20PM) (new)

Heather (ineedallthebooks) | 98 comments I'm In :) 7-26-10 - ?

1. Jack the Page Ripper (15 books):

5 from Immortal in Death (In Death, #3) by J.D. Robb7-29 Rapture in Death (In Death, #4) by J.D. Robb7-31 Ceremony in Death (In Death, #5) by J.D. Robb8-2 Vengeance in Death (In Death, #6) by J.D. Robb8-2 Holiday in Death (In Death, #7) by J.D. Robb8-3
4 from The Cove (FBI Thriller, #1) by Catherine Coulter8-29 The Maze (FBI Thriller, # 2) by Catherine Coulter10-15 The Target (FBI Thriller, #3) by Catherine Coulter10-19The Edge (FBI Thriller, #4) by Catherine Coulter
3 from Every Which Way But Dead (Rachel Morgan/The Hollows, #3) by Kim Harrison8-30 A Fistful of Charms (Rachel Morgan/The Hollows, #4) by Kim Harrison9-1 For a Few Demons More (Rachel Morgan/The Hollows, #5) by Kim Harrison
2 from Enchanted, Inc. (Enchanted, Inc. #1) by Shanna Swendson10-15 Once Upon Stilettos (Enchanted, Inc., Book 2) by Shanna Swendson10-16
1 from From Dead to Worse (Sookie Stackhouse, #8) by Charlaine Harris7-28

2. Una-book-bomber (5 books):

Chick-lit: 16 Lighthouse Road (Cedar Cove, #1) by Debbie Macomber11-10
romance: Nobody's Baby But Mine (Chicago Stars, #3) by Susan Elizabeth Phillips10-28
Mystery: Reliquary (Pendergast, #2) by Douglas Preston11-11
Fantasy/Sci-fi: Goddess of the Sea (Goddess Summoning, #1) by P.C. Cast11-8
Young Adult:Shadow Kiss (Vampire Academy, #3) by Richelle Mead10-6

3. Spree Series Killer(1+ book):

new author: Kitty and the Midnight Hour (Kitty Norville, #1) by Carrie Vaughn 10-7

4. Author-ican Psycho (1 book):

one more try: Shadow Game (GhostWalkers, #1) by Christine Feehan9-25

5. Hannibal Lecturer (1 book):

just read it already: The Da Vinci Code (Robert Langdon, #2) by Dan Brown3-15

6. The Book Strangler (1+ books):

whole series: Guilty Pleasures (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #1) by Laurell K. Hamilton7-27 The Laughing Corpse (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #2) by Laurell K. Hamilton8-26 Circus of the Damned (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter) by Laurell K. Hamilton8-27 The Lunatic Cafe (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #4)  by Laurell K. Hamilton9-21 Bloody Bones (Anita Blake Vampire Hunter) by Laurell K. Hamilton9-22 The Killing Dance (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #6) by Laurell K. Hamilton10-24Burnt Offerings (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #7) by Laurell K. Hamilton10-26 Blue Moon (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #8) by Laurell K. Hamilton10-26 Strange Candy by Laurell K. Hamilton10-27 Obsidian Butterfly (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #9) by Laurell K. Hamilton2-7 Narcissus in Chains (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #10) by Laurell K. HamiltonCerulean Sins (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #11) by Laurell K. HamiltonIncubus Dreams (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #12) by Laurell K. HamiltonMicah (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #13) by Laurell K. HamiltonDanse Macabre (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #14) by Laurell K. HamiltonThe Harlequin (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #15) by Laurell K. Hamilton11-2 Blood Noir (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #16) by Laurell K. Hamilton11-6Skin Trade (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #17) by Laurell K. Hamilton11-8 Flirt (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter) by Laurell K. Hamilton11-8 Bullet (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #19) by Laurell K. Hamilton11-9

7. 3rd degree (3 books):

trilogy: Dance Upon the Air (Three Sisters Island, #1) by Nora Roberts9-22 Heaven and Earth (Three Sisters Island, #2) by Nora Roberts9-24 Face the Fire (Three Sisters Island, #3) by Nora Roberts9-25

BONUS: Bloody Mary (1 book):

kick-ass heroine:Blood Bound (Mercedes Thompson, #2) by Patricia Briggs10-18

message 10: by Heather (last edited Sep 15, 2010 12:25AM) (new)

Heather (ineedallthebooks) | 98 comments September Monthly Challenge

Done! :)

