Blogger Lift discussion

YA Blogs > YA Blogs

Comments Showing 51-100 of 175 (175 new)    post a comment »

message 51: by Jay (new)

Jay Jason | 3 comments My blog posts snarky reviews using an A-F grading scale. Expect lots of sarcasm and eye-popping images.

My new review of Anna Dressed in Blood is out now!

message 52: by Candace (new)

Candace (readbetweenthecovers) | 1 comments Hi Everyone! I am a new blogger. I mostly read YA, but branch out from time to time.

Please visit me


If you follow me, let me know so I can follow you! :)

message 53: by Nic (new)

Nic | 6 comments Hey guys, just wanted to post my blog in here with the rest of yoou guys. I mostly read Young Adult fantasy/dystopian/sci-fi sometimes I go into the age group of 10+ but they are still pretty solid books. If you want to take a look at my blog I do regular reviews.

message 55: by Daniel (new)

Daniel | 30 comments Hi everyone, My book blog link is
Please follow and comment on anything then I will do the same in return!!!

message 56: by Nic (new)

Nic | 6 comments Daniel wrote: "Hi everyone, My book blog link is
Please follow and comment on anything then I will do the same in return!!!"

Daniel's Blog is amazing, go follow him <3

message 57: by Liz (new)

Liz Pena (goooreadscombooklover) | 2 comments hello everyone follow me at

I would follow back instantly :D

Read everything it has it includes author giveaways, reviews, random funny stuff and interesting exciting giveaways.

message 58: by Daniel (new)

Daniel | 30 comments Nic wrote: "Daniel wrote: "Hi everyone, My book blog link is
Please follow and comment on anything then I will do the same in return!!!"

Daniel's Blog is amazing, go follow ..."

Thank you so much Nic!
Same for Nic everyone... His blog is amazing as well... Make sure you visit!

message 59: by [deleted user] (new)

Who knew there was so many book blogs out there?!? Really excited to check some out!

I mainly review young adult and have hosted some blog tours. :)

message 60: by Catherine (new)

Catherine | 24 comments I don't just review YA but I do read a reasonable number of books within the area:


message 61: by Kiersten (new)

Kiersten  (kie_elyce) | 3 comments I just started up this blog (Frozen in Fiction) with my best friend and we do book reviews mainly in the Young Adult genre. I would appreciate if you could check it out and maybe follow:)

Here's the link:

message 62: by Lectus (new)

Lectus Amy wrote: "TeenyReader"

I am following you Amy! Here is my link

message 63: by shre ♡ (new)

shre ♡ (shreshre) Mine is http://chocolatecoatedreviews.blogspo... :D If anyone decides to follow! Please tell me, because i would LOVE to follow back!! :D

message 64: by Kim (new)

Kim (snugglemybooks) | 3 comments Snuggle My Books

I'm an insomniac who fills up the time with books. I'm super new. Only 3 Reviews. Planning to put memes in and stuff, so check me out, please! :)

message 65: by Ariella (new)

Ariella (secretsoflostwords) Hi! This is my blog, A Sprinkle of Books

Follow me if you like my blog :3

[image error]

message 66: by Adeeb (new)

Adeeb (adeebn) | 2 comments hey im a new blogger, and a YA blogger :)

Visit and follow


message 67: by josie:) (new)

josie:) | 16 comments Adeeb wrote: "hey im a new blogger, and a YA blogger :)

Visit and follow


following you adeeb, awesome blog! would love a follow back :)

message 68: by Kendra (new)

Kendra (kendratalksbooks) Photobucket

Hello, everyone! My name is Kendra (of course!) and I run Kendra Talks Books, a YA book blog. My blog is relatively new, but I'm slowly navigating my way through that newbie phase and learning what will and won't work for me. I have some exciting things coming up and I would love to share them with all of you! I'm currently in the process of arranging an author interview (My first! Yay!), joining a blog tour, and gathering materials for my very first giveaway! Ahhh, so exciting! So head on over and join the fun! I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you. ;D

message 69: by A (last edited Aug 28, 2012 04:38PM) (new)

A | 10 comments Hey guys, I started my blog in late June and would appreciate it if you'd go check it out! It's a YA blog. :)

Reading Under the Stars

Kendra, I'm also following you. :)

message 70: by Anastasia (new)

Anastasia | 26 comments Alyssa wrote: "My blog-
The Book Blog Experince

I write YA books related reviews, I also host a book giveaway each month, with some author interviews in there.

come check it ou!"

Hey Alyssa!!!I just followed your blog! Could you follow mine as well??

message 71: by Stina (new)

Stina Rubio (whatstinathinks) | 5 comments hey com check out the giveaway I'm hosting on my blog! three great prizes!

message 72: by sadia (last edited Oct 12, 2012 08:24PM) (new)

sadia (sadiaaa)

My blog is a relatively new one where I review YA (mostly) books and also match them up with a song/piece of music I associated the books with.