10/10 Completed

1. September: She's Got It Bad by Sarah Mayberry 9/2

2. My Birthday! Cross My Heartby Carly Phillips 9/3

3. Geography: Practical Magicby Alice Hoffman 9/12

4.Pirate Day: The Reluctant Vikingby Hill Sandra 9/14

5. Labor Day: The Mulberry Treeby Jude Deveraux 9/4

6. National Hispanic Heritage Month: Happy Hour at Casa Draculaby Marta Acosta 9/6

7. Library Card Sign-up Month: The Islandby Heather Graham 9/2

8. Romance Genre: Emmaby Jane Austen 9/2

9. Of Lists and Shelves: The Cat Who Ate Danish Modernby Lilian Jackson Braun 9/5

10. Reader's Choice: Betrayal in Deathby J.D. Robb9/12

She's Got It Bad (Harlequin Blaze, #464) by Sarah MayberryCross My Heart (Ty & Hunter #1) by Carly PhillipsPractical Magic by Alice HoffmanThe Reluctant Viking by Sandra HillThe Mulberry Tree by Jude DeverauxHappy Hour at Casa Dracula by Marta AcostaThe Island by Heather GrahamEmma by Jane AustenThe Cat Who Ate Danish Modern (Cat Who..., #2) by Lilian Jackson BraunBetrayal in Death (In Death, #12) by J.D. Robb

message 12: by Heather (last edited Oct 29, 2010 05:08AM) (new)

Heather (ineedallthebooks) | 98 comments DURATION: September 1, 2010 - November 30, 2010

1. Math:1st to Dieby James Patterson9-17
2. Literature:The Great Gatsbyby F. Scott Fitzgerald9-17
3. Science:Nobody's Baby But Mineby Susan Elizabeth Phillips10-28
4. Art:The Lunatic Cafe (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #4)by Laurell K. Hamilton 9-21
5. Music:Heavenby V.C. Andrews10-21
6. Computer Science:Seduction in Deathby J.D. Robb9-20
7. Journalism:The Cat Who Saw Redby Lilian Jackson Braun9-18
8. History:God of Thunderby Alex Archer9-18
9. Phys Ed or Sports:Dream a Little Dreamby Susan Elizabeth Phillips10-29
10. Geography: Heart of the Dragonby Gena Showalter 10-17


Home Ec:Dance Upon the Airby Nora Roberts9-23
Business Management:Face the Fireby Nora Roberts9-25

1st to Die (Women's Murder Club, #1) by James Patterson The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald The Cat Who Saw Red (The Cat Who..., #4) by Lilian Jackson Braun God of Thunder (Rogue Angel, #7) by Alex Archer Seduction in Death (In Death, #13) by J.D. Robb The Lunatic Cafe (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #4)  by Laurell K. Hamilton Dance Upon the Air (Three Sisters Island, #1) by Nora Roberts Face the Fire (Three Sisters Island, #3) by Nora Roberts Heart of the Dragon (Atlantis, #1) by Gena Showalter Heaven (Casteel, #1) by V.C. Andrews Nobody's Baby But Mine (Chicago Stars, #3) by Susan Elizabeth Phillips Dream a Little Dream (Chicago Stars, #4) by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

message 14: by Heather (new)

Heather (ineedallthebooks) | 98 comments September 2010

31. Shadow Gameby Christine Feehan9-25

Shadow Game (GhostWalkers, #1) by Christine Feehan

message 15: by Heather (last edited Oct 17, 2010 11:16PM) (new)

Heather (ineedallthebooks) | 98 comments FAC: Gena Showalter

I started as a C and read Heart of the Dragon (10-17) It wasn't bad I liked most of it :) but I think I am a B I may read some of her other stuff, just when I get around to it lol.

message 16: by Heather (last edited Oct 19, 2010 11:32PM) (new)

Heather (ineedallthebooks) | 98 comments I'm In!

1. October:Odd Thomasby Dean Koontz 10-12
2. Happy Birthday Nicole!:Night Embraceby Sherrilyn Kenyon10-13
3. Geography:The Guardianby Nicholas Sparks10-14
4. Teacher’s Day:The Awakeningby L.J. Smith10-13
5. Law & Order:The Mazeby Catherine Coulter 10-15
6. Halloween:A Living Nightmareby Darren Shan 10-19
7. National Book Month:The Cat Who Played Post Officeby Lilian Jackson Braun10-14
8. Romance Genre:The Targetby Catherine Coulter10-19
9. Of Lists and Shelves:Shadow Kiss (Vampire Academy, #3)by Richelle Mead 10-6
10. Reader's Choice:Undead and Unwedby MaryJanice Davidson10-7

Shadow Kiss (Vampire Academy, #3)  by Richelle Mead Undead and Unwed (Undead, #1) by MaryJanice Davidson Odd Thomas (Odd Thomas, #1) by Dean Koontz Night Embrace (Dark-Hunter, #2) (Were-Hunter, #1) by Sherrilyn Kenyon The Awakening (The Vampire Diaries, #1) by L.J. Smith The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks The Cat Who Played Post Office (Cat Who..., #6) by Lilian Jackson Braun The Maze (FBI Thriller, # 2) by Catherine Coulter A Living Nightmare (Cirque Du Freak, #1) by Darren Shan The Target (FBI Thriller, #3) by Catherine Coulter

message 19: by Heather (last edited Nov 13, 2010 04:56AM) (new)

Heather (ineedallthebooks) | 98 comments FAC November

Heather wrote: "I'm an A :D I will either read Iron Kissed or Bone Crossed"

I finished Iron Kissed I am definitely an A I really enjoy reading this series.

message 20: by Heather (last edited Nov 22, 2010 02:00AM) (new)

Heather (ineedallthebooks) | 98 comments November Monthly challenge



1. November:Night's Kissby Amanda Ashley11-15
2. Happy Birthday Melissa!:Forever Oddby Dean Koontz 11-9
3. Geography:Just For Kicksby Susan Andersen11-14
4. Thanksgiving Day:Family Blessingsby Fern Michaels11-16
5. Guy Fawkes Night:Blue Smokeby Nora Roberts11-13
6. World Television Day:Summer Dreams-Dual Imageby Nora Roberts11-11
7. Get ‘Er Done:Iron Kissedby Patricia Briggs11-12
8. Romance Genre:16 Lighthouse Roadby Debbie Macomber11-10
9. Of Lists and Shelves:The Lightning Thiefby Rick Riordan11-12
10. Reader's Choice:Evermoreby Alyson Noel11-12


Forever Odd (Odd Thomas, #2) by Dean Koontz 16 Lighthouse Road (Cedar Cove, #1) by Debbie Macomber Dual Image by Nora Roberts Iron Kissed (Mercedes Thompson, #3) by Patricia Briggs Evermore (The Immortals, #1) by Alyson Noel The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #1) by Rick Riordan Blue Smoke by Nora Roberts Just For Kicks (Showgirls #2) by Susan Andersen Night's Kiss (My Night, #1) by Amanda Ashley Family Blessings (Cisco, #2) by Fern Michaels

message 21: by Heather (last edited Mar 17, 2011 09:24PM) (new)

Heather (ineedallthebooks) | 98 comments 6 months long
Toy Stories Challenge

I'm In!
1. Barbie:Undead and Unemployedby MaryJanice Davidson12-1
2. GI Joe:The Vampire and the Virginby Kerrelyn Sparks11-17
3. Easy Bake Oven:Tall, Dark & Hungryby Lynsay Sands
4. Hot Wheels:Speed Datingby Nancy Warren11-30
5. Lite Brite:Hex Appealby Linda Wisdom11-30
6. Rock'em Sock'em Robots:The Passageby Justin Cronin
7. Cabbage Patch Kids:The Bad Beginningby Lemony Snicket12-10
8. Etch-A-Sketch:A Whisper Of Eternityby Amanda Ashley2-27
9. Connect Four:Happy Ever Afterby Nora Roberts11-22
10. Raggedy Ann & Andy:The Searchby Nora Roberts
11. My Little Ponies:Rogue Stallionby Diana Palmer11-30
12. Teddy Ruxpin:Dancing Bearsby Fred Saberhagen

To Read:
Tall, Dark & Hungry (Argeneau, #4) by Lynsay SandsThe Passage (The Passage, #1) by Justin CroninThe Search by Nora RobertsDancing Bears by Fred Saberhagen

The Vampire and the Virgin (Love at Stake, #8) by Kerrelyn Sparks Happy Ever After (Bride Quartet, #4) by Nora Roberts Hex Appeal (Jazz Tremaine, #2) by Linda Wisdom Speed Dating (Harlequin Nascar) by Nancy Warren Rogue Stallion (Montana Mavericks, #1) by Diana Palmer Undead and Unemployed (Undead, #2) by MaryJanice Davidson The Bad Beginning (A Series of Unfortunate Events, #1) by Lemony Snicket A Whisper Of Eternity by Amanda Ashley

message 22: by Heather (last edited Feb 26, 2011 02:01AM) (new)

Heather (ineedallthebooks) | 98 comments I'm In! I think this would be a great yearly challenge too!
Dec 1st-Feb 28th


1.Christmas –The Stupidest Angel: A Heartwarming Tale of Christmas Terror12-16
2.Hanukkah –A Christmas Carol12-2
3.Boxing Day –For the Children12-31
4.Winter’s Solstice –The Darkest Evening of the Year12-27
5.Kwanzaa –As You Desire2-26
6.New Year’s Day –Pretty Little Liars12-20
7.Three King’s Day -My Favorite Witch2-7
8.Chinese New Year -Eragon12-15
9.Groundhog Day -Elephants Can Remember12-10
10.Valentine’s Day -This Heart of Mine 12-19