Check it out if you get a chance :)


message 73: by Kierra (new)

Kierra (kierrarose) Hey, I'm just a book blogger who mainly reviews YA books and participate in memes and book tours.


message 74: by Gabby (new)

Gabby (gabbymgabriellarambles) | 17 comments Gabby Reads

Hi guys\gals,
My name is Gabby and I recently started blogging. So far I read only YA Fiction being that I am still a teenager myself. Please feel free to stop by my blog. I currently have a giveaway going on by the way :) Please let me know if you stop by and follow so I can return the follow

Gabby :)

message 75: by Lottie (new)

Lottie Eve (lottieeve) | 9 comments
My blog mainly focuses on YA books but I do review some manga to :)

message 76: by Janussa (last edited Nov 07, 2012 02:49AM) (new)

Janussa | 7 comments Hey everyone go check out my blog! The Perks of Being a Bookworm
I review books, and other fun and random stuff!

message 77: by Octavia (new)

Octavia (octaviah) Gabby wrote: "Gabby Reads

Hi guys\gals,
My name is Gabby and I recently started blogging. So far I read only YA Fiction being that I am still a teenager myself. Please feel free to stop by my blog...."

I love your entire Paris theme, very pretty. I followed your blog via Google Friend Connect under Octavia Harris.

Read. Sleep. Repeat.

message 78: by Kaina (last edited Nov 20, 2012 02:09PM) (new)

Kaina (kainal) Heyyz, my blog is called These Flying Pages and yeah that's it right there :) ======>
These Flying Pages
I blog about YA and I would love it if you could stop by :)

message 79: by Algel (new)

Algel Crestfall (algelcrestfall) | 92 comments I just became interested and started to blog about YA books. Please check it out thankss :)

message 80: by Octavia (new)

Octavia (octaviah) Kaina wrote: "Heyyz, my blog is called These Flying Pages and yeah that's it right there :) ======>

I blog about YA and I would love it if you could stop by :)"

I am officially obsessed with your blog :)

I followed via GFC under Octavia Harris, I'm excited to see more post from you.

message 81: by Sophia (new)

Sophia (Bookwyrming Thoughts) (hannahsophialin) | 346 comments Hiya everyone! I recently started blogging earlier this month and would appreciate it if you guys could stop by :)

message 82: by Katrina (new)

Katrina Welsh (katrinawelsh_) hi everyone.
my blog is called I Have Lived a Thousand Lives
I post mostly reviews, memes and host blog tours. I'd love more active followers.
Thanks guys.

message 84: by ajia (new)

ajia | 17 comments hi guys. here is my link:


please follow and comment! and just let me know and ill follow back. thnx

message 85: by Roberta R. (Offbeat YA) (last edited Dec 22, 2012 10:03PM) (new)

Roberta R. (Offbeat YA) (offbeat-ya) Hi everyone,
here goes...

Blog name: Offbeat YA.

Blog description: Offbeat YA features refreshing books you don't often see reviewed. I decided to blog YA myself after I found out that most of the books I had read (and enjoyed a lot) were largely absent from the blogs I happened to visit, usually because they weren't getting enough advertising. My aim is to give a spotlight to some maybe overlooked, but often worthy novels - new and, well, newish. Offbeat YA is the place for Afterlife, Supernatural, Dystopian, Multiverse, Thriller, Contemporary, and occasionally Adult Lit. - with a whole section devoted to Mr. Christopher Pike!

On a side note, I will most certainly check all the above blogs out when I have time - shortly after Christmas, I hope. And since I mentioned it...Happy Holidays everyone!

message 86: by Kay (new)

Kay Hey guys, plz follow me and I will follow u back:)

message 87: by Sarah (new)

Sarah  (Oceanwhisper) | 4 comments www.mylifeasaveryyoungnovelist.blogsp...

My blog about my writing and writing topics :)

message 88: by Catherine (new)

Catherine | 24 comments I feature YA reads on my blog, although I do also review other works: http://www.fallintofiction.blogspot.c...

Feel free to check it out and follow, if you like.

message 90: by Harman (new)

Harman (hakaurvamp) Here's my blog! I review books!

message 91: by Lisa (new)

Lisa Filipe (lisapos) | 11 comments My new YA Blog, Sweet Reads Reviews

Is the YA romance blog attached to my adult romance blog, A Tasty Read

message 92: by Jon (new)

message 93: by Heather (new)

Heather James (makexbelieve) | 74 comments Scott wrote: "I'll follow back!"


Here's mine:

I blog about my experiences self-publishing my YA fantasy novel, Fire.

message 94: by Janussa (new)

Janussa | 7 comments Hey my blog is called The Perks of Being a Bookworm and I just post book reviews and other fun stuff :)
Go check it out http://theperksofbeingaborkworm.blogs...
perks_zpsa0327a12 photo perks_zpsa0327a12-1_zps71f59769.jpg

message 95: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie Tang (stephxtang) I blog over at and I'd love if you guys could check my blog out... :)

message 96: by Myra (new)

Myra (Pieces of Whimsy) (myrapiecesofwhimsy) | 1 comments My book blog is 'Pieces of Whimsy' and is mainly YA focused by I do branch into other genres - I read pretty much anything!

message 97: by Melanie (new)

Melanie (melanie_yamidnightreads) Followed a while back. Follow me?

message 99: by Chloe (Girl In The Woods Reviews) (last edited Feb 16, 2013 07:56AM) (new)

Chloe (Girl In The Woods Reviews) | 7 comments Hi everyone! I'm following back :) Pls follow me back! My YA review blog's called Girl In The Woods Reviews and I do a partnership with my friend, Elicia and we do YA reviews :P


Come check us out :)

message 100: by Annie (new)

Annie (anniemk) | 27 comments Name of blog: The Epic, The Awesome, and The Random

Description: Book reviews (mostly YA fantasy and sci-fi), writing advice and how-tos, and general bookish randomness.

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