Read:A Christmas Carol by Charles DickensElephants Can Remember by Agatha ChristieEragon (Inheritance, #1) by Christopher PaoliniThe Stupidest Angel A Heartwarming Tale of Christmas Terror by Christopher MooreThis Heart of Mine (Chicago Stars, #5) by Susan Elizabeth PhillipsPretty Little Liars (Pretty Little Liars, #1) by Sara ShepardThe Darkest Evening of the Year by Dean KoontzFor the Children Twins (Harlequin Superromance No. 1171) by Tara Taylor QuinnMy Favorite Witch by Annette BlairAs You Desire by Connie Brockway

message 27: by Heather (last edited Mar 19, 2011 09:44AM) (new)

Heather (ineedallthebooks) | 98 comments March Challenge

1. March: My Favorite Bride3-2
2. Birthday:(Happy Birthday Angelique!)Mind Game3-10
3. Geography: Bloodring3-15
4. Third Month: Dance With The Devil3-16
5. March Off to War: The Defiant Hero3-17
6. Mardi Gras: Kiss of the Night3-18
7. St.Patrick's Day: Adventures in Time and Space with Max Merriwell 3-16
8. Doctor's Day: Doctors in the House 3-16
9. Of Shelves and Lists: Glitter Baby3-14
10. Reader's Choice: Terminal Freeze3-19

My Favorite Bride (Governess Brides, #6) by Christina Dodd Mind Game (GhostWalkers, #2) by Christine Feehan Glitter Baby by Susan Elizabeth Phillips Bloodring (Rogue Mage, #1) by Faith Hunter Adventures in Time and Space with Max Merriwell by Pat Murphy Doctors in the House (Harlequin Superromance No. 757) by Ellen James Dance With The Devil (Dark-Hunter, #3) by Sherrilyn Kenyon The Defiant Hero (Troubleshooters, #2) by Suzanne Brockmann Kiss of the Night (Dark-Hunter, #4) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Terminal Freeze by Lincoln Child

message 28: by Heather (last edited Mar 23, 2011 09:21PM) (new)

Heather (ineedallthebooks) | 98 comments
DURATION: March 1 - May 31, 2011

Welcome Back Kotter -Avalon High 3-12
Laverne & Shirley -Confessions of a Shopaholic
Happy Days -Under Her Skin
WKRP in Cincinnati -Kitty Goes to Washington
Gilligan's Island -Freedom's Choice
One Day at a Time -Simply Irresistible
Dallas -Calhoun
MASH -Eat Prey Love
Hawaii 5-0 -The Da Vinci Code3-15
E.R. -Doctors in the House3-16
Green Acres -High Stakes
I Love Lucy! -Damsel Under Stress
The Brady Bunch -Nights in Rodanthe
Star Trek -Sunrise Alley 3-11
A- Team - Night Game

I Dream of Jeannie:Blue Moon3-23
Bewitched:Don't Hex with Texas
Dark Shadows:The Struggle 3-11
Highlander:Highlander in Her Bed
The Addams Family:Dance with a Vampire

Sunrise Alley by Catherine AsaroThe Struggle (The Vampire Diaries, #2) by L.J. SmithAvalon High by Meg CabotThe Da Vinci Code (Robert Langdon, #2) by Dan BrownDoctors in the House (Harlequin Superromance No. 757) by Ellen JamesBlue Moon (The Immortals, #2) by Alyson Noel

message 30: by Heather (last edited May 16, 2011 05:13AM) (new)

message 33: by Heather (last edited Jun 09, 2011 02:08AM) (new)

Heather (ineedallthebooks) | 98 comments June 11 Challenge

I'm in!
1. Repeat Repeat: From Friend to Fatherby Tracy Wolff 6-2

2. Happy Birthday Chelsea!:The Time Traveler's Wifeby Audrey Niffenegger

3. Geography: Magic Bitesby Ilona Andrews

4. U.F.O Day: Reunion in Deathby J.D. Robb6-6

5. Best Friends: Nothing But Troubleby Rachel Gibson6-9

6. Summer Solstice: Untamedby Nora Roberts6-6

7. Graduation Month: The Suicide Clubby Gayle Wilson

8. Old Maid's Day: Red Hat Clubby Haywood Smith

9. Yummy Yummy: Tall, Dark & Hungryby Lynsay Sands

10. Reader's Choice: Vampire Mineby Kerrelyn Sparks


From Friend to Father (Harlequin Superromance) by Tracy Wolff Summer Dreams (2-in-1) by Nora Roberts Reunion in Death (In Death, #14) by J.D. Robb Nothing But Trouble (Chinooks Hockey Team, #5) by Rachel Gibson

message 34: by Heather (last edited Jun 09, 2011 02:08AM) (new)

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